Lady CEO Is Return _short movie

  • 4 months ago
Lady CEO Is Return _short movie


00:03 Howard stinks when he's without drink.
00:19 Right?
00:20 Alcohol kills me too.
00:23 Vivian.
00:27 Oh, God.
00:36 My God.
00:37 Who the hell are you?
00:51 I've never been so embarrassed in my life.
00:55 Mama.
00:58 Look at what you've done.
00:59 Catherine, you're ashamed of this family.
01:03 Who took these pictures?
01:05 Who is this guy?
01:06 I don't know, Dad.
01:07 I don't remember any of this.
01:09 I just arranged for your engagement to Howard yesterday,
01:11 and you go sleep with this nobody.
01:13 Daddy, please.
01:14 Somebody is setting me up.
01:16 I was drunk.
01:17 You are no longer a member of this family.
01:19 Get out of here.
01:19 You're a moral traitor.
01:21 [CRYING]
01:24 I'm sorry.
01:29 So whose rooms did you put her in, baby?
01:32 I don't know.
01:32 Henry said something about pizza or something
01:35 before he took the photos.
01:37 Sounds like that pizza boy is going to fuck the shit out
01:39 of your sweet sister.
01:40 [LAUGHING]
01:51 Catherine, speaking of the devil,
01:56 what are you doing up here, looking for death?
02:01 Renee, I knew this was you.
02:03 Howard, why-- why would you do--
02:09 why would you do this?
02:11 Katie, I wanted you.
02:13 But all you cared about was your fucking career.
02:18 We're engaged.
02:20 After the wedding, I'm yours.
02:24 That won't be necessary.
02:25 How was your night?
02:30 It must have been one hell of a memory.
02:33 [LAUGHING]
02:35 [GROWLING]
02:37 Get off me!
02:39 Let go!
02:44 [PANTING]
02:47 Your life's in my hands, sis.
02:58 Renee.
03:00 [GASPING]
03:06 [GASPING]
03:11 A new day has come, my love.
03:13 [SIREN]
03:16 Who was she?
03:19 There's no trace of her.
03:20 I've run through all the footage I could find in the hotel.
03:22 I can't get her out of my mind.
03:24 You got to keep looking for her.
03:25 But, George, from the way she was dressed,
03:27 it's quite possible it was Miss Vivian.
03:32 Hello, Mom.
03:33 Georgie, don't be mad at me.
03:35 I know you don't like me playing matchmaker,
03:37 but I didn't want you to stand her up.
03:39 So you did give Vivian my room number?
03:40 Well, yes.
03:42 But for the sake of an engagement,
03:44 a bond between our families.
03:46 I want to see her.
03:47 George, hold on.
03:49 That's impossible.
03:50 Vivian already left back to the UK.
03:51 OK, Mom.
03:55 I accept the engagement.
03:56 You can set it up.
04:03 You started this war, my dear.
04:25 I hope you're ready for what's coming your way.
04:29 We settled our partnership with the Windviews.
04:32 It's a good start.
04:33 Now, if we could just set on a strategic long-term
04:37 cooperation with the other two families,
04:39 the Neils and the Woods, then we could hold on to a steady
04:44 place in the city.
04:45 Yeah, the Windviews.
04:47 The Woods.
04:49 [LAUGHTER]
04:51 Howard Woods.
04:53 And Renee.
04:54 My sweet sister.
04:57 How about the Dauntons?
04:59 Aren't they the most powerful family in town?
05:01 I wouldn't say the Dauntons are powerful.
05:03 More like God himself.
05:05 The Woods are bidding for the commercial development
05:07 east of the Windviews Island, right?
05:08 Mm-hmm.
05:09 Make sure that doesn't happen.
05:11 Do whatever is necessary.
05:13 Time to say hello to some old friends.
05:21 [SNIFF]
05:22 Yeah, it's probably her birthday, no?
05:34 How's Howard?
05:43 I haven't seen him.
05:44 He lost a bet he's been working on for three years.
05:47 What's going on?
05:49 A small company came in out of nowhere
05:51 and offered a better price.
05:53 Dottie, you're going to help Howard, right?
05:56 Hey, sis.
05:57 You missed me?
05:59 I thought you were de-- gone.
06:02 I'm so sorry to disappoint you.
06:04 You shameless bitch.
06:05 Everyone in the family has suffered because of you.
06:08 Sleeping around with strangers like a whore.
06:10 What does family honor even mean to you?
06:12 It doesn't mean a goddamn thing anymore.
06:14 You know what?
06:16 You are no longer recognized in this family.
