Penambahan Anggaran Kemenparekraf Jadi Rp3,05 Triliun

  • 2 days ago
Fraksi-fraksi di Komisi X DPR RI menyetujui usulan tambahan anggaran untuk Pagu indikatif 2025., Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif untuk dibahas di Badan Anggaran DPR. Adapun besaran tambahan yang diusulkan Kemenparekraf sebesar Rp3,05 triliun untuk mencapai target sesuai dengan rancangan rencana kerja Pemerintah.


00:00The 10th Commission on the Development of the Republic of Indonesia
00:04The members of the 10th Commission on the Development of the Republic of Indonesia
00:07have agreed to a budget increase for the 2025
00:11Creative Tourism and Economic Ministerial Programme
00:14to be discussed in the budget of the DPR.
00:17There is an additional budget that is proposed by the Parekraft Commission
00:20of 3.05 trillion rupiah
00:23to achieve the target in accordance with the government's work plan.
00:28The 9th Commission asked the Parekraft Commission to maximize the budget
00:32and will fight for the additional budget.
00:35The members of the 10th Commission, DPRRI, Hetifah, Syaifudian,
00:40said that they are concerned with the limited budget of the Parekraft Commission,
00:45whereas the allocation and impact directly provide benefits.
00:50As it is known, in the budget year 2025,
00:54the Parekraft Commission will focus on developing and strengthening the Indonesian SDM Parekraft,
00:59including the development of tourism villages
01:02and strengthening the potential of SDM Parekraft players
01:05through digitization and content production.
01:10In order to maximize the current budget that has been discussed in the RAKER
01:14and included in the RDP,
01:171.768.347.951 trillion rupiah
01:25can be allocated to the budget.
01:27Thus, the additional budget,
01:30in our opinion, is very much needed
01:34because programs to increase innovation
01:38in supporting the recovery of the tourism and aircraft sector,
01:43especially in the face of global challenges,
01:45are still very much needed,
01:48but the budget is not yet available.
01:50So, the 3.052.364.852 trillion rupiah is not enough.
