The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 231-240

  • 4 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️
#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story
00:00:00 "Are you done?"
00:00:08 Kevin smiled faintly.
00:00:11 Otis was stunned.
00:00:12 What did Kevin mean by that?
00:00:14 Did he not understand his words?
00:00:18 He had already explained to him clearly that his father, Cody, was a martial arts master.
00:00:25 If Kevin killed him, Cody would come for Kevin in return.
00:00:28 Was Kevin upset about insulting his wife?
00:00:32 "I'm done."
00:00:34 Although Otis had a thousand thoughts in his mind, he decided not to express them.
00:00:41 He was still trying to be respectful towards Kevin.
00:00:45 Kevin nodded slightly, and Otis repeated, "I'm done."
00:00:50 "Then go to hell."
00:00:53 Otis' pupils suddenly contracted.
00:00:56 His face was filled with shock, and he wanted to say something.
00:01:00 However, Kevin did not give him a chance and quickly pointed at his forehead.
00:01:06 The formless energy pierced through his forehead, and Otis crashed onto the ground, dying alongside
00:01:16 Brett.
00:01:18 With Otis' death, his family's many bodyguards and servants immediately scattered like birds
00:01:24 and beasts.
00:01:26 Kevin naturally wasn't in the mood to chase after these ants, so instead he walked up
00:01:32 to Claire and apologetically said, "Dad, Claire, I'm sorry I came late."
00:01:40 Alan's mouth was agape as he looked at Kevin.
00:01:43 He was speechless for a long time as he could not connect this decisive man, who seemed
00:01:49 like the emperor of the world, with a mediocre cook at home who wore an apron every day.
00:01:56 While he was unconscious, what had happened?
00:02:00 How had Kevin made such a turnaround?
00:02:02 This family is an established, first-tier family in Sacramento, but Kevin exterminated
00:02:09 them in less than three minutes.
00:02:13 Alan's reaction was within Kevin's expectations.
00:02:17 However, Kevin did not know how to explain it to Alan.
00:02:21 "It's fine.
00:02:24 Get dad down first."
00:02:26 Claire paused for a moment.
00:02:28 She had some understanding of Kevin's skills, so she wasn't surprised that Kevin killed
00:02:32 Brett and Otis.
00:02:33 It was just that she hated the sight of all that blood at once.
00:02:39 Yes, her husband nodded his head and helped Alan down from the tree.
00:02:45 Then he transferred some energy into Alan's body to alleviate his injuries.
00:02:50 "Kevin, why are you so stupid?"
00:02:54 In his opinion, Kevin's actions were too rash.
00:02:59 However, no matter how unforgivable Otis's actions were, Kevin shouldn't have killed
00:03:05 Otis in front of so many people.
00:03:09 After all, Otis was the patriarch of the Evans family.
00:03:13 He was one of the top nobles in the Sacramento area, so when Otis died, the entire city of
00:03:19 Sacramento would be in an uproar.
00:03:22 The police will investigate this matter thoroughly.
00:03:25 At that time, where will Kevin go to avoid them?
00:03:28 "Dad, don't worry.
00:03:32 Nothing that happened here will be leaked out."
00:03:35 But Alan was worried about.
00:03:36 He could more or less guess.
00:03:39 He was prepared.
00:03:42 Before he came, he had already informed River and Jared, and their people had already surrounded
00:03:47 the manor.
00:03:48 Not even a fly, let alone any person, could escape on their watch.
00:03:54 He believed that Jared and River had the means to shut these people up.
00:03:59 Taking a step back, even if the matter were to get to the police station, it would not
00:04:03 be difficult to rework the case with his current power.
00:04:07 That's why Alan's worry was completely unnecessary.
00:04:10 Will it not leak out?
00:04:13 He felt that current Kevin had undergone a tremendous change compared to the past.
00:04:19 If the former Kevin was a rusty iron sword, then the present Kevin was a treasured masterpiece
00:04:25 with a sharp edge.
00:04:27 "I don't know.
00:04:29 But dad, try to relax a little, will you?"
00:04:34 Kevin smiled.
00:04:35 "That's a good idea."
00:04:37 Alan nodded his head and said.
00:04:39 "I heard from Otis that I was tied here because of something to do with Beverly Hills.
00:04:45 What did our family take away from them?
00:04:47 So what the hell is going on?"
00:04:50 "Dad, the construction of Beverly Hills?"
00:04:53 Claire recounted the events that happened during the month after Alan fainted from beginning
00:04:58 to end.
00:05:00 After hearing it, Alan was astonished and shocked beyond words.
00:05:04 He didn't expect so many things to have happened outside while he'd been in a coma for only
00:05:10 a month.
00:05:12 The city of San Francisco had invested five billion dollars into the Beverly Hills Project,
00:05:18 yet the right family was related to the city.
00:05:22 Alan was very pleased about his family's contracting.
00:05:26 But when he heard that Claire was kicked off the seat in charge of the Beverly Hills Project,
00:05:31 Alan's face immediately turned red in anger.
00:05:35 But of course, he was only unconscious while this was happening, not dead.
00:05:42 So why would his family bully his daughter like this?
00:05:46 Claire then explained everything and told him about Kevin's efforts.
00:05:50 Alan was stunned again.
00:05:51 He originally thought that Kevin's transformation was only a small one.
00:05:56 But after what Claire said, it seemed that Kevin had started to change drastically since
00:06:01 he lost consciousness.
00:06:04 Claire told them most of the things that happened during the month that Alan was unconscious,
00:06:09 but she still hid a few things, such as the whereabouts of the hotel and Kevin's identity
00:06:14 as the Bennett family heir.
00:06:16 Alan did not doubt him any longer.
00:06:19 After listening, he patted Kevin's shoulder and sighed with emotion.
00:06:23 "You are so capable.
00:06:25 So now you can repay us for Claire suffering with you for three years because you had trouble
00:06:30 on a delivery.
00:06:31 Damn, sorry."
00:06:32 Kevin smiled bitterly.
00:06:36 If the people from the Bennett family didn't cause that car accident and heavily injured
00:06:41 Alan, he probably would have continued to deliver food indefinitely.
00:06:45 "Oh, what are you apologizing for?"
00:06:50 Kevin let out a long breath, smiled, and said, "You little rascal.
00:06:55 Now that you have grown up, you have to treat my daughter better in the future.
00:07:00 If I find out you have betrayed my daughter, I won't just break your legs."
00:07:05 "Dad, don't worry.
00:07:07 It won't happen."
00:07:08 Kevin smiled.
00:07:09 He had gotten a real chance with his darling Claire.
00:07:12 How could he let her down?
00:07:15 Claire did not know how long her and Kevin's peaceful days could last.
00:07:20 Although Kevin did not say anything about it, she could feel that there was a huge force
00:07:24 that was eyeing her covetously.
00:07:27 Even Kevin was afraid of this force.
00:07:29 "Dad, Claire, I'll take you to the hospital first."
00:07:34 Kevin said that he had only used his strength to stop Alan's internal injuries, but he had
00:07:39 no way of dealing with the bone injury on Alan's leg.
00:07:42 There was also Claire, whose forehead had been hit by Otis's steel pipe.
00:07:47 "Alright, let's go to the hospital first."
00:07:51 Alan nodded, but in his heart, he was baffled.
00:07:56 What was that airflow his son-in-law had sent into his body just now?
00:08:00 After the airflow entered his body, he didn't feel any pain at all.
00:08:11 EPISODE 232 Home Healing Aura
00:08:16 Although he was puzzled, Alan didn't ask too much.
00:08:20 Everyone should have their secrets, and Kevin was no different.
00:08:24 Three years ago, he had already realized that Kevin was not ordinary.
00:08:29 It was because he had seen him suffer such heavy injuries that it would have been impossible
00:08:33 for a normal person to survive.
00:08:36 However, Kevin's performance back then was very tenacious.
00:08:41 This tenacity moved Alan's heart and brought Kevin back to the Wright family.
00:08:46 Aaron Puckett drove the three to the hospital in a BMW.
00:08:51 Jared and River, on the other hand, stayed behind to deal with the remnants of the Evans
00:08:55 family.
00:08:57 Kevin received Jared's message not long after.
00:09:00 "Mr. Bennett, Jack Wright asked the Evans family people to kidnap Uncle Alan."
00:09:06 "Alright, I understand."
00:09:09 Kevin's gaze turned slightly cold as he typed his response.
00:09:15 "Jack Wright.
00:09:17 It was him."
00:09:19 When Kevin felt that there was something fishy about Alan's appearance at the Evans family
00:09:23 manor.
00:09:24 Normally, people like that would be looking for him and Claire, not Alan.
00:09:30 But since they had found the Evans family, it was obvious that someone was instigating
00:09:35 them from behind.
00:09:36 At that time, Kevin suspected Jack, but he didn't have the opportunity to prove it.
00:09:43 Now he got the answer from Jared.
00:09:47 "Mr. Bennett, do you want me to bring Jack to you now?"
00:09:52 Jared asked.
00:09:53 "No need.
00:09:54 As for Jack, I will take care of him myself.
00:09:57 It would be best if you handled the matter of that family first.
00:10:01 Don't let any information leak out."
00:10:04 Jack crossed Kevin again and again.
00:10:07 He would not let him off easy this time.
00:10:10 "Yes, Mr. Bennett."
00:10:13 Jared put his phone away.
00:10:15 Although he had already expected that Kevin would make a move against the Evans family,
00:10:20 he didn't expect that he would use this kind of method to directly and decisively attack
00:10:26 the entire family and eliminate Brett and Otis.
00:10:30 With Otis' death, the rest of his family naturally fell and scattered like monkeys
00:10:35 in a pile of loose sand.
00:10:38 "You mean Claire went there alone?"
00:10:40 In the chairman's office of the L.A. Tower, Jack frowned.
00:10:45 Standing in front of him was the company's security chief.
00:10:48 "Yes, Chairman.
00:10:50 After the old man was taken away by the Evans family, the hospital's nurse called Claire's
00:10:55 cell phone immediately, so Claire went over there on her own."
00:10:59 "Where's that trash Kevin?"
00:11:02 The thing he was most afraid of was still Kevin, so he had his family take away Alan
00:11:06 to borrow that family's power to get rid of Kevin once and for all.
00:11:11 "Chairman, we don't know where he went.
00:11:14 We haven't seen him in Sacramento lately," the security chief said.