06:19 You're better off in the streets,
06:20 sucking as much cock as you can.
06:22 I think your pasta's getting cold.
06:24 Oh, oops.
06:28 I think your pasta's getting cold.
06:30 You have no fucking clue who I am, Renee.
06:33 You have no idea what I am capable of.
06:36 Renee said you ran out because of your guilt.
06:39 Funny she would say something like that.
06:41 Dottie, she's full of shit.
06:43 Not a very fatherly welcome, is it?
06:46 You're not my daughter anymore.
06:48 Get out of my house!
06:49 Dottie, you're an Elbow fan.
06:50 You do not want this fight.
06:52 Trust me.
06:53 What do you want?
06:54 I'm not welcoming you back in the family anytime soon.
06:56 I want back everything that you have taken from me
06:59 over the last eight years.
07:01 Your beloved daughter, Renee,
07:03 drugged me.
07:05 She threw me off a roof,
07:06 and she left me for dead.
07:08 And you did nothing.
07:11 Dottie, she's lying.
07:12 I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not.
07:16 But I thought you should know the truth
07:17 before judgment comes from you,
07:18 and it is coming.
07:19 You cheated on Howard, remember?
07:21 Thankfully, Renee stepped in to take care of the engagement
07:24 so we could keep our deep bonds with the Woods family.
07:26 Oh, wow.
07:27 Congratulations, Renee,
07:29 on your loving relationship.
07:32 Oh, you might want to keep a close eye on Howard, though,
07:35 'cause that deep bond, it's gonna end
07:37 very soon.
07:39 Bitch, I will kill you again.
07:41 And I'll see you in hell, sister.
07:45 [Gunshot]
07:46 [Crying]
07:56 Mommy.
07:58 I'm home.
08:02 I'm so sorry.
08:05 What happened to you?
08:07 What did they do to you?
08:10 [Phone ringing]
08:12 [Phone ringing]
08:14 George, that boy looks exactly like you.
08:31 That girl looks so familiar.
08:39 I just can't place her face.
08:41 I'll find out who they are.
08:42 Get as much information as you can.
08:44 [Doorbell rings]
08:48 Can I help you?
08:56 You have my son.
09:00 Oh, fuck.
09:10 No, wait, wait, wait.
09:11 I know this is weird, but the file, it proves I'm his father.
09:14 I don't care what this file says, okay?
09:17 I've raised him by myself.
09:20 Where have you been for the past eight years?
09:22 Do you remember me?
09:25 I don't know who you are, okay?
09:27 What do you want from me?
09:28 I want my child.
09:30 He's been without a father for eight years.
09:32 Yeah, and he's been just fine without one, okay?
09:34 Tony's home is this fucking house.
09:36 No offense, he deserves a better father than a pizza delivery boy.
09:39 That's not true.
09:40 Wait, what do you mean?
09:42 What do you mean pizza boy?
09:43 Mommy, I'm back!
09:47 Hey, Tony. I'm your daddy.
09:50 Daddy, I missed you so much.
09:52 I missed you too, buddy.
09:54 Baby, you've never met this man.
09:55 Come on, go inside. The grown-ups need to talk.
09:57 Come on.
09:59 Okay, here's the deal.
10:03 I'll give you a million dollars.
10:05 You can be in Tony's life, you can be his father.
10:07 You can live like a family until he's 16.
10:10 But until then, I'm the one who's in charge, okay?
10:13 I'm the one who makes the decisions. Got it?
10:15 A million dollars, really?
10:17 What, you're gonna make more money driving around with pizzas?
10:20 I'll see what happens here. I'm sure.
10:24 Are you really my daddy?
10:27 Yes, I am, bud.
10:28 Hey, we're gonna have a family lunch. What do you want to eat?
10:31 Pizza!
10:32 Pizza.
10:33 Okay, yeah, let's go see where daddy works.
10:34 Go put your bag away, honey.
10:37 You didn't tell him I was a pizza delivery boy, did you?
10:39 Yeah, I did.
10:41 He wanted to know about you.
10:43 After all these years, and...
10:45 That's the only thing I can remember.
10:48 Ma'am.
10:50 Yeah, we need to buy a pizza shop.
10:52 Right now. Yeah, right now.
10:55 I'm heading there right now, so let me know where it is.
11:05 So business is, um, slow, huh?
11:08 Yeah, it's more of a delivery spot. That's how I make my money.
11:11 So you're a big business lady, huh?
11:14 Something like that.
11:16 That's fascinating.
11:17 I mean, it gets kind of lonely sometimes, I guess.
