Battalion Wars Walkthrough Part 3 (Gamecube) HD 1080p

  • 4 months ago
00:00 [SFX]
00:04 Mission accomplished, Kaiser Vlad. We have swift destruction upon both our enemies.
00:09 Excellent news, Countess Ingrid. Proceed to the narrow side fields of the Dune Sea as planned.
00:17 As you wish, Herr Kaiser.
00:20 For too long, Exylvania has been the playground of frontier warmongers and tundra despots.
00:27 At last, we will resume our rightful place in history as masters of these inferior nations.
00:34 Und when you are Emperor, Herr Kaiser.
00:36 Yes, we will. I will make you Governator.
00:40 Now go, rally the troops. We strike again before dawn.
00:47 Welcome to the Dune Sea, Commander.
00:57 This is the world's number one repository of neurosite, the fuel that fires the enemy's infernal war machine.
01:06 The Exylvanians have been attacking up and down the coast in an attempt to gain a foothold for the big push inland.
01:14 We've repelled them so far, but it's only a matter of time before they succeed in capturing one of our bases.
01:22 Intel suggests that Fort Omaha here is on the hit list, so I expect you to defend it at all costs.
01:29 Heads up, Commander. Fort Omaha is already under attack.
01:43 That's a heavy recon you're driving there, Commander. With increased armor and firepower, it's a step up from the light recon.
01:53 Enemy ships on the attack!
01:55 Taking enemy fire!
02:06 Greetings, frontier dogs. Commander Ubel is here.
02:21 I heard them Exers were ugly, but this fella takes the cake.
02:26 You want ugly, scrawny little man? Ubel's stormtroopers will show you ugly!
02:33 There goes nothing!
02:35 I'm covering you, buddy!
02:42 Get down! I can't see through!
02:44 I'm on the way, Commander! I'm right there!
02:49 Uh-oh!
02:51 Enemy detected!
02:54 Don't get mad, kitty!
02:56 There goes nothing!
02:58 You're gonna make me cry!
03:00 You're gonna make me cry too!
03:05 Fire!
03:12 There goes nothing!
03:17 Uh-oh!
03:20 Uh-oh!
03:27 Fort Omaha!
03:29 Yes, sir!
03:31 I'm covering you!
03:34 That guy down!
03:36 Get him, Commander!
03:39 Uh-oh! Seems that was just the advance party.
03:45 We got multiple enemy signals inbound!
03:48 The enemy's primary objective is gonna be the fort. Whatever you do, don't let 'em take the flight!
03:55 You have two artillery units, Commander. I advise you to position them strategically.
04:00 What the heck do you want, Austin? This is my command!
04:04 Of course, General. Just remember, there are fortifications around the base.
04:09 Select one of your men by tilting up and down on the C-Stick, then send him into a bunker by pressing the Y button.
04:15 Try using this technique to send each of your artillery units to a tactical firing position.
04:21 You may be nothing more than a big old stuffed shirt, but Austin's right. We're gonna have to dig in for this one.
04:28 You know what Ubel has ordered. Seize the enemy fort and crush them all!
04:38 The enemy is closing in, Commander. The invasion force will be here any minute.
04:50 This is it, Commander! Don't shoot 'til you see the whites of their eyes!
04:56 Uh-oh!
04:58 That guy's getting away!
05:07 Uh-oh!
05:23 Get down, boy!
05:25 Oh, boy! I'm trapped here!
05:37 I'm stuck on a rock!
05:39 Take this!
05:44 I'm stuck!
05:46 Take this!
05:48 Take this!
05:58 Pull out your red dot!
06:02 Watch out!
06:04 I'm stuck!
06:06 I'm stuck!
06:09 The X-Aliens are catching our flag! We gotta stop 'em, Commander!
06:23 We got trouble!
06:33 We're being run from!
06:35 So much for the Ex-Alien war machine! We're flat out kicking their butts, Commander!
07:00 Ubel's invasion is failing! Kaiser Vlad will surely demote him back to the rank of Grandfordis.
07:07 There, there, my boy. Auntie Ingrid will make it all better.
07:12 Countess Ingrid, your beauty lights up this battlefield. But why are you here?
07:18 The Kaiser anticipated that Ubel's grand attack might flounder on the beaches, so he dispatched my bombers to help finish the job.
07:28 He ain't kidding, Commander. We're getting reports of an attack wing of Ex-Alien bombers headed our way!
07:34 Hang in there, Commander! Frontier Command have authorized reinforcements! They're en route now!
07:41 Special delivery, Commander! Who ordered the anti-air support?
07:52 [Fighting sounds]
08:03 Second wave, attack!
08:18 Are you ready, little man? Ubel has a big surprise for you!
08:23 Stay sharp, Commander! The enemy's stationed an airborne assault!
08:28 [Fighting sounds]
08:48 A second victorious air strike will seal my reputation as Countess of the Skies!
08:54 [Fighting sounds]
09:18 Commander Ubel, the Frontier has possession of an anti-air vehicle!
09:23 Never fear, Countess! I shall dispatch rockets for Ajax to assist you in your hour of need!
