You Belong With Me (1) - Nova Media

  • 4 months ago


00:00 I'm through with you.
00:02 Listen up, your family's business.
00:04 I'm through with my dad.
00:08 Taboo pants, D.J.
00:10 I'm sorry to take care of you.
00:12 You know, I think I'd have an affair with you.
00:15 Just who do you think you are?
00:17 The man that Christine has been sleeping with is my uncle.
00:20 You see, you ugly idiot.
00:23 The last fucking time you walked through those doors.
00:25 Are you trying to get Eric's attention, is that it?
00:27 Are you jealous?
00:29 I ain't jealous.
00:31 Where are you going?
00:32 You can't tell me what to do.
00:34 Set me up.
00:35 I'm just kidding, Pete.
00:37 She probably just used you for revenge.
00:40 I don't want to be alone.
00:42 Christine, I don't care about the Lockwood name anymore.
00:46 I only want to marry someone from a...
00:48 You belong to me.
00:50 Christine!
00:52 Stay with me.
00:54 [phone ringing]
00:56 Morning, Henry.
01:21 Should I call you Uncle Henry?
01:24 You set me up.
01:28 Can you blame me?
01:30 I mean, your nephew Eric cheated on me.
01:32 Thought I'd return the favor by sleeping with his uncle.
01:36 You're not treating me like everyone else is, are you?
01:40 Why would I be your green bed?
01:42 Eric can't set his foot here.
01:45 Eric is too busy fucking my adopted sister, Gina.
01:51 [phone ringing]
01:53 I'm just kidding, Pete.
01:56 You can have it your way.
02:11 [phone ringing]
02:13 What the fuck?
02:30 Why haven't you answered any of my calls?
02:32 Uh, my phone died.
02:33 Did you need something?
02:34 Yeah, Uncle Henry just got back from Europe,
02:37 so we need to meet him at the office.
02:38 Be ready in ten minutes. I'll pick you up.
02:41 [phone ringing]
02:42 Here already.
02:43 That was not ten minutes. Um...
02:46 Oh! Eric is here. I need you to hide.
02:49 What? What?
02:50 Yeah.
02:51 Shit.
02:54 [phone ringing]
02:56 Oh.
03:03 It's you. I thought... never mind.
03:06 Morning, Miss Wilson.
03:07 My boss called for me to bring him a new suit.
03:10 Right. I'll take that.
03:12 I've never slept at night with a woman before.
03:34 So... do you do this often?
03:37 Do you do this often?
03:39 Would you believe me if I told you that you were my first?
03:43 Wait.
03:46 Wait.
03:51 Your nephew's waiting for me downstairs.
03:53 Please come out after we leave.
03:55 You wanna try and hide me like some dirty laundry?
04:02 Yeah. Thank you.
04:04 Hurry up and get in the car!
04:12 You know Uncle Henry hates tardiness.
04:14 Christine, I'm not feeling that well.
04:18 You don't mind if I sit in the front, do you?
04:21 Ugh! What are you wearing?
04:27 Why are you dressed like my grandma?
04:31 Eric, I suddenly realized I need to fix something on the documents for the meeting.
04:35 What the hell? The meeting's in like... 30 minutes.
04:39 I won't be late, boss man.
04:41 You two go ahead. I'll see you in a few minutes.
04:44 [door creaks]
04:45 Fuck you both.
05:02 I actually hate you. I hate you so much.
05:06 Fuck you, John. Can't I sit in the front?
05:08 [laughs] Oh, God.
05:13 [clears throat]
05:14 So my nephew ditched you, huh?
05:16 Mr. Lockwood, please don't rub salt in my wound.
05:20 You were much sweeter last night in bed.
05:23 Miss Wilson, please. I'm your boss's boss. Be professional.
05:29 Because you were so professional last night in bed.
05:34 If you behave, I'll give you a ride to work.
05:42 [music]
05:43 Thank you, Mr. Lockwood.
05:59 I'll see you later.
