• 5 months ago
Nilai tukar rupiah kembali melemah di tengah penguatan indeks dolar Amerika, dan pernyataan pejabat The Fed yang masih akan mempertahankan posisi suku bunga tinggi. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Jumat siang tadi, rupiah masih melemah di 0,45% di Rp15.977 per USD.


00:00 We move to the information of other trading indicators,
00:03 where the value of the exchange rate has weakened again
00:05 amid the strengthening of the US dollar index
00:07 and the statement of the Fed office that it will still maintain its high-flown position.
00:12 Quoted from the RTI data, until the trading on Friday,
00:16 the rupee still weakened by 0.45% at USD 15,977.
00:22 Even intraday, the rupee was weakened to USD 15,986,
00:28 where the rupee had previously opened to a weakening of 0.39%
00:33 at USD 15,985,
00:37 from the closing of the previous trading day at USD 15,924.
00:43 The rupee weakness occurred amid the US dollar index
00:46 strengthening at 0.15% at level 104.65 in Friday's trading.
00:52 Meanwhile, on the other hand, three Fed officials stated
00:55 that the Fed should remain at a higher level for a longer time
00:58 because the central bank still needs more proof that inflation has declined.
01:03 The market has lowered expectations from the optimistic beginning
01:06 that there will be a double decline in the Fed this year,
01:10 which is only a one-time decline.
01:12 Let's see how the movement of the rupee exchange rate
01:17 towards the next main currency is.
01:20 The data was collected by our team
01:22 until this afternoon in West Indonesia.
01:25 You can see the graph on your TV screen.
01:28 The movement of the rupee towards the US dollar was at USD 15,941.
01:35 Then towards the euro at USD 17,315.
01:39 The pound sterling at USD 20,186.
01:42 Then towards the yen and jupang at level 102.40.
01:46 Thank you for watching.
01:48 [Music]
