• last year
Express&Star reporter Daniel Walton has visited Dudley Zoo and Castle to catch a glimpse at the newest baby faces to join the zoo family.
00:00 Daniel Morton with the Express InStyle, we're here at Dudley Zoo and Castle with Jodie who is the team leader of the primates.
00:07 We're standing here at the orangutans' walk, where currently we've got Sprout on the top, and we've just seen two new babies.
00:19 Jim and Jo.
00:21 Jim and Jo, wasn't it? Yes.
00:22 Can you talk a little bit about them, isn't it like how they've been?
00:24 Brilliant, they're definitely a crowd favourite. Obviously this is Sprout, she's a mum to one of them, but Jazz has done most of the care for both youngsters.
00:37 Jas is Sprout's mum, but she's also a grandma to one, and she's mother to another baby, but she's taking care of both of them.
00:45 Sprout's kind of chipping in here and there, but really she just takes a back seat, plays with them a little bit, but then hands them back when it comes to feeding or the care of it.
00:55 Absolutely, you said earlier that Sprout had rejected her own child, but it's good to see the orangutan community comes in and also helps out.
01:05 I think she knows it's her child, of course she does, but she's not going to do the main care, she wants to be like the auntie, the cool sister, and do the playfulness and play fighting and things like that, but then hands it back when it's more serious care.
01:21 Which is definitely a good thing.
01:23 Fantastic, it looks like they absolutely loved it when they were jumping along the loops.
01:26 Yes, they're really active, they're a great pleaser. It's quite nice to see this little family unit around them.
01:33 Absolutely fantastic, and these are only one of a few of the newborns?
01:37 Yes, we've got a baby boom at the moment, but we've got four reindeer calves, we've also got a black lemur baby, obviously these guys as well.
01:46 So yes, we're doing great.
01:48 Absolutely, fantastic, brilliant springtime I'd say.
01:51 Great, doing good.
01:53 Absolutely fantastic, thank you very much for that.
01:55 [Birds chirping]
02:10 [Indistinct chatter]