00:11:18 "Let your people continue watching the Evans family and see if that trash will go
00:11:22 look for them there."
00:11:24 He thought that Kevin would appear at the first moment, but even now there was no news
00:11:29 of Kevin.
00:11:30 Could it be that this piece of trash knew that the family was not to be trifled with
00:11:35 and became terrified?
00:11:38 Jack did not know that the entire family had been defeated and was surrounded by Jared
00:11:43 and River's men.
00:11:45 Even the people the security office sent out were all controlled by Jared's men.
00:11:50 In the evening, Kevin returned home with Alan and Claire.
00:11:54 Closing the door open, the group saw Eileen sitting on the sofa watching TV.
00:12:00 "Alan?"
00:12:01 Her eyes widened when she saw her husband and stood up from the sofa.
00:12:06 "Eileen?"
00:12:07 A smile appeared on Alan's face.
00:12:10 He had been in a semi-conscious state during these days at the hospital.
00:12:14 Although he knew that she had come to see him every day, he could not say anything.
00:12:20 Even though the people from the Evans family had hung him on a tree today, they still had
00:12:24 accidentally caused him to wake up.
00:12:27 Now that he saw Eileen again, Alan felt a sense of joy from reuniting with her after
00:12:33 a long time.
00:12:34 "Alan, why are you released from the hospital?
00:12:39 Also, why did you get a new cast on your leg?"
00:12:43 Seeing Alan leaning on his walking stick and his leg covered with plaster, Eileen could
00:12:47 not help but be shocked.
00:12:50 She did not know that Alan was brought to the Evans family.
00:12:53 All she knew was that something had happened to Alan.
00:12:57 "Claire, what's with the bandage on your head?"
00:13:01 Eileen shifted her gaze to Claire.
00:13:03 "Why did both father and daughter nearly die after not seeing each other for just one day?"
00:13:09 "Mom, it's like this.
00:13:12 Dad woke up today, so I went to get him out of the hospital.
00:13:16 When I was helping him down the stairs, he missed the step and accidentally fell."
00:13:20 "I... you fell as well?"
00:13:23 Eileen interrupted Claire doubtfully.
00:13:25 Why did she feel that Claire's words were untrue?
00:13:29 "Yes, I fell too."
00:13:33 Claire lied without hesitation.
00:13:35 On the way back, she had discussed this with Alan and decided not to tell Eileen about
00:13:40 what had happened.
00:13:41 After all, her mother was famous for her big mouth and always hated Kevin.
00:13:47 So if she knew that Kevin had killed someone, the first thing she would do would be to report
00:13:53 it to the police.
00:13:54 "Alan, tell me, how old are you?
00:13:58 Why are you still so careless?"
00:14:01 Eileen glanced at Alan reproachfully.
00:14:04 Although the father-daughter pair had been injured, it didn't seem like a big problem.
00:14:09 As long as they were released from the hospital, they should be fine.
00:14:13 "Isn't this the day I left the hospital?
00:14:16 I was too happy and didn't pay attention to my feet."
00:14:19 Alan smiled.
00:14:20 "You're happy.
00:14:21 I'm afraid some people aren't."
00:14:25 Eileen's tone became strange again.
00:14:29 It was obvious that she was targeting Kevin.
00:14:33 Kevin frowned and didn't say anything.
00:14:36 Alan had just been discharged from the hospital today and he didn't want to make it difficult
00:14:40 for him, so he didn't plan to argue with Eileen.
00:14:44 "Come on, what do you mean?"
00:14:47 Alan smiled bitterly.
00:14:49 Did she not see Kevin's improvement over the past month?
00:14:53 Why did she still have such a prejudice against Kevin?
00:14:56 In the past, when the guy was delivering food, she had always despised him, but that was
00:15:02 understandable.
00:15:03 Now that Kevin had become so popular, why was she still targeting him?
00:15:08 "How boring."
00:15:10 Eileen coldly snorted and said.
00:15:13 "Alan, you still don't know about the matter of your son-in-law wanting to take our daughter
00:15:18 from our family, do you?"
00:15:20 "Take her from our family?"
00:15:22 Alan was stunned.
00:15:23 "Claire didn't tell him about this."
00:15:26 "Yes, set up another family.
00:15:29 I guess they want to escape from us to live independently now that their wings have turned
00:15:33 hard."
00:15:35 Eileen mockingly said.
00:15:36 "But it's your choice.
00:15:38 I would be reluctant to serve that boy for too long if it were me."
00:15:42 "I want to see how others would feel about him."
00:15:45 "Mom, you're thinking too much."
00:15:48 Kevin said indifferently.
00:15:50 However, Eileen's intention was clear.
00:15:54 She said that he wanted to be the master of his own family and act on his own decisions,
00:15:58 not on behalf of Claire and her family.
00:16:01 "I'm thinking too much?"
00:16:03 Eileen smiled in ridicule.
00:16:05 "Kevin, do you dare to say that you didn't bring up the matter of splitting from our family?"
00:16:11 "I did, but my original intention was to let Claire suffer less grievance."
00:16:16 Kevin said lightly.
00:16:17 "Honestly."
00:16:18 Eileen scoffed, her words sounding even better than if she was singing.
00:16:24 She was thinking about her good, but she was going to push all this onto Claire.
00:16:36 Part 233 Family Peekaboo
00:16:41 Kevin frowned and didn't say anything.
00:16:44 Eileen's impression of him had already solidified.
00:16:47 Therefore, whatever he said was just an excuse in Eileen's eyes.
00:16:53 Alan frowned.
00:16:54 He didn't feel that Kevin breaking away from their family was to satisfy his selfish desire,
00:17:00 and it was very likely that Kevin had other plans.
00:17:03 However, Alan did not want his branch to be separated from the rest of the family.
00:17:09 He had grown up in the right family, after all, and he had many brothers and sisters.
00:17:14 If Kevin were to establish another section of the family, the relationship between the
00:17:18 new family and the old family would be like fire and water.
00:17:23 "Kevin, what do you think?"
00:17:26 "I more or less understand this idea, but do you want to reconsider this matter?"
00:17:31 Kevin paused for a second and added, "I know the biggest problem you two have right now
00:17:36 is Jack.
00:17:37 Jack is not that sensible.
00:17:39 If you allow him to go forward with managing the Beverly Hills Project, there is a chance
00:17:44 it could cripple the whole operation.
00:17:46 But no matter what he said, he's still your cousin.
00:17:50 Although the two of you have fought and hurt each other, you are blood relatives in the
00:17:54 end.
00:17:55 Relatives can come in handy when you're in need, so think about that before making your
00:18:00 decision."
00:18:01 He was very traditional and old school, and his clan's history had long been deeply rooted
00:18:06 in his blood.
00:18:07 To him, the relationship between Claire and her family was like a part of her body.
00:18:12 No matter where they cut, it would hurt.
00:18:16 If Kevin had set up another family, Alan would have been caught in the middle and no one
00:18:20 would respect him.
00:18:22 Kevin sighed from the bottom of his heart.
00:18:25 Alan didn't know how serious the situation was right now.
00:18:28 He thought Jack was being stupid and selfish, and that Kevin was lashing out by doing something
00:18:33 out of the ordinary.
00:18:34 However, the fact that they were family meant nothing to Jack.
00:18:40 Alan, this third uncle, was also sold out to the Evan family by Jack.
00:18:46 If it weren't for Kevin saving Alan's life, he probably would have died at Jack's hands
00:18:51 long ago.
00:18:53 Therefore, the current Jack was just a crazy animal.
00:18:58 Kevin was not at ease in his presence, and there was no way he would let Claire and such
00:19:03 an animal live under the same roof.
00:19:06 "Alan, honey, it's useless.
00:19:10 Even if you say it, it's useless.
00:19:12 Now that he's grown up, why would he listen to anything we say?"
00:19:15 Eileen mocked from the side.
00:19:18 However, when Alan returned, she found her backbone and became more daring when talking
00:19:24 to and about Kevin.
00:19:26 "Eileen, how can you say that?"
00:19:29 From the moment he entered the room, Eileen had been ridiculing Kevin.
00:19:34 The most important thing was that he was a person who could tell right from wrong, and
00:19:39 it was very clear that Kevin had never done anything to let Claire down, or even the Wright
00:19:44 family from the beginning till the end.
00:19:48 Seeing Alan glaring at her, Eileen still wouldn't give up.
00:19:52 She placed her hands on her hips and said confidently, "Alan, what do you mean by 'how
00:19:58 can I say that?'
00:20:00 Isn't this the reality right now?
00:20:02 Since this trash's wings have hardened, he has been trying to cause a ruckus.
00:20:08 So what if he wants to live on his own with his family?
00:20:11 Did Kevin say he wouldn't break off from the Wright family?"
00:20:14 Alan said angrily.
00:20:15 "It's precisely because this piece of trash didn't say he wouldn't leave I'm angry.
00:20:21 I don't want him taking my daughter from me."
00:20:24 "You don't know how stupid this piece of trash is."
00:20:28 But while he was out curating his own family, not only did he not take a single cent from
00:20:34 us, he even gave back all of the Beverly Hills projects that we and Claire painstakingly
00:20:41 signed to him.
00:20:42 "That is a five hundred million dollar project, how can he support her without it?"
00:20:47 "If you want my opinion, he can break away, but for those projects in the Beverly Hills,
00:20:54 we must only take half of them back."
00:20:57 She was in favor of Kevin creating another family.
00:21:00 This was because she had stayed in the Wright family for many years and had never raised
00:21:05 her head.
00:21:06 What she was angry at was that when Kevin was talking about setting up another family
00:21:11 with Claire, his bargaining chip turned out to be the Beverly Hills project, worth five
00:21:17 hundred million.
00:21:18 In her opinion, all of these projects technically belonged to Claire, so if he didn't want to
00:21:25 take them with him, he should at least take half of them with him as the capital for the
00:21:30 new family to rise to prominence.
00:21:33 But that idiot Kevin told them to give all the five hundred million dollars worth of
00:21:39 work to the Hanson family in exchange for helping him set up his new family branch.
00:21:46 Eileen was almost angered to death by this news.
00:21:49 Even if her brain were to turn into cement, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing.
00:21:55 How could she not be angry that this man gave away a five hundred million dollar project
00:22:00 which didn't even belong to him?
00:22:03 It belonged to Claire.
