Battalion Wars 2 All Cutscenes (Wii) HD 1080p

  • 4 months ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 Centuries ago, a dark shadow was cast over the globe.
00:26 The Iron Legion had all but crushed the free nations of the world.
00:31 In readiness for the final onslaught, Lord Ferenc gathered his armies at the Iron Tower.
00:41 None can resist! Total conquest is at hand!
00:50 But at the last moment, one nation dared to challenge them. The Solar Empire.
00:57 Trespassers! Legion, attack!
01:04 There was little hope of victory, but Empress Ka-Len had hatched a desperate plan.
01:18 Hurry, brave warriors! There's so little time.
01:23 Infiltrating the Iron Tower, Ka-Len's foot soldiers deployed the staff to draw down the Power of the Sun.
01:41 [MUSIC]
01:52 [MUSIC]
02:02 Infiltrators! The enemies had to signal from atop the Iron Tower!
02:20 No! The Legion shall not be undone!
02:27 [MUSIC]
02:36 [MUSIC]
02:44 Thus was the Iron Legion ended. But in the ashes of its defeat, the seeds of vengeance would be sown.
03:02 [MUSIC]
03:06 And although the staff was hidden far away from prying eyes and meddling hands,
03:12 centuries later, a plan would be cast in motion that would once again set the nations of the world at war.
03:21 [MUSIC]
03:32 [MUSIC]
03:38 Glad we got posted to the Solar Empire, General?
03:43 Garrison duty has its perks, I suppose.
03:47 What the...
03:56 [MUSIC]
04:04 You'd better be right about this superweapon, Colonel Windsor.
04:09 Whatever do you mean, Commander Pierce?
04:14 Anglo military intelligence is second to none!
04:24 [MUSIC]
04:27 Forgive the intrusion, Empress Slago. The outer islands are under attack!
04:32 Very well, Admiral Akira. Master our defenses.
04:38 History has come full circle. It is just as I have foreseen.
04:49 [MUSIC]
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04:58 [MUSIC]
05:10 [MUSIC]
05:14 Tundra is a nation of conquest, my son.
05:37 Why do you dishonor my memory with idle talk of peace?
05:42 What is it?
05:48 Greetings, Marshal Nova. It is I, Admiral Akira of the Solar Empire.
05:54 We seek an ally in a war of retribution against the Anglo-Isles. What say you?
06:02 The Supreme Commander of the Tundran territories knows no fear. Summon my generals!
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06:38 [MUSIC]
06:41 Been a while since the big board saw any action, huh?
06:52 Why did you bring me here, Herman?
06:55 I'll tell you why, Betty. There's something about this conflict that reminds me of our early hostilities with the Tundran territories.
07:04 Back when Zar Gorg is, Nova's daddy was still in charge.
07:09 [MUSIC]
07:16 I still don't get it, Herman. What does this have to do with the present conflict?
07:30 Glad you asked, Betty. I got this theory, see?
07:34 Somehow, somebody's stirring up a whole heap of trouble, and I don't know why, but I sure as heck reckon I know who.
07:43 [MUSIC]
07:58 What the heck was that?
08:00 I believe the Shader Empire has launched a counter-offensive.
08:04 Pass the sword, would you, Commander?
08:13 [MUSIC]
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08:20 [MUSIC]
08:33 Insolent dogs! Victory was mine by right!
08:42 [MUSIC]
08:45 You will not have to suffer the shame of defeat for lo, Admiral Akira.
08:55 Kaiser Blood? How?
08:58 Something wrong, Admiral?
09:02 Poison!
09:06 Treachery!
09:11 Quite correct, on both counts.
09:16 I trust that all goes according to plan?
09:21 Just as you have commanded. Our armies are laying siege to the Tundran territories.
09:26 Thanks to your diversionary tactics, we are meeting with very little resistance.
09:29 Excellent. Unlimited power is within our grasp.
09:39 [MUSIC]
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09:55 [MUSIC]
10:01 [MUSIC]
10:18 [MUSIC]
10:21 What is happening? Ubel cannot see!
10:27 [COUGHING]
10:31 I have come for you, Commandant Ubel.
10:40 A Kaiser? Can it be?
10:45 Axelvania's most loyal son has languished in this Tundran gulag for far too long.
10:54 Now come, Ubel. The Kaiser has much to tell you.
11:13 Long ago, my ancestor Lord Farrokh was cheated of victory by the Solar Empire.
11:20 But in the method of the Iron Legion's defeat, I have discovered the key to vengeance upon the enemies of Axelvania.
11:33 [MUSIC]
11:59 Thus were we cheated of our rightful victory.
12:03 Then, in shame, our ancient enemy hit the Staff of Kalin where they believed it would never be discovered.
12:21 [MUSIC]
12:24 Across the decades, Ubel, I have searched for its hiding place.
12:40 Finally, I have found that hiding place here in Northern Tundra. And it is in this icy wasteland that I shall take back the victory that was denied our ancestors and restore Axelvania to its rightful place in history.
12:58 [MUSIC]
13:02 [MUSIC]
13:05 Never has such devastation been wreaked upon Tundran soil.
13:21 Kaiser Vlad shall be brought to account for this.
13:25 And so, the Alliance of Nations is reformed.
13:32 [MUSIC]
13:35 I've got a bad feeling about this.
13:51 [MUSIC]
13:55 [MUSIC]
13:58 Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
14:05 Aye, Betty.
14:07 Hop aboard.
14:11 [MUSIC]
14:15 [MUSIC]
14:18 Looks like we're in for some turbulence. Hang on!
14:29 [MUSIC]
14:34 [MUSIC]
14:37 Again, I am denied my right of vengeance. Where are they?
14:57 [MUSIC]
15:02 [MUSIC]
15:05 Keep digging, Commandant.
15:15 At once, Herr Kaiser.
15:23 Our victory may have been postponed, but the torch of destiny still burns brightly for Axelvania.
15:33 Well, you have another match.
15:41 [MUSIC]
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21:10 (upbeat music)
21:12 (upbeat music)
