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Episod 631 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 4 September 2024 Surah Al-Anfal (8: 41) Halaman 182

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Anfal ayat 41 halaman 182 ini adalah:
* Tatacara pembahagian harta rampasan perang sesuai dengan keredaan Allah (41)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 41 halaman 182:
* Menguruskan harta dengan mengagihkan secara adil dan amanah (41)
* Mengembangkan harta yang ada untuk kemajuan agama Islam (41)
* Berkongsi dan sedekahkan harta kepada golongan yang memerlukan (41)

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00:00Islam is a religion that prioritizes welfare for all, the rich, the poor, the strong, the
00:26weak, all will be given their share. The weak and the poor are also considered their
00:34rights in the war loot. How, gentlemen? We will wait for its revelation shortly.
00:41My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infaq.
00:56And know that you have not earned anything, but that to Allah is a good reward.
01:25As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
01:54How are you, ladies and gentlemen, the audience at home and the audience in the studio.
01:59May all of us be given health and prosperity by Allah SWT so that we can continue to worship Him.
02:09Alhamdulillah, we are also grateful because we can still attend Majlis Ilmu,
02:16which is a gathering where we will reflect on the verses of Allah SWT.
02:21In our lives, we are often surrounded by problems here and there.
02:26We often feel anxious and anxious.
02:31Sometimes we feel that these conflicts disturb our souls.
02:37So, where do we seek peace if not from the Book of Allah SWT?
02:44Hopefully, Majlis Mentadab Bur'al Quran can give a little bit of peace to the ladies and gentlemen who are blessed by Allah,
02:53and will motivate us to increase our deeds to Allah SWT.
03:01Alhamdulillah, ladies and gentlemen, today we will look at page 182.
03:08Inshallah, our focus will be given to the 41st verse.
03:16The 41st verse today is quite long.
03:20So, inshallah, if we can read it in one breath, I am not sure.
03:24But we can see how it will be, inshallah.
03:27Alhamdulillah, today our topic is none other than Al-Fadhil Ustaz Trimizi.
03:34Assalamualaikum, Ustaz.
03:35Waalaikumussalam, Abdullah.
03:37So, how was the one-breath, one-verse challenge, Ustaz?
03:41Today, I am a bit pale.
03:45A bit pale, Ustaz.
03:47Allahu Akbar.
03:48Indeed, this verse is quite long.
03:50It is interesting that it is quite long.
03:52So, inshallah, today, in terms of our reading, is there anything special, Ustaz?
03:56Inshallah, today, if Ustaz can share.
03:58The reading of the verse.
03:59That's it, Mentadab Bur'.
04:00Is there anything special?
04:02Inshallah, today, if we look at the verse, there are a lot of words in it.
04:06Then, we can see that there is a difference in terms of reading,
04:15other than our imam, Hafsan al-Ausim.
04:18Maybe it can be highlighted to the audience.
04:22Listen first, Ustaz.
04:25Yes, yes, yes, inshallah.
04:26So, today, in short, we will be listened to in a different way, Ustaz.
04:32Why, Ustaz?
04:33It's not that.
04:34I have discussed this with Ustaz Tarmizi.
04:38I have discussed this with Ustaz Tarr.
04:40And he specifically said,
04:42Dr. Arif, he said,
04:43if you want to ask for another recitation, ask Ustaz Tir.
04:46He has asked me in the beginning.
04:48So, since there is a chance with Ustaz,
04:50so, today, inshallah,
04:51hopefully, we will be listened to with a different recitation.
04:54Maybe later, Ustaz.
04:57May Allah grant you a lot of goodness.
04:58Ladies and gentlemen,
04:59May Allah grant you a lot of goodness.
05:01Our focus, as I have mentioned earlier,
05:03is on the 41st verse.
05:05Let's first look at the synopsis of this verse.
05:09This synopsis is only one,
05:11which is the way to distribute the wealth of war
05:15according to the will of Allah SWT.
05:19So, let's start our gathering of knowledge, ladies and gentlemen,
05:22by reciting our short du'a.
05:24سُبْحَانَكْ لَعِلْمَ لَنَا
05:26إِلَّا مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا
05:27إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ
05:29اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا
05:32وَزِيدَنَا عِلْمًا
05:35So, inshallah, hopefully, with our du'a,
05:37Allah SWT will open our hearts
05:41to continue with the book of Allah SWT.