00:22:04 "Don't mess around," Ellen said sternly.
00:22:08 She was worried that once the Wright family was established again, she would not have
00:22:12 any money to spend.
00:22:14 But she did not know how much power the current Kevin had.
00:22:18 He was able to destroy a powerful family like the Evans' with one hand.
00:22:24 So earning money would not be a difficult task for Kevin.
00:22:28 Ellen even suspected that Kevin's current assets had long since exceeded the Wright
00:22:32 family, so he did not mind the Beverly Hills project falling back into his hands.
00:22:38 "Ellen, how am I messing around?"
00:22:41 Eileen began to throw a tantrum.
00:22:43 "Everything I do, it's just because I'm looking out for myself.
00:22:48 So what right do you have to say I'm nagging you?
00:22:51 If this isn't bullshitting, then what is it?
00:22:54 The construction in Beverly Hills is not for Claire alone."
00:22:58 Ellen pulled on his beard and glared at her.
00:23:01 He was also angered.
00:23:02 Seeing that the two of them were about to argue, Kevin couldn't help but have a headache.
00:23:08 He sighed and said, "Dad, Mom, don't say any more.
00:23:13 I will reconsider the matter of reestablishing the new family."
00:23:16 "Reconsider?
00:23:17 What is there to consider?
00:23:20 I don't want to care about your new little family anymore.
00:23:24 But for those projects regarding Beverly Hills, you must give them back to me.
00:23:29 Those are ours and Claire's, and you have no right to take control of them."
00:23:34 Eileen said in an unreasonably loud tone, "Mom, Kevin got those projects from his classmate
00:23:40 Matthew for me.
00:23:42 So strictly speaking, it should be under Kevin's control, not mine."
00:23:48 She had already asked Eileen this question no less than ten times, but had not received
00:23:53 much consideration.
00:23:54 Eileen could say what she wanted, but in reality, not to mention in the Wright family, all of
00:24:00 the projects in Beverly Hills were Kevin's.
00:24:04 "Claire, what are you talking about?
00:24:06 Matthew Bennett is not an idiot.
00:24:09 What kind of relationship is worth five hundred million?
00:24:13 The reason why I handed the project over to you was because of our family ties.
00:24:17 As for this piece of trash, it's just a matter of time before he destroys us."
00:24:23 Eileen pouted.
00:24:28 EPISODE 234.
00:24:30 Bagged a weakness.
00:24:32 Claire shook her head, too lazy to argue with her mother.
00:24:36 Eileen turned to Alan and said, "Honey, you have just been discharged from the hospital
00:24:41 today so I don't want to argue with you.
00:24:45 Let's not talk about this trash establishing our other family for now.
00:24:48 Our top priority at this point is to buy a house."
00:24:52 "Buy a house?
00:24:53 Where did you get the money to do that?"
00:24:56 He was very clear about the situation at home.
00:24:59 He was not very well off, and now that he was sick, he had spent a huge amount of money
00:25:04 making life even more difficult.
00:25:08 Even keeping food on the table was difficult, not to mention buying a house.
00:25:12 So where did Eileen get the money from?
00:25:14 "Don't worry about where I got the money," Eileen took out a card and said with a face
00:25:20 full of vigor, "In short, we will go to Beverly Hills to look at the house tomorrow."
00:25:25 "Beverly Hills?
00:25:26 A house there would at least cost seven or eight million dollars."
00:25:32 Alan's frown deepened.
00:25:34 The seven or eight million dollar house he mentioned was only the most ordinary house,
00:25:40 around 70 to 80 square meters, not a mansion or a villa.
00:25:45 "A house worth only seven or eight million?
00:25:47 How can a person live in such a place?"
00:25:50 Eileen curled her lips in ridicule.
00:25:52 "If we want to be comfortable, we can buy one for ten million."
00:25:58 Alan's mouth was agape.
00:26:00 Was Eileen not afraid of losing her tongue in the middle of bragging?
00:26:04 How could she even dare to say they could afford a ten million dollar home?
00:26:09 "Eileen, where did you get the money?
00:26:12 Was it given to you by Kevin?"
00:26:14 In his opinion, only Kevin could have that much money.
00:26:17 Otherwise, they would only be working off Eileen's monthly social security payments.
00:26:22 That was only a few thousand a month, nothing compared to the amount of money she was bragging
00:26:27 about.
00:26:28 "Come on, what are you thinking about?
00:26:30 If this piece of trash could give me ten million, I would bow to him with a smile on my face."
00:26:36 Eileen snorted arrogantly, then said, "I saved this money on my own, little by little, and
00:26:42 it has absolutely nothing to do with this piece of trash.
00:26:47 Last time we were in Beverly Hills, there was a person with the last name London."
00:26:51 Eileen told him everything about how she was beaten by Warren London's wife a few days
00:26:55 ago in Beverly Hills, and how Warren lost five million dollars.
00:27:00 She told him how Jared Smith paid 1.5 million dollars to Claire.
00:27:05 After hearing everything, Alan's mouth hung open, wide enough to fit two eggs inside,
00:27:11 and he was completely stunned.
00:27:13 "That guy Warren lost five million to Eileen.
00:27:17 Is that person a fool, or did he have so much money that he had no place to spend it?"
00:27:23 Alan thought in astonishment.
00:27:25 Nowadays, if someone were killed, at most, the perpetrator would owe only six to seven
00:27:31 hundred thousand dollars.
00:27:33 But Eileen, however, only got slapped a few times.
00:27:36 "It managed to gain five million?
00:27:38 How could such a good thing happen to them?
00:27:41 There must be something else going on."
00:27:45 In almost an instant, Alan thought of Kevin.
00:27:48 At that time, Kevin was present.
00:27:50 He must have convinced or forced Warren to give Eileen the five million.
00:27:55 Otherwise, if it were just Eileen alone, she would have had to have been beaten to death
00:28:00 on the side of the mountain to earn that kind of money for her family.
00:28:04 What kind of background did this quiet son-in-law have that could cause so many people to fear
00:28:10 him?
00:28:11 Alan became more and more curious about Kevin's true identity.
00:28:14 But now, in front of Eileen, he couldn't pursue the matter any further.
00:28:20 He could only focus on the idea of buying a house.
00:28:25 Even if it's true about Warren and he gave you five million dollars plus the 1.5 million
00:28:29 from Jared, you have only 6.5 million.
00:28:32 How can you think of buying a house that costs ten million?
00:28:37 Almost all the rich people from Sacramento moved there.
00:28:41 In the past, Alan had thought that one day he would be able to live there as well, but
00:28:45 that was as far as he had gotten.
00:28:48 Thinking about it, he definitely could not afford to buy a house in Beverly Hills.
00:28:52 "Don't we still have this piece of trash?"
00:28:56 Eileen motioned to Kevin.
00:28:57 "If we buy a house, you can't possibly pay us a single cent, right?"
00:29:03 Eileen's voice was high-pitched and strangely excited.
00:29:07 "Mom, why are you asking Kevin to pay for your house?
00:29:11 Also, why can't you live in a six million dollar home?
00:29:15 Why do you insist on buying a house worth more than ten million?"
00:29:19 Claire said in a slightly displeased tone.
00:29:22 She had seen how Eileen treated Kevin in the past, and it could be said that she completely
00:29:27 disregarded him.
00:29:29 Now that she needed money, she certainly remembered him.
00:29:33 Besides, she could buy a very nice villa in other parts of Sacramento with over six million
00:29:38 dollars, but Eileen insisted on buying a house in Beverly Hills instead.
00:29:45 Although the Beverly Hills houses were well-made and safe, it was still quite a high price
00:29:49 to pay.
00:29:50 "Why am I asking Kevin to pay?"
00:29:53 Eileen looked at Claire with dissatisfaction.
00:29:55 "Honey, how can you say that?
00:29:58 Kevin is my son-in-law, and his mother-in-law is buying a house.
00:30:03 What's wrong with my son-in-law paying for it?
00:30:06 Furthermore, I saved his life three years ago and let him eat and drink for free in
00:30:10 my home for three years, and now I am asking him to repay my kindness by buying me a home."
00:30:15 "Mom, Kevin doesn't have any more money.
00:30:20 I gave you all of his money last time."
00:30:23 She did not understand how Eileen could be so shameless and confident, but she could
00:30:28 not let Kevin pay for it.
00:30:31 Although several million was just pocket change to Kevin in reality, she did not want Eileen
00:30:36 to succeed so easily in getting what she wanted.
00:30:39 "He has no money.
00:30:40 He just decided to rent a luxury car for fifty thousand dollars a day without any money."
00:30:45 "What are you pretending to be down and out for?"
00:30:50 Eileen frowned and said angrily, "I don't care.
00:30:53 No matter what, I had better see 3.5 million in my account before noon tomorrow.
00:30:58 If this piece of trash can't gather enough money, he can sell his blood, sell his kidneys,
00:31:04 or even rob a bank.
00:31:06 I don't care how he does it, but that money had better be there."
00:31:10 After saying that, Eileen crossed her arms and returned to her bedroom with a cold expression.
00:31:16 She didn't believe for a second that Kevin had no money.
00:31:19 If he didn't have money, it would have been impossible for him to rent such a nice car
00:31:23 last time.
00:31:25 Therefore, Kevin must have had some way to make a fortune and didn't want her to know
00:31:30 about it.
00:31:32 But she was curious and decided that making him pay for a house for her was a good way
00:31:37 to figure out what was going on.
00:31:40 This was a good opportunity to probe.
00:31:43 She wanted to find out if Kevin had any savings and how much money he had hidden away.
00:31:49 Eileen's little rant made Claire angry.
00:31:52 She also made up her mind that she definitely couldn't let Kevin pay.
00:31:56 Otherwise, Eileen would get more and more daring.
00:32:00 If he bought her an ordinary house in Beverly Hills today, Eileen would probably want to
00:32:05 buy a huge villa tomorrow.
00:32:07 "Kevin, don't take my mother's words to heart," Claire said soothingly.
00:32:12 "You don't need to worry about the house.
00:32:16 We'll persuade her to give up."
00:32:17 Eileen was becoming more and more greedy.
00:32:21 With a few million, she had forgotten where she came from and even dared to try and buy
00:32:25 a house in Beverly Hills.
00:32:27 Kevin nodded.
00:32:29 He wasn't opposed to buying Eileen's house for a few million bucks.
