• last year
The North West Blues Club is honouring member Peta Simpson following her passing earlier this year. Ms Simpson, affectionately known as Grandma, knew how to party and will be dearly missed by everyone at the club.
00:00 I'm Danny Keely, President and founder of the Northwest Blues Club Tasmania in Davenport.
00:06 My grandmother was Peter Simpson, and I didn't know that was her name until quite a few years after I met her and it parted the way.
00:17 It's called Plarky.
00:24 Tomorrow's all about saying goodbye to Grandma, showing how much we appreciate her as a human being and what she's done for the club and around the club.
00:33 Yeah, we're going to miss you, but don't worry, we'll keep the music rolling. Just for you. Just for this time.
00:48 Her partner Wayne is a really, really good cook, and he jumped on board to do the catering for the Northwest Blues Club.
00:55 She would party hard. She was always a worker. She'd always do the work of running the door and helping run the raffles and keeping people in line.
01:06 But yeah, once all that was done, she partied, had a couple of drinks and a dance around in a wheelchair. It was just a lovely thing. It was a beautiful thing.
01:15 Beautiful thing.
01:17 [Music]
01:21 (music fades)