00:00 *musique*
00:11 *musique*
00:13 *musique*
00:15 - (en choeur): Yeah!
00:16 - Um, how is cutting off a logging truck good news?
00:19 - (soupir): And here's Courtney,
00:21 taking us down to Frowntown.
00:23 - Ah!
00:24 - The good news is we now have these
00:26 to help us learn how to count.
00:28 - (en choeur): Wow!
00:30 - How do logs help teach counting?
00:32 - One!
00:33 - What? - Whoo!
00:35 - Two! Three!
00:37 - Great counting, Duncan!
00:39 (sonnerie)
00:40 Hello?
00:41 - Is it my mom?
00:43 Tell her, "I miss her!"
00:45 - It's probably the tax cops.
00:47 - Do you need to get your ducks clean?
00:49 - It's Janice from the school board again.
00:51 Sorry, go ahead, Janice.
00:52 No, I didn't realize log counting
00:54 was banned in public schools.
00:56 Is that a recent development?
00:58 48 years ago.
00:59 Huh, time sure does fly, doesn't it?
01:01 - How does Janice always know what we're up to?
01:04 - Grr!
01:05 - Whenever I disapprove of Chef's teaching methods,
01:08 I just call Chef and pretend to be Chimney.
01:11 - I just call Chef and pretend to be Janice
01:13 from the school board.
01:14 Kids need good teachers
01:16 if they hope to reach their full potential.
01:18 - But in the Northern Hemisphere,
01:20 draining water spins clockwise.
01:22 - I'm a hemisphere!
01:24 (whirring)
01:26 (phone ringing)
01:28 - Hello?
01:29 Toilet field trips are also banned, huh?
01:31 - I found a chocolate bar!
01:33 - Cody, no!
01:34 - ♪ Da-da-da-da ♪
01:35 - So, as Cody plummets--
01:37 Wait, where'd your parachute go?
01:39 - That mean old squirrel took it!
01:41 - Huh! Anyway, as I was saying,
01:43 when Cody plummets back to Earth,
01:45 there'll be a point where he can't fall any faster.
01:48 That's called terminal velocity.
01:50 - I'm a velocity raptor!
01:52 (screaming)
01:54 (phone ringing)
01:56 - Hello?
01:57 Okay, Janice, I won't do it again.
01:59 - ♪ Da-da-da-da ♪
02:00 - See, kids?
02:01 In nature, predators always hunt the weakest prey first.
02:04 - I came in first!
02:06 - Oh, not again.
02:08 - Hello?
02:09 - Chef?
02:10 It's Janice again.
02:12 You can't put kids inside a snake.
02:14 It's a dangerous thing to do and--
02:16 - Ahem!
02:17 Hello, Janice.
02:19 - (laughing)
02:21 Since the school board trick won't work anymore,
02:24 I was left with no other choice.
02:26 I bought the cranium controller!
02:29 You know, the one from that TV commercial?
02:32 - Mm-mm.
02:33 - Are you tired of people thinking differently than you do?
02:36 Then you need the all-new cranium controller!
02:40 It controls people's minds!
02:42 Perfect for getting into fancy sold-out events,
02:45 winning student president, avoiding traffic tickets,
02:48 and for settling those arguments over pizza toppings.
02:51 It's the cranium controller!
02:54 - I know, controlling other people's minds is wrong,
02:57 but this will help everyone.
02:59 Chef will teach better without knowing why,
03:01 and we'll actually learn something for once.
03:04 Plus, it has a calculator.
03:06 (popping)
03:07 Better make sure I'm using it properly.
03:09 I need a test subject.
03:11 (musique de Mario)
03:13 Nope.
03:14 Hi-ya!
03:15 Hi-ya!
03:16 Ah! Nah!
03:17 (coups de feu)
03:19 Yep!
03:20 There's one!
03:21 (coups de feu)
03:23 (coups de feu)
03:24 Yes! It's working!
03:25 Now, what to get Duncan to do
03:28 that he'd never think to do on his own?
03:31 (gasps)
03:32 Oh, I know!
03:33 - Your attention, please!
03:35 - Yay!
03:36 - Right on time for an announcement!
03:38 - ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪
03:41 ♪ Whose fleece was white as snow ♪
03:44 (all gasp)
03:45 - Wow!
03:46 - It's beautiful and scary at the same time!
03:49 - It's stronger than I thought!
03:51 - Time to turn Chef into an actual teacher.
03:55 - What? What happened?
03:57 Where am I?
03:58 Was I... singing?
04:00 - You have the voice of an angel.
04:02 - ♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪
04:05 ♪ Whose fleece was white as snow ♪
04:08 - I posted it to ClickClock.
04:10 It's got 40 million views!
04:12 Ooh, don't read the comments.
04:14 (growling)
04:15 - Cody!
04:16 - Ah!
04:17 - Give me that!
04:18 - First, we thought it was cute
04:20 that he wanted to live in the treehouse,
04:22 but that's when we noticed more things missing.
04:24 He took my ball and Bess with Tina
04:26 and Harold's comic book!
04:28 - Yeah, yeah, squirrel steal stuff, that's for sure.
04:31 - Yeah!
04:32 - Please!
04:33 I just want to be your little lamb!
04:35 (screaming)
04:36 - Anyway, I yelled, "Stop taking our stuff, squirrel!"
04:39 But he didn't stop, and then I thought to myself,
04:42 the only person who can help us now is Chef!
