源自于豆沙饼?跟地名有关? “淡汶饼”为何在槟城这么红? #美食篇 | 懂来做莫? Ep83

  • 5 months ago
▌懂来做莫 ▌#83 美食篇 | 槟城特产“淡汶饼”,是学徒“自立门户”后的创新?或是当年槟岛船运时代的见证者?

主持 | @Jazkee 黄界錤

点这里 https://bit.ly/notdaringtoknow

#槟城 #淡汶饼 #豆沙饼 #武吉淡汶
#不懂没关系 #懂了也没用 #冷知识
#发射热点 #84hotspot #懂来做莫


00:00 The speciality of Bingcheng, Danwen cake is actually a shortened version of traditional Dousha cake
00:03 Why is it called Danwen cake?
00:05 It's okay if you don't understand, it's useless if you understand, so what?
00:08 The common saying is that before the Second World War
00:10 A bakery named Quan Yuan Bingjia in Gaoyun, Wei Province, Bingcheng
00:13 was famous for making Dousha cake
00:15 A person from the 5th grade of Danwen in Bingcheng
00:17 came to this shop to work and learn how to make Dousha cake
00:20 and after graduation, he returned to his hometown to run the business of Dousha cake
00:24 In order to make a difference from the old man
00:26 he made Dousha cake into small pieces
00:28 and named it after his hometown
00:30 There is also a saying that
00:31 a cargo ship from Bingdao, Wei Province,
00:34 unloaded goods at Danwen Wharf
00:35 The crew would often buy Dousha cake near the wharf as a souvenir
00:39 and thus became famous
00:39 Dousha cake is shortened
00:41 In other words, in order to facilitate the crew to carry and eat
00:44 it became the mainstream of Bingcheng Dousha cake
00:47 Now, even if you produce similar Dousha cake outside of Bingcheng
00:50 it is still called Dousha cake, not Danwen cake
