• 4 months ago
Episod 540 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 5 Jun 2024 Surah Al-A'raf (7: 44-46) Halaman 156

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-A'raf ayat 44-46 halaman 156 ini adalah:
* Seruan penghuni syurga kepada penghuni neraka tentang bukti janji Allah (44)
* Ancaman Allah terhadap golongan zalim (45)
* Pengkhabaran tentang keadaan Ashabul A'raf (46)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 44-46 halaman 156:
* Tanam keyakinan bahawa janji dan kemenangan Allah pasti tiba (44)
* Jangan menghalangi urusan orang yang berbuat baik dalam agama (45)
* Memberatkan timbangan amal dengan banyakkan zikrullah (46)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:17 The value of the tawhid that is emphasized in Surah Al-A'raf
00:20 tells about Ayamillah, about verses or events
00:25 where Allah helps the believers.
00:29 We have followed the story of Prophet Adam
00:32 and one of the important stories is in the future,
00:35 what is the dialogue between those who are in heaven
00:39 and those who are in the hell of Allah SWT.
00:42 We will follow in this episode.
00:45 [Music]
01:04 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
01:11 And the companions of Paradise will call to the companions of the Fire,
01:24 "Have we found what our Lord has promised us true?"
01:38 "Have we found what our Lord has promised us true?"
01:51 "Have you found what your Lord has promised true?"
02:03 "They will say, 'Yes, Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.'"
02:16 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
02:18 Alhamdulillah, wasalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala.
02:21 Shadadah ilahilallah, shadadahna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.
02:24 Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
02:28 Amma ba'du.
02:29 How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
02:31 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaq today.
02:34 Together we want to continue our study from the seventh surah, Surah Al-A'raf.
02:39 The surah that informs us about Ayamillah.
02:43 The important daily events that Allah helps those who believe.
02:49 And today we will read verses 44 to 46 with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tarmidhi Abdul Rahman.
02:55 How are you, Ustaz?
02:55 Alhamdulillah, Al-Fadhil Ustaz.
02:57 How are you?
02:57 Alhamdulillah, Ustaz.
02:58 Alhamdulillah.
02:59 How are you?
03:00 Alhamdulillah, we want to continue now, Ustaz.
03:01 For the eighth verse, still more.
03:03 Yes, Surah Al-A'raf.
03:05 Right, Ustaz.
03:05 There was a word Al-Jannah earlier, Ustaz.
03:07 Right, Ustaz.
03:08 This is a dialogue between the people of heaven and hell that we want to acquire the knowledge of wisdom today.
03:16 Come together, gentlemen, for us to deepen the guidance that is acquired today with the prayer of Allah Almighty.
03:22 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tarmidhi Abdul Rahman]
03:30 Let us see what the summary is for the three verses today.
03:34 That is, in the verse number 44, the call of the inhabitants of heaven to the inhabitants of hell about the proof of the promise of Allah Almighty.
03:42 Followed by the verse number 45, Allah's threat to the oppressors.
03:47 Yes, the oppressors.
03:48 And in the verse number 46, we will introduce the term Ashabul A'raf in this verse, the information about this group.
03:57 InshaAllah, we will read together, the verses number 44 to 46, together, Ustaz Tarmidhi.
04:01 Thank you, Ustaz Fazrul.
04:03 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tarmidhi Abdul Rahman]
04:04 [As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh]
04:06 [Alhamdulillah, thumma alhamdulillah, wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulillah, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala]
04:13 [Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi Sayyidina Muhammadin]
04:17 [How are you, ladies and gentlemen, Muslims and non-Muslims, viewers and beloved ones of Allah Almighty?]
04:23 [Hopefully, you will continue to be given good health, good manners, and also make all matters easier.]
04:32 [And hopefully, you will be provided by Allah Almighty to continue to be with the Noble Qur'an]
04:38 [in the morning, afternoon, and evening.]
04:41 [And at night and the day time.]
04:43 [Ameen, O Lord of the worlds.]
04:45 [We will read the beginning of the verse, verses 44, 45, and 46.]
04:50 [Three verses, quite long.]
04:52 [Let us try to read the beginning of the verse together with our friends from Istiqamah in the studio,]
04:58 [and also with our viewers at home, or wherever our platform is.]
