The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 271-280

  • 4 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️
#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story
00:00:00 "Listen, even if I were to kill all these men today, it would be their honor to die
00:00:08 by my hand.
00:00:09 And now you're telling me to cut off one of my arms.
00:00:14 I think you're just tempting fate," Jacob sneered.
00:00:18 He had already given Kevin a chance, but Kevin kept provoking him repeatedly.
00:00:23 Did he think that Jacob was a fool?
00:00:27 "Jacob, don't be rude to Master Bennett."
00:00:32 The respect they owed to their master, Braun, should have also been extended to Kevin, as
00:00:37 he was Braun's good friend.
00:00:40 Kevin was their uncle.
00:00:42 It was one thing for Jacob to beat up Greg, but now he even dared to humiliate Kevin.
00:00:49 "Master Kevin, eh?"
00:00:52 Jacob sneered.
00:00:53 "Dex, you're getting worse and worse.
00:00:58 Being friends with a few country bumpkins is one thing, but becoming a lackey for an
00:01:02 ordinary person and calling him Master?"
00:01:06 Jacob shook his head.
00:01:08 "You've completely lost the honor you once had."
00:01:13 In Jacob's eyes, Kevin was just an ordinary person without any power.
00:01:19 The only thing that was out of the ordinary about Kevin was probably the fact that he
00:01:23 was a member of some large family in Sacramento.
00:01:28 He was probably a wealthy second-generation clan member.
00:01:32 Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, such an identity was an unreachable existence.
00:01:38 But in the eyes of a martial artist like him, it was nothing at all to be popular in the
00:01:43 world of ordinary people.
00:01:47 In this world, the only families that Jacob paid any attention to were the ones with top
00:01:52 warriors.
00:01:54 The Oso family of Santa Rosa Island, a couple of families from Santa Barbara, or the Evans
00:02:00 family.
00:02:02 These families all had martial arts masters, and some even had a martial arts grandmaster
00:02:08 to watch over them.
00:02:11 Only such a family was worthy of Jacob's attention.
00:02:15 Such a family had unparalleled influence, not just in Sacramento, but throughout the
00:02:20 world.
00:02:22 With a few casual words, they could determine a country's economic direction and policy
00:02:27 situation.
00:02:28 For example, a family as influential as the Evans family could cause the leaders of some
00:02:35 small countries overseas to step down with just a few words.
00:02:41 Only the heir of a clan like those would be worthy of the title "Master."
00:02:47 Was the unassuming young man in front of him worthy of his attention?
00:02:51 Or was he a mere frog in the well who dared to talk?
00:02:56 Ridiculous!
00:02:57 "Jacob, you're out of line!"
00:03:01 Dex was furious and directly attacked.
00:03:05 Jacob sneered and met him with his iron fist without any fear.
00:03:10 Bang!
00:03:11 The two collided and their auras intertwined.
00:03:16 Dex took three steps back uncontrollably, and his face flushed.
00:03:21 Jacob on the other hand looked relaxed.
00:03:23 "Ah, Dex, is that all you've got?"
00:03:27 Jacob smiled evilly and said sarcastically, "No wonder you are treated like a dog by this
00:03:33 level of trash."
00:03:34 "Bastard!"
00:03:37 Dex gnashed his teeth.
00:03:40 He was at the early stage of soul magic, while Jacob was more advanced in the practice.
00:03:46 He hadn't been practicing much longer than Jacob, but the difference in skill was noticeable.
00:03:53 At that moment, Atticus, Bella, and Gavin also stood up with faces full of anger.
00:03:59 "Big brother, let's go up against him together."
00:04:02 "Good.
00:04:03 You four pieces of trash can all come at me simultaneously.
00:04:09 I want to see how many moves you four can get in before this fight is over."
00:04:16 Jacob still had a face full of arrogance.
00:04:18 However, when a practitioner reached the soul magic realm, the difference in strength brought
00:04:25 about by just a slight difference in experience was simply earth shattering.
00:04:30 As Jacob faced the four siblings, he felt that even if there were eight of them instead
00:04:35 of four, he would not be worried about getting hurt.
00:04:39 He had the confidence to win.
00:04:42 In next to no time, the battle between the five former friends was over.
00:04:48 The five of them were experienced veterans, but sometimes the gap between their powers
00:04:54 couldn't be bridged with willpower alone.
00:04:58 Jacob completely suppressed them with his strength, forcing the four siblings to retreat
00:05:02 step by step.
00:05:04 Kevin frowned.
00:05:06 It wasn't that he couldn't directly take action, but he had already seen that Dex was struck
00:05:12 at the middle level of soul magic and was unable to advance even an inch into the next
00:05:17 level.
00:05:19 Dex needed an opportunity and some inspiration to break through.
00:05:24 Right now, this is an excellent opportunity.
00:05:29 Although Jacob's level was higher than Dex's, it wasn't enough to crush him immediately.
00:05:35 He could bring about the pressure on Dex, but it wasn't a guaranteed win for Jacob.
00:05:41 Heavy pressure and life or death were the best inspiration for a martial artist to break
00:05:46 through.
00:05:47 Jacob's kicks landed on Atticus's chest, sending him flying seven to eight meters away.
00:05:54 He landed heavily on the ground like a kite with its string cut.
00:05:59 Puff!
00:06:00 Atticus vomited blood and instantly lost his ability to fight.
00:06:05 With Atticus's fall, a gap was torn open in the four siblings' battle line by Jacob.
00:06:11 One punch, one kick.
00:06:14 Bella and Gavin flew away at the same time.
00:06:18 Only Dex, whose eyes were bloodshot, was left.
00:06:24 Kevin sighed and prepared to make his move.
00:06:26 However, at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded from behind him.
00:06:32 "Stop!"
00:06:34 Jacob's body froze.
00:06:36 The punch thrown out stopped three inches away from Dex's nose.
00:06:41 An older man with an indifferent expression and wearing a white training uniform walked
00:06:46 over with his hands behind his back.
00:06:51 Along with him was a middle-aged man wearing a tight black suit.
00:06:55 The middle-aged man's figure was broad and his back was as straight as a sword.
00:07:01 As he walked, he appeared to be an imposing figure who was not angry but had a stern countenance.
00:07:09 As the two approached together, everyone immediately opened up a path.
00:07:15 Walking up to Kevin, the two of them didn't even look at him.
00:07:19 Instead, they shifted their gaze to Dex.
00:07:22 "Who are you?"
00:07:26 The older man in white exercise clothes had a sharp gaze, and his eyes were full of scrutiny
00:07:31 when he looked at Dex.
00:07:33 "Sir, my name is Dex."
00:07:37 Dex lightly bowed, his forehead covered once again in a cold sweat.
00:07:42 "Dex?"
00:07:43 The old man frowned.
00:07:45 "Are you already registered in the Martial Alliance?"
00:07:49 "To be honest with you, sir, I have just returned to the area and have yet to register
00:07:56 my name with the Martial Alliance," Dex spoke respectfully.
00:08:02 All Martial Artists had to register and record their identities at the Martial Alliance.
00:08:08 Although this rule seemed oppressive, no one could do anything about it, so they continued
00:08:13 to register year after year.
00:08:15 "I'll give you three days to go to the Martial Alliance and register yourself.
00:08:22 Then, if there's no information about you within the Martial Alliance records in three
00:08:27 days, get out of this country."
00:08:31 The older man spoke calmly, but his tone was fierce.
00:08:35 "Yes, sir."
00:08:38 Dex nodded respectfully.
00:08:40 Although he was scolded, he didn't dare to show any annoyance because he could not
00:08:45 afford to offend the Martial Alliance.
00:08:48 Those who dared to provoke the Martial Alliance in the past were all dead.
00:08:55 Even a Martial Arts master was no exception.
00:08:58 China had three alliances, the Martial Alliance, the War Alliance, and the Dragon Alliance.
00:09:06 In the Martial Alliance sect, their duty was to supervise all the warriors in the country
00:09:12 and maintain public order so that the warriors wouldn't disturb the lives of everyday people.
00:09:18 As far as the War Alliance was concerned, their duty was to go overseas.
00:09:24 Only when the interests of their country were violated would the Central War Alliance go
00:09:28 into battle.
00:09:30 And the Dragon Alliance?
00:09:32 They were also part of the main guild.
00:09:35 However, ordinary people weren't allowed to join.
00:09:39 It was only for the most influential people in the country, such as business people, researchers,
00:09:46 moguls, and other top talents.
00:09:49 The existence of the Dragon Alliance was to protect this group of people from harm.
00:09:54 The three alliances of China could be said to be the cornerstone of the country.
00:09:59 If the three alliances were strong, the country was strong.
00:10:04 If the three alliances were destroyed, the country was destroyed.
00:10:09 The three alliances undoubtedly had more than one Grandmaster between them.
00:10:14 Who dared to provoke the three alliances?
00:10:22 In the United States, except for the six most well-known families, no other power could
00:10:28 contend against the three alliances.
00:10:31 And only the practitioners from those six families did not need to register their names
00:10:36 with the Martial Alliance.
00:10:38 Otherwise, all Martial practitioners had to register and record their identities with
00:10:44 the Martial Alliance so they could be supervised and not terrorize ordinary people.
00:10:50 Of course, registering did not mean that he would have to be an official fighting member
00:10:54 of the Martial Alliance.
00:10:56 Primarily, it just existed as a warning.
00:11:00 They served to warn practitioners not to act recklessly within the borders of the US, because
00:11:06 the Martial Alliance was always watching.
00:11:09 The older man in white walked in front of Jacob with an expressionless face.
00:11:14 "How?"
00:11:15 A firm slap landed directly on Jacob's face.
00:11:21 Five blood-red fingerprints instantly appeared on his cheek.
00:11:26 The older man was a martial artist, but he and Jacob were evenly matched, both being
00:11:32 intermediate practitioners of soul magic.
00:11:36 Jacob could have easily dodged his slap, but at that moment, Jacob didn't dare to dodge.
00:11:43 He stood there and accepted it obediently, because a slap from the older man represented
00:11:48 a slap from the Martial Alliance.
00:11:51 "Don't you know the rules of the Martial Alliance?" the older man asked coldly.
00:11:57 "Yeah, I know."
00:12:00 Jacob lowered his head like a child who made a mistake.
00:12:03 "How?"
00:12:05 The man slapped Jacob once again, causing a few bloody teeth to pop out of Jacob's mouth.
00:12:12 "You know about them, yet you still break them purposely?"
00:12:19 "Sir, I'm very sorry.
00:12:21 I won't dare to do it again."
00:12:24 Jacob lowered his head to admit his mistake, but in his eyes, there was a hint of madness
00:12:30 and undisguised hatred.