05:44As usual, I will ask Al-Fadhil Ustaz
05:47to recite this verse.
05:48Please, Ustaz.
05:53Inshallah, today we will recite verse 41.
05:55Just one verse.
05:56Because the du'a is not that long.
05:58So, I thought of reciting it right away.
06:00It's alright, we will start today.
06:02We will focus on verse 41.
06:03Just one verse.
06:04There are more or less four lines.
06:07Let's recite together.
06:08أعوذ بالله من الشيطان والرجيم
06:11وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا غَلِلْتُمْ مِن شَيْءٍ
06:21فَأَنَّ لِلَّهِ خُرُسًا وَلِلرَّسُولِ
06:37وَلِذِ الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينِ
06:50وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ
06:53إِنْ كُنْتُمْ أَمَانْتُمْ بِاللَّهِ
07:11وَمَا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَىٰ عَبْدِنَا يَوْمَ الْشُرْقَانِ
07:34يَوْمَ التَقَى الْجَمْعَانِ
07:39وَاللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٍ
08:09يَوْمَ التَقَى الْجَمْعَانِ
08:39وَاللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٍ
09:07يَوْمَ التَقَى الْجَمْعَانِ
09:29يَوْمَ التَقَى الْجَمْعَانِ
09:59يَوْمَ التَقَى الْجَمْعَانِ
10:13اَنَّمَا غَنِمْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ
10:43يَوْمَ التَقَى الْجَمْعَانِ
11:11وَجَعَلْهُ لَنَا هُجَّتَهِ
11:32يَا رُبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ
12:02يَوْمَ التَقَى الْجَمْعَانِ
12:32مِنْهُمَا جَهِلًا وَرُزُقُنَا تِلَوَتَهُ
13:02يَا أَيُّهَا
13:22يَا أَيُّهَا
13:45وَجَعَلْهُ لَنَا هُجَّتَهِ
13:52يَا رُبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ
14:03وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا عَلِمْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ
14:24فَأَنَّ لِلَّهِ خُرْسَةٌ وَلِلْرَسُولِ وَلِذِي الْقُرْبَى
14:38وَالْيَتَابَى وَالْمَسَاكِينِ
14:49الحمدلله تواناً وبركاته
14:51تواناً وبركاته
14:52كمال كتير دلى
14:53مَاكُرْآن تَيْمِ
14:54كُرْآن صَلَاةٍ وإِنْفَاقٍ
14:55تواناً وبركاته
14:56ادراحه ماتي الله
14:57سبحانه وتعالى
14:58كتير ماسيحاڭي
14:59فدا آيَت ينك
15:09تطبیق توان توان
15:12Jadi kalau boleh saya nak minta
15:13Sekali lagi Ustaz
15:14Boleh ya
15:15Kita nak minta
15:17Ayat yang ke-41
15:18Dengan kira'at
15:19Apa yang Ustaz nak
15:20Saya berikan pilihan
15:25Bila Ustaz ada sebut tadi
15:26Boleh ke satu
15:28Satu nafas
15:29Empat baris ini
15:30Satu ayat 41 ni kan
15:31Kalau baca kira'at
15:33Confirm lagi tak boleh lah
15:36Waraj ni kan
15:37Kita tau kira'at dia
15:39Mat dia panjang
15:41Mat badal pun dia boleh
15:42Baca empat
15:43Dan juga
15:44Ya lah dengan
15:45Dengan contoh
15:46Kalau dia ada
15:47Surilah dan sebagainya
15:48Menyebabkan jadi panjang lah
15:50Jadi takpelah
15:51Kita boleh perkenalkan juga
15:52Dan saya tau
15:53Dr. Arif
15:54Di UC
15:55Ada juga subjek
15:57Di sana kan
15:58Ya memang
15:59Saya sedang mengajar
16:00Subjek ni jugalah
16:01Di universiti
16:03Jadi diketengahkan
16:04Kepada penonton
16:06Tetapi melalui
16:07Bacaan Ustaz lah
16:10Lari sikit ya
16:11Bukan lari sikit
16:14Iya betul
16:15Pada tahun akan datang nanti
16:16Penonton boleh belajar
16:17Iya betul
16:18Lepas ni insyaAllah
16:19Kita akan minta penonton kita
16:20Untuk baca dengan kira'at Hamzah
16:21Hah itu dia
16:22Jadi siapa yang
16:23Nak datang ke studio
16:24Bolehlah bersedia
16:26Baik saya baca ya
16:28Minta tolong
16:29Tunjuk ajar Dr
16:32وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا غَمِلْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَأَنَّ لِلَّهِ خُرُسَهُ وَلِلرَّسُولِ وَلِذِي الْقُرْبَاءِ
17:02وَلِذِي الْقُرْبَاءِ وَلْيَتَانَا وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَابْعْنِ السَّبِيلِ إِنْ كُنتُمُ آمَنْتُمْ بِاللَّهِ
17:29وَمَا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَىٰ عَبَدِنَا يَوْمَ الْفُرْقَانِ يَوْمَ التَقَوْا جَمَّعًا
17:48وَاللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
19:27تَنْتَرْنَا فُنْفَنْتِ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ
19:29تَنْتَرْنَا فُنْفَنْتِ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ
19:59يَوْمَ الْفُرْقَانِ يَوْمَ التَقَوْا جَمَّعًا
20:29تَنْتَرْنَا فُنْفَنْتِ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ
20:54تَنْتَرْنَا فُنْفَنْتِ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ
