FTS 20:30 21-05: President Ebrahim Raisi’s funeral ceremonies continue

  • 5 months ago
*Venezuelan Nat’l Assembly approves draft agreement to repudiate murder of Orlando Figuera.
*In Argentina, demonstrations continue against Milei's neoliberal policies.

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00:03 In Ayrán, funeral ceremonies continue
00:15 to be held for the remains of government president Ebrahim
00:18 Raisi.
00:18 In Venezuela, during an ordinary session
00:25 of the National Assembly, the parliament
00:27 approved a draft agreement to repudiate
00:30 the despicable murder of young Venezuelan Orlando Figuera.
00:33 And in Argentina, teachers and police protests
00:38 continue in the province of Misiones
00:40 to demand wage increases.
00:41 Hello, and welcome to From the South.
00:51 I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:54 We begin with the news.
00:55 In Ayrán, funeral ceremonies continue
00:57 to be held for the remains of government president Ebrahim
01:00 Raisi and other political leaders who
01:02 lost their lives in a helicopter crash on May 19
01:05 in the northwest region of the country.
01:08 The acts to honor the national leader
01:10 started on Tuesday in the city of Tabriz,
01:12 where the citizens had the opportunity
01:15 to farewell the head of state and his partners.
01:17 The presidential plane transferred the body
01:20 of the Ayránian leaders to Tehran
01:22 to continue with the funeral prayers and ceremonies.
01:25 The remains of the Ayránian president and his comrades
01:28 arrived in the city of Qom, where tributes will
01:31 be paid at the holy shrine of Hasrat Fatima Masum
01:36 and the holy mosque of Jamr Qaran.
01:38 Likewise, the next commemorations
01:40 will take place on Thursday in Biryant,
01:43 and then in the city of Mashhad, where
01:45 the head of state, Ebrahim Raisi,
01:47 will be buried since this is his hometown.
01:54 The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador,
02:00 sent his condolences to the people of Ayrán
02:02 following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi.
02:05 We express our condolences to the people of Ayrán
02:18 for the death in an accident of the president of Ayrán
02:28 and the foreign minister of this republic, of this nation.
02:35 So far, this is the information we have.
02:40 Our deepest condolences for the death of these leaders,
02:48 the president, the foreign minister,
02:52 and other members of the government of Ayrán.
02:58 Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed solidarity
03:01 with the people of Ayrán over the death
03:02 of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a plane crash
03:05 last Saturday.
03:09 The death of President Raisi is a great loss,
03:11 first of all to Iran and the Iranian people, of course.
03:15 Please convey my deepest condolences for this tragedy.
03:18 In fact, he was a very reliable partner, a simple man.
03:25 Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa
03:41 on Tuesday condemned the Israeli military operation
03:44 against the Palestinian territories.
03:46 Palestinian Foreign Minister Mohammad Mustafa
03:48 also condemned the Israeli attack
03:50 on the West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp,
03:53 which killed at least seven Palestinians and injured 15.
03:57 Mustafa noted the wave of questioning
03:59 in the world against Israeli actions
04:01 and the recent recognition of the Palestinian state
04:04 by several countries, including Barbados, Jamaica, and Bahamas.
04:09 He also condemned the support of the United States
04:11 to the genocidal actions of Tel Aviv,
04:14 as it provides it with all kinds of killing machines
04:17 and protects the occupation before all
04:19 international instances.
04:20 The President of the United States, Joe Biden,
04:29 defended Israel against accusations
04:31 of committing acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip.
04:34 US President expressed his country's unconditional support
04:37 for Tel Aviv, despite the more than 35,500 Palestinians
04:42 killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2009.
04:46 This statement followed the request
04:48 by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
04:51 for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
04:54 Netanyahu and Defense Minister Joao Galante.
04:58 Biden condemned the court's action,
05:00 as well as the International Criminal Court's
05:02 indictment of Israel's genocidal actions
05:04 against the people of Palestine.
05:11 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us
05:14 on TikTok at @TalesofEnglish, where
05:16 you will find news in different formats, news updates,
05:18 and more.
05:19 Other stories coming up.
05:20 Stay with us.
05:20 Welcome back.