11:20 Delivering hot items to ungrateful customers.
11:23 You sound like the pizza boy.
11:28 Hi, Mr. Daughter.
11:30 I need you to go. I need you to go. Go, go.
11:35 Um...
11:36 What?
11:37 Was that... Do you know that guy or something?
11:40 Yeah, he's a rival delivery driver.
11:43 Dressed in a designer jacket?
11:46 Yeah, you know, you dress for the job you want.
11:49 How's the pizza, bud?
11:52 It's good.
11:53 Cheers.
11:56 Cheers.
11:58 [♪♪♪]
12:01 George.
12:13 Were you rude to Charles Ambrose at the pizza parlor?
12:16 Because he called me very upset.
12:19 It was a complicated situation.
12:20 Well, do you care to explain that to me?
12:22 You know it's going to be very soon that you are presented publicly
12:27 to the city as the daunting error.
12:29 I told you, I'll take care of the business.
12:32 But I don't want to be some kind of freakish public figure.
12:37 Hello, Catherine?
12:42 Hey, George. I'm sorry, I have to cancel our lunch date.
12:45 Yeah, something important came up.
12:47 All right, see you at the house. Thanks.
12:49 How nice that you could join me at Swindia's birthday party.
12:52 Everyone who's going to be there is either super rich or super powerful.
12:56 Just like us.
12:57 What is he doing here?
13:06 Who are you talking about, Katie?
13:08 Never mind.
13:12 You know, I'm actually really surprised that when he was inviting me,
13:14 we were just close to the studio.
13:16 Well, you are Mr. Wynkoo's biggest partner now.
13:18 Now the Woods are going to have to find a way to survive.
13:21 No, I can't see a way out.
13:23 Looks like a dead end.
13:25 I think we have to get this closed.
13:26 Okay.
13:28 Sure.
13:29 Yeah, I don't know.
13:31 Ma'am, do you have an invitation?
13:32 Not a paper one, no.
13:34 I'm afraid I can't let you in.
13:35 Mr. Wynkoo invited me himself an hour ago.
13:38 What are you doing here?
13:39 It's Ms. Wynkoo's birthday party.
13:41 No place for sluts?
13:43 Yeah, Renee, you should probably go home.
13:44 Ms. Neal, welcome.
13:47 Thank you.
13:49 Please. Lady, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
13:51 No, no, no. That's too nice.
13:54 What?
13:55 Okay, what is going on out here?
13:58 Oh, waitress, please.
14:01 Ms. Daughton, I was just trying to help.
14:04 This woman is an uninvited guest and she was trying to break in
14:06 and the guards wouldn't do anything about it.
14:09 You were trying to help?
14:10 Yes, Ms. Daughton.
14:12 My name is Renee Neal.
14:13 It's an honor to meet you, ma'am.
14:15 Well, if you'd like to help, you can help by leaving.
14:17 All I see is you picking on this poor young woman
14:20 who's done absolutely nothing.
14:23 Ms. Daughton, she's an uninvited guest and she wouldn't leave.
14:26 Really? I have no invitation and I'm in.
14:29 Come on, darling. You're with me.
14:31 Thank you.
14:32 Come on, Linda.
14:33 So beautiful.
14:39 This is exactly what I pictured.
14:41 Hi, Mrs. Winnie. Happy birthday.
14:43 Thank you.
14:45 Oh, my gosh.
14:47 [music]
14:57 Oh, my God, Catherine.
14:58 How could you insult Ms. Windy like this in front of all of her guests?
15:02 It's her birthday.
15:03 I have no idea what is going on right now.
15:06 That is obviously a forgery.
15:08 The Jade Kieran was the last piece the great artist Alvin Zhao made before he died.
15:14 How dare you fake it?
15:16 Howard.
15:17 Really, Howard? Are you serious right now?
15:19 Well, it's good to see you too, Katie.
15:21 But just because I'm seeing you alive doesn't mean you get to disrespect the dead.
15:25 Are you sure you miss this, Windy?
15:27 I got this directly from Mr. Zhao's personal collection.
15:30 Oh, really? Not five minutes earlier,
15:32 Ms. Windy received the real Jade Kieran from me.
15:35 Very good for her.
15:36 Which way is her exactly?
15:38 Okay, there's only one real Jade Kieran here
15:45 and unfortunately, since Mr. Zhao has passed away,
15:48 maybe his son.
15:51 Help us figure out who exactly here is insulting Mrs. Windy.
15:55 Mr. Zhao, I know this is really uncomfortable.
15:58 I'm sorry, but please, you're the only person who can settle this.