05:02 [It's okay if we read it slowly, we will try to pay attention, we will follow where we hear it, right?]
05:08 [The mat, and then the letters, thick and thin, etc. We will try to read it together.]
05:13 [We will use the Taranum Bayati for this beginning, God willing.]
05:19 [I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.]
05:25 [And the companions of Paradise will call out, "O companions of the Fire, indeed we have found what our Lord has promised us true."]
05:49 [Indeed we have found what our Lord has promised us true.]
06:01 [So have you found what your Lord has promised true?"]
06:22 [They will say, "Yes."]
06:27 [Then a mu'adhdhin will call out among themselves, "Is the curse of Allah upon the wrongdoers,
06:46 "those who turn others away from the way of Allah and turn it in a crooked way, and they, in the Hereafter, are disbelievers,
07:12 "and between them is a barrier?
07:20 "And on the banks are men who recognize each other by their marks.
07:37 "And the companions of Paradise will call out, "Peace be upon you."
07:52 [They will say, "They have not entered it, but they are hoping."]
08:06 [Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.]
08:15 [May Allah bless us.]
08:15 We have read from the 44th to the 46th verse as an event in Paradise.
08:21 When we have seen in the 43rd verse before this,
08:24 related to the people who entered Paradise,
08:26 which we pray that we are a part of it,
08:29 when they reached Paradise, they said,
08:31 [Alhamdulillahillahi hadana li hadha wa makuna linahtadiyya laulaa an hadana Allah.]
08:36 In the 43rd verse.
08:38 So, the people of Paradise, when they reached there,
08:41 they praised Allah because all this time, He has given guidance to reach the "li hadha".
08:46 "Li hadha" is to reach Paradise, and in Paradise, it is not only a physical blessing,
08:51 but also an inner blessing when you are taken away.
08:53 "Ril" is a feeling of disgust, dissatisfaction, because in this world,
08:58 when you want to do good, there are people who step on your feet,
09:02 to make you closer, there are bags with milk bottles,
09:06 and all kinds of things.
09:07 And there are people who look at you from the side,
09:09 but still, you are still at home,
09:12 you are in the studio to make yourself closer,
09:14 then the impression is, when you reach there,
09:17 you are taken away by "Ril",
09:18 you are not there, you feel dissatisfied,
09:20 when you see, oh, it turns out that aunty,
09:22 that day, she was the one who pushed me from the side,
09:25 because she tried to make herself closer,
09:27 or the aunty who is halal,
09:29 in one of the gatherings,
09:31 she has her place,
09:33 maybe there are students who came earlier,
09:35 so the students are all full,
09:36 but the place where the aunty is not there,
09:38 so there is this aunty,
09:40 she said, the students are sitting on the floor,
09:43 because she has a gang, she has not arrived yet,
09:45 so it turns out that it is not etiquette,
09:47 etiquette in Surah At-Taghabun, if I'm not mistaken,
09:50 when it is in the gathering, we make it flat,
09:53 not narrow it down,
09:54 people who have come early,
09:57 for the gathering of knowledge or prayer.
09:59 In the 44th verse, Allah said,
10:01 "The companions of Paradise are like the companions of Fire,
10:04 "We have fulfilled what Allah has promised us,
10:14 "all of it is true,
10:15 "We have fulfilled what Allah has promised us,
10:18 "ask the people of Hell,
10:20 "who can be concerned."
10:22 So this is one,
10:24 some say that it is a slander,
10:26 but Imam Alusi stated that it is a love,
10:30 the word love,
10:32 because people of faith,
10:34 from the world,
10:35 when they see people making mistakes,
10:37 they see it with mercy,
10:39 they are proud, remembered,
10:41 even though the Prophet went to war,
10:44 but not because the Muslims like to fight,
10:47 only to defend themselves,
10:49 or if an offer is given,
10:51 but still stubborn,
10:52 still doing harm in a country,
10:55 then these people need to be taken action.
10:57 But inside it is full of love,
11:00 as we will see in Surah Yasin,
11:03 this verse shows that they still ask,
11:06 "Is it true what you have promised us?"