00:12:34 In Malaysia, he could get away with fighting a few ordinary people, and even if he killed
00:12:39 a few normal people, no one would dare to start trouble with him about it.
00:12:44 But in the United States, he had only slapped a few ordinary people, yet people from the
00:12:49 Martial Alliance felt the need to slap him in front of those very people.
00:12:54 "That's better."
00:12:56 The Martial Alliance rule was to not act out against ordinary people for no reason.
00:13:04 Even if any grievances were challenging to resolve, he would have to apply for a permit
00:13:09 from the Martial Alliance, and only after obtaining approval from the Martial Alliance
00:13:14 could he make a move.
00:13:16 It was the same among Martial Artists.
00:13:19 If every warrior could do whatever they wanted and fight as they pleased, then the power
00:13:24 landscape would have long since changed.
00:13:27 "Sir, Jacob just arrived in this country and still doesn't understand the rules of our
00:13:33 Martial Alliance."
00:13:34 "So he acted out like that.
00:13:37 Sir, please forgive him."
00:13:40 At this moment, a middle-aged man in black clothes suddenly spoke.
00:13:45 It was Barry Oso, a member of the family that Jacob had sided with.
00:13:50 His expression was calm, and it was difficult to discern whether he was content or angry.
00:13:57 The man in white, Lucas Wilson, waved his hand and smiled faintly.
00:14:02 "You're being too serious, Brother Barry.
00:14:06 Between you and me, there is no such thing as understanding or not understanding.
00:14:14 Brother Jacob's actions I do understand.
00:14:18 When I first became a Martial Artist, I was as arrogant as him.
00:14:23 Compared to Martial Artists, I felt that ordinary people were nothing but a bunch of ants.
00:14:30 However, after that, I talked with the Martial Alliance's elder back then, and his words
00:14:37 made me understand.
00:14:40 In a Martial Arts Grandmaster's eyes, I, a Martial Artist experienced in Soul Magic,
00:14:47 was also an ant.
00:14:49 Therefore, Jacob, don't think that by becoming a Soul Magic Warrior, you can rule the entire
00:14:57 world.
00:14:58 This world is vast."
00:15:02 Lucas' words were both a lesson and a warning.
00:15:06 Outside of the country, Jacob could be a force that ruled over the life and death of ordinary
00:15:11 people.
00:15:12 However, in the US, he was no different from an ordinary person.
00:15:18 At best, he was a slightly stronger ordinary person.
00:15:22 If a person committed a crime under the eye of the Martial Alliance, they would be brought
00:15:27 to justice.
00:15:29 "Thank you for your advice, Elder.
00:15:32 I'm sure Jacob will straighten out his attitude in the future."
00:15:36 Hearing this, Jacob cupped his hands and bowed respectfully.
00:15:40 "I apologize as well.
00:15:43 My family has neglected to discipline Jacob.
00:15:46 So in this matter, I am also responsible, and I am sorry for it.
00:15:52 The Oso family will give each of those people who were injured by Jacob today a million
00:15:57 dollars as a form of apology."
00:16:00 Barry Oso said in a deep voice.
00:16:03 Lucas wanted to slap Jacob in front of so many people and teach him a lesson to get
00:16:08 Jacob to understand the rules.
00:16:10 But more importantly, Lucas wanted to use his opportunity to scare the Oso family so
00:16:16 that they would start to behave appropriately.
00:16:18 "Barry, you are generous," Lucas smiled.
00:16:24 Jacob had injured thirty people, and a million for each was not a small sum.
00:16:30 Only the wealthy and overbearing Oso family possessed such wealth.
00:16:35 "And you, tough guy, what do you think?"
00:16:40 Barry shifted his gaze to Kevin.
00:16:44 Even though it was an inquiry, there was still a haughty air to his words.
00:16:49 Kevin's opinion didn't matter to Barry, and if it were not for Lucas standing by his side,
00:16:54 he would not even compensate Kevin with the thirty million dollars.
00:16:58 "I don't have an opinion," Kevin shook his head.
00:17:04 "Hmm."
00:17:05 Barry raised his eyebrows.
00:17:07 He was already humoring Kevin by asking for his opinion, but Kevin seemed unimpressed.
00:17:14 It was surprising that he didn't show Barry much respect.
00:17:18 "As I said before, those who try to beat me will have to pay the price," Kevin smiled.
00:17:25 "Thirty million isn't enough," Barry's voice turned cold.
00:17:30 "It's not enough," Kevin shook his head.
00:17:33 "Then how much do you want?"
00:17:36 Barry asked, barely suppressing his anger.
00:17:40 "Well, as I said, Jacob can either cut off his arm, or he can die."
00:17:47 "Little friend, I have already punished Jacob for his disrespect."
00:17:53 At this moment, even Lucas couldn't help but speak up.
00:17:57 From his point of view, Kevin did not know how to appreciate favors.
00:18:03 Although there was a rule that Martial Alliance members and warriors were not allowed to take
00:18:08 action against ordinary people, this rule also considered the victim's strength.
00:18:13 In reality, if he hadn't seen that Kevin had such a weak background, he wouldn't have attacked
00:18:20 Jacob so heavily today.
00:18:22 But after Lucas defended him, Kevin didn't seem to appreciate his kindness and still
00:18:27 wanted to go up against Jacob, or perhaps even the entire Oso family.
00:18:33 This was utterly ridiculous.
00:18:36 "You must punish him, but since he beat up my people, he must give me an explanation,"
00:18:43 Kevin said calmly.
00:18:45 "Friend, are you also a fighter?"
00:18:49 Lucas frowned.
00:18:51 When he first looked at Kevin, it seemed that Kevin did not have any indications of being
00:18:56 a warrior in his aura.
00:18:59 Instead, he thought Kevin was just an ordinary person with some family background.
00:19:05 However, even though he said that now, Kevin was still as tough as ever.
00:19:12 This was not something that could be explained just by his family history.
00:19:17 Kevin was probably a fighter as well, and his strength was probably reasonably developed.
00:19:23 Kevin smiled but didn't say anything.
00:19:27 At that moment, Barry looked at Kevin coldly.
00:19:30 "Friend, leave some things to others so that we can meet again in the future.
00:19:37 Even though Jacob attacked your people, the Oso family has already given you enough compensation
00:19:43 and displayed complete sincerity with our apology.
00:19:47 Whether Kevin was a fighter or not, Kevin had overdone it.
00:19:52 After all, the person standing behind Barry was protected by the Oso family.
00:19:58 Santa Rosa Island's Oso family.
00:20:02 Kevin was not giving Jacob any respect, nor was he giving any to the Oso family.
00:20:10 Don't you think this is a little reckless?"
00:20:12 Kevin's eyes were a bit cold.
00:20:14 "He injured more than 30 of my men.
00:20:18 I am only asking for one of his arms, and you have the nerve to say I'm being reckless?
00:20:26 I think your family is the one who truly doesn't know when to advance and when to retreat."
00:20:31 "How dare you!"
00:20:33 Barry was furious, and the energy within his body surged crazily.
00:20:39 If Lucas were not there, he would have killed Kevin with a slap.
00:20:43 A mere heir of a small family dared to insult the great Oso family.
00:20:50 He was asking for trouble.
00:20:59 Lucas frowned when he saw that he was about to attack.
00:21:02 "Brother Barry!"
00:21:05 If Barry wanted to kill Kevin in front of him, he wouldn't need to be a Martial Alliance
00:21:10 elder.
00:21:11 "Sir, this has gone too far."
00:21:16 Barry was furious beyond belief.
00:21:19 As a person from the Oso family, he would welcome a fight with anyone who walked on
00:21:23 the vast earth, even if it was a government official.
00:21:28 But now, the second generation disciple of a small town nobody had ever heard of was
00:21:35 daring enough to make things difficult for him and his family.
00:21:40 "Friend, do you want Jacob Lewis to break his arm?"
00:21:48 Lucas expressionlessly glanced at Kevin.
00:21:51 He did not know if Kevin could not see through the relationship between Jacob Lewis and the
00:21:56 Oso family, or if he was pretending.
00:21:59 But regardless of which it was, if Kevin chopped off Jacob's arm today, there would be no
00:22:05 room to maneuver between him and the Oso family.
00:22:09 In the Oso family, there were definitely a thousand ways to play Kevin to death, and
00:22:15 at times, even the Martial Alliance would not stand up for him because he had brought
00:22:20 this upon himself.
00:22:21 "I don't want to have to repeat myself."
00:22:26 The Martial Alliance was mighty, but it was not to the extent that it could move heaven
00:22:30 and earth.
00:22:32 Moreover, it was reasonable for him to stand up for Gregory and the others.
00:22:38 Even if the chief of the Martial Alliance came, he couldn't say anything.
00:22:42 "All right."
00:22:44 Lucas nodded and shifted his gaze to Jacob.
00:22:48 "Jacob, cut off one of your arms."
00:22:52 "Thank you, sir."
00:22:55 Jacob's face paled.
00:22:57 He did not expect Kevin's few words would cause Lucas to make such a decision.
00:23:02 Cutting off one arm wasn't the same as cutting off his path to success.
00:23:08 "What?
00:23:09 You still want me to do it myself?"
00:23:12 Lucas's voice turned cold.
00:23:14 "I wouldn't dare."
00:23:17 Jacob lowered his head, his eyes filled with hatred.
00:23:22 Barry clenched his teeth while anger glowed from his eyes.
00:23:26 "Do it yourself."
00:23:29 But of course, if Jacob had to, he would not make such a decision.
00:23:35 However, just today, Jacob had heavily injured thirty people in a row, which would break
00:23:41 the iron law of the Martial Alliance if he let him go.
00:23:46 If Kevin brought this matter to the Martial Alliance, it would not be easy for him.
00:23:52 At the very least, he would be charged with dereliction of duty.
00:23:56 "Alright."
00:23:57 Jacob gritted his teeth, pulled out a dagger from his waist, and fiercely slashed at his
00:24:03 left arm.
00:24:05 It was unknown what material the dagger was made of, but his left arm was cut off entirely
00:24:10 with the dagger.
00:24:12 The wound's fracture was as smooth as a mirror.
00:24:16 The arm fell to the ground, causing blood to gush out of the wound like a fountain.
00:24:22 Jacob screamed in pain.
00:24:24 His gaze towards Kevin was filled with hatred, as if he was a vicious beast about to eat
00:24:30 him alive.
00:24:32 "Satisfied?"
00:24:34 Barry asked coldly.
00:24:36 "Satisfied."
00:24:37 Kevin smiled.
00:24:39 "I won't let you get away with this."