16:01 I came to the U.S. a few months ago.
16:05 I'm sorry, miss.
16:07 I have done with authentication to my father's work since he died.
16:11 Please.
16:12 She's her. Take her with you.
16:14 How do we know it's really Mr. Zhao's son and not just some fraud you hired?
16:19 It is Mr. Zhao and he is my mother's guest.
16:22 They are identical.
16:39 I can't tell which one is real.
16:41 I can't tell which one is real.
16:44 God, Catherine, you're pathetic.
16:46 Guys, isn't it obvious?
16:48 She hired this fake Mr. Zhao to play out the scene and cover her ass.
16:52 Apologize to him.
16:58 Go to hell with your trash.
17:12 To my beloved wife.
17:13 It's my father's note to my mother.
17:15 Now that I've seen it.
17:17 Take a cheap knockoff.
17:21 Get out of my house.
17:22 Mrs. Windy, please.
17:24 Howard.
17:25 Maybe you should go chase after your fiancé, Howard.
17:27 Howard.
17:29 You were so brave and honest.
17:33 No, really, I appreciate you so much, Mrs. Daunton.
17:36 I could not have even gotten in the doors without you.
17:39 I just tried to do the right thing.
17:41 Thank you. Really.
17:43 It's time to go pick up your son.
17:45 Do you want me to go?
17:47 Could you go pick him up, please?
17:49 Just talk to him and tell him I love him, okay?
17:51 Thank you so much, Linda. I'll see you tomorrow.
17:53 How old is your child?
17:55 He's eight.
17:56 I bet he has your eyes.
17:58 Oh my gosh, I wish.
18:00 He looks exactly like his father.
18:02 Oh, you know, I remember when my son was eight years old.
18:06 He was such a warm boy.
18:08 God knows what's turned him into such a vampire now.
18:11 Oh, look. Here's my Tony.
18:13 What? There's nothing there.
18:15 Oh, that's weird. I guess my phone died.
18:19 Maybe next time. Would you excuse me?
18:22 Oh, of course.
18:24 Where is he? Why are you touching me?
18:29 Get off of me.
18:30 What are you talking about? No, this is ridiculous.
18:33 George! Hey, what? I've been looking all over for you.
18:36 Hey, Captain, this isn't really a good time.
18:40 I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?
18:42 That's my little girl.
18:44 Then get your nose fixed.
18:45 We can talk.
18:46 No, gorgeous, you can't. Come on.
18:49 Hey, listen carefully, okay? We had a deal.
18:53 And it's not just about you being a father. It's a contract to our marriage.
18:55 Look at me.
18:57 You want to start an argument with other girls?
18:59 Oh my God.
19:02 [Ding]
19:04 What did I say about me being in charge?
19:15 You are.
19:17 Oh my God.
19:27 Oh my God, I'm so sorry for the stuff I said tonight.
19:33 It's okay. It was a tough night.
19:35 Yeah, it's always a tough night.
19:38 Why does your sister hate you so much?
19:40 I don't know. You'll have to ask her.
19:42 You know, you're so lucky that you don't have any siblings.
19:46 I don't know about that.
19:48 It's not easy being an only child. There's a lot of high expectations.
19:51 Really? A lot of pressure for the pizza boy?
19:55 There is, as a matter of fact.
19:57 Oh my God. Okay, then tell me something.
19:59 Well, for starters, if the pizza's not there in 30 minutes, it's free.
20:03 Okay. Really? That was a terrible joke.
20:07 It was.
20:09 Just remember, I'll always stand behind you.
20:15 Now we have a car, right?
20:19 I like walking.
20:21 Tommy, what are you doing?
20:23 Ag says Mom and Dad hold hands.
20:26 Well, we're not Alex's Mom and Dad.
20:29 Almost like a real family.
20:31 Almost.
20:33 Are your hands always this clean?
20:35 No, not always.
20:37 God damn it, you look like a thot.
20:48 We have to impress the president of Yale Enterprises tonight.
20:51 Don't remind me.
20:53 If they can bail us out, we might actually make it through this thing.
20:56 Has Mr. Wendy returned any of your phone calls?
20:58 No. No, he has not.
21:01 Bitches everywhere.
21:07 Do you have room for three tonight?
21:09 I don't think so.
21:11 Hello, Catherine.
21:13 I'm coming.
21:15 Looks like your son's old enough to go to school.
21:17 Old enough to know his mother's a bitch.
21:20 How dare you talk like that in front of my son?
21:24 If you want your dinner tonight, you better watch your mouth.
21:27 Speaking of dinner, this is the hottest restaurant in town.
