Look What You Made Me Do Full Movie

  • 4 months ago
Look What You Made Me Do Full Movie
00:00:00 Dylan where are you?
00:00:02 Ava really needs me.
00:00:04 I'm ready to move forward
00:00:11 Mr. Cross
00:00:13 You need a wife and I need revenge. We should get married
00:00:17 The days of pretending to be a model. They're over Claire
00:00:21 You've lost everything
00:00:25 And you just don't know it yet. You're not a nobody. We'll take our eyes off of you
00:00:30 You don't have to say that just because we're married
00:00:33 Claire cannot succeed. Perfect
00:00:37 Maxwell will pay for this
00:00:40 Maybe touch is my wife. Since Christian came into my life. I think my luck has finally changed
00:00:46 So who will be the 23rd winner of the top model competition?
00:00:51 I
00:00:53 Claire bear my love for you. It transcends words. You're my forever
00:01:11 Will you marry me? Yes
00:01:16 Yes
00:01:18 Okay, wait you guys lucky bitch
00:01:27 So you proposed to that bitch, huh
00:01:44 You're so fucking sexy. I want you now
00:01:47 Don't worry about her. I slept a little something. You all know
00:01:56 You've lost everything and you just don't know it yet
00:02:19 I'm pregnant with Dylan's child. He won't show up tomorrow
00:02:23 What happened here after I left
00:02:33 So I had the most awful dream last night. No more wedding dinners. You can't be late to your big date. That's bad luck
00:02:40 Speaking of luck I might do something
00:02:43 I'm not sure I'm gonna do it. I'm not sure I'm gonna do it
00:02:46 That's bad luck. Speaking of luck, bad luck for something new.
00:02:50 It's beautiful, thank you. I hope you didn't spend too much.
00:02:55 Never do. L.E. Express, baby. Things you love don't need to break the bank. Come on, you're getting married. Let's go.
00:03:03 Is it really a dream?
00:03:09 Dylan where are you? Hey, I'm at the hospital.
00:03:16 Are you okay? What happened? No, I'm fine. It's Ava.
00:03:20 Yeah, the doctors are running tests. I'm with her now, so I'm not gonna be able to marry you today.
00:03:26 He won't show up tomorrow. Just you wait.
00:03:32 He's mine.
00:03:37 I'm with her now, so I'm not gonna be able to marry you today.
00:03:45 I'm sorry. I wanted to be there, but Ava really needs me. Come on, Clairebear, you know I love you.
00:03:51 Hey, I gotta go.
00:03:54 It wasn't a dream.
00:04:14 It's real.
00:04:16 It's all real.
00:04:19 Christian, my fiancee refuses to sign the prenup, and now she won't answer her phone. She stalled for the wedding day.
00:04:38 This is blackmail. Cut her loose.
00:04:40 That's Christian Cross.
00:04:43 The CEO of Pinnacle Entertainment.
00:04:45 Christian, your father... He doesn't care who I marry as long as it gets done today.
00:04:52 Find me another girl.
00:04:54 We've got an hour.
00:04:56 I must be crazy to even consider this.
00:04:59 Mr. Cross?
00:05:01 I have a proposition for you.
00:05:13 I'm sorry.
00:05:15 My name is Claire Duval. My fiancee betrayed me with a woman who I thought was a friend.
00:05:28 Okay. How is it I can help you, Ms. Duval?
00:05:31 Actually, it's how we can help each other.
00:05:34 You need a wife, and I need revenge.
00:05:37 We should get married.
00:05:41 Gavin? Already on it. Claire Duval, 25. No criminal record. Model with a news talent agency, and...
00:05:49 I'm married.
00:05:51 Deal.
00:05:57 Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Cross.
00:06:03 Thank you.
00:06:05 So, thank you for doing this.
00:06:23 If it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep this...
00:06:27 arrangement a secret for now.
00:06:31 I need my fiancee...
00:06:33 ex-fiancee to find out about us in the right way at just the right moment.
00:06:37 I'll give you six months to plot an exact year of revenge.
00:06:41 After that, our marriage announcement will be released to the press.
00:06:44 Fair enough.
00:06:47 One more thing.
00:06:48 I need this marriage to appear as real as possible.
00:06:51 That means living under the same roof.
00:06:54 Oh.
