• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Siamo al paradosso che in Italia la tassazione sta discriminando i prodotti di gioco labour intensive, privilegiando quelli che possono essere offerti impiegando meno risorse. La fiscalità dovrebbe essere intesa anche come strumento di politica economica". Lo sostiene, all'Adnkronos, il direttore Affari Istituzionali & Sviluppo Business di Codere, Marco Zega.


00:00 What is the role of the Fiscal Service in the management of the externalities?
00:04 The Fiscal Service can be a tool to overcome the so-called territorial issue.
00:11 The participation of local authorities in the management of externalities
00:16 can be a tool at their disposal to manage the negative externalities created by our sector.
00:26 What we ask the Fiscal Service is not to create mismatches between different products.
00:32 Today we find ourselves in a situation where some products are taxed on the collection, others on the margin,
00:38 and with percentages that are completely different.
00:41 Obviously, the higher the tax rate, the higher the reward is reduced,
00:47 that is, the time of play offered to the consumer.
00:52 In order to reduce the time of play, the player inevitably moves to secondary products.
00:57 This is a typical case of slot machines, which today we find both on the ground and online.
01:02 But between the two products, which from a technical point of view are almost identical,
01:08 there is a difference of almost 30 points in terms of reward.
01:15 It is obvious that the player ends up rewarding those on the ground, compared to those physical products.
01:22 Again, I repeat, the labor factor also affects the physical product much more than the on the ground.
01:31 What does this mean?
01:33 The Fiscal Service must be a tool of economic policy in the hands of the legislator
01:37 and should somehow return to exercise it.
01:42 What we expect is certain rules that can allow us to get to the end of the competition
01:48 in order to be able to participate and work in the coming years,
01:53 returning to look at the state's financial procedures without fear,
01:59 that is, without having to expect that within them there may be a change in the rules or in the taxation.
02:07 Since, from what we learn, the next races may involve important investments for dealers,
02:16 it is also fair to expect a set of rules that are clear enough and transparent
02:25 to be able to assess the return cycle of the invested capital.
02:30 Finally, and to be concrete, even before the next races,
02:36 we will also expect the delivery of entertainment devices
02:40 that today could already be used for a change in the taxation,
02:46 from the collection to the margin,
02:49 this to offer the consumer more playtime,
02:55 therefore a higher percentage of prize return.