11:08 What did the people of Hell say?
11:10 "Yes."
11:11 What is the importance of this verse?
11:13 We will take a break,
11:14 in a while we will see how the angels' comments
11:18 to those who deny being on this face of the earth.
11:23 We will take a break,
11:23 let's play Quran Time,
11:24 Quran Salat In Faham.
11:25 Inshallah.
11:26 [Music]
11:35 [Music]
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14:21 [Music]
14:47 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
14:49 In Quran Salat In Faham,
14:50 we can see together from verses 44 to 46,
14:52 the events that happened on the day of the hereafter in heaven,
14:56 when Allah said, "Wa nadaa ashabul jannah."
14:59 The people of heaven asked the people of Hell,
15:02 what they got,
15:05 after they praised Allah,
15:06 and were led to heaven.
15:09 They said, "We saw that there is a river of milk,
15:13 from the Arabs."
15:14 It is true what Allah said, it is true.
15:17 It was asked to the people of Hell,
15:20 "Is it true what Allah said in the Quran,
15:22 that the Prophet brought, is it true?"
15:25 The answer from the people of Hell was,
15:27 "Qahlu naam."
15:28 That sentence is a dialogue between the two sides.
15:32 Then came, "Fa'adhana mu'adhin,"
15:34 which is the angels who said to them,
15:37 "Ba'inahum al-la'natullahi 'alal dhalimin."
15:40 The angels came.
15:41 This time it is not a normal dialogue,
15:42 but a curse dialogue from the angels to whom?
15:46 To the people of Hell,
15:48 who are called here as "A'la dhalimin,"
15:50 who do not put anything in its place.
15:52 It should be, when Allah reminds,
15:54 "Do not go to Hell, do not go."
15:56 But because the warning was ignored,
15:59 it was not taken into consideration,
16:01 it was not put in order,
16:02 then these people were the ones who finally got the curse.
16:06 And the effect of the curse,
16:08 for the people of heaven,
16:09 they felt, "Wow, it is really heart-wrenching."
16:11 We used to read the Quran,
16:13 we used to pray,
16:14 we used to pray Tarawih, etc.
16:16 Haaah.
16:17 It was added with psychology to the people of heaven,
16:20 that we did not get the favor from Allah SWT.
16:25 And for the people of Hell,
16:27 when it is said, "La'natullah,"
16:30 the favor or the curse of Allah to them,
16:32 it adds more, Ustadh.
16:33 It is enough, they were hot with the torment,
16:36 they were pressured from the psychological point of view,
16:38 then this is depicted in verse 44,
16:41 "A'la dhalimin,"
16:42 and who are the people who are truly oppressors?
16:46 We read verse 45 with Ustadh Fazlul.
16:48 Please.
16:49 Thank you Ustadh Fazlul.
16:50 Ladies and gentlemen,
16:51 we are the people of the city of Bondar,
16:52 we are grateful to Allah SWT.
16:55 We want to read the next verse,
16:56 which is verse 45.
16:59 Verse 45,
17:00 be careful with the word, "Ya Sudduna,"
17:03 the letter "S"
17:04 "Ya Sudduna" and "Wa Ya'a Bi'a'u'una,"
17:07 the letter "A'u'u'ina," inshaAllah.
17:09 We will try to read it together,
17:10 verse 45 with Taranu Minahawan, inshaAllah.
17:13 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:15 [Arabic]
17:18 [Arabic]
17:20 [Arabic]
17:22 # Yaba'una 'Ala Tashshayyaha al-Mukhariya wa-Tashshayya al-Muhafiziyyaha wa-Tashshayyaha al-Muhafiziyyaha al-Muhafiziyyaha wal-Muhafiziyyaha #
17:32 # Yaba'una 'Ala Tashshayya al-Mukhariya wa-Tashshayyaha al-Muhafiziyyaha wa-Tashshayyaha al-Muhafiziyyaha #
17:42 # #
18:07 Surah Al-Quran Azim, verse 45, explains who are the oppressors.
18:12 Who are the people who do not put anything in their place.
18:15 In general, the word 'zalim' means to oppose those who are just, who put something in their place.