21:24تَنْتَرْنَا فُنْفَنْتِ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ
21:54تَنْتَرْنَا فُنْفَنْتِ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ
22:24تَنْتَرْنَا فُنْفَنْتِ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ
22:54بَنُ حَشِمْ وَبَنُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
22:56بَنُ حَشِمْ وَبَنُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:02بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمَنَفِ
23:16بَنِ حَشِمْ وَبَنِ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:18بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمَنَفِ وَبَنِ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:20بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمَنَفِ وَبَنِ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:22بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:24بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:26بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:28بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:30بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:32بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:34بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:36بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:38بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:40بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:42بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:44بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:46بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:48بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:50بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:52بَنِ عَبْدُ الْمُطْطَلِبْ
23:55Kalau buat perjanjian menarik juga.
23:57Ada macam saya, gawab ada kan? Kalau gawab ada, mungkin ada perjanjian loh.
24:00Oh, iya ke?
24:02Tapi boleh sikit-sikit.
24:03Boleh ya?
24:05Ghanima ini 9 kali disebutkan di dalam Al-Quran.
24:08Dan surah yang mengandungi adalah surah An-Nisa ayat 94,
24:11surah Tauha ayat yang ke-18,
24:13dan juga surah Al-Fathu ayat yang ke-15.
24:17Jadi itulah perkataan ghanima yang bermaksud rampas perang.
24:21Ya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan.
24:23Kita berehat sebentar.
24:24Kita akan teruskan lagi perbahasan kita selepas ini.
24:26Jangan ke mana-mana.
24:27My Quran Time. Quran, salat dan infaq.
28:30Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad.
28:33Alhamdulillah, kita kembali My Quran Time.
28:35Quran, salat dan infaq.
28:38Kita mendengar khutbah Santana Bur
28:40Sebagian daripada Ayat 41
28:44Yang berkaitan dengan hukum hakam dan sebagainya.
28:46Inilah keunikan ataupun hebatnya Al-Quran
28:50Yang menyeluruh kepelbagaian
28:54Perkara-perkara yang ditekankan oleh Allah SWT
28:58Nabi bawa kepada kita dengan sunnahnya
29:00Untuk sama-sama kita hidup di atas dunia ini
29:04Ada peraturan dia.
29:05Ada caranya, ada kaedahnya
29:08Supaya kita berjalan di atas landasan yang betul
29:12Kita tidak sempurna
29:13Kita manusia yang banyak salah-silap
29:16Tapi kita berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik
29:20Untuk saya mentajui hafazan Al-Quran
29:23Disiplin dalam membaca Al-Quran
29:25Sudah pasti Ayat 41
29:27Tidak ada ayat lain lagi pada hari ini
29:29Ayat 41 saja yang kita sama-sama dengar dan baca
29:33Dan tadi kita baca cara bacaan kira'at
29:37Mengikut riwayat Imam Warsh
29:39An-Nafi' daripada gurunya Nafi'
29:42Maka bacaan itu lain sikit
29:44Ilmu kira'at ini ilmu yang sebenarnya berkembang
29:47Dari zaman Rasulullah SAW
29:48Lebih-lebih lagi ketika awal penurunan wahyu
29:52Lebih-lebih lagi pada zaman pembukuan
29:55Dikumpulkan Al-Quran pada zaman Sayyidina Uthman
29:57Pada ulama S.A.W
29:59Sampailah pada kita hari ini
30:01Berkembang pesat ilmu kira'at
30:03Kalau Quran itu daripada perkataan Quran juga
30:06Kira'at pun asal daripada perkataan Quran juga
30:10Benda-benda yang saling melekapi Quran dan kira'at itu
30:14Untuk kita membezakan
30:16Menjaga keaslian Al-Quran
30:18Orang kata ini khilaf khilaf
30:20Salah pun khilaf juga
30:22Namun yang menarik saya ingat
30:24Siapa guru saya pernah kata
30:26Kalau dia berseluruh
30:28Tapi logik
30:29Dia kata kalau kamu nak pahala banyak baca lah kira'at
30:33Kenapa pula Tuan Sheikh?
