Bill Maher Sees Both Sides Of The Abortion Argument, But Still Pro-Choice

  • 4 months ago
When it comes to Bill Maher, you can bet your bottom dollar he's not shy about diving into the chaotic mess that is America's deeply divided society -- abortion included.


00:00 These are, as you know, a collection of all the editorials I do at the end of the show,
00:07 those monologues, those rants I do at the end.
00:10 And over the... we have The Strike this year.
00:13 Last year I was able to take the time to go through them all, pick out the creme de la
00:17 creme, re-edit them, put them in a way that made sense in chapters and brought it up to
00:22 date and, you know, it is kind of an encyclopedia of every good thing I ever said on the air
00:29 and of course when you're on the air for as long as I have been, you can just take the
00:34 choice stuff and leave out the stuff that didn't age so well and put it out and it is,
00:40 you know, the book I will say, it is LOL tested.
00:43 I want to tell you the thing that I've actually been thinking about after reading the book
00:48 and it's one thing you said, and I don't remember this from the show, I know you said it in
00:53 the show but I just don't remember it, but I've been thinking about it a lot and it was
00:59 just a passing line.
01:01 You were talking about abortion and you made a point where you said that there are some
01:07 people who consider abortion murder and you said, I kind of get that but I'm okay with
01:15 it.
01:16 And I've been thinking about the way you analyze that and I'm fascinated by it.
01:21 So I was actually standing up for pro-life people even though I am very not pro-life.
01:26 I've always been very pro-choice.
01:28 I believe abortion should be legal up until the third trimester of high school.
01:36 I'm not a kid fan.
01:38 But I was also saying, you know, again, let me be fair about this.
01:43 Let me try not to be doctrinaire.
01:46 When I hear, and I often do, people on the left say that pro-life people just hate women.
01:53 They're doing things they hate women.
01:54 No, they're not.
01:55 They don't hate women.
01:56 You just made that up.
01:58 They think it's murder and it kind of is.
02:02 I'm just okay with that.
02:04 I mean, there's 8 billion people in the world.
02:06 I'm sorry, unborn.
02:08 We're not going to miss you.
02:10 How can we?
02:11 We never met you.
02:12 And you can't miss us because you never met us.
02:14 I mean, I know that's harsh, but that's sort of the reality of where I live.
02:18 There is a middle ground that most people would like to land at.
02:23 And they just can't understand why the megaphone and very often the outcomes, the laws, the
02:32 way we run the country seems to always wind up somewhere on the extremes.
02:37 They're just tired of the extremes.
02:38 And I am tired of the extremes.
02:40 And I'm tired of the hate.
02:41 I don't want to hate half the country and I don't hate half the country.