18:22 Allah said, "Alladhina yasuddu na'an sabidillah"
18:25 which means, "They are the ones who prevent man from the path of Allah."
18:30 When people want to do good, if we look at Abu Jahl, when the Prophet wanted to pray, he went to stop him.
18:35 He stopped the Prophet from praying.
18:37 Or if we talk about the polytheists, the hypocrites,
18:40 when there are good things to do for the Quran to be read, to be popularized,
18:45 but they try to make a fuss.
18:47 We have learned in the previous chapters.
18:49 So, this is the first attribute to whom?
18:51 To those who are oppressors because they feel that their faith in the Day of Judgment,
18:57 Allah's punishment is not true.
19:00 "Oh, no need."
19:01 So, when they say that, the answer is what happens in the Day of Judgment.
19:07 Imam Said said that there are three levels of conviction.
19:10 When we read the verse in the Quran, it is called "ilmul yaqin".
19:14 Yaqin, tahab, ilmu. We know.
19:16 But the second is, there are some people who when they look at this nature,
19:20 about the punishment that Allah has given on this face of the earth,
19:24 they see, "If I can eat here, Allah, can I eat there?"
19:30 They can see what is here, that is called "aynul yaqin".
19:33 "Aynul yaqin", to see.
19:34 To see in front of the eyes.
19:35 Like we see on the screen, "Oh, how beautiful is Turkey in the flower season."
19:39 For example, we see it, but we don't feel it.
19:42 What we feel is called "hakul yaqin".
19:44 So, the event in the verse 44 is "hakul yaqin".
19:47 When the heaven-bound people feel that they see, "Oh, it's true."
19:50 What we read in the Quran, it is true what Allah said.
19:54 So, when it is said here, the oppressor does not like to talk about heaven.
20:01 Heaven and hell. Heaven and hell.
20:03 He prevents people from doing good.
20:05 The second is, "Wa ya'bu'hunah aywajah".
20:08 Trying to distort or distort the straight understanding,
20:13 to be straight to the religion of Islam itself.
20:15 That is, he causes, what is it?
20:17 He causes doubt, he causes criticism,
20:22 questions that cause us, the Muslims at the time of the Prophet,
20:26 or in this day and age, not to believe in the Quran.
20:29 Is it true that the Quran can solve the issue of economy, for example,
20:32 or the issue of society?
20:33 He tries to be critical, to distort the human belief in the Quran,
20:41 in Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala.
20:42 And the third thing, they are called oppressors,
20:45 because "Wa hum bil-akhirati kafirun".
20:49 Unbelievers to the hereafter,
20:51 not appreciating, not being grateful for the presence of the hereafter itself.
20:55 For those who believe, who are certain of the hereafter, we are grateful.
20:59 Because when we know that we have made a lot of efforts,
21:02 for example, if Allah says, it is better than a thousand months.
21:06 If in the month of Ramadan, there is Laylatul Qadar.
21:08 A thousand months, I live without a thousand months,
21:11 what is better?
21:12 So, what do I get if I do itikaf, or read the Quran,
21:17 or even if we are outside Ramadan,
21:19 if we read the Quran, we get rewards.
21:21 How many letters is one?
21:22 Ten.
21:23 So, ten, if you read a lot, what is the result?
21:27 So, if there is no hereafter,
21:29 we will feel that there is no need to do a lot of this,
21:32 this donation, just throw away the money.
21:34 But because we are grateful for the existence of the hereafter,
21:38 we continue to appreciate, we know that it is not here that I get all the rewards,
21:44 but I will get multiple rewards when I reach the hereafter.
21:49 So, these are three qualities.
21:51 One, to prevent people from doing good,
21:54 to bend the human commitment to Tawheed and the Quran,
21:58 and the third, to try to deny the importance of the hereafter.
22:03 This is what causes someone to be punished when they reach the hereafter.
22:09 This leads to the word of choice in this episode, let us watch.
22:12 That is the word,
22:14 "Qad wajadna ma wa'ada rabbuna haqqa"
22:18 We pay attention to the word "wa'adana".
22:22 From the word "wa'ada" meaning promise or threat,
22:25 151 times it is mentioned in the Quran,
22:27 it appears in Surah Tawbah, Surah Ibrahim, and Surah Maryam,
22:32 as a very important statement for those who believe in heaven.