00:06:55 I have a very loyal, discreet staff that will keep our secret a secret.
00:07:00 Every need will be met.
00:07:02 I can live with that.
00:07:04 Gavin will be in touch.
00:07:06 That Miss Duval, she's, um...
00:07:14 She's something.
00:07:15 Don't you mean Mrs. Cross?
00:07:17 Right.
00:07:18 I just mean...
00:07:20 You didn't even mention the prenup. Am I missing something?
00:07:22 More than you can fathom.
00:07:24 I want you to keep a close eye on my wife.
00:07:27 Send her a dump, boss.
00:07:30 [SIGHS]
00:07:32 Okay, she's walking in right now. I gotta go.
00:07:45 Hey.
00:07:48 Hey, thank God you're here.
00:07:50 Ava was supposed to walk into the tour show later today.
00:07:52 I need you to pretend to be her.
00:07:54 You promised me last time I wouldn't have to do that again, Dylan.
00:07:59 My company cannot afford to lose this commission.
00:08:01 If you love me, you'll do this.
00:08:04 I guess you leave me with no choice.
00:08:10 I'll do it.
00:08:13 I'm sorry everything got so screwed up yesterday.
00:08:16 We'll get married soon.
00:08:19 I promise.
00:08:22 You don't know just how sorry you're gonna be.
00:08:27 Welcome to the Vincent Latour Jewelry Showcase.
00:08:29 With fashion outfits provided by AliExpress.
00:08:31 I'm going to be sick. What a two-timing bastard.
00:08:41 Ava, that's disgusting.
00:08:43 Bitch.
00:08:45 I know.
00:08:47 Guard this with your life. That is it is.
00:08:49 Piss off, Felix, you insufferable parasite.
00:08:51 At least Ava's set to win the top model competition.
00:08:53 Third year in a row.
00:08:55 The model's career imploded before it even took off.
00:08:57 Uh, standing right here.
00:08:59 Hurry, put on your mask.
00:09:01 That's the designer.
00:09:03 He can never know you're not Ava.
00:09:05 Zoe, what are you doing?
00:09:13 I'm grabbing the model gifting and we're out of here.
00:09:15 You're not covering up for Ava again.
00:09:17 Especially after what she did to you.
00:09:19 Actually, I have a plan.
00:09:21 Hand me the bracelet.
00:09:23 Modeling our next piece in the true love collection
00:09:25 is Ava Bennett.
00:09:27 Behold the Juliet bracelet.
00:09:33 Crafted with 36 exquisite emeralds
00:09:35 and 15 flawless diamonds,
00:09:37 this 22-carat one
00:09:39 graces the wrist of our lady,
00:09:41 Miss Ava Bennett.
00:09:43 Wow, look at her.
00:09:49 Oh my gosh.
00:09:51 What is that?
00:09:53 I don't do anklets.
00:09:55 I hate anklets.
00:09:57 Ooh, I'm a genius.
00:10:01 I love it.
00:10:03 I was one.
00:10:05 Oh, perhaps I could envision
00:10:07 an anklet or two in my line.
00:10:09 Your girl just came up.
00:10:13 You should get in here.
00:10:15 Well, hello.
00:10:17 That is not Ava Bennett.
00:10:19 possess fabulous legs like that. what is she up to? who's under the mask? mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off!
00:10:36 well, let's uh let's get back to the main topic what are you doing with me?
00:10:42 mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! mask off! well let's all see what we're hiding here. where did you come from? that's Claire Duval. a nobody and now a thief. how dare you steal Ava Bennett's place? that's a lie.
00:11:11 you don't want to do that. mr. Cross, we were not expecting you to come this evening. well it's a good thing I did. you alright? I am now.
00:11:28 Joan Fairchild, Glamour magazine. does this mark your first return to the runway?
00:11:36 how do you know the CEO of Pinnacle Entertainment, Christian Cross? is there
00:11:39 bad blood between you and Ava B? no comment.
00:11:44 need a ride?
00:11:53 well that was exciting. sorry to get you mixed up in all this. that's what husbands
00:12:04 are for. you want to tell me what's going on back there? I did it on purpose. put
00:12:11 the bracelet on my ankle. the biggest difference between Ava and I is our legs.
00:12:15 to get caught. I wanted to get caught. and you did so spectacularly. I've never seen
00:12:25 a model command the stage like you did up there. for a nobody. you're not a nobody.
