You Belong With Me (2) - Nova Media

  • 4 months ago


00:00Where are you going?
00:06None of your business.
00:08Well, you work for me at my company, so...
00:10Yeah, it is my business.
00:12I'm no longer an employee of Lockwood Enterprise.
00:15You can't tell me what to do.
00:17Okay, then explain to me why you're quitting.
00:20I'm fed up with Eric's bullshit.
00:22I have done so much shitty work for him over the past few years,
00:26covering his ass, his incompetence,
00:28and what do I get in return? Nothing!
00:30Okay, calm down.
00:32However, covering his ass for what?
00:35You've been gone for a while, Henry,
00:37and there's a lot you don't know.
00:41So we're on a first-name basis?
00:43Like I said, no longer your employee.
00:46Okay, Christine, continue.
00:48Wait, so if I sell you everything Eric's done over the past few years,
00:52can I get a reward?
00:54Well, that depends how good your information is.
00:57Like how Eric built a new studio for R&D,
01:00but basically it's his party house?
01:02Or like when he swipes the company card
01:04on lavish dinners for himself and Gianna,
01:06then he says they're for clients?
01:08Ooh, this one's my favorite.
01:09One time, he booked a strip club for the executives, and he...
01:12Okay, okay, okay. I've heard enough.
01:15William, please go confirm the validity of this information,
01:18and I want proof.
01:20Yes, boss.
01:22Okay, Ms. Walker.
01:25Okay, Ms. Wilson.
01:29What do you want for a reward?
01:37What do you want?
01:39Christine, give me the documents to the crazy Maple Studio case.
01:42Stop being so irresponsible.
01:44Screw you, bitch!
01:48Stop playing nice.
01:50Okay, how about this?
01:53I'll name you head of the acquisitions department.
02:00Yeah, right.
02:02Wait, are you curious?
02:04Wait, are you curious?
02:06Wait, you're gonna replace Eric with me?
02:09How's that for a little reward?
02:14You're the best, Henry!
02:16The best!
02:18Okay, so I'm your boss now,
02:20so let's just...
02:40How dare you quit your job and fight with Eric!
02:43You better go and apologize and beg for your job back right now!
02:48Mom, why don't you ask Gianna what she did
02:50before you start questioning your own daughter?
02:52Chris, I didn't mean to make you upset.
02:55I was just living at Eric's house to recover from my illness.
02:59Aw, Gianna, sweetheart,
03:01why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?
03:04Christine, stop being jealous of poor little Gianna
03:08and stop acting like a child!
03:10Mom, are you blind?
03:12Mom, are you blind?
03:14Gianna's sleeping with Eric.
03:16Shut up!
03:18If you like Gianna so much,
03:20why don't you just let her marry Eric?
03:22Then you guys can go be a big happy family without me.
03:25Never say that kind of bullshit again!
03:28Your engagement with Eric is a big deal to our family!
03:32Mom, this is all my fault.
03:35Please don't blame Christine.
03:37Stop your drama, Gianna.
03:39That house is under my name now.
03:41Pack your shit and get out,
03:43or I'm calling the police, you little skank.
03:46If you do this, you are not my daughter anymore!
03:51Gianna, I was the one who brought you home from the orphanage
03:54when Mom found you there.
03:56I was the one who persuaded her to adopt you.
03:59How could you betray me like this?
04:01We used to be so close.
04:03Miss Wilson was right.
04:05Eric and your brother Jeffrey have been spending the company's money
04:07like it's their own pocket change.
04:09A lot of other shady things seem to have went on, too,
04:11in the last three years you were gone.
04:13But it still seems the company is very profitable, right?
04:15Oh, yes.
04:17Miss Wilson was able to score a major acquisition case for us last year.
04:19It's contributing close to 50% of the annual.
04:21Let's see.
04:23What's this?
04:25I don't know.
04:27I don't know.
04:29I don't know.
04:31Let's see.
04:34Go ahead and get me all of her information
04:36and her recent case on the Crazy Maple Studios acquisition.
04:39This is the first time the boss has ever looked into anything.
04:54How are you, Miss Wilson?
04:58Mr. Lockwood,
05:00you're not inviting me to dinner right now, are you?
05:02Jeffrey Lockwood,
05:04Henry's older half-brother,
05:06born 20 years apart.
05:08Boss, I called Miss Wilson many times, but she didn't answer.
05:10Well, was HR notified of my decision
05:12to make Christine head of acquisition?
05:14Yes, I notified them this afternoon.
05:20Mr. Lockwood,
05:22you're not inviting me to dinner right now, are you?
05:24I heard you're overtaking Eric's position.
05:26I think I'm more than qualified, don't you, Mr. Lockwood?
05:30I've been doing his work for the past three years.
05:36You know you're at my mercy, right?
05:38If I were you,
05:40I would show you some respect!
05:44Respect is earned!
05:46You're an asshole!
05:48Just like your son, but old.
