• last year
(Adnkronos) - “È in atto un'evoluzione sia dal punto di vista tecnologico sia nel cambio di paradigma da parte delle istituzioni. Si è capito che questa tecnologia porta dei benefici che possono arrivare ai cittadini”. Lo ha affermato il Ceo di Binance Italy, Gianluigi Guida, a margine della tavola rotonda della filiale italiana ‘Innovazione e tecnologia, blockchain e cripto-attività: stato dell’arte e traiettorie evolutive’, organizzata a Milano da Connexia, il brand di marketing e comunicazione della MarTech Company Retex.


00:00It is clear that there is a transformation, or rather an evolution, both from a technological point of view, there are many start-ups that are developing interesting products,
00:16including the Fintech ecosystem, which in general is evolving a lot, but also, in my opinion, there is a paradigm shift from the institutions.
00:28It has been understood that this technology brings benefits and that it can reach citizens who can benefit from it.
00:40In my opinion, this has a significant impact on the dissemination of these new technologies and the uses of these new technologies.
00:47For example, the MICA, at the regulatory level, at the European regulatory level, is important because it establishes guidelines that operators will have to respect,
01:00which will obviously also help to create more trust from users and citizens towards these new technologies.
01:08I am sure that traditional institutions have been exploring this technology for a long time and it would be wonderful if they did the opposite.
01:15We, as Binance, have the experience, we have been on the field for a long time and therefore we could create interesting synergies for mutual benefit,
01:28which in the end is the benefit that goes to users, so I certainly do not exclude that there may be discussions in the future.