00:12:31 nobody took their eyes off of you. you don't have to say that just because we're
00:12:35 married. I know my modeling track record has been pathetic at best. okay why is
00:12:42 that? I mean from where I'm sitting you have everything you need to be a top model. I
00:12:46 don't know just unlucky or something. or something.
00:12:52 I think I'm gonna be sick. I can't deal with more reporters tonight. we can go
00:13:00 back to my place. it's your call.
00:13:04 let's do it. this night can't get any crazier. oh I gotta get this. it's not
00:13:15 good. Ava just gave an interview. it's not looking good. Ava just gave an
00:13:23 interview. she told the reporters that she did not ask you to step in. she said
00:13:27 that nobody can model Ali Express and Bette Midler like she does. and in fact
00:13:31 she said that you deliberately pushed her. and that's how she. Wow so I've been
00:13:38 bumped from stealing her spot to bodily assault? she's one step ahead of us. not
00:13:44 for long. Ava's gonna want to revel in this victory and she has a thing for
00:13:48 bathrooms. yeah gross. Zoe here's what we're gonna do.
00:13:57 Mr. Latour I take it you saw the interview? yes. yes I agree. Claire has her
00:14:02 issues. no no no don't worry I'm taking care of it. don't worry I've taken care
00:14:08 of it. my legal department is preparing a statement for the press where she'll
00:14:13 take full responsibility. Ava will be in top shape back on her feet for the
00:14:19 shoot in Seattle. yes you have my word. so what do you say?
00:14:24 Latour's in the bag but Claire has to take the fall. perfect. let's celebrate.
00:14:33 are you gonna join me? do you think that's a good idea? because the doctor
00:14:46 hasn't diagnosed your mysterious stomach issue yet. I have a different kind of ache
00:14:50 and I need you to take care of it.
00:14:55 wine? is that a Jackson Pollock? it is. it's my favorite piece of his. it's
00:15:06 incredible. you hungry? starved.
00:15:18 It's incredible. You hungry? Starved.
00:15:26 You're awfully quiet. More like speechless. The food was amazing. Where did you learn
00:15:39 to cook like that? But growing up I spent more time in the kitchen with the staff
00:15:43 than with my actual parents. I get it. You wouldn't. You're nothing like I thought you'd be.
00:15:52 Dare I ask? Ruthless. Someone used to getting what they want at the expense of
00:15:58 others. Someone who cares more about the bottom line than people. To most I am that
00:16:06 person. To the ones I hold dear, the ones I choose to let in.
00:16:13 Make no mistake, Claire. If you do betray me, you'll be no forgiveness.
00:16:32 Right back at ya.
00:16:35 [Music]
00:16:45 Morning. Sorry, I must have dozed off. Hold on, let me get that. I don't think that's a good idea.
00:16:55 Hello? Hello? Hey, where are you? I found a place to hide out. The reporters are
00:17:03 pounding me. Claire Bear, I know this isn't ideal, but I need you in the office right now.
00:17:08 Not ideal? Ava told the whole world I'm crazy. Just forgive her. Poor Ava. The
00:17:15 medication she's on is making her paranoid. Will I see you soon? Sure, Dylan.
00:17:21 I'll see you soon. What are you doing? Just in case you need anything. Daddy? I mean I was
00:17:31 gonna put hubby, but since you're keeping me a secret. For now.
00:17:37 What were you thinking, Claire? All you had to do was put on the damn bracelet
00:17:46 and run Ray Show for Ava. Why would you draw that much attention to your legs?
00:17:50 The bracelet was tailored to Ava's wrist and she's bigger boned than me. It
00:17:55 didn't fit. I had to improvise. That makes... You know, I knew Ava was... that you were...
00:18:01 had some agenda against me, but I told her there's no way that you would
00:18:04 sabotage me. We're getting married. You love me. You would never hurt me.
00:18:09 You're right, Dylan. You know me so well. Wait in here. And if you don't do
00:18:14 something to fix this, Muse will lose the Latour contract. This will cause a
00:18:19 domino effect at the agency and I won't be able to stop the cutbacks.
00:18:23 Junef will lose their jobs. That includes Zoe. I can't have that. I can't have that.