00:24:42 Barry oh-so gritted his teeth.
00:24:44 "I'll wait."
00:24:46 "Sir, we can leave now, right?"
00:24:49 Barry shifted his gaze to Lucas.
00:24:53 Lucas nodded before sighing.
00:24:55 "Mr. Oh-so, after this matter is over, I will return home.
00:25:01 I will no longer be involved in the grudges between you."
00:25:07 The meaning behind his words was that the life and death of Kevin had nothing to do
00:25:12 with the Martial Alliance.
00:25:14 Therefore, if Barry Oh-so wanted to make a move against Kevin, the Martial Alliance would
00:25:21 not stop him.
00:25:23 "All right, thank you, sir."
00:25:27 As long as the Martial Alliance did not interfere, then he would squash Kevin to death as quickly
00:25:33 as squashing a bug.
00:25:36 Everyone left one after another.
00:25:38 Dex Bennett secretly sighed in his heart.
00:25:42 Kevin still wasn't acting rationally to offend the Oh-so family for a few ordinary people.
00:25:48 "Kevin, what kind of organization is the Martial Alliance that the old man spoke of
00:25:53 just now?"
00:25:55 Jared Smith couldn't help but ask.
00:25:57 He was intimidated by Lucas's imposing manner and the way he scolded Dex Bennett.
00:26:03 Finally, he slapped Jacob Lewis, and even the people from the Oh-so family had to submit.
00:26:11 All of this was because Lucas was a person from the Martial Alliance, so Jared was very
00:26:16 curious.
00:26:18 Just what kind of organization was the Martial Alliance that had no fear of the Oh-so family?
00:26:24 "The Martial Alliance is the Martial Arts Association that I mentioned before," Kevin
00:26:30 smiled, and recounted the origin of the Martial Alliance again.
00:26:34 After hearing that, Jared and the others were stunned.
00:26:38 No one thought there would be such an incredible organization in the United States.
00:26:43 What dragon group, what National Security Bureau, what special brigade for sharp swords
00:26:49 compared to the Martial Alliance?
00:26:52 They were weak and powerless.
00:26:55 In the USA, there are 36 branches of the Martial Alliance.
00:27:01 Seemingly every city and state that was directly under the central government had the presence
00:27:06 of the Martial Alliance.
00:27:08 The person overseeing the Martial Alliance division must have at least the early period
00:27:13 of converting 4th stage, which is at the Martial Arts Master level.
00:27:18 Moreover, other than the Alliance Master, there was also the existence of the Vice Alliance
00:27:24 Masters and the Nine Elders in the Martial Alliance.
00:27:28 Forget about the cultivation requirements of the Deputy Chief and what the Martial Alliance
00:27:32 requires of the Nine Great Elders.
00:27:35 The lowest would be the middle period of the Dark 4th stage.
00:27:40 36 Martial Arts Masters, 4-500 Martial Artists at Dark 4th stage.
00:27:48 All these were just a tiny part of the power of the Martial Alliance.
00:27:53 One could only imagine just how great the power of the Martial Alliance indeed was.
00:27:59 With such a colossal monster suppressing the USA, other entities wouldn't be able to do
00:28:04 anything about it.
00:28:06 Even Kevin had to be afraid of the existence of the Martial Alliance.
00:28:11 "Kevin, why are Martial Alliance people mixed within the Oso family?"
00:28:17 Dex asked wordly.
00:28:19 Lucas seemed to be on one side, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Lucas
00:28:25 was only on the Oso family's side.
00:28:28 He allowed Jacob to cut off his arm only because of the Martial Alliance rules.
00:28:34 Lucas had no worry.
00:28:36 If the Martial Alliance backed the Oso family, the competition for the Ice Lotus could not
00:28:41 be overlooked.
00:28:44 Kevin and the Martial Arts Masters' identity could suppress the Oso family, but they could
00:28:49 not suppress the Martial Alliance at all.
00:28:52 "I don't know either," Kevin shook his head.
00:28:56 "But you don't have to worry too much.
00:28:59 The relationship between the Oso family and the others isn't as deep as you think.
00:29:05 Lucas and that man from the Oso family might have other personal connections.
00:29:10 And the Martial Alliance will not normally participate in worldly strife or fight for
00:29:15 profit.
00:29:16 Instead, the Martial Alliance mostly must maintain order, which is equivalent to the
00:29:22 Martial Arts world or a police force."
00:29:25 Dex nodded.
00:29:26 He could only hope so.
00:29:28 Sacramento had been depleted of all its resources.
00:29:32 If he wanted to buy more medicine, he could only find places like the South Side of Los
00:29:37 Angeles to find it.
00:29:40 Kevin is not afraid of trouble, and Jared sends more people to Los Angeles and other
00:29:44 places.
00:29:46 At the same time, he instructed an employee to begin secretly researching the relationship
00:29:51 between Lucas and the Oso family.
00:29:53 When he got home that night, Martin called.
00:29:58 "Kevin, the Oso family has arrived."
00:30:00 "I know."
00:30:03 He gnaws.
00:30:04 Martin was slightly taken aback, but he did not ask anything further.
00:30:09 He replied, "Sir, the one who has just arrived in Sacramento today is the second young daughter
00:30:16 of the Oso family, Bianca Oso."
00:30:20 After finding out that Bianca Oso had arrived in Sacramento, the mayor personally came out
00:30:25 to welcome her and set up a welcoming party at the Westin Hotel.
00:30:31 However, during the banquet, Bianca called for me.
00:30:36 After I went over, Bianca spoke straight to the point and said that she hoped that Beverly
00:30:41 Hills could be shut down for one day tomorrow.
00:30:45 Their people are going out to find something.
00:30:53 "You agreed?"
00:30:54 Kevin frowned.
00:30:55 He didn't expect the Oso family would come and find Martin.
00:30:59 "How could I not agree?"
00:31:02 Martin smiled bitterly.
00:31:04 The head of the city and the second young daughter of the Oso family had appeared simultaneously.
00:31:11 He didn't dare to give them attention.
00:31:14 Although Martin's family was the wealthiest in terms of influence, it could not be compared
00:31:20 in any way to the power of the Oso family.
00:31:24 Their patriarch had come to the USA, and the representative who came out to receive them
00:31:29 was only at the level of a local official.
00:31:33 This was the difference.
00:31:34 "What conflict do you have with the Oso family?"
00:31:38 Martin asked.
00:31:41 There is indeed a small contradiction.
00:31:44 Kevin did not deny it.
00:31:46 But of course, there was no way to deny it.
00:31:50 So if Martin wanted to know, he just needed to check it out.
00:31:54 "Huh?"
00:31:55 Martin's mouth was wide open.
00:31:58 He was just casually asking.
00:32:00 He did not expect Kevin and the Oso family to have differences.
00:32:06 Seeing that Kevin had no intention to share further, Martin didn't ask.
00:32:11 "Did the Oso family suffer from some sort of serious illness?
00:32:16 All sorts of clues indicated that inside the Oso family, there might be a problem.
00:32:21 But hey, urgently needed the ice lotus, a particular type of spirit medicine used to
00:32:26 extend their lives."
00:32:27 "Yes, according to Bianca, Grandfather Oso has recently been suffering from a severe
00:32:34 illness and might not live much longer."
00:32:37 "Yes, according to Bianca, Grandfather Oso has recently been suffering from a severe
00:32:45 illness and might not live much longer.
00:32:48 That is why during this period, many family members of the Oso family have left the island
00:32:53 to search everywhere for famous doctors and are adopting this spirit medicine," Martin
00:32:59 said.
00:33:00 "Grandfather Oso was the pillar of the Oso family.
00:33:05 He alone controlled nearly 70% of the Oso family.
00:33:08 And with a single word, he could decide who the patriarch of the Oso family would be next.
00:33:17 One reason these descendants of the Oso family saved Grandfather Oso was that they wanted
00:33:22 to win Grandfather Oso's favor and receive the Oso family fortune and legacy from him.
00:33:30 After hanging up the phone, Kevin squeezed the space between his eyebrows and felt that
00:33:35 things were tricky.
00:33:37 Looking at the situation now, the Oso family was crucial to finding the ice lotus.
00:33:44 This also meant that he would have to face the Oso family head on tomorrow.
00:33:50 It wasn't that Kevin was afraid of the Oso family, but Kevin was considering whether
00:33:55 or not doing so was worth it.
00:33:58 After all, the Oso family was not a small group like the Goodson family.
00:34:03 On the contrary, they were a genuinely powerful family.
00:34:08 In all of American history, the Oso family was an empire that could be ranked in the
00:34:13 top 30.
00:34:15 The family has 5 to 6 billion dollars, and two martial arts masters oversee it.
00:34:23 On Santa Rosa Island, just one word from the Oso family could cause millions of people
00:34:28 to lose their jobs, and could even indirectly affect the economic situation of Santa Rosa
00:34:34 Island.
00:34:36 Offending the Oso family was the equivalent of starting a war.
00:34:41 Shaking his head, Kevin got rid of all his distracting thoughts and fell asleep immediately.
00:34:48 When a car arrives at the mountain, there will be a road ahead.
00:34:53 The following day, Kevin left early.
00:34:56 This time, besides the four Bennett siblings, Kevin did not bring anyone else with him.
00:35:03 Therefore, carrying this information would also be a burden.
00:35:08 If he were to clash with the Oso family and fight, regular people would not be any assistance
00:35:14 at all, and would instead get into trouble.
00:35:19 Because Jade Spring was at the very top of a cliff, no road led there.
00:35:24 So when he reached the foot of the mountain, Kevin can only get out of the car and walk
00:35:28 up the mountain.
00:35:31 After taking a few steps, he realized there were at least seven tigers at the foot of
00:35:35 the mountain.
00:35:37 Inside the car, more than twenty mercenaries wearing black uniforms stood in three rows.
00:35:44 They were carrying tactical backpacks and all kinds of specialized equipment, and they
00:35:50 were listening to Jacob's lecture with serious expressions.
00:35:54 Beside Jacob stood two middle-aged men and a young woman.
00:35:59 One of them was Barry, who was traveling with Lucas yesterday.
00:36:04 The other had a jagged scar about six inches long on his face, making him look a little
00:36:09 older than Barry.
00:36:12 Compared to the two, the young woman looked even more fashionable.
00:36:16 A short black shirt, a bohemian shawl over her shoulders, and a pair of Givenchy gray
00:36:21 plaid trousers.
00:36:23 She was also wearing a pair of pink sneakers, which he couldn't see the brand of.
00:36:28 Nevertheless, it was both fashionable and sexy.
