PizzAut, il sogno di Acampora dalle pizze inclusive all'Onu

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Il fondatore di PizzAut, la prima pizzeria in Italia dove vengono impiegati ragazzi autistici, parla del successo dell'idea che ha portato ad aprire il secondo locale e, a giugno, porterà il progetto all'Onu.


00:00 The most ambitious idea is that Pizza Hut will close.
00:06 If there is no need for Pizza Hut, it means that this world has finally become truly inclusive.
00:11 So my ambition is to tend to self-destruction.
00:15 In the meantime, we will go to the UN on June 12th,
00:19 we will talk about this project and we will also cook pizzas.
00:23 There will be a side event where the autistic kids will come with me,
00:28 they will cook and serve the pizzas.
00:30 The biggest ambition at the moment is a project that can build 600 jobs for autistic people.
00:37 It is a fleet of "Pizza Autobus".
00:40 The word "Pizza Autobus" has already excited us,
00:42 that is, the possibility of making one truck food for each Italian province,
00:47 and each truck food can employ five autistic kids.
00:50 The idea is to give them new management to the associations of the territory,
00:54 to make agreements with schools, to provide them with a civil education,
00:58 to cook pizza once a week, to organize business events to raise awareness,
01:03 to build a virtuous system that creates jobs and raises awareness,
01:09 and in addition, it makes autistic people and their families feel much better.
01:14 I was saying this before the Paco,
01:16 a kid who goes to an institute costs between 50 and 200 thousand euros a year,
01:20 and when we hire them, they feel better and they don't cost anything anymore,
01:25 they become contributors, they pay taxes to enhance those services and affordability
01:31 that at this moment need to be stronger, because our children are struggling.
01:38 The employment does not arrive before six years, and the diagnosis arrives at two.
01:42 In those four years, families feel abandoned and waste precious years
01:47 to make our children feel better.
01:50 The estimate is 600 thousand autistic people,
01:54 of a child born every 77 children, these are frightening numbers.
01:59 It is the most widespread disability in Italy.
02:02 We are currently hiring 41 autistic children with a full-time and indefinite contract.
02:09 41 are a lot in the relative sense, and few in the absolute sense,
02:14 if we think about 600 thousand people.
02:17 That is why the idea of Pizza Hut is to contaminate other companies.
02:21 In addition to the Pizza Hut bus fleet, there are companies that have the obligatory
02:27 and are hiring autistic people, they don't know how to manage it,
02:31 and they send them to Pizza Hut as a detachment,
02:34 so that we can think about their training in the social and relational field,
02:40 so that this same boy can join the company that hired him.
02:45 This is involving very important companies in Italy,
02:48 from Autogri, Danone, Bindi, companies that are feeding inclusion with us.