22:37 Those who believe in heaven, one of them believes in the promise,
22:41 if we, the child, believe in the father,
22:43 later, if you fast,
22:45 the father will give you money for Eid.
22:48 The child must believe in it.
22:50 And if we say, later, the father's promise is to get, how much?
22:53 10 ringgit.
22:54 Suddenly, the money comes out green.
22:56 Later, the child will say, "Ah, I promised."
22:58 Because the child believes in the father.
23:01 What else, if we say, at the end,
23:03 when we want to celebrate Eid,
23:05 the boss says, "Bonus 2 months."
23:07 So, we must be happy,
23:10 especially when we talk about believers,
23:13 given a promise by Allah SWT,
23:16 will be given various blessings when we reach heaven,
23:19 please do your job now.
23:21 Please do your job as well as you can now.
23:23 Then, of course, if the boss gives one letter,
23:27 a memo, 2 months bonus, if you get it.
23:30 Or 3 months bonus, if we are excited.
23:33 What else, when the promise comes from Allah,
23:36 who created the boss, who created the father or mother,
23:40 our mother.
23:41 So, this is how to motivate us to continue to act,
23:45 to continue to be the people of heaven, Allah SWT.
23:49 We take a break now.
23:51 Quran Time, Quran Salah Al-Infah, Inshallah.
23:53 [Music]
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25:26 This hadith is categorized as a false hadith,
25:30 because it has the characteristics of a false hadith,
25:33 which is a simple practice,
25:35 meaning one practice,
25:36 but its meaning is like the meaning of the Prophet Ibrahim.
25:39 MashaAllah, that's how it is, Ustaz Usaini.
25:41 So, Ustaz Usaini, on the 8th night of Terawih prayer,
25:44 you received the rewards of Prophet Ibrahim.
25:46 What's interesting is that I have this book.
25:48 MashaAllah.
25:49 I have this book, it says,
25:51 "The first night, the rewards are this and this."
25:53 But we didn't really want to learn it before.
25:56 So, we already know about the hadith that is viral,
25:59 but not authentic.
26:00 We take it as a proof.
26:02 That's right.
26:03 This is very important,
26:04 we learn about the study of this hadith.
26:06 Perhaps, before this,
26:08 there are many hadiths that we are used to hearing in the society,
26:12 but we are worried that these hadiths are not authentic.
26:16 And one of the characteristics of a false hadith,
26:20 as mentioned in the slide,
26:22 is that it is a very big sin against a practice.
26:26 [Music]
26:51 [Music]
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28:50 I've been singing for a whole song.
28:52 It's been a long time.
28:54 It's been a long time, MashaAllah.
28:56 It's not always easy.
28:57 Because you're hoping for heaven.
28:59 We're hoping for heaven.
29:00 So, use the opportunity to increase the number of good deeds,
29:07 so that we won't regret later,
29:10 like the saying of those who become the inhabitants of hell,
29:14 "Naudhu billahi min dhalik, ya lai tani, ya lai tani."
29:17 "Adohai celakanya aku, adohai celakanya aku."
29:19 Why?
29:20 Because on earth,
29:22 we don't care what Allah SWT has conveyed.
29:26 It's important that when we interact with the Quran,
29:31 this is a word from Allah SWT,
29:33 it's a word in hell.
29:35 Don't say, "In hell, I want to say to you."
29:39 Don't take a seed from here,
29:43 and use it to convey to the public,
29:46 because we know that this is a message for us.
29:49 It's not for us to say something bad to people.
29:53 "You!"
29:55 This is one of the things that will disappoint us later.
29:59 We are wrong in interacting with the Quran.
30:02 But we should pray,
30:03 we should straighten up the things that are not straightened up.
30:06 Because the oppressors,
30:08 "Wa ya'bu'ru naha biwajam."
30:10 They really want to try to bend what should be believed,
30:15 and interact with the Quran.
30:18 So, straighten up the way of reading,
30:20 with the Quran.
30:21 Thank you, Mr. Safas.
30:23 I wanted to read the nasheed earlier,
30:24 but you continued.
30:25 Oh yes.