21:31 I trust you have a reservation for this evening?
21:34 I didn't.
21:36 Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't do walk-ins and we don't have take-outs, so please leave.
21:50 Mr. Wendy, it's so good to see you.
21:53 Call me Nev. Mr. Wendy's my father.
21:55 Please, come with me.
21:57 Sorry, we only serve customers with reservations.
22:00 Of course we have a reservation. Under my last name, Neal.
22:04 Are there two Neals in the book?
22:06 No, sir. Only one reservation under Neal.
22:11 Howard stinks when he's without drink.
22:13 Right. Alcohol kills me too.
22:19 Vivian.
22:22 I'm sorry.
22:27 I'm sorry.
22:29 I'm sorry.
22:31 I'm sorry.
22:33 I'm sorry.
22:35 I'm sorry.
22:38 I'm sorry.
22:39 Oh, God.
22:49 Who the hell are you?
23:05 I've been so embarrassed in my life, child.
23:07 Mama.
23:09 Look at what you've done. Catherine Neal, a shame to this family.
23:14 Who took these pictures?
23:17 Who is this guy?
23:19 I don't know, Dad. I don't remember any of this.
23:21 I just arranged for your engagement to Howard yesterday and you go sleep with this nobody.
23:25 Daddy, please. Somebody is setting me up. I was drunk.
23:29 You are no longer a member of this family. Get out of here. You're a moral traitor.
23:34 I'm sorry.
23:36 I'm sorry.
23:41 So whose room did you put her in, baby?
23:44 I don't know. Henry said something about pizza or something before he took the photos.
23:49 Sounds like that pizza boy is going to fuck the shit out of your sweet sister.
24:02 Catherine, speaking of the devil, what are you doing up here? Looking for death?
24:07 Renee, I knew this was you.
24:12 Howard, why would you do this?
24:19 Katie, I wanted you.
24:21 But all you cared about was your fucking career.
24:25 We're engaged. After the wedding, I'm yours.
24:31 That won't be necessary.
24:33 How was your night? It must have been one hell of a memory.
24:40 Get off me!
24:46 Let go!
24:49 Let go!
24:51 Your life's in my hands, sis.
25:03 Really?
25:16 Georgie has come, my love.
25:19 Who was she?
25:24 There's no trace of her. I've run through all the footage I could find in the hotel.
25:27 I can't get her out of my mind. You've got to keep looking for her.
25:30 But, George, from the way she was dressed, it's quite possible it was Miss Vivian.
25:34 Hello, Mom.
25:38 Georgie, don't be mad at me. I know you don't like me playing matchmaker, but I didn't want you to stand her up.
25:44 You gave me my room number.
25:46 Well, yes, but for the sake of an engagement. A bond between our families.
25:51 I want to see her.
25:53 George, hold on. That's impossible. I've been already left back to the UK.
25:57 Okay, Mom. I accept the engagement. You can set it up.
26:03 [Music]
26:20 You started this war, my dear.
26:27 I hope you're ready for what's coming your way.
26:32 We settled our partnership with the Windviews. It's a good start.
26:35 Now, if we could just set on a strategic long-term cooperation with the other two families, the Neils and the Woods,
26:43 then we could hold on to a steady place in the city.
26:47 The Windviews.
26:49 The Woods.
26:51 Howard Woods.
26:54 And Renee.
26:57 My sweet sister.
27:00 How about the Dauntons? Aren't they the most powerful family in town?
27:03 I wouldn't say the Dauntons are powerful. More like God himself.
27:07 The Woods are bidding for the commercial development east of the Windviews Island, right?
27:11 Make sure that doesn't happen. Do whatever is necessary.
27:16 Time to say hello to some old friends.
27:24 [Sniff]
27:26 Yeah, it's probably her birthday now.
27:35 How's Howard? I haven't seen him.
27:45 He lost a bet he's been working on for three years.
27:48 What's going on?
27:50 A small company came in out of nowhere and offered a better price.
27:54 Dottie, you're gonna help Howard, right?
27:56 Hey, sis.
27:58 You missed me?
28:00 I thought you were de-- gone!
28:02 I'm so sorry to disappoint you.
28:04 You shameless bitch. Everyone in the family has suffered because of you.
28:08 Sleeping around with strangers like a whore.
28:11 What does family honor even mean to you?
28:13 It doesn't mean a goddamn thing anymore.
28:15 You know what? You are no longer recognized in this family.
28:19 You're better off in the streets, sucking as much cock as you can.
28:23 I think your pasta's getting cold.
28:24 Oh, oops! I think your pasta's getting cold.