00:36:33 Looking at the woman's appearance, her classic oval face was only slightly larger than the
00:36:38 palm of her hand.
00:36:40 It was as if she had walked down from the most beautiful women's comics.
00:36:46 Compared to an ordinary beautiful woman's eyes, this young woman's eyes were filled
00:36:50 with a natural sense of arrogance, making others respect her.
00:36:56 As if noticing Kevin's gaze, the young woman quickly turned around.
00:37:00 A pair of spirited eyes stared at Kevin.
00:37:04 When she discovered that he was just an ordinary person, a hint of doubt flashed across the
00:37:09 young woman's eyes.
00:37:11 How did this person force Jacob to cut off his arm yesterday?
00:37:16 At this time, Jacob also noticed Kevin.
00:37:20 The moment Jacob saw Kevin, a crazy, murderous thought flashed across his face.
00:37:26 However, he did not immediately attack Kevin.
00:37:30 Instead, he cast his gaze towards Dex and coldly said, "Little brother, you take what
00:37:38 I said yesterday as nothing?"
00:37:41 "Jacob, stop calling me little brother.
00:37:44 You're not worthy."
00:37:46 Dex glanced at Jacob coldly.
00:37:48 "Jacob, they are the fellow disciples that you spoke of yesterday."
00:37:54 The young woman swept her eyes across the four Bennet siblings.
00:37:58 Compared to Kevin, she was a little more interested in the Bennet siblings.
00:38:03 However, now that the Oso family was in an internal conflict, she urgently needed more
00:38:09 people.
00:38:11 Although the realm of the Bennet siblings was lower than Jacob's, once they were put
00:38:15 to good use, they may be just as helpful as Jacob.
00:38:19 "Yes, Miss Oso," the woman in front of him was the second young daughter of the Oso family,
00:38:26 Bianca.
00:38:28 Even though Bianca was a woman, she was highly liked by Grandfather Oso.
00:38:33 If not for the fact that she was a woman, it was likely that the Oso family would have
00:38:37 fallen into her hands long ago.
00:38:41 Bianca nodded her head slightly and retracted her gaze.
00:38:44 There was no rush to subdue the Bennet siblings.
00:38:48 Because their priority right now was to find the Ice Lotus.
00:38:52 "Miss Oso, do you want me to chase them away?"
00:38:57 Yesterday the four Bennet siblings and Kevin had forced him to be publicly humiliated.
00:39:02 In the end, Kevin had forced him to cut off an arm, so at this moment, he wished he could
00:39:07 skin Kevin alive.
00:39:09 "No need.
00:39:11 With so many of you here, if you're able to get them to snatch the thing away, then you
00:39:16 can kill yourselves."
00:39:19 Bianca shook her head as she didn't take Kevin's group seriously.
00:39:24 In her opinion, among Kevin's group, only Dex was slightly threatening, and he was only
00:39:30 at the early stage of Dark Force.
00:39:33 The other three all had Bright Force, similar to cannon fodder.
00:39:39 As for Kevin, even though Barry said that Kevin could be a fighter, it was still only
00:39:44 a possibility.
00:39:53 Taking a step back, even if Kevin was a martial artist, so what?
00:40:00 Kevin's age was still there, 25 or 26 years old.
00:40:04 At most, he was only at the late stage of Bright Force.
00:40:09 "Yes, Miss Bianca."
00:40:12 Although he was unwilling, Jacob could only nod his head.
00:40:16 However, he still couldn't help but mock us.
00:40:20 "Little brother, follow us closely.
00:40:24 Don't get lost.
00:40:26 Also, protect that useless master of yours.
00:40:31 Don't let him get scared to the point of peeing his pants by the blind bear on the mountain."
00:40:37 Davis's face was sullen, but he didn't say anything.
00:40:41 Then the group of people started to climb the mountain.
00:40:45 Jacob was walking at the front.
00:40:47 He walked very fast, almost to the point of running.
00:40:51 To a martial artist, this rugged mountain path wasn't much different from walking on
00:40:56 flat ground.
00:40:57 However, to ordinary people, climbing a mountain was a very strenuous task.
00:41:04 If one wanted to maintain the speed of a martial artist, it would require five to six times
00:41:10 the usual amount of physical strength.
00:41:13 Although the strength of the twenty-odd mercenaries differed from regular people, they still could
00:41:18 not surpass human limitations.
00:41:21 Thus, after running for over half an hour, their faces revealed an expression of exhaustion.
00:41:29 Jacob sneered and turned his head, glancing in Kevin's direction.
00:41:34 Since Kevin was an ordinary person, after all this strenuous activity, he should be
00:41:39 exhausted and panting heavily like a dog.
00:41:43 It didn't matter if he didn't look.
00:41:45 When he did, Jacob instantly opened his eyes wide.
00:41:50 Kevin was less than ten feet behind them.
00:41:54 Kevin had a carefree expression and even a mocking smile when he met Jacob's gaze.
00:42:00 Jacob suddenly became angry out of embarrassment.
00:42:03 This piece of trash!
00:42:05 Was he provoking him?
00:42:08 Taking a deep breath, Jacob did not slow down, but somewhat he increased his pace, almost
00:42:15 to the point of running at full speed.
00:42:17 "Jacob, are you going to be reincarnated so soon?"
00:42:22 A few minutes later, a cold voice sounded behind him, causing Jacob's body to stiffen.
00:42:28 It was his master, Bianca.
00:42:32 At this moment, Bianca's face was flushed red.
00:42:35 She was having a hard time.
00:42:37 "Miss, I…"
00:42:40 Jacob smiled in embarrassment.
00:42:43 He wanted to explain more, but Bianca interrupted him impatiently.
00:42:47 "What about me?
00:42:49 Slow down!"
00:42:51 "Yes, miss," Jacob hurriedly nodded.
00:42:55 He was so concerned about wanting to embarrass Kevin that he had neglected that his master,
00:43:00 Bianca, was in the late stage of Bright Force.
00:43:04 With his current speed and this late stage of Bright Force, Bianca could not keep up
00:43:08 at all.
00:43:10 When he looked at Kevin now, he was still as relaxed as ever.
00:43:15 After running for so long, he did not sweat and wasn't even breathing hard.
00:43:21 Jacob stared at Kevin with hatred.
00:43:24 Without a doubt, he had been slapped in the face.
00:43:28 Kevin was a martial artist as well.
00:43:30 It was just that he might have practiced some technique to conceal his aura, making him
00:43:35 look no different from an average person.
00:43:40 After experiencing this little episode, Jacob became a lot calmer.
00:43:45 He started to climb the mountain obediently and no longer thought about causing trouble
00:43:49 with Kevin.
00:43:51 Barry, on the other hand, who had vowed to grind Kevin's bones and scatter his ashes
00:43:56 yesterday, was utterly abnormal today.
00:44:00 He did not even spare a glance for Kevin.
00:44:04 As if Kevin were a dead man, it was almost noon.
00:44:08 The group finally reached the top of the mountain.
00:44:11 The Jade Spring was at the bottom of a cliff at the other end of the mountain.
00:44:16 Jacob was in no hurry to travel, so instead, he gave the order to rest on the spot.
00:44:23 He still had a lot of stamina, but these mercenaries with the Oso family and Bianca, the lady who
00:44:29 was used to being pampered, had little stamina left.
00:44:34 No one understood the situation at the bottom of the Jade Spring, so when faced with this
00:44:39 unknown situation, they naturally had to be in their best condition.
00:44:45 During the break, the team's advantage was displayed.
00:44:49 After all, the Oso family had many people and over twenty mercenaries.
00:44:54 They had a clear division of labor.
00:44:58 Some were responsible for the battles, while some were responsible for the logistics and
00:45:03 medical treatment.
00:45:05 In just a few minutes, the Oso family's logistics team had set up their tents.
00:45:10 They took out all kinds of high-calorie food they had prepared at the foot of the mountain
00:45:15 and started a picnic.
00:45:18 Bianca, this young lady, even had colorful fruits and desserts beside her.
00:45:24 It was as if she wasn't here for a treasure hunt, but a vacation.
00:45:28 Compared to the rest of the Oso family, Kevin's group of five was a little shabby.
00:45:34 When they came up the hill, they came up empty-handed.
00:45:37 Thus, at this moment, they could only stand to the side and watch the Oso family eat.
00:45:45 At this moment, Jacob stood up with a smile.
00:45:49 In his hand, he was holding an alluring roast duck.
00:45:53 "Little brother, we climbed up the mountain early in the morning.
00:45:58 Do you want to eat something?"
00:46:01 Jacob asked while shaking the roast duck in his hand.
00:46:04 "No need," Dex glanced at Jacob coldly.
00:46:08 He couldn't do it, even if he wanted to.
00:46:11 Jacob had no good intentions toward them at this time.
00:46:15 Jacob smiled playfully.
00:46:17 "Really?"
00:46:18 "Jacob, do you not understand plain English?"
00:46:23 Dex was a little angry.
00:46:25 This small trick of Jacob's was very childish, but also very disgusting.
00:46:30 "Little brother, why do you sound so aggressive?"
00:46:35 Jacob sighed.
00:46:36 "Can't I be worried that you guys will get hungry?
00:46:40 After all, we were once in the same group."
00:46:43 "Shit!"
00:46:44 "Alright, alright, alright.
00:46:45 I'll get lost," Jacob smiled.
00:46:50 He wasn't angry at all.
00:46:52 However, before he left, he threw the roast duck in his hand to the ground in front of
00:46:58 Kevin.
00:46:59 "Since my little brother doesn't want it, I'll reward you with this roast duck.
00:47:05 Enjoy it well.
00:47:07 This roast duck might be the last meal of your life."
00:47:13 After saying that, Jacob turned around and left while laughing loudly.
00:47:19 Dex was furious and wished he could punch Jacob on the spot.
00:47:24 Although Jacob's small trick didn't hurt physically, it wasn't very comfortable.
00:47:29 "Kevin, it's my fault for this inconsiderate behavior."
00:47:34 Dex felt a bit awkward.
00:47:37 He did not expect such a situation to occur.
00:47:40 "It's fine."
00:47:42 Kevin smiled and waved his hand.
00:47:45 If Jacob thought such a simple method could affect him, he could only say that Jacob was
00:47:50 too childish.
00:47:52 "Just wait until he becomes a martial artist at Converting Force Stage.
00:47:57 He hasn't seen anything yet.
00:48:01 Go get some pheasants or rabbits.
00:48:03 In a small primitive forest like Beverly Hills, the thing they lack the most was any kind
00:48:09 of game like a rabbit."
00:48:10 "Huh?"
00:48:13 Dex was slightly surprised.
00:48:16 Could it be that Kevin could roast wild game?