05:31 In Venezuela, during an ordinary session
05:33 of the National Assembly, the parliament
05:34 approved a draft agreement to repudiate
05:37 the despicable murder of the young Venezuelan Orlando
05:39 Figuera.
05:40 During the ordinary session on Tuesday,
05:42 Deputy Diocese of Cabello Rondon presented a draft agreement
05:46 in repudiation of the despicable murder of Orlando Figuera, who
05:50 lost his life in 2017 at the hands of right-wing
05:53 demonstrators after being singled out because of his skin
05:57 color.
05:57 For their part, the deputies voted in favor of the project,
06:01 thus being approved.
06:02 In this regard, the president of the National Assembly,
06:05 Jorge Rodriguez, ordered the Internal Political Commission
06:09 of the National Assembly to immediately initiate
06:11 an exhaustive investigation into the facts that
06:14 led to Figuera's murder, pointing out
06:17 that the investigation must include
06:19 the whereabouts of the assassins who committed the act.
06:21 Was Orlando the only one killed and set on fire?
06:32 No.
06:33 No.
06:34 They did it in lancherias.
06:36 I remember it clearly.
06:38 They did it in Lara, in a sector called El Lujano.
06:42 I remember it well.
06:44 In Merida, they did it.
06:52 In Tachira, they did it.
06:55 It seemed like they were following an order
06:58 to terrorize the enemy.
07:02 They are terrorists.
07:03 They are fascists.
07:04 They are fascists.
07:11 They deserve the condemnation of the whole country,
07:14 not only of Chavismo.
07:16 Not only of Chavismo.
07:18 Today, sectors of the Venezuelan right wing,
07:26 or some members of the Venezuelan opposition,
07:29 are here in this assembly and have experienced
07:32 some of the evil of the sectors, of other sectors
07:36 of the opposition.
07:37 In Colombia, at least eight people lost their lives
07:44 and 10 others were injured after an escalation of violence
07:46 in the northern region of Cauca due to clashes
07:49 between armed groups.
07:50 The latest conflicts take place in the region of Cajibio,
07:53 Cauca, where two soldiers were wounded
07:56 by armed groups that controlled the northern part
07:58 of the territory.
07:59 The Colombian government has ordered
08:01 to lift the suspension of armed actions in the department
08:04 of Cauca, Nariño, and Valle del Cauca
08:06 in order to restore security in the region.
08:08 The violence began last Friday with the explosion
08:12 of a roadside device in Miranda, which left two people dead.
08:16 The departments of Cauca and Valle del Cauca
08:24 are the scene of a new escalation of violence
08:27 by armed groups seeking to establish
08:29 territorial power in the region.
08:31 The authorities of Cali city have
08:33 stepped up security controls to prevent terrorist attacks
08:36 in communities near the city.
08:38 In Jamundi, a motorcycle bomb exploded this Tuesday
08:41 against 100 policemen who arrived
08:44 to reinforce the security of the municipality,
08:46 injuring three children and two policemen.
08:49 Since May 17, the wave of violence
08:51 has also affected the municipality of Miranda
08:54 with the explosion of a roadside device that
08:56 left two victims dead, while two policemen were killed
08:59 and three others wounded in Morales.
09:02 The same happened in Cajibillo, where two soldiers were
09:05 wounded as a result of the violence that is plaguing
09:08 the South American country.
09:10 According to the Institute of Studies for Development
09:15 and Peace in the past, from January 1 to May 20,
09:19 2024, the following deaths were registered
09:23 at the hand of armed groups operating
09:25 in the South American country.
09:27 At least 11 social leaders were assassinated
09:30 in the department of Cauca, including two women.
09:34 Likewise, in the cities of Caldona and Sucre,
09:36 three peace signatories lost their lives
09:39 in terrorist operations, while four other massacres
09:42 were registered in Paimonte, Paes, Corinto, and Cajibillo.
09:52 In Argentina, teachers and police protests
09:55 continue in the province of Misiones
09:57 to demand wage increases.
09:59 Demobilizations reject the neoliberal policies
10:01 of Mille's government that affect
10:03 the provincial budgets.
10:05 The demonstrators confirmed on Monday
10:06 that no agreement has been reached with the authorities,
10:10 so they will continue with their demands.