28:28 You have no fucking clue who I am, Renee.
28:31 You have no idea what I am capable of.
28:34 Renee said you ran out because of your guilt.
28:37 Funny she would say something like that.
28:39 Dottie, she's full of shit.
28:41 Not a very fatherly welcome, is it?
28:44 You're not my daughter anymore. Get out of my house!
28:47 Dottie, you're an Elbow fan. You do not want this fight. Trust me.
28:52 What do you want?
28:53 He's not welcoming you back in the family anytime soon.
28:55 I want back everything that you have taken from me over the last eight years.
28:59 Your beloved daughter, Renee, drugged me.
29:03 She threw me off a roof and she left me for dead.
29:06 And you did nothing.
29:09 Dottie, she's lying.
29:11 I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not.
29:14 But I thought you should know the truth before judgment comes from you.
29:17 And it is coming.
29:18 You cheated on Hauer, remember?
29:21 Luckily, Renee stepped in to take care of the engagement.
29:22 So we can keep our deep bonds with the Woods family.
29:24 Oh wow. Congratulations, Renee, on your loving relationship.
29:30 You might want to keep a close eye on Hauer, though.
29:33 Because that deep bond, it's going to end.
29:36 Very soon.
29:38 Bitch, I will kill you again.
29:40 Then I'll see you in hell, sister.
29:44 [knocking]
29:46 [crying]
29:53 Hi.
29:55 I'm home.
29:58 I'm so sorry.
30:02 What happened to you?
30:04 What did they do to you?
30:07 [phone ringing]
30:09 [phone ringing]
30:11 George, that boy looks exactly like you.
30:28 That girl looks so familiar.
30:36 I just can't place her face.
30:38 We need to find out who they are.
30:40 Get as much information as you can.
30:42 [phone ringing]
30:45 Can I help you?
30:53 You have my son.
30:57 Oh, fuck.
31:05 No, wait, wait, wait.
31:07 I have the file. It proves I'm his father.
31:10 I don't care what this file says, okay?
31:13 I've raised him by myself.
31:15 Where have you been for the past eight years?
31:18 Do you remember me?
31:20 I don't know who you are, okay?
31:22 What do you want from me?
31:24 I want my child.
31:26 He's been without a father for eight years.
31:28 Yeah, and he's been just fine without one, okay?
31:30 Tony's home is this fucking house.
31:32 No offense, he deserves a better father than a pizza delivery boy.
31:35 What do you mean? What do you mean pizza boy?
31:38 Mommy, I'm back!
31:40 Hey, Tony. I'm your daddy.
31:42 Daddy, I missed you so much.
31:45 I missed you too, buddy.
31:47 Baby, you've never met this man. Come on, go inside.
31:49 The grown-ups need to talk.
31:51 Come on.
31:53 Okay, here's the deal.
31:55 I'll give you a million dollars.
31:57 You can be in Tony's life, you can be his father.
32:00 You can live like a family until he's 16.
32:03 Until then, I'm the one who's in charge, okay?
32:06 I'm the one who makes the decisions. Got it?
32:08 A million dollars, really?
32:10 What, you're going to make more money driving around pizzas?
32:13 I'll see what happens here. I'm sure.
32:17 Are you really my daddy?
32:19 Yes, I am, bud.
32:21 Hey, we're going to have a family lunch. What do you want to eat?
32:23 Pizza!
32:25 Pizza.
32:27 Okay, yeah, let's go see where daddy works. Go put your bag away, honey.
32:29 You didn't tell him I was a pizza delivery boy, did you?
32:32 Yeah, I did. He wanted to know about you.
32:36 After all these years, that's the only thing I can remember.
32:41 Ma'am. Yeah, we need to buy a pizza shop.
32:45 Right now. Yeah, right now.
32:47 I'm heading there right now, so let me know where it is.
32:50 So business is, um, slow, huh?
32:59 Yeah, it's more of a delivery spot.
33:01 I'm trying to make my money.
33:03 So you're a big business lady, huh?
33:05 Something like that.
33:07 That's fascinating.
33:09 I mean, it gets kind of lonely sometimes, I guess.
33:11 Delivering hot items to ungrateful customers.
33:15 You sound like the pizza boy.
33:19 Hi, Mrs. Dalton.
33:21 I need you to go. I need you to go. Go, go.
33:24 Um, what was that? Do you know that guy or something?
33:31 Yeah, he's a rival delivery driver.
33:34 Dressed in a designer jacket?
33:36 Yeah, you know, he's dressed for the job you want.
33:40 How's the pizza, bud?