00:48:20 Although he was puzzled, Dex did not overthink it.
00:48:25 Instead, he brought Gavin to a forest not far away.
00:48:30 Ten minutes later, the two of them returned with a great harvest.
00:48:34 For a martial artist at Dark Force Stage like Dex, any small stone on the ground could be
00:48:40 used as a hunting weapon.
00:48:42 Thus, it was easy for him to hunt a few wild games in the mountains.
00:48:48 He was very clear about the Bennett siblings' background.
00:48:51 Other than killing people, they didn't know how to do anything.
00:48:56 The wild rabbit they roasted would probably taste like charcoal, and they would die if
00:49:01 they ate it.
00:49:03 Just as Jacob had thought, Dex and his siblings could not do much with the rabbit in front
00:49:08 of them.
00:49:09 They were good at hunting, but they did not know where to begin with roasting the rabbit.
00:49:17 "Did you bring a dagger?"
00:49:22 Kevin asked with a smile.
00:49:24 "I did."
00:49:26 Dex was slightly surprised for a moment.
00:49:30 Then he hurriedly pulled out a dagger from his waist and handed it over to Kevin.
00:49:35 At the same time, he was astonished.
00:49:38 Was Kevin going to do it himself?
00:49:42 Just as Dex finished his thought, Kevin took the dagger and picked up the rabbit, starting
00:49:47 to peel the hide and shave the tendons.
00:49:51 His proficient technique was breathtaking.
00:49:54 It was as if Kevin had done it thousands of times before.
00:49:58 The four Bennett brothers were all amazed, their mouths wide open.
00:50:04 Even if they had beaten them to death, they had never imagined that Kevin would even do
00:50:08 such a thing.
00:50:11 From what they knew, for a young guy like Kevin, he should be living a life where food
00:50:16 came and went.
00:50:18 Wasn't cooking done by the servants in the house?
00:50:22 The four Bennett siblings did not know that when Kevin was young, he was thrown into the
00:50:27 depths of the mountains by his mother and asked to live on his own.
00:50:32 At that time, he had fought against the tigers and wolves to satisfy his hunger with the
00:50:37 blood of beasts.
00:50:39 Over the years, Kevin had accumulated a lot of fighting skills, and his roasting skills
00:50:45 had also become first rate.
00:50:48 During his time deep in the mountains, Kevin roasted at least 80 different kinds of game.
00:50:54 Kevin had naturally mastered many skillful roasting techniques.
00:50:59 By this time, he was pretty familiar with roasting rabbits.
00:51:03 Fifteen minutes later, two golden-colored, fragrant rabbits appeared in front of the
00:51:08 four Bennett siblings.
00:51:10 The four Bennett brothers all gulped and drooled at sight.
00:51:15 In the Oso family camp not far away, many of the mercenaries also had their throats
00:51:21 twitching as they watched it.
00:51:24 Then, finally, they all turned to look at Kevin.
00:51:30 Taking down the roasted rabbit from the tree branch, Kevin slowly tore it open and gave
00:51:36 the tender meat to the four Bennett siblings.
00:51:39 "Thank you, Kevin!"
00:51:42 Dex wanted to be polite, but the honest Gavin received the rabbit meat from Kevin and bit
00:51:47 down on it.
00:51:50 After the rabbit meat entered his mouth, Gavin immediately opened his eyes wide with a look
00:51:55 of disbelief.
00:51:56 "How is it?"
00:51:59 Atticus asked eagerly.
00:52:01 The rabbit that Kevin roasted was delicious.
00:52:05 Gavin didn't say anything but took another bite, his face full of pleasure.
00:52:12 Atticus also took the rabbit meat that Kevin passed him.
00:52:16 After thanking him, he took a bite of the fresh meat, and his eyes immediately lit up.
00:52:22 "Delicious!
00:52:23 It's too delicious!
00:52:26 I've never eaten anything so delicious in my life!"
00:52:30 Atticus chewed on the rabbit meat and started complimenting Kevin without any hesitation.
00:52:36 "The rabbit meat that Kevin roasted is the best!"
00:52:40 Atticus's skin was not as thick as Atticus's, but he sighed from the bottom of his heart.
00:52:46 Kevin's cooking skills were indeed on par with five-star hotel chefs.
00:52:52 Very quickly, the Bennett siblings ate all the rabbit meat in their hands.
00:52:57 After they finished, they looked at each other, and all of them saw the awkwardness in each
00:53:02 other's eyes.
00:53:03 It was too delicious, and they hadn't eaten their fill yet.
00:53:08 "There's another one here."
00:53:10 Kevin smiled as if he had already expected their reactions.
00:53:14 He then took down the other roasted rabbit and handed it to the four of them.
00:53:20 The four quickly waved their hands.
00:53:22 "Kevin, this is only for you!"
00:53:26 But Kevin shook his head and interrupted.
00:53:29 He glanced at the piles of prey on the ground and smiled.
00:53:32 "There are still so many here.
00:53:35 I can always roast them later."
00:53:38 The last time Kevin roasted a wild rabbit was three years ago, when he was being hunted
00:53:43 down.
00:53:44 Today, he finally got another chance, so he naturally cooked to his heart's content.
00:53:52 While Kevin cooked, the four of them took the roasted rabbit and began to chop it into
00:53:56 pieces.
00:53:59 Everyone in the Oso family could only watch from the side.
00:54:03 Although they brought delicacies like roast duck, they were not on the same level as Kevin's
00:54:08 freshly roasted game.
00:54:12 Jacob's face was currently green.
00:54:14 The Bennett siblings might not know how to roast, but Kevin sure did.
00:54:19 Judging from Kevin's expertise, he was very familiar with the process.
00:54:25 It was not his first time.
00:54:27 Jacob felt his face burning in pain.
00:54:32 Bianca's stomach rumbled.
00:54:34 Although her voice was soft, it still reached the ears of the crowd.
00:54:40 For a moment, everyone looked at her strangely.
00:54:44 Bianca blushed slightly and felt a little embarrassed.
00:54:48 She had eaten a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas, but at this moment, she could not
00:54:55 resist the aroma of Kevin's roasted rabbit.
00:54:59 "Uncle, I want some too!"
00:55:03 Bianca pointed at the branch that the roasted rabbit was hanging on.
00:55:07 She acted more like a young, greedy child, not a respected member of the great Oso family.
00:55:15 Barry glanced at Bianca awkwardly.
00:55:17 "Miss, I don't know how to roast."
00:55:21 What Barry said was naturally the truth.
00:55:25 As an Oso family warrior, his position was high and mighty, and he usually lived a life
00:55:32 of luxury.
00:55:33 So how could he personally cook, let alone roast a wild rabbit?
00:55:38 Even make pancakes?
00:55:40 Something he had never done before?
00:55:42 "Fine," Bianca pouted her lips in dissatisfaction.
00:55:47 Afterward, she retracted her gaze and tried her best not to look at the rabbit meat on
00:55:52 Kevin's grill.
00:55:54 However, the more she tried to restrain herself, the more her heart itched.
00:56:00 It was as if a small hand scratched her heart, and she felt uncomfortable all over.
00:56:07 At this moment, Jacob rolled his eyes and said flirtatiously, "Miss, do you want me
00:56:13 to go get some rabbit meat for you?"
00:56:16 "Ugh, I get annoyed whenever I see you!"
00:56:21 Bianca glanced at Jacob in disgust.
00:56:24 Didn't she know what Jacob had in mind?
00:56:27 To make her steal someone else's food to eat?
00:56:30 What if it got out?
00:56:32 She was the Grand Bianca of the Oso family, not some local tyrant.
00:56:37 "Miss, don't be angry.
00:56:40 I'm leaving."
00:56:42 Jacob smiled coyly and retreated to the side.
00:56:46 He was a bit confused.
00:56:48 Wasn't he trying to help Bianca?
00:56:51 Why did Bianca tell him to leave so rudely?
00:56:54 The dry firewood on the ground was plentiful, and the fire was immense.
00:57:00 Coupled with Kevin's skilled technique, he was able to roast quite a few wild games every
00:57:05 seven to eight minutes.
00:57:08 The four Bennett siblings were engrossed with eating, their mouths full of meat.
00:57:14 Before long, they leaned back and rested their full bellies.
00:57:19 Atticus let out a burp and shouted an expression that said he didn't want to stop eating yet.
00:57:25 Seeing that Jacob was still staring at him resentfully, Atticus couldn't help but smile
00:57:31 playfully.
00:57:32 He picked up a roasted rabbit and waved it at Jacob, asking with a smile.
00:57:38 "Jacob, do you want one?"
00:57:41 Without a doubt, Atticus was taking revenge on Jacob for humiliating him.
00:57:47 "Shut up!"
00:57:49 Jacob gritted his teeth.
00:57:51 Naturally, he couldn't let Atticus Bennett have a good time.
00:57:56 Atticus smiled and didn't think much of it.
00:58:00 Just like Jacob, he also didn't plan to rely on a rabbit to do anything to Jacob.
00:58:06 He only wanted to humiliate him a little.
00:58:10 Unexpectedly, Barry opened his mouth coldly.
00:58:14 "Jacob, go get that wild rabbit."
00:58:16 "Huh?"
00:58:19 Jacob's mouth was wide open as he looked at Barry in confusion.
00:58:23 "What does Barry mean by this?"
00:58:26 "Are you deaf?"
00:58:29 Barry's face turned cold.
00:58:30 "I told you to go and get that wild rabbit."
00:58:40 Barry brought it over not to eat it, but to give Bianca a taste.
00:58:45 Bianca was one of the most influential women in the Oso family, so if she said she wanted
00:58:51 the stars in the sky, they had to think of a way to bring them to her.
00:58:56 Bianca wanted to eat the roasted rabbit in Kevin's hand.
00:59:00 However, she couldn't say that out loud because she would embarrass herself.
00:59:06 Only Barry could speak.
00:59:09 As for the conflict between Jacob and Kevin, Kevin had humiliated them in the past.
00:59:15 These things were not within Barry's consideration.
00:59:19 Because of the Oso family's eyes, Jacob's position was like a dog's.
00:59:25 Even though Jacob was a martial artist at Dark Force stage, his identity was still there.
00:59:32 He was a member of a gang outside the country that had provoked countless enemies.
00:59:38 Furthermore, he was a traitor that had identified his group.
00:59:44 These two identities, regardless of which one they were, were disgraceful.
00:59:50 They had nailed Jacob to the ground in humiliation.
00:59:54 No matter where Jacob went, he would be looked down upon.
00:59:59 If not for the recent turmoil in the Oso family and the fact that they were lacking in human
01:00:04 resources, he would not have allowed Jacob to enter the Oso family gate at all.