30:34Tak banyak apa-apa pahala
30:37Mak dibaca panjang
30:39Kan? Mak wajib
30:40Mak jaiz
30:43Mak badal pun dibaca sampai 4
30:45Boleh sampai 6
30:46Mak badal kita dua je
30:48Syai'im qadi
30:50Tak pernah-pernah kita baca syai'i panjang
30:52Tapi memang waraj boleh baca panjang
30:54Maka bila suara kita panjang baca Quran
30:57Suara kita tak sempat nak berhenti untuk diam
30:59Semua dengan zikir Al-Quran
31:01Maka banyak lah pahala disitu
31:03Logik juga lah
31:04Jadi nak pahala banyak baca
31:06Belajarlah kira'at insya'Allah
31:08Kenapa satu-satu?
31:09Ini ketengah kita dah main Quran 2.0
31:11Mana tahu nanti akan datang
31:13Kita dedahkan satu kira'at
31:15Senang sebenarnya belajar Quran
31:17Doktor ya?
31:18Tidak pernah kita rasa puas sebenarnya
31:21Inilah kelebihan ya
31:24وَعْلَمُواْ أَنَّمَا غَنِمْتُمْ
31:27Izzetkan sahib diri
31:29وَعْلَمُواْ أَنَّمَا غَنِمْتُمْ
31:31Pada kalimah ini
31:33وَعْلَمُواْ أَنَّمَا غَنِمْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ
31:43Satu dua mula
31:45وَعْلَمُواْ أَنَّمَا غَنِمْتُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ
32:00Huruf waw
32:01Walaupun kita menggunakan kedua-dua muluk
32:04Ada empat huruf yang berada di ashrafatain
32:07Huruf apa?
32:08Ba, mim, waw, dan?
32:11Ba, mim, waw, dan?
32:14Satu lagi apa?
32:16Ba, mim, waw, satu lagi apa?
32:24Dah bagi clue dah
32:27Itu empat-empat huruf itu
32:28Mahrajnya dimana ashrafatain
32:31Dua bibir ni, muluk ni
32:34Namun huruf waw itu
32:36Kita bergerak sedikit muluk kita ke depan
32:42Ba dengan mim
32:43Lain sikit
32:45Gigi kacik pula
32:47Ada pun waw gerak sikit muluk ke depan
32:59Mesti gerak sedikit
33:01Tapi jangan sampai tak bergerak langsung
33:04Tak boleh gitu
33:06Terlebih sangat pula
33:09Sampai macam itu
33:10Melampau lah
33:11Tak boleh
33:12Biasa saja
33:14Tapi walaupun kita bergerak ke depan
33:15Pastikan baris atas kita clear
33:17Supaya nipis
33:19Wa'ah jadi
33:20Sebab kita dah muncung
33:21Sedikit maka mudah untuk baris atas kita tergelincir
33:24Kita lepas awal
33:26Lepas dalam keadaan tak bersedia muluk
33:28Sebab kita dah bergerak ke depan
33:31Tak nak
33:33Tetap buka muluk
33:43Huruf Ghain
33:44Ada juga yang baca Ghain ni
33:47Dia baca dengan Ga
33:53Ga ga ga
33:54Tak boleh
33:56Mesti baca dengan Arab yang
33:57Yang Tulin
33:58Yang Fushah
33:59Yang Tulin
34:01Yang disebut zaman Rasulullah
34:02Zaman Rasulullah sebut
34:03Sahabat sebut
34:04Inilah huruf Ghain yang kita sebut
34:07Setengah-setengah perkataan
34:09Bahasa percakapan itu
34:10Tak apalah
34:26Perkataan selanjutnya
34:27Yaumal Taqal Jam'an
34:29Panjang ajaknya
34:30Kita ambil dua je
34:31Yaumal Taqal
34:37Yawm al-taqal jam'aan Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
34:52Yawm al-taqal jam'aan Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
35:06Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
35:12Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
35:27Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
35:44Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
36:11Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
36:34Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
36:39Yawm al-taqal jam'aan
36:44Kita ambik tadi, daripada awal
36:46Wa'lamu annama ghanimtum min shay'
36:57Wa'lamu annama ghanimtum min shay'
37:10Fa'anna lillahi khumusahu walirrasuli walidhil qurba