05:54You are just a puppet on a string,
05:56the same as your whole family.
05:58Do as you're told.
06:04Since Henry has named you
06:06the new head of acquisition,
06:08I need you to watch him for me.
06:10Tell me his every move.
06:12What if I say no?
06:16Or else.
06:20Sir, Henry Lockwood here.
06:24Henry Lockwood here.
06:28why the hell would he come at this time?
06:30Watch her,
06:32and keep her mouth shut!
06:38Henry, what brings you here?
06:40We have...
06:48where did you get this?
06:50This is your mistress, Willie.
06:52She's pregnant with your child.
06:54You fucker!
06:56Jeffrey, I'm not here to expose you.
06:58Just make sure this doesn't get out to the press.
07:02If you ruin our family reputation,
07:04I'll ruin you.
07:08Get rid of her, Jeffrey.
07:10I don't care what you do.
07:12Get rid of her!
07:14Okay, I get it.
07:18I'll never see her again.
07:20Just don't kill our father, Henry.
07:24Our father doesn't care how many mistresses you have,
07:26as long as it doesn't tarnish our family's name.
07:28Wipe your ass next time you take a shit.
07:34and by the way,
07:36I'm naming Christine Wilson the new head of acquisitions.
07:38Eric is,
07:40we should say, better off doing something else.
07:42Of course.
07:44I'll have named you head of the corporation.
07:46You call the shots.
08:12since Christine is the new head of acquisitions,
08:14I expect her to be at work
08:16on time on Monday.
08:18Is that clear?
08:20Of course.
08:22I'm sure she's overwhelmed with joy
08:24partying somewhere right now.
08:40Now is not the time to fight back,
08:42but one day,
08:44I'll get you, asshole.
08:46Bitch, you're treading on thin ice.
08:52the fuck
08:54out of here.
08:56Remember what I told you.
09:02Fuck you, Henry!
09:04I'll take back
09:06what is mine, you fucking asshole!
09:08Just you fucking wait, Henry!
09:10Just you wait!
09:24Henry, is that you?
09:28Waiting for me?
09:36How did you know I was in danger?
09:38I had some family matters to do.
09:42I thought you started to care for me.
09:46Christine? Christine, Christine!
09:48What the fuck?
09:50Will, call Dr. Smith.
09:52Have him meet us at the hall.
09:54Oh, shit.
10:06How is she, Doc?
10:08Not much.
10:10She'll shake up.
10:30I had a dream.
10:32I had a dream that
10:34you said you never wanted
10:36to see me again.
10:40I'm sorry.
10:52But I'm scared.
10:54I don't want to be alone.
10:58Do you want me to cuddle with you?
11:20Oh, my God.
11:22Who's the girl from last night?
11:24It's her locker. She's never, ever
11:26brought a woman home before.
11:28Where the woman spend the night?
11:30I have no idea, but
11:32I think things are going to start
11:34to change around here.
11:40He's so hot.
11:44when are you going to stop looking at me?
11:46They're my eyes.
11:48I'll look wherever I want.
11:54who was the first
11:56woman in your house?
11:58Well, let me think.
12:02There's the maids,
12:04the chef, my mother.
12:06They're all women.
12:08Fine, let me rephrase.
12:10Am I the first woman you've seen naked
12:12in your house?
12:16Let me dress you.
12:20This might stick a little.
12:26No one's ever taken care of me
12:28like this before.
12:30I've always been on my own.
12:34Well, I...
12:42how would you like to be
12:44the new head of acquisitions?
12:46I can't wait!
12:50You're the best, Henry!
12:52Um, but now I am
12:54your boss again,
12:58Hmm. So, an affair
13:00with my boss. Taboo
13:02and cliche.
13:04I love it.
13:07Hold on a second. I'm on the phone.
13:09Wait a minute.
13:13I need to take this.
13:20Henry, I just came by to say hi
13:22to your mother, and she tells me
13:24you haven't called her in a while.
13:26Yeah. Sorry, I've been a little
13:30How's she doing?
13:32Nicole is taking
13:34the best care of me.
13:36She's such an angel.
13:38I can't wait to see you guys
13:40get married.
13:42Yeah, me too.
13:48Henry, are you with
13:52I'm kind of in the middle
13:54of something right now.
13:58Hey, can I call you later?
14:00Alright. I'm going shopping
14:02with my mother. Call me later.
14:10Was that fun for you?
14:12Who are you calling? Who's Nicole?
14:14Shut up.
14:26You better be fucking kidding me.
14:28What now?
14:30I don't know.
14:38So, how's everything with the new company?
14:40Everything's fine.
14:42Why didn't you bring Nicole back with you?
14:44She's busy working on her research paper.
14:46I think she spends more time with Mom
14:48these days anyways.
14:52And when do you plan on getting married?
14:54Getting married?
14:56So Henry was on the phone with his fiancé?
14:58Father, I've told you several times before.