09:31 [Fighting sounds]
09:58 [Fighting sounds]
10:05 Outstanding, Commander! An outright victory is a tremendous way to begin a new campaign in style!
10:12 You may keep your insignificant pace, but Ubel will not stop until he has claimed the June Sea in the name of the Kaiser!
10:22 Those Exylvanians sure are full of hot air! You think it's something to do with this desert climate?
10:29 [Fighting sounds]
10:42 [Music]
11:05 The June Sea campaign is moving fast, Commander! Even as we speak, the Exylvanians are laying siege to the tundra-held city of Dusty Springs!
11:14 Brigadier Bertie, can our Frontier allies assist us in resisting the invaders until we are ready to evacuate?
11:30 We must hold the Exylvanian siege brigade at bay until our distress signal is received by Tundra's high command!
11:37 We'll be glad to assist, Marshal! There is a Frontier battalion in the area. I'm sending it to you right now!
11:56 Commander, your mission is to protect the comm station until Marshal Nova's evac wing arrives. Make for the Silvestar!
12:03 [Horn]
12:11 [Fighting sounds]
12:25 [Fighting sounds]
12:40 [Horn]
12:42 [Fighting sounds]
12:48 [Fighting sounds]
13:05 Dispatch gunships to run these inferior specimens into the ground! The veins of an entire continent are waiting to be tapped!
13:17 Kaiser Vlad, we meet at last! But you chose the wrong day to pick a fight with our allies!
13:23 [Fighting sounds]
13:43 We will soon power Toghold on the enemy! Bring in heavy tanks and rocket troops to seize the northern bridges!
13:50 Commander, you gotta stop the Exylvanian siege brigade from entering the city! Head for that Silvestar!
13:58 Can't wait!
14:09 [Fighting sounds]
14:35 Deploy gunships to support my rocket troops immediately! Those stockpiles of neurosite are within my grasp!
14:42 [Whistle]
14:48 [Fighting sounds]
15:04 [Explosion]
15:05 Again, the inferior enemy frustrates my efforts! I need infantry to secure that comms station! And where are my gunships?
15:17 Exylvanian infantry are swarming towards the southern bridge! And they have air cover, Commander! Get to that Silvestar!
15:28 [Fighting sounds]
15:57 [Music]
16:11 [Whistle]
16:13 [Whistle]
16:15 [Explosion]
16:18 [Fighting sounds]
16:31 Close the iron fist of Exylvania around them! Transport copters! Surround the comms station with infantry!
16:47 It's gonna take another five minutes before Tundran High Command receive Nova's distress signal! Retreat to the comms station!
16:55 Excellent! You kept the Tundran infantry at both locations in one piece! Both secondary objectives complete!
17:04 [Whistle]
17:08 [Whistle]
17:15 [Music]
17:18 [Whistle]
17:20 [Fighting sounds]
17:40 [Explosion]
17:43 [Fighting sounds]
18:01 Brigadier, an Exylvanian transport copter is about to land just north of the comms station!
18:08 [Fighting sounds]
18:37 [Explosion]
18:38 [Music]
18:48 [Fighting sounds]
19:06 [Explosion]
19:07 Another of the Kaiser's T-Contexts! The trajectory will carry it south of the comms station!
19:16 [Fighting sounds]
19:37 [Whistle]
19:40 [Music]
19:53 They're shooting at us, Commander!
19:55 [Explosion]
19:57 Shh! You hear that?
19:59 [Explosion]
20:01 Bring it on! We're always ready to help!
20:06 [Fighting sounds]
20:24 Brigadier, an Exylvanian transport copter is about to land just north of the comms station!
20:31 Expendable! You are all expendable! Attack! Pour into the city and strike them down! Every last one of them!
20:40 The Kaiser is sending in every unit he can muster!
20:46 [Music]
21:16 Courage, Brigadier! Less than thirty seconds remain until the distress signal is broadcast!
21:24 [Music]
21:49 The Kaiser High Command has received our distress signal. The evac wing is inbound!
21:54 [Music]
21:59 Commander, I want you to regroup at the lighthouse and hold out until Nova's extraction choppers arrive! Head for the gold star!
22:08 [Music]
22:22 [Explosion]
22:24 [Music]
22:31 [Explosion]
22:33 [Explosion]
22:35 [Explosion]
22:37 [Explosion]
22:38 [Explosion]
22:40 [Explosion]
22:42 [Explosion]
22:44 [Explosion]
22:46 [Explosion]
22:48 [Explosion]
22:50 [Explosion]
22:52 [Explosion]
22:54 [Explosion]
22:56 [Explosion]
22:58 [Explosion]
23:00 [Explosion]
23:03 Thirty seconds to go, Brigadier! My evac wing is almost here!
23:07 [Music]
23:32 At last, my evac wing has arrived! Thank you, Brigadier. Without you, all of my brave comrades would have been lost.
23:39 [Music]
23:44 I think I told you before, Marshal Nova. You can call me Betty.
23:49 [Music]
23:51 You're safe for now, but soon you will learn that there's no escape from my righteous vengeance, my fleeing tundred foes!
24:00 [Music]
24:03 [Music]