01:00:10 "Sir, my little brother and I will not fight."
01:00:15 An unprecedented sense of humiliation currently surrounded him.
01:00:21 Although he had long guessed that the Oso family did not hold him in high regard, he
01:00:26 still did not expect them to make him bow his head before his enemies for the sake of
01:00:32 a roasted rabbit.
01:00:34 "You don't want to go?"
01:00:36 Barry's voice suddenly turned cold, and even the air became tense.
01:00:42 Jacob shuddered and hurriedly got up.
01:00:44 "I'll go, I'll go."
01:00:47 He walked toward Atticus step by step.
01:00:50 His teeth were about to shatter from his clenched jaw.
01:00:55 When Jacob came over, Kevin and the rest were all surprised, especially Kevin.
01:01:02 Looking at how furious Barry was yesterday, he thought that the Oso family highly valued
01:01:08 Jacob.
01:01:09 And now that he looked at it, Jacob was like a dog to them.
01:01:13 "Give me the roasted rabbit."
01:01:17 Jacob gritted his teeth as he spoke.
01:01:20 The hatred in his heart for Kevin had climbed to a new level.
01:01:24 It was all because of Kevin.
01:01:27 If it weren't for Kevin, he wouldn't have lost so much respect.
01:01:32 "You want me to give it to you just because you said so?"
01:01:37 Atticus sneered.
01:01:38 He did not care about Jacob at all.
01:01:42 Jacob gritted his teeth.
01:01:44 He wanted to make a move and kill the four Bennett brothers and sisters along with Kevin.
01:01:50 But the Oso family would not allow that.
01:01:53 In the account that you and I used to be fellow disciples of the same sect, Jacob's tone
01:01:59 softened, but Atticus showed no mercy.
01:02:04 Without waiting for Jacob to finish, he interrupted him with a sneer.
01:02:08 "Now you realize that we're brothers from the same sect?
01:02:12 When you betrayed our master and sold the news of the ice lotus to the Oso family, why
01:02:18 didn't you remember then that we were fellow disciples of the same sect?
01:02:25 Why can't you remember that we were fellow disciples when you wanted us four to be killed
01:02:30 on the spot?"
01:02:32 Atticus questioned twice in a row, causing Jacob to be speechless.
01:02:38 Atticus sneered again.
01:02:39 "You want this roasted rabbit?
01:02:42 Sure.
01:02:43 Pick up that roast duck you threw on the ground earlier."
01:02:47 Jacob's face turned pale and then red.
01:02:51 He didn't expect that revenge would come so soon.
01:02:55 Taking a deep breath, he slowly squatted down and once again picked up the grilled duck.
01:03:02 Atticus said expressionlessly, "Yes."
01:03:06 "Atticus!"
01:03:08 Jacob was infuriated as the rage in his eyes surged crazily.
01:03:12 "Don't go too far."
01:03:15 "I'm going too far.
01:03:17 Are you going with me?"
01:03:19 Atticus was fearless and opposed to the enemy.
01:03:24 Jacob clenched his fist so hard that his knuckles turned white.
01:03:28 However, in the end, he still released his fist and expressionlessly bit down on the
01:03:34 grilled duck.
01:03:36 Atticus smiled and handed the roasted rabbit to Jacob, but then he mocked.
01:03:43 "Jacob, you are quite capable."
01:03:48 Jacob didn't say a word.
01:03:49 Instead, he coldly looked at Atticus and took the roasted rabbit.
01:03:55 Then he turned around and left.
01:03:58 Returning to the Oso family camp, Jacob smiled.
01:04:02 "Barry, I'm bringing you the roasted rabbit."
01:04:06 "At least you're sensible," Barry snorted.
01:04:10 He took the roasted rabbit from Jacob's hand and walked to Bianca's side.
01:04:16 "Miss, try it."
01:04:18 Barry handed the roasted rabbit to Bianca.
01:04:22 Bianca glanced at the roasted rabbit in Barry's hand and seemed unmoved.
01:04:28 Barry continued to speak with a smile.
01:04:31 "Bianca, they brought the roasted rabbit here on their own accord."
01:04:35 "Very well.
01:04:38 I'll try it without having to face the consequences."
01:04:42 Bianca then stretched out her slender fingers and tore off a small piece of the rabbit's
01:04:47 meat, placing it in her mouth and chewing it gently.
01:04:52 The meat was smooth and tender, and the fragrance permeated everywhere.
01:04:57 A look of enjoyment appeared on Bianca's face, but soon she forcefully suppressed this
01:05:04 pleasure.
01:05:05 Instead, she said faintly, "Uncle Barry, you guys can try it too.
01:05:12 This rabbit meat is a little interesting."
01:05:16 Barry held back his laughter and hurriedly shook his head.
01:05:20 "No, miss.
01:05:21 We were full a long time ago."
01:05:23 "Fine."
01:05:27 Bianca sighed and took the roasted rabbit away from Barry with a troubled expression.
01:05:32 Minutes later, Bianca stood up in satisfaction.
01:05:36 She couldn't help but glance at Kevin.
01:05:39 Compared to the contempt and disregard from before, her gaze towards Kevin now had a hint
01:05:44 of interest in it.
01:05:47 However, it was limited to interest.
01:05:50 He was still a thousand miles away from being taken seriously by her.
01:05:55 "Let's go."
01:05:57 Bianca clapped her hands without hesitation.
01:06:00 And the group stood up again.
01:06:02 Kevin extinguished the fire and the four Bennett siblings buried the remnants and garbage in
01:06:07 the ground.
01:06:08 Then, the five of them once again followed Bianca's group.
01:06:14 It was almost dusk and they had finally reached the Jade Spring at the bottom of the cliff.
01:06:20 The spring water flowed down from a high altitude and the sound of the flowing water was as
01:06:26 pleasant to listen to as heavenly music.
01:06:29 The air was also filled with a damp and fragrant smell.
01:06:34 Compared to the mountain's peak, the temperature at the bottom of the cliff was much lower.
01:06:39 "Kevin, the ice lotus is at the bottom of this Jade Spring."
01:06:45 Dex pointed to the end of the Jade Spring.
01:06:47 There, the spring water converged.
01:06:51 The water flowed in a fast and steady stream, but the bottom could not be seen.
01:06:57 It gave off a deep and serene feeling.
01:07:02 Kevin frowned.
01:07:03 He didn't know why, but he could vaguely feel a hint of danger from the bottom of the lake.
01:07:10 "Dex, did Bron tell you that there's something else at the bottom of the spring?"
01:07:15 Kevin asked.
01:07:17 Dex was slightly surprised and shook his head.
01:07:20 "No, sir.
01:07:22 They said there are only three ice lotus at the bottom of the spring."
01:07:27 Kevin's frown deepened.
01:07:29 He felt that there was something in the water that was staring at him.
01:07:34 Ever since he came here, he had this unexplainable feeling.
01:07:39 "Kevin, should we hurry down?"
01:07:43 The Oso family mercenaries had already taken out their professional diving equipment and
01:07:48 were preparing to go into the water.
01:07:50 If he did not take action, the Oso family would snatch it away first.
01:07:58 "Don't go down yet.
01:08:03 It's dangerous in the water."
01:08:06 Kevin shook his head.
01:08:08 He was sure that there was something in the water, but no one knew what it was.
01:08:14 "Danger?"
01:08:16 Dex looked at the spring water in confusion.
01:08:19 "What dangers could there be down there?"
01:08:23 Seeing that the mercenaries from the Oso family had already started to go into the water,
01:08:29 Kevin couldn't help but frown at them.
01:08:32 He said, "Tell them not to go down.
01:08:36 There's something in the water."
01:08:39 Although he wasn't on good terms with the Oso family, he didn't want to see so many
01:08:43 mercenaries throw their lives away.
01:08:47 If it were something so strong that he could feel the danger, killing these mercenaries
01:08:52 would be a piece of cake.
01:08:55 Dex's head was foggy.
01:08:57 He did not know what Kevin meant by "danger."
01:09:01 However, he had no choice but to follow Kevin's instructions.
01:09:07 Walking in front of Bianca, Dex said in a deep voice, "Miss, Kevin said that there's
01:09:14 danger underwater, so you'd better not go down there."
01:09:17 "Kevin?"
01:09:20 Bianca chuckled, her beautiful face full of contempt.
01:09:26 Kevin hadn't talked to her back.
01:09:29 Originally, she thought Kevin was a person with a calm personality, and was different
01:09:35 from the other "playboys" she had met in the past.
01:09:39 But she didn't expect that at the final moment, Kevin would be unable to hold it in and brush
01:09:45 away her feelings.
01:09:47 Was she that easy to fool?
01:09:49 "I told you and Kevin to take care of yourselves.
01:09:55 As for me, I don't need either one of you to worry about me."
01:10:00 Bianca spoke in a light tone, but her tone was laced with obvious mockery.
01:10:06 "Is there any danger in the water?
01:10:09 What kind of danger was this?"
01:10:12 She was not a three-year-old child.
01:10:15 Beverly Hills was a very ordinary, primitive forest.
01:10:19 "Forget about tigers and leopards.
01:10:22 There weren't even any wolves here.
01:10:25 So what kind of danger could it be?"
01:10:28 Taking a step back, even if there was any danger, with so many mercenaries with her
01:10:33 and three martial artists at Darkforce stage, how could she be in any danger?
01:10:40 Maybe Kevin did it to show off in front of her, or maybe he was trying to fight for the
01:10:44 Ice Lotus.
01:10:47 No matter what, she looked down on Kevin.
01:10:51 What she hates most is men playing games and pretending to be something they're not.
01:10:57 Why did he have to hide behind her back and scheme in the shadows?
01:11:03 Bianca frowned and walked back without saying a word.
01:11:07 He told Bianca's words to Kevin without changing his expression.
01:11:12 Kevin nodded slightly.
01:11:13 Since Bianca refused to listen to him, there was nothing he could do.
01:11:18 Now he could only hope that his senses were mistaken.
01:11:23 The Oso family first sent six mercenaries down into the water to act as the vanguard
01:11:28 and probe the situation.
01:11:30 The remaining mercenaries were ready to go down after the others had thoroughly investigated
01:11:35 the atmosphere in the water.
01:11:38 Six black figures wearing diving suits dove down into the spring water, causing ripples
01:11:44 on the surface.
01:11:46 On the ground was a laptop showing a live broadcast of the probing images of all the
01:11:52 players in the water.
01:11:55 Everything was normal and nothing was dangerous looking.
01:11:59 Very quickly, the six of them approached a narrow and deep hole.