30:26 That's my favorite song, Safas.
30:28 So, Ibu Ayah,
30:30 may Allah SWT bless you,
30:31 we want to continue our Tajweed re-study.
30:35 Every episode, we are together in the Tajweed room,
30:38 we want to improve our reading.
30:40 But that's the special thing about playing Quran Time.
30:42 We improve our reading,
30:45 and we understand the content of the Quran.
30:50 We are grateful to Allah SWT,
30:52 because we are given the opportunity,
30:54 and also Allah SWT facilitates us to study the treasure of the Quran.
30:58 May Allah SWT continue to facilitate.
31:00 Let's pay attention to the following.
31:02 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
31:03 The first one.
31:04 [Reciting]
31:15 Please.
31:16 [Reciting]
31:25 MashaAllah.
31:26 May Allah bless you.
31:27 The first one.
31:28 [Reciting]
31:31 Our focus is on the word "as-habu",
31:34 which is the letter "s"
31:35 so that it doesn't sound like "rusin".
31:37 "As" is thin, right?
31:39 "As".
31:40 While the letter "s" is thick,
31:41 and it's pronounced "as".
31:44 Try.
31:45 "As".
31:47 But don't pronounce it like Hamzah.
31:49 If you pronounce it like Hamzah,
31:51 it can be "as" or "as".
31:55 Or Hamzah is affected by "s" so it becomes "as".
31:59 [Reciting]
32:02 So Hamzah is affected by "s" so it becomes "as".
32:06 So it should be "as" first.
32:07 [Reciting]
32:08 Try again.
32:09 [Reciting]
32:13 Alright.
32:14 [Reciting]
32:21 Please.
32:22 [Reciting]
32:26 MashaAllah.
32:27 Alright.
32:28 So the second part,
32:30 we'll focus on the word
32:32 [Reciting]
32:40 Please.
32:41 [Reciting]
32:50 MashaAllah.
32:51 We'll focus on the word "wajadtum".
32:55 [Reciting]
33:14 Which one?
33:15 [Reciting]
33:17 It's "istiqomah".
33:18 It's great.
33:20 The teachers of the Quran are all great.
33:21 But when I heard the word "muntajan sinai"
33:24 I thought it was a word for "najis".
33:26 But it's not.
33:27 [Reciting]
33:31 It's autofika.
33:32 It's Tajweed.
33:33 It's dangerous.
33:34 It's the same when we hear people say,
33:36 "Is this part of najis?"
33:38 There are also parts in the recitation.
33:40 This is for the part of "idhram"
33:43 and this is for the part of "tajweed".
33:44 So "muntajan sinai"
33:46 is the same word but the character is different.
33:53 The three letters are "ta", "da", "ta".
33:57 The end of the letter is the same.
33:59 But the character is different.
34:00 So, put the sound of "da" into "ta".
34:03 [Reciting]
34:04 It doesn't sound like "ta".
34:06 [Reciting]
34:07 Please.
34:08 [Reciting]
34:09 So it can't be read.
34:10 [Reciting]
34:11 It can't.
34:12 It can be read in other places.
34:13 If it's in "ta",
34:15 and there is a "sa" on top of it,
34:16 or it's in a row,
34:17 it can't be read.
34:18 [Reciting]
34:19 One more time.
34:20 [Reciting]
34:21 Yes.
34:22 "idhram muntajan sinai".
34:23 Okay.
34:24 Then, be careful.
34:26 [Reciting]
34:29 Please.
34:30 [Reciting]
34:33 Alhamdulillah.
34:34 Okay.
34:35 And the last part,
34:36 the last letter or character,
34:38 let's pay attention to it.
34:40 At the end of the 44th verse,
34:44 there is no "ha" in the end of the 44th verse.
34:46 Okay.
34:47 [Reciting]
34:49 Be careful.
34:50 [Reciting]
34:52 Don't take too long.
34:53 For example,
34:54 [Reciting]
34:57 It's "mi mati bertemu dengan ha"
34:59 so it's "izhar syafari".
35:02 Okay.
35:03 That's the verse we want to try to memorize.
35:05 That's the 44th verse.
35:08 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
35:10 [Reciting]
35:21 Let's start from there.