06:02 Was it my older brother that you knew, Christine, the Eric's assistant?
06:08 Yes, boss. Do you mean me or him?
06:11 No. No need.
06:12 Where the hell is Eric?
06:18 You know he's meeting with Henry today. Do you know how important that is?
06:22 Your son is probably somewhere fooling around with Gianna.
06:24 How am I supposed to know where he is?
06:26 Shut your mouth.
06:27 My husband sent you here to help my son deal with business, not to become a jealous bitch.
06:32 I'm not his nanny.
06:33 If he's a real man, he should be able to deal with his problems on his own.
06:38 If you have that attitude again, I'll ruin your family.
06:42 And you know what I'm capable of.
06:45 I want Eric and my brother's KPI documents for the last three years.
06:48 All of them.
06:49 Yes, boss. Right away.
06:50 Can I change my mind?
06:52 Keep an eye on him.
06:53 Yes, boss.
06:55 I got one of my daughters.
06:57 Where the fuck did you spend three million dollars?
07:01 Explain.
07:03 No!
07:05 Explain.
07:07 Explain.
07:08 No!
07:10 Well, um, it was for a house for Christine.
07:16 This fucking liar.
07:18 It was my wedding gift to her.
07:20 What? I never got anything from you.
07:22 It was supposed to be a surprise, sweetheart.
07:27 Listen to me, you bumbling idiot.
07:31 If you spend my company's money on your own personal life again,
07:33 I don't care what fucking time you walk through those doors. Got it?
07:37 Thank you, uncle.
07:38 I mean, yes, boss.
07:41 What the hell was that?
07:47 If you pull another stunt like that with me again, I'll break off our engagement.
07:51 That would be the best thing in my life.
07:54 Really now?
07:57 Hey, your family's business needs to be done. Don't forget that.
08:03 Don't forget that.
08:04 Who's the guy?
08:09 I knew it. I knew it. You've been cheating on me.
08:18 While you're fucking Gianna, I'll be sleeping with my man.
08:21 Break off the engagement. It'll be good for both of us.
08:24 Who's the guy?
08:26 Like hell I'll tell you.
08:28 Stop being so loud in the company unless you want everyone to know.
08:32 And don't forget to put the wedding gift under my name and move out.
08:35 Don't even think about it. Gianna's living here currently.
08:39 Then I'll tell uncle Henry you lied to him.
08:42 You bitch.
08:45 Give me the house. Move out.
08:48 Unless you want uncle Henry finding out.
09:00 You fucked Henry Lockwood?
09:02 How's Henry in bed?
09:04 Okay, so he's wild.
09:10 I mean, all you can expect is that he's the most powerful man in the Lockwood family.
09:15 I know. I made a reckless move getting involved with Henry Lockwood of all people.
09:20 My God, it's not your fault.
09:22 Eric and Gianna asked for it.
09:24 Hey sis. Hey Christine. What are you two talking about?
09:28 Martin? What are you doing here?
09:30 I thought you had to do something with mom and dad.
09:32 Oh, I'm here with Henry to grab a drink and talk some business.
09:35 Oh hey, uncle Henry.
09:54 Oh hey, uncle Henry.
09:56 Who is that?
09:58 Uncle Henry.
10:04 Who is that?
10:06 Please, please, please.
10:07 Eric, can't you see I'm busy here?
10:09 Right. So sorry.
10:11 And why are you still standing here?
10:17 Sorry uncle. I, um...
10:19 Be around if you need me.
10:21 Good.
10:23 [phone ringing]
10:25 Thank you. I was not ready for that.
10:36 If Eric finds out about our little affair, he's going to give me hell.
10:40 Affair? Interesting choice of words, Lisa.
10:43 Just as I thought. Cold on the outside, big softy on the inside.
10:47 Well, if there's nothing else, good night Mr. Lockwood.
10:52 Wait a second. I'm not done here.
10:55 Where do you think you're going?
10:57 I thought you were here discussing business. I don't want to intrude.