37:33Walidhil qurba wal yatama
37:50Walidhil qurba wal yatama
38:20Walidhil qurba wal yatama
38:50Walidhil qurba wal yatama
39:20Walidhil qurba wal yatama
39:50Walidhil qurba wal yatama
40:11Minhuma jahillah
40:16Wa rusukuna tilawatahu
40:40Minhuma jahillah
40:43Minhuma jahillah
40:46Minhuma jahillah
40:49Minhuma jahillah
40:52Minhuma jahillah
40:55Minhuma jahillah
40:58Minhuma jahillah
41:01Minhuma jahillah
41:04Minhuma jahillah
41:07Minhuma jahillah
41:10Minhuma jahillah
41:13If people claim that they have dreams,
41:16the Prophet has told them to do this and that,
41:20it will be difficult.
41:22And make it a proof for us,
41:28O Lord of the worlds.
41:48Alhamdulillah, we are back in My Quran Time.
41:51Quran, Salat and Ifaat.
41:55We are still on page 182, verse 41.
42:01It talks about how to divide the war wealth.
42:08We have explained earlier,
42:10how the first one-fifth is given to Allah and His Messenger.
42:16And it is used, as mentioned by the interpreters,
42:20it is used for the benefit of the Muslims.
42:25There is a second one-fifth,
42:29which is given to Dhul-Qurba,
42:31to the Prophet's relatives.
42:34However, the scholars have given several interpretations of this verse.
42:37However, we see that the opinion is quite strong.
42:40It refers to Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib.
42:44So, these two tribes.
42:46Because if we see,
42:48the scholars have given an interpretation,
42:50which says,
42:51to all the children of Abd al-Manaf.
42:54If we see, there is a lineage.
42:56I think we should give it first.
42:58First, the lineage of the Prophet SAW,
43:01which is Muhammad ibn Abdullah SAW,
43:03Muhammad SAW,
43:05ibn Abdullah,
43:06ibn Abdul Muttalib,
43:07ibn Hashim,
43:08ibn Abd al-Manaf.
43:10So, Abd al-Manaf has four children.
43:13From these four children,
43:15we have Bani Hashim,
43:16we have Bani Muttalib,
43:17we have Bani Abd al-Shams,
43:19and we have Bani Nawfal.
43:21However, what is meant in this verse,
43:25I will repeat it again.
43:27Abd al-Manaf has Bani Hashim,
43:30Bani Muttalib,
43:31Bani Abd al-Shams,
43:33and Bani Nawfal.
43:35However, what is meant in this verse is
43:37Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib only.
43:42Because the Prophet SAW,
43:45has made Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib
43:50as one family.
43:52As one family.
43:54Which was mentioned by the Prophet SAW,
44:01where the Prophet SAW mentioned that
44:03Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib
44:05never separated,
44:07either during the time of Jahiliyyah
44:09or during the time of Islam.
44:11Because of that,
44:12it was mentioned by the scholars,
44:13when there was a blockade,
44:15we call it a blockade,
44:17it was not a quarantine,
44:21we call it a boycott,
44:23a boycott of the economy.
44:25There is a more appropriate term,
44:27but I forgot.
44:28As if they would not interact at all,
44:31they would not interact at all,
44:33with Bani Hashim.
44:36At that time,
44:38Bani Muttalib together with the family of the Prophet SAW,
44:42and they together,
44:44faced a challenge,
44:46we call it a boycott,
44:49that was so strong,
44:51among the polytheists,
44:53at that time.
44:55So, the spirit that was shown,
44:57made it special,
45:00to continue with the Prophet SAW.