01:12:04 That hole should be where the three ice lotus grew.
01:12:08 Seeing the elixir right in front of her eyes, Bianca could not help but chuckle.
01:12:14 This operation was too easy.
01:12:17 So easy that it was beyond her expectations.
01:12:20 "Kevin, we got the ice lotus."
01:12:25 Bianca was in a great mood.
01:12:27 She wanted to show off to Kevin and slap his face.
01:12:31 But before she could say anything, something surprising happened.
01:12:36 On the laptop screen, the six monitor images of the divers shook intensely simultaneously.
01:12:43 There were even two miserable shrieks.
01:12:48 Everyone was dumbfounded.
01:12:50 Before they could even react to what had happened, the scene had turned snow white the next second.
01:12:56 The surveillance cameras were completely disconnected.
01:12:59 "What's going on?"
01:13:02 Bianca's pretty face suddenly turned pale.
01:13:06 Without a doubt, something had happened.
01:13:09 The six trained mercenaries had lost their connection at the same time in less than two
01:13:14 seconds.
01:13:17 Judging from the screen shaking, they had clearly suffered from an unimaginable enemy.
01:13:23 Otherwise, they would have had a chance to retaliate.
01:13:26 "Jacob, is there something in the water?"
01:13:31 Barry's face also darkened.
01:13:34 These mercenaries were all loyal to the Oso family.
01:13:37 They were the core forces cultivated by the Oso family.
01:13:42 In the blink of an eye, six had died.
01:13:45 They didn't even know what they had lost.
01:13:49 Therefore, Barry is suspicious of Jacob at the first moment.
01:13:54 "No, I don't know."
01:13:58 Jacob was also stunned.
01:14:00 Even if he had to kill six trained mercenaries, it would take some effort.
01:14:05 Yet, that thing in the water took less than two seconds.
01:14:09 "Useless trash!
01:14:11 What use do I have of you?"
01:14:14 Barry was furious and slapped Jacob's face.
01:14:19 Jacob felt wrong.
01:14:20 "Barry, when my master told us the news, he only said that there were three ice lotus
01:14:27 here and didn't mention anything else.
01:14:30 It's them.
01:14:32 Yes, it must be them.
01:14:35 Barry, it must be them."
01:14:39 Jacob seemed to have thought of something and suddenly shifted his gaze to Kevin's group
01:14:43 of five.
01:14:45 His tone was filled with resentment.
01:14:49 "Bob, don't cause any problems here," Dex said coldly.
01:14:54 From the beginning to the end, the five of them hadn't moved.
01:14:59 "Cause problems?"
01:15:00 Jacob sneered.
01:15:01 "Which eye of yours saw me trying to do that?"
01:15:06 Jacob looked at Barry.
01:15:07 "Barry, they are also determined to win the ice lotus.
01:15:13 But they cannot contend against you.
01:15:15 So naturally, they would try to do something small to affect you."
01:15:21 Barry frowned.
01:15:22 What Jacob said was not an impossibility.
01:15:26 However, he did not understand how Kevin's group of five could have done it.
01:15:32 "You come here," Barry pointed at Kevin.
01:15:37 Kevin didn't move his feet.
01:15:38 Instead, he smiled.
01:15:40 "What can I do for you?"
01:15:43 "Put on your diving suit and go down to check."
01:15:47 Barry narrowed his eyes.
01:15:50 Whether it was Kevin's doing or not, he would know soon.
01:15:53 "What if I don't?"
01:15:56 Kevin was expressionless.
01:15:57 "I won't go down."
01:16:00 "Then die!"
01:16:02 Barry's tone was cold.
01:16:04 He originally wanted to wait until he obtained the ice lotus and left Sacramento before sending
01:16:10 Kevin off.
01:16:11 Still, since Kevin was seeking death himself, he didn't mind sending Kevin off in advance.
01:16:18 The atmosphere was tense.
01:16:21 At this moment, Bianca frowned.
01:16:24 "Uncle, forget it.
01:16:27 Let our people go."
01:16:28 "But, Bianca…"
01:16:31 Barry was stunned.
01:16:33 He wanted to say a few more words of advice, but seeing her determined face, he gave up.
01:16:41 Outsiders might not understand Bianca, but he did.
01:16:45 This was a young girl with a sharp tongue and a rotten heart, who had been kind since
01:16:51 a young age and seemed heartless in front of everyone else.
01:16:59 Just as Barry thought, Bianca's heart softened.
01:17:03 She did not like Kevin, and she even disliked him a little.
01:17:07 However, she was still unable to watch as Kevin went down to his death.
01:17:13 Kevin wasn't someone from the Oso family after all, and he had nothing to do with them.
01:17:20 Barry could have a heart of stone, but she couldn't.
01:17:24 "Find a way to draw that thing out of the water!"
01:17:28 Taking a deep breath, Bianca spoke in a cold voice.
01:17:33 The underwater world was the thing's home ground.
01:17:37 No matter how many people went in, it wouldn't be enough.
01:17:42 Only by luring it to the ground would they be able to put up a fight.
01:17:47 "How?"
01:17:49 Everyone was in a dilemma again.
01:17:51 Right now, they didn't even know what that thing was or where it was.
01:17:56 They had no way of knowing.
01:17:59 "With explosives?"
01:18:01 Someone suggested.
01:18:03 Although they did not know what the creature was, it was clear that the Jade Spring was
01:18:08 its lair.
01:18:10 With the area blown up, it could not possibly remain hidden.
01:18:15 "No!"
01:18:17 Bianca shook her head.
01:18:18 "The explosives will destroy the underground structure of the Jade Spring and cause a landslide.
01:18:27 Therefore, there is a high chance that the Ice Lotus will be buried underground."
01:18:33 Bianca analyzed calmly.
01:18:35 Her ultimate goal this time was the Ice Lotus.
01:18:39 If she could not obtain the Ice Lotus, then everything she did was meaningless.
01:18:45 Kevin frowned.
01:18:47 At this moment, even he was feeling troubled.
01:18:51 If his guess was not wrong, that thing under the water should be the Ice Lotus's guardian.
01:18:57 A heavenly treasure like the Ice Lotus, not only would humans covet it, but some beasts
01:19:03 with a keen sense of smell would too.
01:19:07 Compared to humans, animals had more time, and their territorial awareness was much stronger.
01:19:15 So whatever they set their eyes on, they would guard it day and night, never allowing anyone
01:19:20 to lay their hands on it.
01:19:23 Whatever that thing in the water was, it was very strong.
01:19:27 Otherwise, it would not be able to threaten him.
01:19:32 "Jacob!"
01:19:33 At this moment, Barry shifted his gaze to Jacob.
01:19:37 Jacob shivered, and his legs went soft.
01:19:41 "B-Barry, why?
01:19:44 That's wrong!"
01:19:46 "You go down and lure him out," Barry said expressionlessly.
01:19:53 Without a doubt, Jacob was the most suitable choice.
01:19:58 But unfortunately, an ordinary mercenary would probably be killed before they could even
01:20:04 see the creature.
01:20:06 However, Jacob was a fighter.
01:20:10 No matter what, he could put up a strong fight.
01:20:14 Jacob was shocked and quickly shook his head.
01:20:17 "Barry, I was just injured yesterday.
01:20:21 I don't even have 10% of my strength left.
01:20:26 Either you go down or you die."
01:20:30 Compared to the Oso family, Jacob was useless.
01:20:35 It was a pity that he would not be able to eat the ice lotus and reap the benefits.
01:20:41 But since he would throw his life away sooner or later, the Oso family may as well take
01:20:45 advantage of the time they had left with him and put him to good use.
01:20:51 Jacob's body shook like a sieve, half out of fear and the other half out of anger.
01:20:59 Even if he were beaten to death, he would never have thought that the Oso family would
01:21:03 treat him like this.
01:21:05 He's a martial artist at Dark Horse stage, after all.
01:21:10 Of course, relying on the Oso family was no walk in the park, but they must at least treat
01:21:16 him as a person.
01:21:17 But in the end, the Oso family did not have any intentions of treating him as a human.
01:21:25 Jacob regretted it so much that his stomach turned.
01:21:28 If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have betrayed the American gang.
01:21:33 No matter what, he was still in a high-ranking position in the gang, so he did not need to
01:21:39 be so angry.
01:21:40 "I'll give you thirty seconds to consider," Barry pressed on step by step.
01:21:47 "All right, I'll go."
01:21:50 Jacob gritted his teeth and agreed without hesitation.
01:21:55 As things stood, he had no other way out.
01:21:58 There were two middle-period Dark Horse stage fighters here, so if his left arm hadn't been
01:22:04 severed yesterday, there would have been a chance for him to escape.
01:22:09 However, his left arm was broken yesterday, so he wouldn't be able to run far.
01:22:14 There was only one left.
01:22:18 Jacob put on his diving suit with a pale face.
01:22:21 Right then and there, he decided that if he could get away with it, he would leave the
01:22:25 Oso family.
01:22:26 "Let's go!"
01:22:29 Jacob dove into the water.
01:22:31 On the shore, many mercenaries held up various weapons and set up defensive arrays with serious
01:22:37 faces, protecting Bianca in layers.
01:22:42 The four Bennett siblings also stood on two separate sides.
01:22:46 Staring intently at the water's surface, their expressions extremely nervous.
01:22:52 At this moment, Kevin suddenly shouted, "Back off!"
01:22:57 The four Bennett siblings did not hesitate.
01:23:01 Quickly retreating like arrows that had just left their bowstrings.
01:23:05 However, the rest of the Oso family hesitated for a moment before shifting their gazes to
01:23:11 Bianca.
01:23:13 As they only listened to Bianca's orders, Bianca frowned.
01:23:18 The water's surface in front of them was calm, without any ripples.
01:23:23 It didn't seem to be dangerous at all, so why did Kevin want them to back off?
01:23:30 Before this thought could leave their mind, the water's calm surface suddenly burst open.
01:23:37 A black stream of water shot up into the sky.
01:23:41 Bianca's pupils suddenly constricted as fear surged out from the depths of her soul and
01:23:46 enveloped her entire body in an instant.
01:23:50 She could not speak to describe what the black shadow in front of her was.
01:23:56 All she knew was that this black shadow's body was huge.
01:24:02 It was only half a foot above the surface of the water, yet it was already more than
01:24:06 30 feet long.
01:24:09 Thirty feet!
01:24:11 How could that be?
01:24:13 It was equivalent to three stories tall!
01:24:17 Bianca did not know what she was looking at, nor did she want to.
01:24:22 All she could think about was giving the order to retreat.
01:24:27 Almost subconsciously, Bianca was about to shout and retreat, but she was too terrified
01:24:32 even to make a sound.