11:00 I thought you were here to have an affair.
11:02 Come on. I'll buy you a drink.
11:04 So what's the issue that you're having?
11:12 The Roberts family is too hard to deal with.
11:14 I phoned Europe six fucking times to meet them to discuss the bias in South Africa.
11:18 But they won't budge.
11:20 The Roberts lost their daughter 20 years ago.
11:22 If you really want their minds, you should help them find their daughter.
11:25 I heard they're going to be quite generous with anyone who finds their little girl.
11:28 That's wishful thinking though, isn't it?
11:30 If she was going to be found, she would have been found a long time ago.
11:33 Especially with the power and influence of the Roberts family.
11:36 I'd say your best bet is still bargaining with George Roberts.
11:41 Find your CEO.
11:43 Wow. I didn't know you were so clear-headed in business.
11:45 Good eye Henry.
11:47 Sorry guys, I have to take this.
11:50 Hey, Mr. Larson, is everything okay?
11:52 Hey Christine, yes, everything is great.
11:55 Just wanted to let you know that your donation of the orphanage will be received.
11:59 We can come pay us a visit.
12:00 I should be visiting soon. I'm kind of busy.
12:03 Okay, okay, I understand.
12:05 Well, we hope to see you soon.
12:07 I miss you.
12:09 I miss you guys too.
12:10 See ya.
12:11 Martin and I are going to go home.
12:14 Mom just called.
12:16 See you later, Beth.
12:18 See you later, Beth.
12:19 Ciao guys.
12:20 I'll prepare for the drinks. You two enjoy.
12:21 Thanks brother.
12:22 Good to see you.
12:23 So, it's just the two of us now.
12:28 It's just the two of us now.
12:30 What do you think you're doing, Miss Wilson?
12:33 Martin bought us this room.
12:36 Bought us the drinks.
12:38 We shouldn't waste it.
12:40 You know, I think I'd have an affair with you.
12:43 Just so you think you are.
12:45 Fine.
12:48 You don't have to be there with me.
12:49 God says one thing to some other,
13:10 the way your body says another.
13:12 The way your body says another.
13:13 Well, if it isn't Christine Wilson.
13:26 Where's Eric?
13:28 What do you want, Jessie?
13:29 I just wanted to share some good news with you.
13:31 You're off the Crazy Maple Studio acquisition case.
13:34 How come?
13:36 I followed that case from day one.
13:37 None of you even cared about Crazy Maple Studio
13:40 until their recent blow up with Real Short.
13:42 Well, not anymore.
13:43 Your case is mine now.
13:45 That's ridiculous.
13:47 Nobody else is as qualified as me.
13:49 Don't talk to me about qualifications.
13:52 Everyone in this company knows
13:54 you only got a leg up for being engaged to Eric.
13:56 Come on.
13:58 Hand me the files to the case right now.
13:59 If you think you're so qualified,
14:01 then do it yourself.
14:04 See what I can do?
14:05 Now, if you beg me,
14:07 I'll give you your case back.
14:09 Move, Eric. I'm serious.
14:11 Wait.
14:13 Skip.
14:14 You see that guy again last night?
14:16 What are you fucking sleeping with?
14:19 Tell me.
14:21 Don't act like you care.
14:22 I'm not sleeping with him.
14:24 I'm not sleeping with him.
14:26 I'm not sleeping with him.
14:28 I'm not sleeping with him.
14:30 I'm not sleeping with him.
14:32 Don't act like you care when you're fucking Gianna.
14:34 I told you, break off the engagement.
14:36 I'm through with you.
14:38 Listen up, bitch.
14:39 I don't want to make this ugly.
14:40 Your family needs me,
14:42 and you fucking work for me.
14:43 Don't forget that.
14:45 So fuck you!
14:46 I'm quitting.
14:47 Oh, Christine, come over here.
14:48 This is an over--
14:49 Is this really how you want to behave?
14:51 Fuck you.
14:53 Fuck.
14:54 Cut.
14:55 [footsteps]