Court métrageTranscription
00:00 *extrait de la série*
00:02 *extrait de la série*
00:04 *extrait de la série*
00:06 *rire*
00:08 "I'd be from Jamaica, man."
00:09 "What part of Jamaica?"
00:11 "Right near the beach."
00:12 "Oy!"
00:14 "Now you can catch the world's funniest man on the way up."
00:17 "It's really trippy."
00:18 "Universal Home Entertainment presents...
00:20 Dave Chappelle."
00:22 "Help!"
00:23 "The fully baked special edition of..."
00:25 "Abracadabra!"
00:27 "Half Baked."
00:28 "With all new hilarious bonus features, new deleted scenes and an alternate ending."
00:32 "It's just... Ah!"
00:33 "Red team, go! Red team, go!"
00:36 "Half Baked."
00:37 "You're hungry, aren't you?"
00:39 "Ah!"
00:40 "Aww!"
00:42 "Now available on DVD."
00:44 "God have mercy."