00:32:32 Of course, it was not because he wanted to give Eileen the satisfaction, but because
00:32:37 he wanted to protect Alan.
00:32:39 Alan had treated him well and saved his life, so Alan was just like a father to him.
00:32:44 ------------------------------ Episode 235.
00:32:51 Unattacked Anxious
00:32:52 Now, Alan has reached the last stage of his life.
00:32:57 In his old age, he was trying to enjoy his life, and Kevin couldn't bear to see him unhappy.
00:33:04 Alan continued living in this dilapidated residential district with no elevator, forced
00:33:09 to climb the stairs daily with his weak limbs.
00:33:12 Alan's original intention was to find a suitable opportunity to bring Alan to a Beverly Hills
00:33:18 villa after he left the hospital and to get a few servants to take care of him once he
00:33:22 was there.
00:33:23 But now that Eileen had done this, Kevin's plans had to be temporarily put on hold.
00:33:30 The day after Eileen demanded the money, the security team's leader, Sean Hudson, rushed
00:33:36 to Jack's office early in the morning.
00:33:38 "Mr. Wright, it's bad," Sean pushed the door open and rushed in without knocking.
00:33:44 "What's wrong?
00:33:45 What's wrong?"
00:33:46 A hint of unease surfaced in Jack's heart.
00:33:48 "None of the brothers I sent out to keep an eye on them has returned."
00:33:52 "Not a single one?"
00:33:54 Jack was also shocked.
00:33:55 "No sir, not a single one has returned.
00:33:58 Moreover, I went to check on the Evans family today and discovered that there was no one
00:34:03 in the entire family villa, not even a dog, much less any humans."
00:34:09 Sean spoke with fear and trepidation.
00:34:11 In one night, the great Evans family was completely gone, as if all traces of them had been erased
00:34:19 by an invisible hand.
00:34:21 The meaning behind this was too terrifying.
00:34:24 You mean...
00:34:26 Jack's face was a little pale.
00:34:28 His friends were gone, including those sent by Sean.
00:34:32 Although they might not be dead, Jack realized that he shouldn't expect to hear from them
00:34:37 because whoever held them captive would certainly not give them the chance to contact him.
00:34:42 "That's right.
00:34:44 I'm afraid it's that piece of trash son-in-law."
00:34:49 Even he didn't believe that Kevin was the one who did all this.
00:34:52 However, he had no choice but to believe it in the current situation because he knew that
00:34:57 Claire didn't have that much power.
00:35:00 Jack's body trembled.
00:35:02 If this was Kevin's doing, then he did not dare to think about its meaning.
00:35:07 He had quietly wiped out a first tier family.
00:35:10 Not only that, they were an established first tier family.
00:35:14 They had been around for generations.
00:35:17 Jack shuddered once again.
00:35:18 "Sean, are you sure it was that trash?
00:35:22 Could it be that the family offended someone else?"
00:35:26 Jack gulped in fear and asked.
00:35:28 He still couldn't believe that Kevin had such monstrous power.
00:35:33 After all, Kevin had always seemed and acted like a good for nothing lowlife.
00:35:38 Although Kevin had suddenly become more powerful in the past month, Jack could still not link
00:35:43 Kevin in his brain with the mysterious giant hand that wiped out the Evans family.
00:35:49 Sean hesitated for a moment.
00:35:51 "Mr. Wright, there may be another possibility, but..." he knew the chances were very small.
00:35:59 The Evans family had already been rooted in the Sacramento area for more than twenty years.
00:36:05 So if they were going to be destroyed by anyone else, it would have happened long ago.
00:36:11 Sean's meaning was obvious.
00:36:13 This had much to do with Kevin.
00:36:15 If that trash extinguished the whole family, why didn't he come and cause trouble for me?
00:36:21 If Kevin extinguished the Evans family, he must have found out that Jack was the one
00:36:26 who sent them to kidnap Alan in the process.
00:36:29 Therefore, Kevin should have come to look for trouble with him yesterday.
00:36:33 But even now, Kevin had not shown his face.
00:36:37 Sean slowly shook his head and said, "Mr. Wright, I don't know either.
00:36:43 Maybe..."
00:36:44 "What scruples does that trash have against hurting you?"
00:36:48 Jack's face was unsettled.
00:36:50 Was it possible that Kevin cared about him?
00:36:52 He didn't think so.
00:36:55 There must be another reason Kevin didn't do anything to him.
00:36:59 "Sean, let your people go about their duties.
00:37:02 The standard security protocols must be followed.
00:37:05 In addition, hiring a new group of bodyguards for me each must have outstanding strength,
00:37:11 so we will pay them whatever they demand.
00:37:14 At this point..."
00:37:15 The matter was very clear.
00:37:17 Jack believed it was, in fact, Kevin who extinguished the Evans family.
00:37:23 Kevin did not make a move on him because of his benefit or some emotional tie, but he
00:37:27 did not want to think about the reason for too long.
00:37:30 The only thing he needed to do now was to gather his strength and defend himself against
00:37:35 Kevin's possible revenge.
00:37:37 He did not want his little life to be in someone else's hands.
00:37:40 "Alright, Mr. Wright.
00:37:42 I'll do it right away."
00:37:44 After a moment of silence, Sean nodded and left.
00:37:48 Jack took a long breath and could not help but start pacing back and forth.
00:37:53 What he was doing now was completely useless.
00:37:56 If Kevin could extinguish that entire family, then those so-called bodyguards he hired would
00:38:02 be like little bugs in front of Kevin.
00:38:04 "Honey, get up quickly and come with me to the house."
00:38:08 Early in the morning, Eileen woke Allen up.
00:38:11 "What are you even talking about?"
00:38:13 "Eileen, why are you still not done with this idea?"
00:38:17 The drowsy Allen was a bit annoyed.
00:38:20 He tried to persuade Eileen to give this matter up the night before, but she didn't want to
00:38:24 hear a word he said.
00:38:26 "Allen, what do you mean why am I not done with it?
00:38:30 I'm asking you to come with me to see the house, not to buy a house."
00:38:34 "What are you trying to say to me here?"
00:38:37 Eileen was also infuriated.
00:38:38 "Yes, you don't want me to pay, but you want Kevin to pay," Allen said angrily.
00:38:45 "So what if we get that piece of trash to pay?
00:38:48 If we buy the house, it's not like we would be the only ones living there.
00:38:52 Furthermore, when we die in the future, won't the house be left to that trash anyway?"
00:38:58 Eileen pouted.
00:38:59 Seeing that Allen was still indifferent, Eileen immediately became angry.
00:39:04 "Allen, what kind of bewitching suit did that trash give you?"
00:39:08 "It's fine that Claire believes in him, but why are you on his side now?"
00:39:12 "In this family, I'm the only outsider, right?"
00:39:17 "Eileen, can you not cause trouble for no reason?"
00:39:21 Allen stared at her and said.
00:39:23 "Since when did I stand by Kevin's side?
00:39:26 I'm just helping my relatives, even those related by marriage.
00:39:30 You think it's easy for Kevin to earn money?
00:39:32 On just a single whim, you asked someone to pay you a few million dollars.
00:39:37 Why?
00:39:38 Do you believe Kevin's money blew in on a strong wind?
00:39:42 I don't care what you think.
00:39:43 You can look at the house, but you can't let Kevin pay for it.
00:39:47 I can't ask him to do that."
00:39:49 Allen steeled his heart and said, "Allen, your reputation is important, but mine is
00:39:55 not!"
00:39:56 Eileen retorted.
00:39:57 "What's more, do you think I want that piece of trash to pay for it?
00:40:01 If it wasn't for the fact that I met a new friend in the past two days whose son-in-law
00:40:05 works in the Beverly Hills sales department and can get an insider discount when buying
00:40:09 a house, do you think I would have asked that piece of trash for money?"
00:40:14 "What insider discount?"
00:40:17 Allen was stunned.
00:40:18 Eileen crossed her arms across her chest and snappily replied, "Just a few days ago, I
00:40:24 went to the beauty salon for a spa treatment and got to know a lady named Catherine Bertrand.
00:40:29 Catherine's son-in-law is the sales manager of the Beverly Hills sales department.
00:40:34 Catherine told me that because her son-in-law has a very high position in the sales department,
00:40:38 he can get a discount that others cannot.
00:40:41 Other people that buy houses in Beverly Hills can only get a 10% discount at most, but with
00:40:46 Catherine's help, we can get a 20% discount," Eileen said proudly.
00:40:57 Episode 236.
00:41:00 Unsolved Equation
00:41:01 20% off?
00:41:03 Catherine was suspicious.
00:41:04 How could there be such a high discount?
00:41:08 Beverly Hills homes were generally worth around $10 million, so with a 20% discount, they
00:41:14 would be saving $2 million.
00:41:16 "Listen, Eileen, the Catherine you're talking about can't be a swindler.
00:41:22 This discount is way too high."
00:41:24 Allen couldn't help but ask.
00:41:26 He didn't want to see his wife get hurt.
00:41:29 Eileen rolled her eyes.
00:41:30 "Allen, do you know where Catherine lives?"
00:41:34 "Where?"
00:41:35 "People like Catherine live in the high-class residential area of Beverly Hills.
00:41:40 The house she lives in has a net surface area of 280 square meters, and she bought it for
00:41:48 over $40 million.
00:41:50 Do you think a person with so much money would be a swindler?"
00:41:54 Eileen asked.
00:41:55 "How can someone with so much money not be a swindler?"
00:41:59 Allen was still suspicious.
00:42:01 When he was a soldier in his early days, most of the swindlers he met were rich people.
00:42:06 "Allen, don't make people out to be so vicious.
00:42:10 My relationship with Catherine is pretty good.
00:42:13 No matter if she were a swindler, she wouldn't scam me," Eileen said snappily.
00:42:18 "I still think it's unbelievable that Catherine, she has only known you for a few days.
00:42:25 If there were a way for her to get such a good discount, most people would give it to
00:42:29 their family first, not someone they just met."
00:42:33 "So why would she do this for you?"
00:42:36 Allen said in a low voice.
00:42:38 He wasn't the person who would turn the tables on people.
00:42:41 He would never believe something like a pie falling from the sky.
00:42:45 "Allen, let me tell you something you don't know, okay?"
00:42:49 Eileen smiled meaningfully and said.