10:12 The police agents' requests include
10:14 the payment of the wages they are owned
10:17 and a salary increase of over 100
10:19 to reach the basic food basket and improve
10:21 the overall income in the face of current inflation.
10:25 Demobilizations could affect the national commerce,
10:27 since Misiones is a logistic node
10:29 in the triple border with Paraguay and Brazil.
10:32 The Argentinian Healthcare Workers Union
10:41 also reached its second day of protest
10:43 through informative assemblies to demand
10:45 a salary increase, a communiqué from the Federation
10:48 of Argentine Healthcare Workers Association, FAHSA,
10:51 states that there are 300,000 employees
10:55 at national level who have no recognition
10:58 or claims of any kind from the business sector
11:01 and that their salaries have lost purchasing power
11:04 due to the country's economic situation.
11:07 The representatives of this union state
11:09 that after numerous meetings with the employers'
11:12 representatives, there is no consensus
11:14 for the salaries to be in accordance
11:16 with the work they perform.
11:17 (dramatic music)
11:20 Despite a slow receding of waters in Porto Alegre,
11:41 capital of Rio Grande do Sul,
11:43 floods persist in a large area of the municipalities
11:45 of the Brazilian state and there are still 600,000 displaced.
11:50 Our correspondent Ignacio Lemos updates us with more.
11:53 In the mountainous regions of Rio Grande do Sul,
12:00 there are constant traces of landslides
12:02 and houses smashed by storms.
12:05 The roads are showing signs of major impacts,
12:07 but the routes to Porto Alegre
12:09 have already been repaired for traffic.
12:11 The Cai River swept away everything in front of it.
12:15 The flood took everything.
12:17 My mother's house was damaged.
12:19 I don't have much to say.
12:20 It destroyed everything.
12:22 The bridge collapse changed the routine
12:26 of students and workers in the highlands region.
12:29 We work here and it's one kilometer away,
12:32 but when the river level rises,
12:33 we have to travel 22 kilometers
12:35 of a very lousy country road.
12:37 In urban regions, as Sao Leopoldo town,
12:41 the water is running out.
12:43 In Sao Leopoldo town, the water is receding slowly.
12:46 Some are already thinking about repairs and cleaning.
12:49 We had cleaned up on Sunday,
12:54 but then came again the river flooding
12:57 and it rose another meter or so,
12:59 as far as I could see,
13:00 because here everything was already cleaned.
13:04 In here, we had cleaned everything
13:06 and it rose a meter again.
13:11 Some people are thinking of repeated
13:13 and increasingly intense extreme weather phenomena.
13:16 Others are thinking of moving.
13:17 We didn't expect that to happen.
13:21 In the 1941 flood, the water level wasn't that high.
13:25 Nobody was prepared for it.
13:27 We really won't stay here anymore.
13:29 We will look for another place.
13:31 There are volunteers dedicated to rescuing animals
13:36 that have been isolated on the roofs
13:37 and have been resisting for over two weeks.
13:40 There are four of the same family.
13:42 One was clinging to the fence, drowning.
13:45 We passed by and saw her,
13:47 so we jumped into the water
13:48 and when we looked in the house,
13:50 there were three more and two cats and a bird in the cage.
13:53 As a dam burst out,
13:56 water came with power and families did not have time.
13:59 Many of them have lost everything
14:00 and are looking forward to return to their homes
14:03 to rebuild their lives.
14:04 It's sad.
14:08 It's sad.
14:10 People lost everything.
14:11 If you can help out,
14:14 people need clothes and food.
14:16 We are very grateful.
14:18 For each of the 600,000 lives that suffered an eviction,
14:24 there's a story of a common problem in Rio Grande do Sul,
14:27 but one that extends across the earth
14:29 and is far from being sorted out.
14:31 In the second half of the week,
14:33 Rio Grande do Sul expects further rainfalls.
14:36 In addition, southerly winds are damming water
14:38 in the Lagoa dos Peidos.
14:40 Moreover, the full moon is stirring up the sea
14:43 where flows generated by floods must be discharged.