35:22 One, two, three.
35:23 [Reciting]
35:35 Okay.
35:36 So, the "ba" is in the front.
35:38 "Bu".
35:39 The second "ba" is the second "ashab" is the one who goes up.
35:41 So, we have to be careful.
35:42 The first one is in the front,
35:43 and the second one is in the top.
35:44 [Reciting]
36:09 Okay. Don't look.
36:10 [Laughs]
36:11 Don't look.
36:12 [Reciting]
36:28 One, two, three.
36:29 [Reciting]
36:42 Wow, mashallah.
36:43 That's good.
36:44 The sound of the "R" is very loud.
36:45 "Nar".
36:46 Good. Alhamdulillah.
36:47 But the verse is still long.
36:49 The verse is still long.
36:50 So, we have to finish the memorization.
36:52 We want to rest for a while.
36:54 If there is a verse we want to continue,
36:56 our recitation,
36:57 we will come back after this.
36:58 My Quran Time.
36:59 Quran Salat.
37:00 Infaaqa.
37:01 Inshallah.
37:02 [Reciting]
37:30 [Music]
37:49 [Music]
38:18 [Music]
38:22 [Music]
38:34 [Reciting]
38:50 [Reciting]
39:18 [Reciting]
39:34 [Reciting]
39:52 [Music]
39:58 We are back in My Quran Time.
39:59 Quran Salat.
40:00 Infaaqa.
40:01 We are back in My Quran Time.
40:02 We are back in My Quran Time.
40:03 We are back in My Quran Time.
40:04 We are back in My Quran Time.
40:05 We are back in My Quran Time.
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40:07 We are back in My Quran Time.
40:08 We are back in My Quran Time.
40:09 We are back in My Quran Time.
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45:09 We are back in My Quran Time.
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45:15 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:16 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:17 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:18 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:19 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:20 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:21 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:22 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:23 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:24 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:25 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:26 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:27 We are back in My Quran Time.
45:28 What else if we are reading,
45:30 for example, those of you who are at home,
45:31 those of you who are in the studio,
45:32 when we feel, "O Allah, I really want to be in Heaven,
45:35 O Allah, to gather with my children,
45:38 with my parents, to meet Allah SWT."
45:41 If you want to do that here,
45:44 hopefully,
45:46 hopefully Allah will make our affairs easier
45:49 and Allah will help us to continue
45:52 to be on the straight path
45:56 to Allah SWT.
45:58 So this is the 46th verse
46:00 as an explanation of the Ashab al-A'raf.
46:05 Where we know that the Ashab al-A'raf are 50/50.
46:09 At-Tapaga is easier.
46:11 And why At-Tapaga?
46:12 In this life,
46:13 when you do good, you do good.
46:15 But even when you do evil,
46:16 it is all the same.
46:17 There is no foundation.
46:18 So what we need to learn from here
46:21 is that we should support the people who do good
46:24 with the words of "Peace be upon you"
46:26 and to appreciate them.
46:27 Do not be oppressed,
46:28 do not be stopped.
46:30 Do not try to say,
46:31 "Do good, read the Quran,
46:34 until you are deaf, what for?"
46:36 Do not be slandered by those who do good
46:38 because hopefully,
46:40 with our support,
46:41 the kindness of others,
46:43 and then we say,
46:44 "Even if we do not get a little,
46:46 the people who are in the studio,
46:48 who are at home,
46:49 if they do not meet me in Heaven,
46:51 please help me,
46:54 give me help,
46:55 pray for me to get it."
46:57 So those things are important.
47:00 Compared to those who are oppressive,
47:02 it is not just that they do not do good.
47:04 They prevent people from doing good
47:07 and try to hide
47:09 what good is being done
47:11 and do not care about the implications
47:14 until the hereafter,
47:16 one day.
47:17 This brings us to our resolution today.
47:19 We will witness it.
47:21 First,
47:22 build the confidence that
47:23 Allah's promise and victory
47:25 will surely come.
47:26 That is what we learn from verse 44.
47:30 A little more,
47:31 how about in the nasheed earlier?
47:33 Happiness.
47:35 After the...
47:36 After the dust has passed.