00:42:51 "When the discount was just released, Catherine indeed wanted to give this discount to her
00:42:57 relatives.
00:42:58 However, I bought it from her."
00:43:00 "You bought it?"
00:43:02 Allen was surprised.
00:43:03 "How can you buy a discount?"
00:43:06 Eileen nodded and said, "I paid five hundred thousand and bought it."
00:43:11 Allen was shocked and said through his teeth, "Eileen, why are you so stupid?
00:43:18 You dared to buy such an objective thing?"
00:43:21 Allen was on the verge of breaking something.
00:43:24 He didn't expect Eileen to be so stupid as to spend five hundred thousand to buy a discount.
00:43:30 That was probably not even real.
00:43:33 "Confused?
00:43:34 Allen, who's confused?
00:43:36 Can't you count yourself?
00:43:37 I spent five hundred thousand dollars and bought a discount of twenty percent.
00:43:42 After that, when I buy a house, I will pay two million dollars less than ten million
00:43:47 dollars, equivalent to one point five million saved overall.
00:43:51 Do you dare to call me stupid?
00:43:53 It would be best if you were confused."
00:43:56 Eileen beamed with pride, obviously feeling that she had been very quick-witted this time.
00:44:02 Without the insider discount, they would pay nine million dollars for a ten million dollar
00:44:07 home.
00:44:08 That was the standard ten percent discount that was given to everyday customers.
00:44:12 With their supposed value from Catherine, they would pay eight million dollars, but
00:44:17 she had paid five hundred thousand already, so they were only saving one point five million,
00:44:22 if this suspicious situation turned out to be true.
00:44:26 Otherwise, they would be out an additional half a million dollars.
00:44:30 "One point five million?"
00:44:34 Allen was so angry that he didn't know what to say.
00:44:37 He thought Eileen had as much sense as a box of rocks.
00:44:40 "Listen, honey, I don't want to argue with you here.
00:44:44 We'll find out whether it's true or not after you come with me," Eileen said confidently.
00:44:49 "Okay, fine.
00:44:51 Let's get over there.
00:44:52 But first, let's clarify one thing.
00:44:56 Don't call for Kevin and Claire," Allen said slowly.
00:45:00 After all, this was a matter of millions.
00:45:02 He couldn't just watch as Eileen was cheated, but his bottom line was that he would not
00:45:07 let Kevin pay for her mistakes.
00:45:09 "If we don't call that trash, how will the two of us buy the house?"
00:45:14 Eileen, as if she knew what Allen was worried about, Eileen continued.
00:45:18 "Don't worry.
00:45:20 I didn't want that piece of trash to pay.
00:45:22 The reason why I said that yesterday was to see if that piece of trash cared about me
00:45:26 at all.
00:45:27 Then... go ahead and call him, I guess."
00:45:31 After a moment of hesitation, Allen nodded and agreed.
00:45:35 Eileen's lips curled up into a smirk as she dialed Kevin's number.
00:45:39 Her current explanation was only to make Allen happy.
00:45:42 When they reached the neighborhood, she would make Kevin take care of their payment.
00:45:47 Even if she had to write a check there, she would ask Kevin to pay a few million.
00:45:51 "Kevin, your father and I are going to Beverly Hills to look at the house.
00:45:56 His legs are hurting and he can't drive," Eileen said in a commanding tone.
00:46:01 She also knew she could not control Kevin right now, so she had to use Allen as a cover.
00:46:07 "All right."
00:46:08 Kevin heaved a sigh of frustration.
00:46:10 He wanted nothing to do with Eileen's move.
00:46:12 He could not satisfy Eileen, but he had to show Allen some respect.
00:46:18 Fifteen minutes later, Kevin's Audi arrived at the Wright family home.
00:46:22 Claire was sitting in the front passenger seat.
00:46:25 Eileen helped Allen downstairs and sat in the back seat.
00:46:28 "Why didn't you rent a limousine today?"
00:46:31 Eileen frowned and looked at Kevin with some dissatisfaction.
00:46:34 In her opinion, Kevin drove this broken Audi purely to embarrass her and make her lose
00:46:40 respect in front of Catherine.
00:46:41 "I didn't have the money," Kevin said lazily.
00:46:45 "Hmm.
00:46:46 I think you have the money.
00:46:48 You want to make me and your dad lose respect here.
00:46:51 Catherine's son-in-law drove a Porsche 911.
00:46:53 But you must drive a broken Audi over there."
00:46:57 Eileen let out a cold snort.
00:46:59 She had thought that this time, Kevin would hire a luxury car to get them there, just
00:47:03 like last time, so that she could have a good appearance in front of Catherine.
00:47:08 However, she didn't expect Kevin to drive to the broken Audi that Claire had bought.
00:47:13 He didn't act cool when he needed to.
00:47:16 However, when it comes down to it, he's more aggressive than anyone else.
00:47:20 "What's wrong with the Audi?
00:47:22 As long as it can drive down the road, I'm okay with it.
00:47:25 I'm not from some wealthy family, so why would you expect me to do something like renting
00:47:29 a nice car to make it look like you're a rich woman?"
00:47:33 Allen sighed helplessly.
00:47:35 Recently, Eileen had been getting increasingly vain, even thinking of renting a luxury car.
00:47:41 As for Kevin's inability to rent a luxury car, Allen naturally didn't believe it.
00:47:47 Yesterday, Kevin treated that Bugatti as someone who drove it often, and even sent several
00:47:52 Evans family bodyguards flying.
00:47:55 Even if she were threatened with his life, he still wouldn't believe that Kevin was
00:47:58 someone who couldn't afford to rent a luxury car.
00:48:02 Eileen curled her lips in disgust, but didn't say anything.
00:48:05 In any case, when she was in front of Catherine, she wouldn't be the only one to look poor.
00:48:11 Kevin walked the roads in Beverly Hills daily, so he was naturally familiar with the neighborhood.
00:48:16 In less than ten minutes, he arrived at the location decided on by Eileen and Catherine.
00:48:22 On the way, Eileen proudly recounted the discount matter again.
00:48:26 After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but weirdly mock Kevin, and it was similar
00:48:31 to how she talked to him when he was just a live-in son-in-law.
00:48:35 Catherine's son-in-law was the sales manager of the Beverly Hills sales department at a
00:48:39 young age, while Kevin was just a delivery boy.
00:48:44 Kevin naturally scoffed at this, while Claire had a strange expression on her face.
00:48:49 If Eileen knew that the one she was ridiculing was the valid owner of Beverly Hills, sitting
00:48:54 on fifty billion dollars, what kind of expression would Eileen have on her face?
00:49:06 EPISODE 237.
00:49:07 "Perks of Stairs"
00:49:09 "Honey, it's already been half an hour.
00:49:13 Why isn't that Catherine lady here yet?"
00:49:16 Alan could not help but ask finally.
00:49:18 The appointed time was 9am.
00:49:20 It was already 930.
00:49:22 However, the Catherine that Eileen spoke highly of was nowhere to be seen.
00:49:27 "What are you so anxious for?"
00:49:30 Eileen glanced at Alan and said.
00:49:31 "Such a busy person like Catherine.
00:49:34 It's normal for her business to delay her for a few minutes on the way to a meeting."
00:49:39 As she was speaking, a white Porsche drove up.
00:49:42 The car door opened, and a young man wearing an Armani suit and a Rolex watch walked down
00:49:48 from the driver's seat.
00:49:50 She walked to the front of the car, opened the door, and bent down slightly.
00:49:55 Eileen looked on with envy.
00:49:57 She shook her head and clicked her tongue.
00:49:59 "Alan, look at Catherine's son-in-law.
00:50:02 Tsk, tsk.
00:50:03 He's so good with etiquette.
00:50:06 Look at our trash, the son, again.
00:50:11 He would never be so kind to me."
00:50:13 Perhaps Eileen thought that Catherine's son-in-law was very gentle and polite, but in his opinion,
00:50:19 Catherine was a bit too pretentious.
00:50:22 His mother-in-law was getting out of the car, and she had forced him to treat her with unnecessary
00:50:27 dignity.
00:50:28 Catherine was a dignified-looking woman with heavy makeup.
00:50:32 Her actual age might have been over 50, but because of her extensive self-care routine,
00:50:37 she looked like a 40-year-old woman.
00:50:39 After Catherine got out of the car, Eileen immediately welcomed her with a warm hug.
00:50:44 "Catherine, you're finally here!"
00:50:47 "Yes," Catherine nodded slightly.
00:50:50 "Sorry to keep you waiting," Catherine said indifferently.
00:50:54 Although she said she was sorry, she did not express any of her feelings in her mannerisms.
00:51:00 Instead, she had a haughty expression on her face.
00:51:03 "It's okay, and…"
00:51:04 "It's okay," Eileen quickly shook her head.
00:51:07 "I have nothing to do anyways."
00:51:10 After she finished, Eileen looked at Alan and introduced him enthusiastically.
00:51:14 "Catherine, this is my husband, Alan."
00:51:18 "Hello, Catherine."
00:51:19 Alan forced a smile on his face.
00:51:22 "Yes," Catherine nodded lightly with a slightly cold expression.
00:51:26 "This is my daughter, Claire."
00:51:29 Eileen wasn't embarrassed.
00:51:30 She pulled Claire over once again.
00:51:32 "Hello, Miss Catherine."
00:51:34 Claire gritted her teeth in neither a humble nor haughty manner.
00:51:39 Catherine nodded her head slightly.
00:51:41 Her attitude was still arrogant, but a hint of surprise flashed across her eyes.
00:51:46 Eileen might not look too good, but her daughter was gorgeous.
00:51:51 "Catherine, this is my…"
00:51:53 Eileen wanted to introduce Kevin, but Catherine waved her hand impatiently and said, "Alright,
00:51:59 you don't need to introduce me to everyone."
00:52:00 "Alright?"
00:52:02 "Fine," Eileen smiled in embarrassment and then looked at Kevin hatefully.
00:52:08 Her eyes clearly said, "You trash.
00:52:11 If you had even the slightest ability, you wouldn't be looked down upon by others."
00:52:16 Kevin was naturally expressionless.
00:52:18 What could he do about Catherine looking down on him with her dog eyes?
00:52:23 This whole time, Catherine's demeanor was icy, but on the other hand, Catherine's son-in-law,
00:52:29 Jean-Luc, was very cordial.
00:52:32 From time to time, he would chat with Eileen.
