多源流教育制度落实多年 安华: 无需改变华淡小存在

  • 4 months ago
八点最热报 | 我国的多源流学校,最近在一些政治人物的炒作下又成为了课题。对此,首相安华昨晚趁着全国团结周的活动,表明政府的立场。首相表示,多源流教育制度在我国已经落实了很多年,并扮演着传承母语教育的角色,因此华淡小的存在不需要改变,而大家也必须尊重他们的存在。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:05 The "Multi-Cultural School" has become a hot topic again recently under the hype of some politicians.
00:11 Yesterday, Prime Minister An Hua expressed his position on the government's position while the whole country was united in the activities.
00:17 The Prime Minister said that the "Multi-Cultural Education System" has been implemented in Malaysia for many years and plays the role of inheritance mother tongue education.
00:25 So the existence of "Chinese children" does not need to be changed, and everyone must respect their existence.
00:33 Because we inherited a system, there is a national school that must have multiple ethnicities, but there is a school of Chinese, Tamil.
00:41 That is a statement that we must not change.
00:45 Our role is to give them space, recognition and respect.
00:51 Prime Minister An Hua last night at the Xinshan Ansana Square playground as a national unity state.
00:56 He said that the existence of "Chinese children" and "Tamil" schools in our country has long been a role of inheritance.
01:03 It should be respected.
01:05 He also quoted the Klanjin Church, which said that the Klanjin recognized the difference in race, skin color and language.
01:11 And this is also a point that Muslims cannot ignore.
01:14 We are born from different people, different tribes, different countries and regions, different skin colors, different languages.
01:24 The Klan said that the difference is recognized.
01:27 For what? To know, to understand.
01:30 In addition, An Hua also emphasized that when our leaders visit other countries, they will be welcomed and respected mainly because of
01:37 not the leaders' personal charm, but the political situation of our country, stability and the unity of the people.
01:43 People respect us not just because our economy is booming.
01:48 Because they know that this country is stable politically because its people are united.
01:55 We welcome this week of unity, first for the sake of respect and salute to the Malaysian people who love unity and peace.
02:06 [Music]
02:12 [Music]