14:46 We have a final short break coming up,
14:53 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
14:56 and stay tuned with From the South at 10pm Caracas time
15:00 with our special interview with Wael Al-Daghdou,
15:03 Palestinian journalist and the Bureau Chief
15:05 of Al Jazeera News Media in Gaza.
15:07 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
15:09 Final short break, don't go away.
15:11 Welcome back to From the South.
15:22 In Russia, the military starts the first phase of training
15:25 on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.
15:29 This exercise was convened by the commander
15:31 of the Southern Military Region,
15:33 which is aimed at maintaining military readiness
15:36 in view of the statements of Western officials.
15:39 It is worth noting that the missile forces
15:41 are practising the preparation
15:42 for the use of Iskander tactical missile systems.
15:46 In addition, the aviation will provide aviation weapons,
15:49 including Kinzhal hypersonic missiles
15:51 with special playloads,
15:53 and will proceed to its patrol area.
15:55 Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
16:04 has called for the release of Julian Assange,
16:06 who has been incarcerated in a British high security prison
16:10 for more than five years.
16:11 The high official affirmed this Tuesday before local media
16:15 that the imprisonment of the founder
16:16 of the digital portal Wikileaks does not serve any purpose
16:20 and assured that he has already spent enough time in prison.
16:24 Albanese promised to continue working
16:26 to achieve the release of the editor
16:28 who is at risk of being extradited to the United States.
16:31 Julian Assange is accused by the Washington of espionage
16:35 and could face up to 175 years in prison
16:39 after he revealed a series of American documents
16:42 in which several war crimes committed by the White House
16:45 in Iraq and Afghanistan were disclosed.
16:47 One man has died and 30 people have been injured
16:56 on a Singapore Airlines flight
16:58 that had to make an emergency landing in Bangkok, Thailand
17:01 due to heavy turbulence.
17:03 The flight, which left London Heathrow Airport
17:06 on Monday night, was bound for Singapore.
17:08 The deceased is a 73-year-old British citizen
17:11 who was travelling with his wife
17:13 and who probably suffered a heart attack.
17:15 The Boeing 737-300 Air was carrying 211 passengers
17:21 and 18 crew members, according to the airline.
17:24 Among the 30 injured, seven are in critical condition.
17:27 Videos posted on social network X
17:30 show a dozen ambulances arriving on the tarmac
17:33 to attend the injured.
17:34 The Women's Tennis Association
17:53 and the Saudi Public Investment Fund announced on Monday
17:56 a multi-year partnership
17:57 aimed at growing women's professional tennis
18:00 and inspiring women and girls worldwide
18:02 to take up the sport.
18:04 With this agreement, WTA hopes to enhance
18:07 and develop initiatives to support women players
18:09 at all levels.
18:11 This new partnership follows the recent announcement
18:13 that the WTA season finals will be held in Riyadh
18:17 for the next three years, starting this 2024,
18:20 with the top eight women's singles players
18:23 and double teams of the season.
18:24 The Saudi PIF has also partnered with the combined
18:29 WTA 1080P Masters 1000 tournaments in Indian wealth,
18:35 Miami and Madrid,
18:37 in addition to the WTA 1080P 500 in Beijing.
18:42 Moving on to the cultural news,
18:49 two centuries-old sculptures stolen from Thailand
18:51 returned to the Asian country
18:53 after the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
18:56 agreed to return them.
18:57 The pieces, dating back to the 11th century,
19:00 are a standing gold-plated bronze
19:02 representation of the Hindu god Shiva
19:04 and another annealing image of a woman
19:07 with gold and silver decoration.
19:09 Both sculptures arrived at custom facilities in Bangkok,
19:12 where experts carried out a first inspection.
19:16 An official ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday
19:18 to celebrate the return of the sculptures,
19:20 which will be transferred for display at the National Museum.
19:24 The Metropolitan Museum removed these pieces
19:26 from the exhibition and announced their return.
19:29 We have come to the end of this news brief,
19:35 but you can find this and many other stories
19:37 on our website at telesuryenglish.net
19:40 and join us on social media,
19:41 Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
19:44 For TELUS Ur English, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
19:46 Thank you for watching.
19:48 (upbeat music)
19:50 (upbeat music)
19:53 (upbeat music)