00:52:34 "That's right, Miss Eileen.
00:52:36 Your daughter is so beautiful.
00:52:38 Your son-in-law must be very outstanding."
00:52:42 Jean-Luc suddenly changed the topic to Claire.
00:52:45 He was curious about what kind of man a goddess like Claire would marry.
00:52:50 Eileen's face stiffened.
00:52:52 How was she supposed to reply to this question?
00:52:55 Could it be that she would say directly that her son-in-law was only here as a delivery
00:52:59 boy?
00:53:00 "Miss Eileen, is it inconvenient for you to tell me about your son-in-law's occupation?
00:53:06 Jean-Luc was puzzled by Eileen's silence.
00:53:09 Eileen shook her head and smiled.
00:53:11 "No.
00:53:12 My son-in-law works for a take-out company."
00:53:15 Eileen didn't say directly that Kevin was a delivery boy, but instead used a more indirect
00:53:21 way to tell them about his job.
00:53:23 Jean-Luc nodded slightly and smiled.
00:53:26 "Then your son-in-law's position in the company must be very high.
00:53:30 Let me guess.
00:53:31 He's either supervisor or the manager."
00:53:33 "Supervisor?
00:53:34 Manager?
00:53:35 He would never be put in such a high position."
00:53:41 At this moment, Eileen felt ashamed.
00:53:44 She wanted nothing more than to dig a hole in the ground and hide.
00:53:48 As the manager of the sales department, Jean-Luc was pretty good at observing people's expressions.
00:53:54 If he still couldn't figure out what the word on Eileen's face meant, then he, the manager
00:54:00 of the sales department, would have done it all for nothing.
00:54:03 A faint trace of ridicule appeared on the corner of Jean-Luc's mouth.
00:54:08 He glanced at Kevin and asked, "Miss Eileen, who is this man with you?"
00:54:14 "He... he's my son-in-law.
00:54:16 His name's Kevin."
00:54:18 Eileen gritted her teeth as she spoke.
00:54:21 There was nothing to hide now.
00:54:23 "Oh."
00:54:24 Jean-Luc nodded slightly.
00:54:27 With a surprised tone, he intentionally dragged it out as he smiled and said, "If I didn't
00:54:32 know better, I would think he is your professional driver, Miss Eileen."
00:54:36 Eileen smiled in embarrassment, not knowing how to respond.
00:54:41 "Seeing how talented Brother Kevin is, he must be one of the company's top executives."
00:54:47 Jean-Luc smiled and shifted his gaze to Kevin.
00:54:51 His words were a backhanded compliment.
00:54:54 From Eileen's reaction just now, he already knew that Kevin was not doing well at the
00:54:59 takeout company, so he had no relationship with the higher-ups.
00:55:03 So the reason he asked this question was to make things difficult for Kevin.
00:55:07 "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not some high-ranking official.
00:55:12 Just a regular delivery boy."
00:55:14 Kevin spoke indifferently.
00:55:17 Without a doubt, Jean-Luc said this because he was jealous.
00:55:21 Perhaps it was because he didn't realize it himself, but his jealousy started appearing
00:55:25 when he saw Claire.
00:55:27 Kevin had experienced this many times.
00:55:29 "A delivery boy?"
00:55:31 Jean-Luc pretended to be surprised and opened his mouth wide.
00:55:34 "Brother Kevin, are you kidding me?"
00:55:37 "Nope," Kevin smiled.
00:55:39 "Brother Kevin is really... so honest."
00:55:44 Jean-Luc laughed dryly and then changed the topic of conversation.
00:55:49 He sighed and said, "Brother Kevin, I won't hide it from you.
00:55:54 I think delivering takeout food is a pretty good job."
00:55:57 "It's freedom," Kevin agreed.
00:56:00 "I can go anywhere I want.
00:56:02 I can even take the stairs instead of the elevator and keep my body healthy instead
00:56:06 of sitting behind a desk.
00:56:07 I'd be paying a mortgage on my house if it weren't for that.
00:56:11 I would have already planned to resign and give my duty to someone else, though."
00:56:16 Jean-Luc looked as if he was sighing.
00:56:18 Those who didn't know the truth would think he believed what he was saying.
00:56:23 Kevin smiled slightly.
00:56:25 Jean-Luc's attitude was very polite and smooth.
00:56:28 "Oh, but Kevin, stop joking around.
00:56:31 You have such a good job.
00:56:33 How can you quit?"
00:56:35 Of course, it was clear that Jean-Luc was mocking Kevin.
00:56:39 However, what could Eileen do at this moment?
00:56:43 She could only hate Kevin in her heart.
00:56:46 She didn't even have enough patience left to lie and act cool.
00:56:49 "Episode 238.
00:56:58 Second Hand Dream."
00:56:59 "Miss Eileen, my job is outstanding.
00:57:04 I can earn over three million a year, but it's too tiring.
00:57:08 Every day I have to attend all kinds of meetings and functions, and sometimes I have to try
00:57:14 and impress some big shots."
00:57:17 Jean-Luc chose his words with the utmost care.
00:57:20 He showed off his salary without seeming stuck up and indirectly ridiculed Kevin.
00:57:26 And most importantly, Brother Kevin will be very healthy in the future if he sticks with
00:57:31 his current job.
00:57:32 "At this point in our lives, health is worth more than anything."
00:57:37 Jean-Luc smiled at Kevin again, emphasizing the word "health."
00:57:42 "Is health valuable?
00:57:44 You can't buy anything with health."
00:57:46 Eileen cursed herself.
00:57:48 If someone was willing to give her one hundred million dollars, she was ready to donate all
00:57:54 her health to them on the spot.
00:57:57 But she didn't show her disagreement.
00:58:00 Instead, she smiled apologetically.
00:58:02 "Oh, Jean-Luc, don't say that.
00:58:05 The health of poor people is the most worthless thing.
00:58:09 Instead of excellent health, I wish our Kevin could earn a salary that was half of what
00:58:13 you make.
00:58:14 If he had half of your excellence, Jean-Luc, then as his mother-in-law, I might even wake
00:58:19 up laughing from my dreams."
00:58:21 "Miss Eileen, you're being too serious.
00:58:25 I think Brother Kevin is quite outstanding.
00:58:28 If he does his job well, he will be able to reach the general manager position in less
00:58:32 than ten years.
00:58:34 At that time, his salary should be about the same as mine now."
00:58:39 As he spoke, he inadvertently glanced at Claire as if he wanted to know her reaction.
00:58:45 Claire had a cold expression on her face.
00:58:49 She didn't even look at Jean-Luc.
00:58:51 Jean-Luc's expression couldn't help but stiffen.
00:58:55 He had been showing off for a long time, but didn't Claire see it?
00:59:00 So Eileen was the only one who saw his attempts to impress her?
00:59:04 Jean-Luc couldn't help but feel annoyed.
00:59:07 He had some ulterior motives toward Claire.
00:59:10 He thought that Claire's fresh flower couldn't just be planted onto Kevin's pile of cow
00:59:16 dung.
00:59:17 Instead, it was up to him to take care of her.
00:59:22 However, looking at how Claire acted from beginning to end, she didn't seem to care
00:59:27 about him.
00:59:28 This made Jean-Luc feel uncomfortable, as if he was punching cotton with all his strength.
00:59:34 As they talked, they arrived in front of the house they wanted to see.
00:59:39 The Beverly Hills Residence Project was divided into three areas.
00:59:43 The villa area on the mountain, the high-class residential area on the mountainside, and
00:59:49 the ordinary residential area at the foot of the hill.
00:59:52 Right now, Jean-Luc was bringing Eileen to the ordinary residential area.
00:59:58 Although it was a common residential area, the interior decoration was highly luxurious.
01:00:04 There was a swimming pool, a tennis court, a badminton field, a basketball court, and
01:00:08 all sorts of facilities.
01:00:10 There were even dedicated private kindergartens and hospitals.
01:00:15 Eileen wanted to see the house in the northernmost part of the district, the third unit, on the
01:00:20 eleventh floor.
01:00:21 The building looked newly built, with brick walls outside and a fresh smell of paint.
01:00:28 After Jean-Luc entered the passcode, everyone entered the elevator.
01:00:33 In the elevator, Jean-Luc said with a smile, "Miss Eileen, the house you want to see has
01:00:38 three bedrooms, one living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen.
01:00:42 In addition, the house faces north to south, the lighting is excellent, the winter is not
01:00:47 too cold, and the summer is not too hot.
01:00:50 There are almost no shortcomings."
01:00:53 "What's the size of the house?"
01:00:55 Eileen asked.
01:00:57 This was her most significant concern.
01:00:59 "One hundred twenty square meters," Jean-Luc smiled.
01:01:03 "One hundred twenty square meters."
01:01:06 Eileen began to calculate in her mind.
01:01:08 An average Beverly Hills house would cost $100,000 per square meter.
01:01:13 And this one was 120 square meters, so even if an ordinary person could get a 10% discount,
01:01:19 they would still need $10.8 million.
01:01:23 She was also worried that the money she brought wouldn't be enough if the house were too big.
01:01:28 Although it wasn't enough right now, and she would still be $2 million short, Eileen
01:01:34 wasn't worried about finding a way to get $2 million from Kevin.
01:01:37 In front of so many people, even if Kevin had no money, he would be forced to give her
01:01:42 some today unless Kevin wanted to ruin the family's reputation.
01:01:47 The elevator arrived on the 11th floor.
01:01:49 Jean-Luc walked out first and made a "please follow me" gesture.
01:01:54 Eileen and the others followed.
01:01:56 The moment they stepped out of the elevator, Kevin frowned.
01:01:59 How did the hallway feel so sinister?
01:02:04 As a fighter, Kevin's perception was beyond ordinary, so the moment he stepped out of
01:02:09 the elevator, he realized something was wrong.
01:02:14 After the door was opened, Eileen and Alan entered first.
01:02:17 Jean-Luc followed closely behind them, while Catherine did not join.
01:02:21 She even took two small steps back.
01:02:24 Kevin narrowed his eyes.
01:02:27 "Interesting."
01:02:29 Ever since Eileen mentioned the car's preferential discount, Kevin felt that this matter was
01:02:34 a little strange.
01:02:37 According to Eileen, she had known Catherine for less than ten days.
01:02:42 Kevin didn't think such an intelligent person like Catherine would dig out her heart and
01:02:46 lungs for someone she had only known for less than two weeks.