45:05The third,
45:07I am sorry,
45:08the third was given to the orphans.
45:11The orphans were always given,
45:13a pressure in Islam,
45:15until the Prophet SAW said,
45:18I am the guardian of the orphans.
45:20The people who take care of the orphans,
45:22together with the Prophet SAW,
45:24are as close as this,
45:26in heaven, God willing.
45:28Then, there was the fifth,
45:30I am sorry,
45:32the fourth,
45:34was given to the poor,
45:36and the fifth,
45:38was the last,
45:40was given to Ibn Sabil,
45:42the traveller,
45:44who lost his provisions.
45:47So, these are the groups,
45:49that we say,
45:51were given special treatment,
45:53by Allah SWT,
45:55to be given,
45:56from the wealth of the war.
45:58Interesting, ladies and gentlemen.
45:59These groups,
46:01they did not participate in the war.
46:03We say,
46:04among them,
46:05for example, the orphans,
46:07they did not participate in the war.
46:09But, Allah SWT,
46:11still took care of their well-being.
46:14And, if we see,
46:16there is a hadith of the Prophet SAW,
46:18which says,
46:25where the Prophet SAW,
46:29we are given help,
46:31we are given provisions,
46:32through whom?
46:33Through the weak among us.
46:36So, Allah SWT,
46:38wants to take care of these groups,
46:40so, we are given provisions,
46:43so that we can take care of these groups.
46:45So, sometimes,
46:46the provisions that come to us,
46:47the victory that comes to us,
46:49is because Allah SWT,
46:50wants to honor,
46:51these weak groups.
46:53So, in fact,
46:54in the portion of the wealth of the war,
46:56these weak groups,
46:57are included,
46:58are considered.
47:00Then, Allah SWT,
47:03If you believe in Allah,
47:08and what we have sent down,
47:10upon our servants,
47:12on the day of Furqan.
47:14The day of Furqan,
47:15refers to the day of what?
47:16That is,
47:17the day of the battle of Badar.
47:18Why is it called Furqan?
47:20Because it differentiates,
47:21between truth and falsehood.
47:24What was sent down,
47:25by Allah SWT,
47:26on the battle of Badar?
47:28Let's try to remember,
47:29people say,
47:30revise it again.
47:31What did Allah send down,
47:33to the Muslims,
47:34on the battle of Badar?
47:35Actually, there are a lot.
47:36Allah SWT,
47:37sent down,
47:40Allah SWT,
47:41sent down,
47:43Allah SWT,
47:45sent down,
47:47from the sky.
47:48Allah SWT,
47:49sent down,
47:52All of these,
47:53are included,
47:54in this verse.
47:56Allah SWT,
47:58If you believe in Allah,
47:59and also,
48:00what we have sent down,
48:02upon our servants,
48:03on the day of Furqan.
48:05Allah SWT,
48:07We have sent down,
48:09upon you.
48:13what we have,
48:15on the treasure,
48:16of the war.
48:18If we truly,
48:19believe in Allah,
48:20and truly,
48:21be grateful,
48:22for everything,
48:23Allah has given us,
48:25we should follow,
48:26Allah's command,
48:27on the treasure,
48:28of the war.
48:29This is also,
48:30in our life,
48:31dear viewers.
48:32If we truly,
48:33be grateful,
48:34for everything,
48:35Allah has given us,
48:37we should follow,
48:38Allah's command,
48:39on the treasure,
48:40of the war.
48:43our gratitude,
48:44our faith,
48:45to Allah,
48:47the absolute,
48:48giver of sustenance.
48:49The giver of sustenance,
48:50that we say,
48:51only Allah,
48:52who gives sustenance.
48:53On the day of Furqan,
48:54on the day of Taqal Jam'an,
48:55which is,
48:56on the day of Furqan,
48:57which is,
48:58on the day,
48:59when two armies,
49:00are fighting.
49:01That is,
49:02what we said,
49:03on the day of Badar.
49:04And Allah,
49:05over all things,
49:06is all-powerful.
49:07And Allah,
49:09is all-powerful,
49:10over all things.
49:12dear viewers,
49:13this verse,
49:14in general,
49:15tells us,
49:16how to,
49:18the treasure,
49:19of the war.
49:20Of course,
49:21this verse,
49:22has a lot of,
49:23small details.
49:25if we want to know,
49:26in more detail,
49:27we need to go to,
49:28the books of Fiqh.