01:24:35 It was as if her throat had been grabbed by an invisible hand.
01:24:40 Bianca's feet seemed to have rooted themselves to the ground, making it difficult for her
01:24:44 to move even a single step.
01:24:48 Fear and despair filled her entire body.
01:24:51 "Protect her!"
01:24:54 In the nick of time, a furious roar sounded out.
01:24:59 Barry's face was full of anger as he stepped forward.
01:25:04 This angry roar finally woke up the many Oso family mercenaries who were trembling.
01:25:11 Even though they were still afraid, they raised all rifles in their hands and started shooting
01:25:16 at the black shadow.
01:25:19 Bombs burst out from the muzzle of the guns, and a deafening barrage of gunshots rang out.
01:25:26 In an instant, nearly a hundred bullets struck the giant black shadow rushing towards them
01:25:32 as quick as lightning.
01:25:34 The giant black shadow's body paused for a moment before it screamed and retreated.
01:25:40 The smoke finally dispersed.
01:25:43 Everyone saw a scene that they would never forget.
01:25:48 Standing on the shore was a humongous, bowing serpent.
01:25:54 It was a large snake that was about fifty feet long.
01:25:58 What had just surfaced was only half of its body.
01:26:02 The snake's body was as thick as a bucket, and its entire body was covered with black
01:26:07 scales the size of a palm.
01:26:11 On the snake's head was a pair of dark green, gem-like vertical pupils.
01:26:17 They were sinister and terrifying, staring at the people in front of it.
01:26:23 An intangible fear once again descended upon the entire scene.
01:26:28 Everyone felt chills go through their bodies, and even breathing had become difficult.
01:26:35 This was especially so for the group of mercenaries who had just fired off their bullets.
01:26:41 The fear in their hearts was the greatest, because when the several hundred rounds of
01:26:46 bullets struck the body of the large black snake, only a few white marks were left on
01:26:51 its scales.
01:26:53 The serpent's defenses were not even broken.
01:27:05 Even as a martial artist at Darkforce stage, Barry's mind was numb.
01:27:10 He had traveled in the martial arts world for more than forty years, killed tigers and
01:27:15 leopards, and hunted jackals.
01:27:19 He had seen many dangerous animals before, but had never seen anything like what was
01:27:23 in front of them.
01:27:25 A fifty foot long body.
01:27:28 What kind of animal could this be?
01:27:32 Even if a tank were in front of it, it would be demolished no different than a child's
01:27:37 body.
01:27:38 It would simply send anything flying.
01:27:42 "Kevin, this...what exactly is this thing?"
01:27:48 The Bennett siblings were also completely shocked.
01:27:51 They had traveled far and wide in the past few years, and could be considered worldly
01:27:57 people, but even they had never heard of a large black snake like this.
01:28:03 Kevin shook his head with a serious expression.
01:28:06 The thing in front of him was probably beyond the scope of merely a snake.
01:28:11 "Let me face the beast," Barry ordered in a low voice.
01:28:17 He took a deep breath and looked behind him.
01:28:20 "Everyone else, cover the lady and retreat."
01:28:25 The black snake's speed was even faster than the wind, and it was immune to bullets.
01:28:32 So other than filling its stomach, there was no other use for these mercenaries of the
01:28:36 Oso family.
01:28:39 Only if he battled against another middle period of the Dark Force stage from the Oso
01:28:43 family would he be able to cause any harm to the black snake.
01:28:48 Almost at the same time as Barry finished his words, the huge black snake flicked its
01:28:53 tongue and bit Barry like an arrow released from a bow.
01:28:58 Barry's pupils constricted, and he subconsciously rolled away, avoiding the bite of the giant
01:29:04 black snake.
01:29:06 However, the Oso family mercenary behind him was in a terrible situation.
01:29:13 He was directly bitten into two pieces by the black python, one half of his body entering
01:29:19 the black snake's mouth and the other half remaining on the ground, his intestines falling
01:29:25 to the ground with blood continuously flowing out.
01:29:33 Bianca let out an earth-shattering scream.
01:29:36 This extremely frightening scene finally woke her from her stupor.
01:29:41 But at the same time, her miserable shrieks caught the attention of the black snake, and
01:29:47 its dark green eyes locked onto Bianca in an instant.
01:29:51 Seeing that the black snake was about to bite Bianca, Barry's eyes suddenly became bloodshot.
01:29:59 Then he roared and leaped into the air.
01:30:02 "Servant, look at this!"
01:30:05 The long blade swept through everything in its path, even the air itself seemed as if
01:30:11 it would split apart.
01:30:13 The black snake seemed to have felt the threat and gave up on Bianca, turning its body towards
01:30:19 Barry.
01:30:20 At this moment, the blade made contact.
01:30:25 Barry's long blade hacked at the scales of the black snake, creating sparks and blood
01:30:31 stains.
01:30:33 The dark green eyes of the black snake flashed with a trace of human-like anger.
01:30:39 With a swing of its huge tail, it swung towards Barry with a crushing force.
01:30:44 Barry, who was in the middle of the air, didn't have any leverage.
01:30:50 He could only hold the long sword horizontally in front of his chest and watch as the giant
01:30:56 train-like tail swatted towards him.
01:31:00 The huge tail slapped the long blade.
01:31:02 A crisp sound rang out.
01:31:06 The long blade, refined a hundred times, was instantly cut in half right down the middle.
01:31:13 The tail of the snake kept moving and hit Barry's chest again.
01:31:18 After repeated cracking sounds, several of Barry's ribs were broken.
01:31:24 He flew several feet away, and before he even landed on the ground, he spat out a mouthful
01:31:29 of blood.
01:31:32 With just one move, the middle period of Dark Horse Stages' Barry had lost the ability
01:31:37 to defend himself.
01:31:39 "Kevin, let's retreat!"
01:31:43 Atticus, who was always fearless, said with a trembling voice.
01:31:48 He had never seen such overwhelming power.
01:31:52 Manpower was so insignificant in front of this beast.
01:31:56 When the bullets hit it, there was not even a mark left behind.
01:32:01 And when the long blade of a martial artist at Dark Horse Stage hit it, only a few sparks
01:32:06 were created.
01:32:08 Without using a heavy artillery weapon like a tank or a rocket launcher, there was no
01:32:13 way to deal with it.
01:32:15 "Retreat?
01:32:17 Why should I retreat?"
01:32:18 Kevin smiled faintly.
01:32:20 "We came for the Ice Lotus.
01:32:23 If we retreat, how will we get it?"
01:32:26 But -
01:32:27 Atticus was stunned.
01:32:30 He wanted to say that the black snake in front of him was no match for any human.
01:32:35 But when he met Kevin's eyes, which were filled with a fighting spirit, he couldn't say anything
01:32:41 else.
01:32:42 "Kevin, although the Ice Lotus is critically important, your safety is even more important!"
01:32:49 Dex said in a deep voice.
01:32:52 He could also see Kevin's eagerness to fight.
01:32:55 But was Kevin ready to face this opponent in front of him?
01:32:58 Maybe not.
01:33:01 Kevin shook his head and did not say anything.
01:33:04 Though the black snake in front of him was terrifying, it was not impossible to defeat.
01:33:11 Just as the four Bennett siblings and Kevin were chatting, the battle between the Oso
01:33:15 family and the Black Serpent again rang out.
01:33:19 Barry's fall caused everyone's morale to plummet.
01:33:24 The black snake swept toward the Oso family mercenaries like a tornado.
01:33:28 Jared, one of the middle period of Dark Horse Stage warriors, saw that the situation had
01:33:34 gone awry, grabbed Bianca, and fled.
01:33:38 There was simply no time to pay attention to the Oso family or the numerous mercenaries.
01:33:45 The mercenaries were utterly defeated.
01:33:48 The black snake rushed into the group of people.
01:33:51 It opened its huge mouth and swallowed the human figures one by one, sometimes biting
01:33:56 them in half.
01:33:59 If one accidentally brushed against the body of the black snake, one would be sent flying.
01:34:05 Their internal organs would be shattered into bloody foam in midair.
01:34:10 Being hit by this snake was just as powerful as being hit by a truck traveling at 100 miles
01:34:16 per hour.
01:34:18 Bianca's mouth was wide open as tears streamed down her cheeks.
01:34:23 At this point, even if she wanted to cry out, she couldn't make a sound.
01:34:29 Seeing familiar faces screaming in pain right in front of her and being helpless to stop
01:34:34 their agony was a heart-wrenching feeling that couldn't be described with words.
01:34:41 Bianca regretted everything right then.
01:34:43 If she had to do it all over again, she definitely would not have come to Beverly Hills.
01:34:50 If she could go back in time, she would order them all to retreat when Kevin said there
01:34:55 was danger underwater.
01:34:58 But there was no if.
01:35:00 There was only now and the fact that she had been determined to do as she pleased.
01:35:06 And now there were countless casualties.
01:35:10 After killing most of the Oso family mercenaries, the snake's cold gaze turned to Barry, who
01:35:17 was lying on the ground and losing all ability to fight.
01:35:21 Barry had wounded it.
01:35:24 Even though it was a small wound, it was there nonetheless.
01:35:29 Now the snake wanted to have its revenge.
01:35:32 It wanted to destroy Barry into a pile of rotten meat to vent the anger in its heart.
01:35:38 The snake flicked its tongue and calmly crawled towards Barry.
01:35:43 "Uncle Barry!"
01:35:46 Bianca, who was watching the scene, screamed miserably as she exerted all her strength
01:35:52 in shouting.
01:35:54 She was going to save Barry.
01:35:56 Her father had died when she was young and it was Barry who had raised her.
01:36:02 Her relationship with Barry was similar to that of a father and daughter.
01:36:06 She couldn't just stand by and watch Barry get killed by the black snake.
01:36:11 "Bianca, don't come over!"
01:36:15 Barry was covered in blood and his eyes looked like they were about to burst.
01:36:22 Jared was also extremely upset and indignant as he held onto Bianca tightly.
01:36:28 "Miss, you can't go over there.
01:36:31 If you go over there, Barry will have died for nothing."
01:36:36 In fact, from the moment the black snake appeared, Barry already knew that he wouldn't be able
01:36:41 to survive the day.
01:36:44 As the person in charge of the Oso family's operation at this time, he had to be the one
01:36:49 to stay behind.
01:36:51 "Miss, quickly leave!"
01:36:54 Barry laughed bitterly and staggered as he stood up and ran towards the black snake.
01:36:59 "Uncle Barry!"
01:37:02 Bianca let out a mournful cry.
01:37:05 Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt the pain of her heart shattering.
01:37:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
