• 5 months ago
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mengungkapkan ada empat perusahaan Multifinance dan enam pinjol yang belum memenuhi ketentuan modal minimum. Anggota Dewan Komisioner OJK, Agusman, mengatakan per April 2024 belum terpenuhinya modal minimum perusahaan Multifinance disebabkan karena sejumlah faktor di antaranya penurunan ekuitas sebagai dampak dari penurunan kinerja kegiatan usaha.


00:00 The Financial Services Authority has revealed that there are four multi-finance companies and six funders who have not yet met the minimum capital requirement.
00:07 Commissioners OJK member Agusman said that as of April 2024, the minimum capital of multi-finance companies has not yet been met due to a number of factors,
00:18 including the decrease in equity as a result of the decrease in business activity.
00:24 As for FinTech Landing, there are six funders who have not yet met the minimum equity requirement of 2.5 billion rupiah,
00:31 due to the factors including companies that have not yet received loans and difficulty finding capital to increase capital in the store.
00:40 Furthermore, the Commission will continue to take the necessary steps related to the Progress Action Plan
00:48 in the framework of efforts to meet the minimum equity requirement of financing companies and FinTech P2P Landing.
00:55 There are four of 147 financing companies that have not yet met the minimum equity requirement.
01:04 Meanwhile, for P2P Landing funders, there are still six of 101 funders who have not yet met the minimum equity requirement of 2.5 billion rupiah.
01:16 The Commission will continue to take the necessary steps related to the Progress Action Plan in order to meet the minimum equity requirement,
01:23 both in terms of capital injection from holding a stock or from a credible strategic investor and also the choice of return.
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