33:42 It's good.
33:44 Cheers. Cheers.
33:46 Cheers.
33:59 George, were you rude to Charles Ambrose at the pizza parlor?
34:03 Because he called me very upset.
34:05 It was a complicated situation.
34:07 Well, do you care to explain that to me?
34:09 You know it's going to be very soon that you are presented publicly
34:13 to the city as the Dalton heir.
34:16 I told you, I'll take care of the business.
34:19 But I don't want to be some kind of freakish public figure.
34:28 Hello, Catherine?
34:29 Hey, George. I'm sorry, I have to cancel our lunch date.
34:32 Yeah, something important came up.
34:34 Alright, see you at the house. Thanks.
34:36 How nice that you could join me at Swindia's birthday party.
34:39 Everyone who's going to be there is either super rich or super powerful.
34:42 Just like us.
34:44 What is he doing here?
34:53 Who are you talking about, Katie?
34:56 Never mind.
34:58 You know, I'm actually really surprised that Wynview's invited me.
35:01 We just closed the deal.
35:03 Well, you are Mr. Wynview's biggest partner now.
35:06 Now the woods are going to have to find a way to survive.
35:09 No, I can't see a way out.
35:11 Looks like a dead end.
35:13 I have my data together as opposed.
35:15 Okay.
35:17 Ma'am, do you have an invitation?
35:19 Not a paper one, no.
35:21 I'm afraid I can't let you in.
35:23 Mr. Wynview invited me himself an hour ago.
35:26 What are you doing here?
35:28 It's Miss Wynview's birthday party. No place for sluts.
35:31 Yeah, right now you should probably go home.
35:33 Miss Neal, welcome.
35:35 Thank you.
35:37 Please, lady, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
35:39 No, no, no, that's too nice.
35:41 Okay, what is going on out here?
35:47 Oh, waitress, please.
35:49 Miss Daughton, I was just trying to help.
35:52 I had an uninvited guest and she was trying to break in
35:54 and the guards wouldn't do anything about it.
35:56 You were trying to help?
35:58 Yes, Miss Daughton. My name's Renee Neal.
36:01 It's an honor to meet you, ma'am.
36:03 Well, if you'd like to help, you can help by leaving.
36:05 All I see is you picking on this poor young woman
36:08 who has done absolutely nothing.
36:11 Miss Daughton, she's an uninvited guest and she wouldn't leave.
36:14 Really, I have no invitation and I'm in.
36:17 Come on, darling, you're with me.
36:19 Thank you, Melinda.
36:21 (music)
36:23 So beautiful.
36:27 Hi, Mrs. Windy, happy birthday.
36:30 Thank you.
36:32 Oh, my gosh.
36:35 (music)
36:38 Oh, my God, Catherine, how could you insult
36:46 Miss Windy like this in front of all of her guests?
36:48 It's her birthday.
36:50 I have no idea what is going on right now.
36:53 That is obviously a forgery.
36:55 The Jade Kieran was the last piece
36:58 the great artist Alvin Zhao made before he died.
37:01 How dare you fake it?
37:03 Howard.
37:05 Really, Howard? Are you serious right now?
37:07 Well, it's good to see you too, Katie.
37:09 But just because I'm seeing you alive
37:11 doesn't mean you get to disrespect the dead.
37:13 Are you sure you, Mrs. Windy?
37:15 I got this directly from Mr. Zhao's personal collection.
37:17 Oh, really? Not five minutes earlier
37:19 did Mrs. Windy receive the real Jade Kieran from me.
37:22 Maybe three.
37:24 Which one is her exactly?
37:26 Okay, there's only one real Jade Kieran here
37:32 and unfortunately, since Mr. Zhao has passed away,
37:36 maybe his son.
37:38 Help us figure out who exactly here
37:40 is insulting Mrs. Windy.
37:42 Mr. Zhao, I know this is really uncomfortable.
37:45 I'm sorry, but please,
37:47 you're the only person who can settle this.
37:50 I came to the U.S. a few months ago.
37:52 But I'm sorry, miss.
37:54 I have done with authentication
37:56 to my father's work since he died.
37:58 Please.
38:00 She's her. Take her with you.
38:02 How do we know it's really Mr. Zhao's son
38:04 and not just some fraud you hired?
38:06 It is Mr. Zhao and he is my mother's guest.
38:10 [Music]
38:13 They are identical.
38:26 I can't tell which one is real.
38:28 I can't tell which one is real.
38:30 God, Catherine, you're pathetic.
38:34 Guys, isn't it obvious?
