• last year
¿También te ha pasado? #RompeLosMitos y sigue nuestro secreto para que la caída del pelo no te haga pasar momentos incómodos. Prueba la línea completa #FuerzaAnticaída de @Sedal y notarás la diferencia desde la cuarta semana.
00:00 I drop my hair and I have to sweep and clean my house or anywhere every day.
00:06 I drop my hair and the sink's grid is covered by all the hair that falls.
00:13 I drop my hair and I don't let anyone touch it because I always see hair between my hands and I feel bad.
00:19 I drop my hair and I prefer to tie it up so I don't leave hair everywhere.
00:28 I drop my hair and in my search I found this anti-falling gel.
00:31 Now that I use it, my hair feels stronger, healthier and with less fall.
00:36 Break the myths like us and feel the difference.
00:40 you