Football: Port Fairy debutant Xavier Kenna, round seven 2024

  • 5 months ago
Watch: Port Fairy debutant Xavier Kenna after Hampden win against Hamilton
00:00 Thanks for joining us Xavier, your first game today, you've seen your football for Port Ferry, how did it feel?
00:05 Yeah, no it was real good, the boys played really well, it's a good day to play footy in that, so yeah you can't complain, can't complain about it at all.
00:14 And you played in the back flank, can you tell us a little bit about your role?
00:17 Yeah, started on the half back flank, just sort of roaming around there, and then later on in the game I went down a bit deeper, just a little bit of a switcher over role, but yeah no it was good, good change and yeah enjoyed it.
00:33 And obviously you had a good win today, it was an entertaining contest but you broke a hope, probably in the third quarter, what did you make of the team's performance?
00:40 Yeah, no it was really good, boys like Matt Sully in that, yeah they played well, Jason Rowan, Oscar Pollock, yeah no they played really well and yeah just did well.
00:55 And what are your goals now Xavier for the rest of the season?
00:58 Obviously yeah, try and stick around, maybe in the ones if I can, that'd be nice, but yeah I'm happy doing whatever, doing whatever, as long as I'm happy doing what the club wants, yeah that's good.
01:17 And you played your whole career at Port Ferry, what does the club mean to you?
01:21 Yeah it means everything really, growing up here as a kid, starting in 14s and coming up now to playing with the seniors, yeah it's pretty special and yeah, it means a lot.
01:40 Congratulations on the win.
01:42 Yeah, thank you.
01:43 Thank you.
01:44 [Applause]