01:02:50 Although Eileen paid $500,000 to buy the discount, it was still Catherine's victory, no matter
01:02:56 how one counted it.
01:02:58 Because Beverly Hills houses were always scarce, Catherine could have a relative take out money,
01:03:03 buy the house at a discount of 20%, and then sell it for the total price.
01:03:08 This way, she would earn more than $2 million each time.
01:03:13 Catherine must have a plan for this situation.
01:03:16 At first, Kevin thought Catherine had found out who he was and wanted to make a move on
01:03:21 him through Eileen, but when Catherine got out of the car, she completely ignored his
01:03:26 presence.
01:03:28 Kevin knew that Catherine was indeed not here for him, but Eileen.
01:03:32 There must be something wrong with the house she was showing Eileen.
01:03:36 "Miss Catherine, why aren't you going in?"
01:03:40 Kevin asked with a smile.
01:03:42 Catherine glanced at Kevin with a trace of carefully disguised disgust in her eyes.
01:03:48 She then coldly explained, "The newly decorated house has a pungent smell from the paint.
01:03:54 I have tracheitis, so it's not comfortable for me to go in."
01:03:58 Kevin nodded slightly and followed the rest of the family without saying anything.
01:04:03 As soon as he entered the door, he felt a dreadful aura rushing toward him.
01:04:08 It was several times stronger than he felt in the corridor just now.
01:04:12 The house looked brand new though, and there was even a faint smell of drying paint.
01:04:17 The light in the room was, as Jean-Luc said, very clear and bright.
01:04:21 The household was also in good shape.
01:04:24 Eileen seemed to be very satisfied with it and nodded her head repeatedly.
01:04:28 Kevin didn't follow Jean-Luc to look at the rest of the house.
01:04:31 Instead, he started to observe the corners of the room.
01:04:36 Kevin's mouth twitched when he passed by the kitchen.
01:04:39 The walls of the kitchen were slightly cracked, revealing smoky yellow walls.
01:04:44 The house had been renovated.
01:04:46 Although it was only exposed at a small corner and could not be seen if one did not look
01:04:50 closely, Kevin was sure that this house had been renovated.
01:04:54 This wasn't a new house at all.
01:04:56 Someone might have lived here before.
01:04:58 This Jean-Luc is sure is bold, having taken a second-hand home and presented it as a new
01:05:04 home to sell for a higher price.
01:05:06 Judging from Catherine's behavior just now, this house was probably more than just a second-hand
01:05:13 home.
01:05:14 There must be something else.
01:05:17 Kevin was careful.
01:05:19 At this time, Jean-Luc had already started questioning Eileen.
01:05:23 "Miss Eileen, are you satisfied with the house?"
01:05:27 Jean-Luc asked with a smile.
01:05:29 "Satisfied, yes.
01:05:31 I'm delighted."
01:05:32 Eileen nodded with a flushed face.
01:05:35 Not only was she satisfied, but she was also extremely excited.
01:05:40 She had initially been worried that there might be some hole in the discount system
01:05:44 that she couldn't see.
01:05:45 However, when she looked at the house in person, all her doubts vanished instantly.
01:05:57 EPISODE 239.
01:06:01 "Since Miss Eileen is satisfied, let's go to the sales department to handle the formalities.
01:06:06 I've already prepared the property certificate and the like."
01:06:10 Jean-Luc smiled.
01:06:11 "Alright, alright, alright.
01:06:12 Go and complete the paperwork."
01:06:15 Eileen nodded with a flushed face.
01:06:18 She had gotten a considerable bargain this time.
01:06:20 "Mom, you can't buy this house."
01:06:24 At this moment, an unexpected voice sounded.
01:06:28 Eileen's expression immediately turned cold.
01:06:31 "Why can't I buy it?
01:06:33 There's something wrong with the house."
01:06:36 Kevin said lightly.
01:06:37 "Is there a problem?
01:06:39 What's the problem?"
01:06:41 Eileen frowned and looked at Kevin in displeasure.
01:06:44 "Kevin, your dad and I have already seen the house.
01:06:48 It's fine.
01:06:49 What problem can there be?
01:06:51 If you don't like it, don't just spout nonsense."
01:06:55 "The house was renovated," Kevin said with a frown.
01:06:58 "Impossible."
01:07:00 Almost as soon as Kevin finished his words, Jean-Luc retorted in a displeased tone.
01:07:05 "Brother Kevin, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want.
01:07:11 We built this building in our newest residential section and it hasn't even been half a year
01:07:16 since it was built.
01:07:17 You are the first ones to see the house."
01:07:20 "Are you sure?"
01:07:22 Kevin raised his eyebrows.
01:07:23 "I'm sure."
01:07:25 Jean-Luc's tone was cold and harsh.
01:07:28 "Brother Kevin, if you don't want your mother-in-law to buy a house, just say it.
01:07:34 Why do you have to be so rude as to discredit our Beverly Hills development?"
01:07:38 "Sure, I'll be quiet.
01:07:41 Is that what you all want?"
01:07:42 Kevin smiled.
01:07:43 "Jean-Luc, don't listen to this trash's nonsense.
01:07:46 The house is perfect.
01:07:48 There are no problems and we'll buy it today," Eileen said with a smile.
01:07:53 After saying that, she looked at Kevin in disgust and scolded.
01:07:57 "Trash, you better control that stinky mouth of yours and stop spouting nonsense."
01:08:03 Eileen spoke to him, as though this were the old Kevin.
01:08:07 He was once a layman, yet he still wanted to show off in front of others.
01:08:11 Jean-Luc laughed sarcastically.
01:08:13 "Brother Kevin, we are both men and I understand your thoughts.
01:08:18 I understand that you want to prove in front of your wife that you are not that useless.
01:08:24 But you should never use the reputation of our beloved Beverly Hills development as a
01:08:28 stepping stone for you.
01:08:31 You just met me today.
01:08:34 If you had said that in front of any of the other sales managers in Beverly Hills, just
01:08:38 because you said that the house had been renovated, you would not be allowed to buy any other
01:08:43 house in the Beverly Hills district from then on.
01:08:47 Then your whole family would be blacklisted by everyone who works here."
01:08:52 Jean-Luc had a face full of pride and his tone was high and mighty.
01:08:56 From his point of view, Kevin only wanted to show off his presence in front of Claire's
01:09:01 family.
01:09:02 After all, a person who bought a house in the Wright family was a big deal, but they
01:09:08 couldn't get a word in from the beginning.
01:09:10 "Do you want to be put on the blacklist?"
01:09:13 Kevin smiled lightly.
01:09:14 "Do your words represent the entire development staff's opinion?"
01:09:18 "Why is there a problem?"
01:09:21 Jean-Luc was still as arrogant as before.
01:09:24 Kevin shook his head and said sarcastically, "Selling a renovated house to the customer
01:09:29 and now also threatening the customer with a place on the blacklist?
01:09:33 Beverly Hills is truly a business.
01:09:36 Disk, disk."
01:09:37 "Brother Kevin, that's it."
01:09:40 Jean-Luc's expression completely turned cold.
01:09:42 "You keep repeatedly saying that our Beverly Hills house is being renovated.
01:09:48 Do you think the people here are so easy to bully?"
01:09:51 Eileen's expression changed slightly.
01:09:54 Jean-Luc was angry.
01:09:55 "Jean-Luc, don't be angry.
01:09:58 This trash's brain is filled with water.
01:10:00 Could you not listen to his nonsense?
01:10:03 Whether he wants us to buy a house or not, it doesn't matter what he says.
01:10:06 We have the final say."
01:10:08 Eileen smiled as she comforted him.
01:10:11 Yet, at the same time, she hated Kevin to the core.
01:10:16 "Kevin, could you have seen it wrongly?
01:10:19 This house looks pretty good.
01:10:20 It doesn't look like it's been renovated."
01:10:23 At this moment, even Alan couldn't help but stand up and speak for Jean-Luc.
01:10:28 In his opinion, he had been following behind Jean-Luc the whole time, so there was nothing
01:10:33 wrong with the house.
01:10:35 It seemed that it was newly built.
01:10:37 "Dad, I'm not wrong."
01:10:39 Kevin shook his head and said, "Follow me."
01:10:42 "Alright."
01:10:43 Alan followed him to the kitchen.
01:10:46 Jean-Luc frowned slightly.
01:10:47 "Could it be that this trash found a problem?"
01:10:51 "You piece of trash.
01:10:53 Such a good house.
01:10:54 What can you possibly have?"
01:10:56 Eileen entered the room with a curse and choked on the words she was about to say.
01:11:01 Then, she forcefully swallowed the rest of her terms back down her throat.
01:11:06 There was a problem with the house.
01:11:09 The wall next to the pool, perhaps because it was soaked in water, cracked open to reveal
01:11:14 the previously yellowing wall.
01:11:16 Those with a discerning eye could tell this layer of white paint had been slapped over
01:11:21 yellowed, smoky years of neglect.
01:11:24 This time, Eileen remained silent.
01:11:28 Jean-Luc also had an ugly expression on his face.
01:11:31 "Damn it.
01:11:33 This bunch of darn interior design workers reduced the amount of work they did.
01:11:37 They did not use the waterproof primer."
01:11:40 Although Jean-Luc was outraged, he didn't show any expression on his face.
01:11:45 Instead, he calmly said, "Oh, Miss Eileen, I forgot to say.
01:11:51 The kitchen has been used by someone before."
01:11:53 "Huh?"
01:11:54 Surprised, Eileen subconsciously opened her mouth.
01:11:58 "Who used it?"
01:12:00 "The interior design workers."
01:12:02 Jean-Luc's expression did not change.
01:12:05 "Because the number of new homes we built was so high, the decorators had to work 24
01:12:10 hours a day.
01:12:11 Their meals and accommodations were all in the house.
01:12:14 They cooked on an electric stove they bought, and the kitchen didn't have a hood fan installed
01:12:18 then, so it was normal for the walls to be stained yellow."
01:12:22 Jean-Luc was calm.
01:12:24 The reason that he quickly came up with had almost no flaws, although it was rare for
01:12:29 the decorating workers to cook in the house, it wasn't like it wasn't possible.
01:12:34 In other words, even if Eileen didn't believe his reasoning and felt that someone lived
01:12:38 in the house, he wouldn't be afraid.