49:31the opinions,
49:32of the war,
49:33are revealed.
49:34Dear viewers,
49:36we can understand,
49:37in general,
49:38what is meant,
49:39in the verse,
49:40number 41.
49:41We see,
49:42first of all,
49:43dear viewers,
49:44we see,
49:45first of all,
49:46the resolution,
49:47before we go to,
49:48our prayer,
49:49we see,
49:50first of all,
49:51our resolution.
49:52The first,
49:54managing the treasure,
49:55by distributing,
49:56fairly and,
49:57with trust.
49:58So here,
49:59we see,
50:00how Allah,
50:01subhanahu wa ta'ala,
50:02commands us,
50:03to follow,
50:04His guidance,
50:05in distributing,
50:06the war treasures.
50:08do not ever,
50:10the war treasures,
50:12For example,
50:13before anything,
50:14before the treasure,
50:15was collected,
50:16he took the treasure,
50:17and ran away a little.
50:18The person who took it,
50:19was promised,
50:20by Allah,
50:21a painful punishment.
50:23we say,
50:24stealing the war treasures,
50:25not only the war treasures,
50:27any treasure,
50:29will get,
50:31by Allah,
50:32subhanahu wa ta'ala.
50:33The second,
50:36the treasure,
50:37for the advancement,
50:38of Islam.
50:40we see,
50:41how the treasures,
50:42that we collect,
50:431 out of 5,
50:44from all the war treasures,
50:45are used,
50:46for the welfare,
50:47of the people.
50:48For the orphans,
50:49for the poor,
50:50for the relatives,
50:51of the Prophet SAW,
50:52for the people of Islam,
50:53in general.
50:54We see,
50:55how this treasure,
50:56is given,
50:57there and here,
50:58for what?
50:59For the welfare,
51:00of the people.
51:02our people,
51:03some are poor,
51:04some are poor,
51:05it means,
51:06the people,
51:07are not doing their duty,
51:10we should take care,
51:11of the welfare,
51:12of all the people.
51:13And the last,
51:16and giving,
51:17the treasure,
51:18to those,
51:19who need it.
51:21we have finished,
51:22our discussion today,
51:23ladies and gentlemen.
51:24May Allah bless you.
51:25I will leave it to,
51:26Al-Fadhil Ustaz,
51:27to read,
51:29Please, Ustaz.
51:30Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
51:31Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin.
51:32Wassalatu wassalamu ala Ashrafil Musaleen.
51:35Ya Allah, our Lord,
51:36forgive us our sins,
51:37Ya Allah.
51:38Give us peace,
51:39Ya Allah.
51:40Grant us,
51:41the halal sustenance,
51:42Ya Allah.
51:43Grant us,
51:44the wealth,
51:45that can give us,
51:46the benefit,
51:47to be closer to You,
51:48Ya Allah.
51:49Keep us away,
51:50from the haram wealth,
51:51Ya Allah.
51:53in our hearts,
51:54Ya Allah,
51:55the feeling,
51:58Ya Allah,
51:59the haram things,
52:00and the source,
52:01Ya Allah.
52:02Grant us,
52:03the goodness of the hereafter,
52:04Ya Allah.
52:06Ya Rabbil Alamin.
52:08shukr to Allah SWT,
52:09that we are able,
52:10to finish again,
52:12in our study,
52:13of verse 41,
52:14which is challenging,
52:15in relation to,
52:16the law of law,
52:17and so on.
52:19we were taught,
52:20to take,
52:21we were taught,
52:22all of our friends,
52:23as usual,
52:25we were taught,
52:26to glorify the Quran,
52:27so that we can,
52:28contribute to the society,
52:30so that there is no,
52:32who is blind to the Quran,
52:33not the letters,
52:35is astray from the Quran,
52:36astray from the letters of the Quran,
52:38and understands the Quran,
52:39because the Quran,
52:40is the,
52:42that will help us,
52:43in the hereafter,
52:44and in the hereafter,
52:47Allah SWT will make things easier for us,
52:49because we were granted,
52:50Allah SWT,
52:52by the Quran.
52:53Rahmati dengan Al-Qur'an. My Qur'an time? Qur'an. Salat, infaq. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
53:23اللهم ذكرنا منهما نسينا وعلنا وعلنا منهما جهينا وارزقنا تلاوته
53:47آناء الليل وأطراف النهار
54:17اشتركوا في القناة
