KPPU: Bapanas Harus Tetapkan HET Bawang Putih

  • 4 months ago
Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha atau KPPU meminta, Badan Pangan Nasional (Bapanas) menetapkan harga acuan atau harga eceran tertinggi untuk bawang putih. Seperti komoditas pangan lain yang memiliki harga acuan.


00:00 Meanwhile, the Commission for Business Competitiveness or KPPU
00:03 asked the National Food Board or BAPANAS
00:05 to set the highest price for garlic,
00:09 like other food commodities that have a high price.
00:12 According to KPPU Chairperson, Fansurullah,
00:15 this is done to prevent the price of garlic
00:19 from entering the high or low price.
00:21 KPPU also recommends the government
00:24 to speed up the sale of garlic.
00:26 Currently, 95% of garlic needs are obtained from imports
00:30 and only 5% of domestic needs are obtained from national markets.
00:35 For that, the government needs to speed up the competition.
00:39 Just make the regulations.
00:46 And we can't set the highest price for garlic
00:48 at Rp32,000 per person.
00:50 We also set the highest price for rice.
00:52 We have to set the highest price for rice
00:56 in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
00:58 This is one of the points that we discussed earlier.
01:01 So, BAPANAS needs to set the highest price for rice.
01:05 Even though it's not an important commodity,
01:07 we need to set the highest price for rice.
01:09 So, we know how much the price is higher than the percentage.
01:14 Whether there is a discount,
01:17 whether the cartel is imported,
01:19 whether it's at the distributor's level, or at the agent's level.
01:22 We check it.
01:23 (electronic music)
