Sinergitas pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah di setiap daerah, harus terus dimaksimalkan. Kepala Bapanas, Arief Prasetyo Adi menilai, sinergitas merupakan kunci pertumbuhan UMKM, termasuk UMKM sektor pangan.
00:00 The micro-small business operators' synergism in each region must be maximized.
00:05 The National Food Foundation, or Bapanas,
00:07 says that synergism is the key to the growth of MSMEs,
00:10 including MSMEs in the food sector.
00:13 MSMEs in the food sector that have spread throughout the region
00:16 need to be given a strong collaboration space between business operators,
00:20 where with strong synergism,
00:22 domestic consumption in the food sector will continue to support national growth.
00:27 Thus, Bapanas Arief Prasetyo Adi hopes
00:30 domestic consumer potential can be the key to the growth of MSMEs.
00:36 "The government, regional government, BUMN,
00:40 all are involved and we must appreciate all of us.
00:45 The importance of the patent must be remembered.
00:47 So, buy and shop domestically,
00:50 no need to buy from abroad.
00:52 Because it will strengthen our economy,
00:55 which is okay for 5%, but it should be better."
01:00 [Music]