• 5 months ago
With over 75,000 videos submitted from 55 countries, TikTok announced the winners of the #TikTokShortFilm competition at this year's Cannes Film Festival.


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - For three years, we've been partnering
00:17 with the Cannes Film Festival,
00:19 and through that partnership,
00:20 we've decided to really highlight
00:22 the massive talents that are on the platform.
00:24 So we're organizing a TikTok short film competition
00:26 that celebrates creativity with movies
00:29 that are longer than one minute.
00:31 They have to be original, they have to be creative,
00:33 and it's a global competition.
00:34 So this year for the third edition,
00:36 we had 55 countries participating.
00:39 We received more than 75,000 videos from across the globe,
00:43 and all of these generated more than two billion views
00:45 on the platform, so that's a massive exposure
00:48 for our talents.
00:49 (upbeat music)
00:57 - I've always been inspired by film and cinema,
00:59 so I decided to bring that storytelling skill
01:02 into the work I was making for my clients,
01:04 and that's how it all began.
01:06 I think TikTok is important as a platform
01:08 because it gives opportunities for people
01:11 to showcase their skills to an audience
01:15 that is ready to receive it and connect with it.
01:18 And I feel like if you have any talent
01:21 that you wanna showcase,
01:22 then TikTok is the place to be
01:23 because people are watching
01:25 and they're ready to have you on board.
01:27 (upbeat music)
01:30 (speaking foreign language)
01:33 (upbeat music)
01:43 (upbeat music)