04:45 - Oh, darn!
04:46 There goes my done listening bell.
04:48 Just go find something else to play with, okay, buddy?
04:51 Off you go.
04:52 - (sighs)
04:53 - Oh, come on, now what?
04:55 - Now what is that your poor teaching methods
04:58 have been standing in the way of my education
05:01 for too long, old man?
05:03 - Eh, fair.
05:04 - Ah! Huh?
05:05 Oh, no!
05:06 Where'd it go?
05:07 I'll be right back.
05:08 - Sadly, I will be here.
05:10 - Ah!
05:11 (whirring)
05:13 - Way to go, Duncan!
05:15 That's the highest you've ever counted!
05:17 - Come on!
05:18 Where's my cranium controller?
05:20 (whirring)
05:21 Where did it go?
05:23 - We're allowed to poop in the sandbox again?
05:25 - Again?
05:26 - Sweet!
05:27 I'm off to eat some peaches.
05:28 - Mr. Squirrel, can we at least have
05:30 our name-brand plastic flying disc back?
05:32 (farting)
05:33 (sighing)
05:34 - Stinking furbag!
05:35 - Of course!
05:37 (farting)
05:38 Whoa!
05:39 What a mess!
05:41 My watch!
05:42 (farting)
05:44 It ate my watch!
05:46 (farting)
05:47 (screaming)
05:49 Ew!
05:50 (farting)
05:52 (shrieking)
05:54 (farting)
05:56 (shouting)
05:58 (whirring)
06:00 (whirring)
06:02 (whirring)
06:03 (farting)
06:04 - Uh-oh!
06:05 (farting)
06:06 Whoa!
06:07 (farting)
06:08 (farting)
06:10 (screaming)
06:11 - Great!
06:12 So not only will Chef be a bad teacher forever,
06:14 but now there's an evil squirrel going rogue
06:16 with my cranium controller!
06:18 Can this day get any worse?
06:20 (farting)
06:21 (thud)
06:22 (sighing)
06:23 Of course.
06:24 - Woo-hoo!
06:25 - Hey, Harold, you wouldn't happen to know anything
06:28 about dealing with wild rodents?
06:31 - Hmm.
06:32 Wild rodents are...
06:33 - Shh!
06:34 He'll hear you!
06:35 (farting)
06:36 (whirring)
06:38 - Uh, let me guess.
06:40 The evil squirrel stole your cranium controller,
06:42 and now he's zapping everyone into doing his squirrely bidding?
06:46 - How did you know?
06:47 - It happens to me all the time
06:49 with a crafty pigeon that lives near my house.
06:51 (gasping)
06:53 - Bill!
06:54 Your son's a pigeon again!
06:56 Bring some fries so we can coax him out of the dang tree!
06:59 Oh, Harold.
07:00 I just washed the car.
07:02 - Gosh.
07:03 - Fear not, for I will save you!
07:05 Not only do I know where the kill switch is on the watch,
07:08 I also happen to be a master of stealth.
07:11 You see, the secret is to cover the noise
07:14 of your own movements with sounds of nature.
07:17 (breathing heavily)
07:18 - Caw-caw!
07:19 - Ribbit, ribbit.
07:21 (thud)
07:22 (squeaking)
07:24 - And to be fully aware of your surroundings at all times.
07:28 - No way!
07:29 (screeching)
07:31 (screaming)
07:33 (screaming)
07:35 - Hello, Mr. Squirrel.
07:37 - And holding a flamethrower,
07:39 she looked to the alien queen and said,
07:41 "Get away from her, you..."
07:43 Hey, where is everybody?
07:45 - Uh, they're here in spirit?
07:47 (knocking)
07:48 - Cody!
07:49 What do you have in your mouth?
07:51 (knocking)
07:52 - Uh, there's something I probably need to tell you.
07:55 (all shouting)
07:57 (crissement de nez)
07:59 - I know it looks bad, but I wouldn't have had to take
08:02 such drastic and admittedly ethically questionable action
08:05 if you were just better at teaching.
08:07 - Yes, I suppose that's true.
08:09 I'm not a very good...
08:11 Hey, don't you turn this around on me!
08:13 You're just lucky I know how to deal
08:15 with these furry little punks.
08:17 - Um, Chef, are you sure about this?
08:19 - Trust me, I went to Teacher's College.
08:22 (upbeat music)
08:24 (footsteps)
08:26 (crissement de nez)
08:28 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
08:30 (crissement de nez)
08:32 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
08:34 (crissement de nez)
08:36 (imitation de l'oiseau)
08:38 - That's right, there isn't a rodent alive
08:41 who can resist the spicy allure of a tango.
08:44 (crissement de nez)
08:46 (crissement de nez)
08:48 (crissement de nez)
08:50 - Ah! What have I done?
08:52 I'm sorry! Now you all have squirrel brains!
08:55 (crissement de nez)
08:57 This is really gonna change things!
09:00 (crissement de nez)
09:02 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
09:04 (crissement de nez)
09:06 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
09:08 (crissement de nez)
09:10 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
09:12 (crissement de nez)
09:14 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
09:16 (crissement de nez)
09:18 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
09:20 (crissement de nez)
09:22 (musique de "The Nutcracker")
09:24 (crissement de nez)
09:26 (crissement de nez)
09:28 (crissement de nez)
09:30 (crissement de nez)
09:32 (crissement de nez)