47:38 After the dust.
47:39 If there is a dust,
47:40 we are sure that
47:41 a little more,
47:42 just a little more.
47:43 That is the first.
47:44 The second,
47:45 do not prevent people from doing good
47:47 in religion.
47:48 If you are not able to do it together,
47:50 do not prevent
47:51 or give support.
47:53 Give support from afar.
47:55 The third,
47:56 weigh the burden of deeds
47:57 by increasing the remembrance of Allah.
47:59 Because we know that
48:00 the remembrance of Allah SWT
48:03 will cause us to become
48:05 the companions of paradise.
48:07 With the words,
48:08 "Assalamualaikum"
48:09 that is actually
48:10 "Assalamualaikum"
48:11 we say
48:12 "Assalamualaikum"
48:13 to our friends.
48:14 That is the remembrance of thoughts
48:16 that we hope that
48:17 we will be
48:18 continuously
48:19 being greeted
48:20 "Assalamualaikum"
48:21 suddenly,
48:22 in the hereafter.
48:23 The angels will appreciate us
48:24 with the greeting
48:25 and
48:26 we will live happily
48:27 when we reach
48:28 the paradise area.
48:30 We pray to Allah SWT
48:32 that we are allowed
48:33 to reach
48:34 the destination there
48:35 together.
48:36 Thank you, Fatiha Safas.
48:37 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
48:39 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
48:41 All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
48:44 Peace and blessings be upon the most honored of the prophets and messengers,
48:48 upon his family and companions.
48:51 O Allah, O Allah, O Most Merciful, O Most Compassionate.
48:54 Forgive us our sins, O Allah.
48:56 Accept our repentance,
48:58 which we have raised, O Allah.
49:00 Forgive us the sins of our parents,
49:02 our mother and father-in-law,
49:03 our Muslims, Muslims,
49:04 believers, and believers,
49:05 by Your mercy,
49:06 O Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
49:08 O Allah, O Lord,
49:09 choose us
49:11 to be Your servants,
49:13 who make our feet
49:15 to Your Paradise, O Allah.
49:17 Therefore, O Allah,
49:19 make our deeds,
49:21 the deeds that lead us
49:23 to Your Paradise,
49:24 our companions,
49:25 our companions
49:26 that lead us to Your Paradise,
49:28 O Allah.
49:29 Keep us away, O Allah,
49:30 from all the things
49:32 that prevent us
49:34 from Your Paradise,
49:35 O Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
49:37 Peace and blessings be upon the most honored of the prophets and messengers,
49:39 upon his family and companions.
49:41 And all praise is due to Allah,
49:43 the Lord of the worlds.
49:46 May Allah accept our prayers.
49:49 We feel a bit of a longing,
49:51 not a negative longing,
49:53 but a desire to make
49:55 to the Paradise of Allah,
49:57 with the opportunity
49:59 in the hereafter,
50:01 in the middle of it,
50:02 Allah has given.
50:03 Who knows, in this world,
50:04 there are people who want to go to Paradise.
50:07 Let's not make them hell.
50:08 This is what we want.
50:10 We build in the Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran
50:12 as a campaign of awareness.
50:14 You can contribute,
50:15 implement the program,
50:16 so that the community is full of mercy.
50:18 As we have learned in the verse just now,
50:20 give hope,
50:22 give an opportunity,
50:23 and don't let others be lost,
50:25 made hell,
50:26 until Allah gives an opportunity
50:27 to those who want to go to Paradise,
50:29 when they have reached the Ashab al-A'raf,
50:32 one day, inshaAllah.
50:34 We will meet again in the next series
50:36 to find out what else happens to the Ashab al-A'raf
50:39 when they are cheated.
50:41 Why Allah uses the word 'cheated'
50:43 to refer to the people of hell?
50:45 We will meet again in My Quran Time,
50:46 Quran, Salat, and Farah.
50:49 Allahumma arhamna bilquran
50:57 wa aj'al lana imaman wa nuran
51:04 wahudan wa rahman
51:09 Allahumma dhakirna
51:14 minhuma naseena
51:18 wa allina minhuma jaina
51:27 waruzukna tilawatahu
51:34 [Music]
51:54 [Music]