01:12:41 This house was like a pie falling from the sky for Eileen.
01:12:45 She wouldn't give up such a huge benefit just because of a small problem.
01:12:49 It was precisely as Jean-Luc expected.
01:12:52 Eileen was suspicious and unhappy, but she had never even considered not buying the house.
01:12:59 This was because Jean-Luc had said on the way here that only this home was left with
01:13:03 a discount of 20%.
01:13:05 The other houses only had a 10% discount.
01:13:09 She would need an extra $2 million if she wanted to buy the same apartment later on.
01:13:13 She didn't have that much money, and even if she did, she wouldn't pay for it.
01:13:19 So even if the house had been occupied, as long as there was no problem with the title
01:13:23 certificate, she would still buy it.
01:13:26 She's not that pampered.
01:13:28 In the end, buying a house in Beverly Hills was more for her reputation.
01:13:34 The reason was that she could boast in front of her former neighbors and friends.
01:13:38 "If you prefer, I can take you to see the other houses," Jean-Luc smiled.
01:13:43 "No need, no need.
01:13:45 I don't mind.
01:13:46 I'll take this one.
01:13:47 This one is pretty good."
01:13:49 Eileen quickly waved her hand, but unfortunately, the other houses didn't have the same discount.
01:13:55 "Alright then," Jean-Luc nodded.
01:13:58 Kevin shifted his gaze to Kevin.
01:13:59 "What about Brother Kevin?
01:14:01 Do you have any objections?"
01:14:08 EPISODE 240 Lavish Coffin
01:14:13 It was a blatant provocation.
01:14:16 Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Jean-Luc was teasing Kevin.
01:14:20 However, Kevin didn't mind.
01:14:24 This move of Jean-Luc's was indeed quite good.
01:14:27 However, it could only be used against Eileen, not him.
01:14:32 "Yes, I have an objection."
01:14:35 Kevin spoke lightly, as though he was not afraid at all.
01:14:39 The entire audience was silent once again.
01:14:42 A moment later, Eileen roared like thunder.
01:14:45 "You trash.
01:14:48 How can you have any objections?
01:14:50 Do you want me to buy a house or live forever in your home?
01:14:53 How can you still object?
01:14:56 Even if you have a huge opinion today, you still have to hold it.
01:15:01 This family decision is not up to you to decide."
01:15:06 Eileen did not give any consideration to Kevin.
01:15:10 "Mom, this is a second-hand house."
01:15:13 Claire spoke up for Kevin helplessly.
01:15:15 "What are you talking about?
01:15:18 The second-hand room?
01:15:20 You can't live in a second-hand room."
01:15:22 Eileen glared at her with a steeled heart.
01:15:26 Claire's mouth twitched.
01:15:28 But she did not say much.
01:15:30 Indeed, as Eileen had said, even if this were a second-hand house, it would still be theirs
01:15:36 in the end.
01:15:38 It was worth it, because the houses in Beverly Hills had always been famous.
01:15:43 Even if they were used, the price wouldn't be much lower than the brand new houses.
01:15:48 "Jean-Luc, please ignore this trash.
01:15:51 I'm the one who wants to buy the house, not him.
01:15:55 I'll go through the procedures with you right now."
01:15:57 Eileen said with a smile, as if she was afraid that Jean-Luc would go back on his word.
01:16:03 Jean-Luc said, "Miss Eileen, are you sure you don't want to reconsider?
01:16:08 Brother Kevin is, after all, a member of your family and his opinion is so firm."
01:16:13 "He's nothing."
01:16:16 Eileen scolded him without mercy.
01:16:18 "Jean-Luc, you don't know how useless this piece of trash is.
01:16:23 In his three years as part of our family, other than eating with us, I have never used
01:16:28 him in my family for anything else.
01:16:31 So this trash has never done anything for us.
01:16:35 I won't hide it from you.
01:16:37 Jean-Luc, if it weren't for my daughter's disagreement, I would have already kicked
01:16:41 this piece of trash out of my family.
01:16:44 This kind of trash, I wouldn't even consider him a part of my family if my daughter didn't
01:16:50 love him.
01:16:51 Although it was in front of outsiders, Eileen didn't show any mercy to Kevin.
01:16:57 Eileen's position also allowed Jean-Luc to calm down completely.
01:17:02 After arrogantly looking at Kevin, Jean-Luc laughed and said, "If that's the case,
01:17:07 then Miss Eileen, let's go to the sales department and settle the formalities."
01:17:11 "Alright, alright, alright.
01:17:13 Go and complete the paperwork."
01:17:15 Eileen nodded hurriedly.
01:17:18 She was worried that Jean-Luc wouldn't sell the house to her due to Kevin's offense.
01:17:22 But now, it seemed that her worry was unnecessary.
01:17:26 Compared to Kevin, Jean-Luc was much more magnanimous.
01:17:30 "Yes, ma'am."
01:17:32 "Jean-Luc, are you sure you want to sell the house to my mom?"
01:17:37 Kevin's voice turned cold.
01:17:39 Other than the house being renovated, it was obvious that there were other problems.
01:17:43 However, Jean-Luc did not mention anything about those.
01:17:48 It was apparent that he wanted to make Eileen his biggest customer.
01:17:52 If only Eileen had been wronged, then it would be fine.
01:17:56 Kevin wouldn't bother to care about it.
01:17:58 However, Alan would live in this house.
01:18:02 How could Kevin sit still and watch?
01:18:05 Could it be that Brother Kevin wants to make a move against me?
01:18:09 As if reading the threat in Kevin's words, Jean-Luc paused in his steps and let out a
01:18:14 sneer.
01:18:15 "I'll give you one last chance to tell me the real problem with this house."
01:18:21 Kevin narrowed his eyes.
01:18:23 He had already guessed it pretty close.
01:18:25 Now it seemed that he was no longer sensible.
01:18:28 Jean-Luc shook his head and smiled.
01:18:31 He didn't answer, and shifted his gaze to Eileen.
01:18:34 "Miss Eileen.
01:18:36 Your son-in-law doesn't seem to want you to buy this house."
01:18:40 "That's it, Kevin!"
01:18:43 Eileen gritted her teeth as her eyes surged with anger.
01:18:46 "Get the hell out of here!"
01:18:49 "Kevin, are you saying that apart from this house being refurbished, there are other problems?"
01:18:56 Alan frowned.
01:18:57 He did not have many suspicions about Kevin as he knew that Kevin would not commit a mistake
01:19:02 like this.
01:19:04 "Dad?"
01:19:05 "Someone has died in this house before."
01:19:09 Kevin said it matter-of-factly with no emotion.
01:19:12 "What?"
01:19:13 The entire room instantly fell into a deathly silence, so quiet that even a pin drop could
01:19:21 be heard.
01:19:22 The smile on Jean-Luc's face froze, and a massive wave of fear rose in his heart.
01:19:30 Alan's face also changed drastically.
01:19:33 The problem would be huge if someone died in the house before.
01:19:37 There was no way they would buy it.
01:19:39 Even with the 20% discount, they wouldn't even dare to take it from this guy for free.
01:19:45 "Kevin, is what she said true?"
01:19:49 Alan asked hurriedly.
01:19:50 He didn't think Kevin would joke around with this kind of thing, but he didn't understand
01:19:55 how Kevin could tell someone died in a house.
01:19:58 "It's true."
01:19:59 Kevin nodded.
01:20:00 "How did you know?"
01:20:02 Alan couldn't help but ask.
01:20:05 Kevin was able to see that the house had been renovated.
01:20:07 It was still a reason to buy it if that was the only problem, but he felt more and more
01:20:12 confident that someone had died in the house.
01:20:15 This was very scary.
01:20:19 Could it be that there was still blood somewhere that hadn't been cleaned up?
01:20:22 "Dad, you'll know in a while."
01:20:25 Kevin smiled faintly.
01:20:27 He wasn't sure what was wrong with the house.
01:20:30 It was only because of the eerie atmosphere in the room and the taboo expression on Ms.
01:20:34 Catherine's face that he felt that there was a high probability that someone had died in
01:20:38 the house.
01:20:39 In the end, he didn't expect that he would be able to make Jean-Luc admit it at this
01:20:44 time, but Jean-Luc's face changed drastically the moment he said those words.
01:20:50 "Brother Jean-Luc, tell me.
01:20:54 What is going on?"
01:20:55 Kevin glanced at Jean-Luc calmly.
01:20:57 "Speak.
01:20:58 What do you have to say?"
01:21:01 Jean-Luc was flustered, but he tried to put on a brave front.
01:21:05 "Kevin, I'm warning you.
01:21:07 If you speak carelessly, you will be held responsible.
01:21:13 This home in Beverly Hills is the best in the entire city of Sacramento.
01:21:18 No humans, not even any dogs have died here.
01:21:21 But now that you have said that someone has died in this room, if this matter were to
01:21:25 spread in effect, the reputation of our development here will you be honest and take responsibility
01:21:32 for this vicious rumor?"
01:21:35 At this moment, Catherine couldn't help but walk in.
01:21:37 "Eileen, do you still want to buy the house?"
01:21:42 The moment she entered, she aggressively shouted at Eileen.
01:21:45 Her tone was highly displeased.
01:21:48 Eileen was also at a loss at the moment.
01:21:50 The news that Kevin told her had impacted her too much.
01:21:54 If someone had died in the house before, she wouldn't dare to buy it, even if she had a
01:21:59 lot of nerve.
01:22:01 "Catherine, I..."
01:22:03 Eileen was a little timid.
01:22:05 "Eileen, do you believe this trash son-in-law or me, your friend?"
01:22:11 Catherine glanced coldly at Eileen.
01:22:13 "I believe you."
01:22:15 Eileen blurted out.
01:22:17 Indeed that was a joke.
01:22:18 One was Catherine, who lived in a 40 million dollar mansion, and the other was a good for
01:22:23 nothing son-in-law who was always going against her.
01:22:26 "Alright."
01:22:28 Catherine nodded slightly.
01:22:29 "Since you trust me, then I'll tell you the truth.
01:22:33 This house has never had anyone die in it, so he's lying to you."
01:22:39 Catherine pointed at Kevin and settled the matter.
01:22:42 "Yes, Miss Eileen, this trash is lying to you.
01:22:46 He didn't want you to buy this house, so he made such a ridiculous excuse."
01:22:50 John Luck also helped on the side.
01:22:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