38:36 She hired this fake Mr. Zhao
38:38 to cover her ass.
38:40 Apologize to him.
38:46 Go to hell with your trash.
38:53 It's my beloved wife.
39:01 It's my father's note, my mother.
39:03 Now that I've seen it.
39:07 It's a cheap knockoff.
39:09 Get out of my house.
39:11 Mrs. Wendy, please.
39:13 Howard.
39:15 Maybe you should go chase after your fiancé, Howard.
39:17 Howard.
39:19 You were so brave and honest.
39:21 No, really, I appreciate you so much, Mrs. Daunton.
39:24 I could not have even gotten in the doors without you.
39:27 I just tried to do the right thing.
39:29 Thank you. Really.
39:31 It's time to go.
39:33 Do you want me to go?
39:35 Could you go pick him up, please?
39:37 And tell him I love him, okay?
39:38 Thank you so much, Linda. I'll see you tomorrow.
39:40 How old is your child?
39:42 Oh, he's eight.
39:44 I bet he has your eyes.
39:46 Oh my gosh, I wish.
39:48 He looks exactly like his father.
39:50 You know, I remember when my son was eight years old.
39:53 He was such a warm boy.
39:55 God knows what's turned him into such a vampire now.
39:58 Here's my Tony.
40:00 But there's nothing there.
40:02 Oh. That's weird.
40:05 I guess my phone died.
40:06 Maybe next time.
40:08 Would you excuse me?
40:10 Oh, of course.
40:12 Where is he?
40:15 Why are you touching me?
40:17 What are you talking about?
40:19 No, this is ridiculous.
40:21 Hey, what? I've been looking all over for you.
40:23 Hey, Catherine, this isn't really a good time.
40:26 Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?
40:28 That's probably what it sounds like.
40:30 Then get your nose fixed.
40:32 We can talk.
40:34 No, we can't. Come on.
40:36 Hey, listen carefully.
40:39 Okay, we had a deal.
40:41 And it's not just about you being a father.
40:43 It's a contract to our marriage. Look at me.
40:45 You want to start arguing with other girls?
40:47 Come on.
40:49 What did I say about me being in charge?
41:03 I'm sorry.
41:05 Oh, my God.
41:11 My God, I'm so sorry for the stuff I said tonight.
41:20 It's okay. It was a tough night.
41:22 Yeah, it's always a tough night.
41:25 Why does your sister hate you so much?
41:27 I don't know. You'll have to ask her.
41:29 You know, you're so lucky that you don't have any siblings.
41:33 I don't know about that.
41:34 It's not easy being an only child.
41:36 There's a lot of high expectations.
41:38 Really? A lot of pressure for the pizza boy?
41:41 There is, as a matter of fact.
41:43 Okay, then tell me something.
41:45 Well, for starters, if the pizza's not there in 30 minutes, it's free.
41:49 Okay. Really? That was a terrible joke.
41:53 It was.
41:55 Just remember, I'll always stand behind you.
42:02 Now we have a car, right?
42:04 I like walking.
42:06 Tommy, what are you doing?
42:08 Alex's mom and dad hold hands.
42:10 Well, we're not Alex's mom and dad.
42:13 Almost like a real family.
42:15 Almost.
42:17 Are your hands always this clean?
42:19 No, not always.
42:22 God damn it, you look like a slob.
42:24 We have to impress the president of Yale Enterprises tonight.
42:27 Don't remind me.
42:29 If they can bail us out, we might actually make it through this thing.
42:32 Has Mr. Windy returned any of your phone calls?
42:35 No. No, he has not.
42:38 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
42:44 I'm sorry.
42:46 I'm sorry.
42:49 I'm sorry.
42:50 Bitches everywhere.
42:54 Do you have room for three tonight?
42:56 I don't think so.
42:58 Hello, Catherine.
43:00 I'm coming.
43:02 Looks like your son's old enough to go to school.
43:04 Old enough to know his mother's a bitch.
43:07 How dare you talk like that in front of my son?
43:10 If you want your dinner tonight, you better watch your mouth.
43:16 Speaking of dinner, this is the hottest restaurant in town.
43:18 I trust you have a reservation for this evening?
43:21 I didn't.
43:23 Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't do walk-ins and we don't have take-out, so please leave.
43:29 Mr. Windy, it's so good to see you.
43:40 Call me Neb, Mr. Windy's my father.
43:42 Please, come with me.
43:45 Sorry, we only serve customers with reservations.
43:47 Of course we have a reservation. Under my last name, Neal.
43:51 Are there two Neals in the book?
43:53 No, sir. Only one reservation under Neal.
