Pedro and Frankensheep Pedro and Frankensheep E004 Fool Moon

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 *Musique de Mario*
00:21 *Bruit de moteur*
00:22 "Pedro and Frankenship"
00:24 "With us, the brain ticks"
00:26 "Full moon"
00:28 *Musique de Mario*
00:30 "I love being on holiday Pedro"
00:32 "Yes Frank, a time to relax"
00:34 "Enjoy some light feelings"
00:36 *Humming*
00:38 "Ta-da! Finished Pedro!"
00:40 *Humming*
00:42 *Cri de frère*
00:44 *Bruit de pet*
00:46 *Rire*
00:48 "That wasn't me, I didn't touch it!"
00:50 "No Frank, it was... the moon!"
00:52 "No Pedro, it was the sea!"
00:54 "But I'd have noticed a moon"
00:56 "Ha ha, but Frank, the tides!"
00:58 "Sea water goes up and down"
01:00 "Controlled by the moon"
01:02 "Does it make the waves too?"
01:04 "No Frank, waves by the wind, tides by the moon!"
01:06 "Which means, to keep our sandcastles"
01:08 "We must stop the tides!"
01:10 "Why don't we just build them further up the beach?"
01:12 "No, we must get rid of the moon!"
01:14 *Rire*
01:16 "Oh no!"
01:18 "Oh Edgar, Pedro is loco!"
01:20 "He's a nutmeg!"
01:22 "He's a nutmeg!"
01:24 "Pedro is loco!"
01:26 "He should not mess with the moon!"
01:28 "Crazy!"
01:30 "Yeah Hugo, Pedro is like a tick that lives on the moon!"
01:32 "What kind of crazy tick lives on the moon?"
01:34 "A lunar tick!"
01:36 *Rire*
01:38 "Ha ha, my invention!"
01:40 "At last, she's ready!"
01:42 "Ooooh, what is it?"
01:44 "Behold, my lunar realigner!"
01:46 "Wow, amazing!"
01:48 "What is it?"
01:50 "She will move the moon, far far away!"
01:52 "Watch!"
01:54 *Rire*
01:56 "Beautiful!"
01:58 "I have moved the moon, easy as cake!"
02:00 "Pedro, is it alright to just move the moon like that?"
02:02 "Yes, no problemo!"
02:04 "Now we can build huge sandcastles!"
02:06 "Be kings of the beach!"
02:08 "So exciting!"
02:10 "Oh, I need to peepee!"
02:12 *Rire*
02:14 *Humming*
02:16 "Oh, my sandcastle!"
02:18 "Pedro!"
02:20 "There's a lot of wind!"
02:22 "Sorry, Frank!"
02:24 "Probably the coconuts I ate!"
02:26 "No, Pedro!"
02:28 "Out here!"
02:30 "I think there's something wrong!"
02:32 "All is fine, Frank!"
02:34 "Build your sandcastles!"
02:36 "Ok!"
02:38 "Oh, pretty sea plants!"
02:40 "Oh!"
02:42 "Tiny sea creatures!"
02:44 "Hello!"
02:46 "Water! Water!"
02:48 "It's crazy, everything is local!"
02:50 "What a jump!"
02:52 "Pedro has really blown it this time!"
02:54 *Rire*
02:56 "This is Pedro's dummy splunder!"
02:58 "He has thrown away the moon! Oh, goodbye moon!"
03:00 "Oh, goodbye moon! Oh, goodbye moon!"
03:02 "Now that Mora made it thunder!"
03:04 "Cos the world, it needs the moon! We need the moon!"
03:06 "We need the moon!"
03:08 "Plants and animals could go under!"
03:10 "If that fool don't fix it soon!"
03:12 "Oh, come back moon!"
03:14 "Oh, come back moon!"
03:16 "Cos Pedro's a real buffoon!"
03:18 "Oh, come back moon!"
03:20 *Explosion*
03:22 "Oh, I don't like this!"
03:24 "Stop banging!"
03:26 "Wait your turn!"
03:28 "I said..."
03:30 *Screams*
03:32 "Pedro!"
03:34 "Maybe we should put the moon back!"
03:36 "Yes, I fix it!"
03:38 "Easy squeezy!"
03:40 *Music*
03:42 "Whoa, Pedro!"
03:44 "Too close!"
03:46 "Sorry!"
03:48 *Music*
03:50 "Phew!"
03:52 "I need a holiday!"
03:54 "But what about our sandcastles?"
03:56 "We must build them somewhere else!"
03:58 "Away from the tides!"
04:00 *Music*
04:02 "Ah, Frank!"
04:04 "Holidays! A time to relax!"
04:06 "Take the window!"
04:08 "Moon! Moon castles!"
04:10 "Pedro and Frank in a ship!"
04:12 Franck Hennessy.
04:13 Petrol.