00:18:31 Well, there's not much time. My legal department has prepared a damage control
00:18:36 script. Memorize it. You'll be meeting with the press in ten minutes. But this is a
00:18:44 confession. I might not have a career after this. Let's be honest. Ava is our
00:18:49 top billing model, and you, Claire, never really took off, despite all the
00:18:55 opportunities I created for you. I get it. I'm expendable. One more thing.
00:19:04 Stick to the script. No more improvising.
00:19:14 Everything ready to go? My fingers on the trigger. I gotta go. Fire away.
00:19:21 Please tell me you're using a burner. Who the hell are you?
00:19:26 I'm thinking too small, rookie.
00:19:31 Members of the press, thank you for coming. In regards to the events that
00:19:43 occurred at the True Love fashion show, I deeply regret any harm I caused Mr. Vincent
00:19:49 Latour and his revered brand. I take full responsibility for my actions. News
00:19:54 talent agency had no knowledge of my intention to take Ava's place on the
00:19:59 runway. These photos would suggest otherwise.
00:20:04 Photos? What photos? Photos? What photos? This is evidence that Miss Duval
00:20:15 regularly pretends to be Miss Bennett over the last two years.
00:20:19 The president of the company must have known. Claire, if you're being used as a
00:20:23 scapegoat and you want to be rescued, just blink twice. Miss Duval stands by her statement. She acted alone as the sole
00:20:30 perpetrator. I, we, News Talent as a company had no idea of any and all prior
00:20:37 incidences.
00:20:55 Nicely done, Gavin. Thank you, Christian. Lady's had it under control. I just gave
00:21:01 a little boost. My wife's a force of nature. Yeah, she's had to be.
00:21:08 Take a look at that.
00:21:12 Here's what I got so far. Upon signing with News Talent Agency at 21, Claire Duval
00:21:19 was initially overseen by Miranda Maxwell, you know, Maxwell's older sister.
00:21:24 Not a chairman of Maxwell Holdings. We've crossed paths. Exactly. Claire was hailed
00:21:29 a rising star in the modeling world. Then inexplicably, her stardom plummeted.
00:21:34 Rumors began to spread that she was temperamental. She would show up late for
00:21:37 shoots or not at all. There was even suspicion that drugs were involved. Offers dried up
00:21:42 completely. They deliberately ruined her. It appears that way, but why? If you want to
00:21:50 crush someone's dream, you don't just take it away. You kill it. By that time, Claire's
00:21:57 access to senior management was non-existent. She was relegated to a
00:22:01 junior manager by the name of Zoey Bauer. And that's when Dylan Maxwell started
00:22:06 dating Claire. He broke her down just so he could scoop her up. Doesn't make sense.
00:22:13 Claire Duval is the total package. Why would a talent agency tank the career of
00:22:17 a supermodel in the making? Because there was more money to be made elsewhere.
00:22:22 Someone's pulling Dylan Maxwell's strings. We have to find the master.
00:22:29 [phone buzzing]
00:22:55 [phone buzzing]
00:23:01 What? Claire, the paparazzi keeps following me everywhere, but I think I
00:23:05 can lose them. Can I come over? No. No, I'm crashing at Zoey's. We need to
00:23:12 strategize our next move. What next move? There is no next move. I've done my part
00:23:17 and took the blame. No, no, no. It backfired. They're not after you now, Claire.
00:23:20 They're after me. You could go and apologize to Ava. You can't be serious.
00:23:26 No, I mean, if the press sees you do that, then... Then they'll think I'm crazy.
00:23:30 They'll think you're repentant. You know, I'm starting to question your loyalty,
00:23:35 Claire. Are you still with me? Of course, Dylan.
00:23:44 I'll be right there.
00:23:48 [phone buzzing]
00:23:50 When she heard, I say we put Claire in her place. The little princess bowing before
00:23:56 me. Genius. I love it. And everyone will see just how low she has fallen. That little
00:24:01 bitch needs it drilled into her sad head that Dylan is mine. True that. Honestly,
00:24:08 the one true star of Muse Talent Agency is Ava Bennett. Maxwell. Accurate.
00:24:18 She's going to push your buttons. Don't let her. I won't.
00:24:24 Stop. She's coming.
00:24:30 Ava? Claire?
00:24:37 Didn't you come here to do something like apologize to moi? That's what Dylan
00:24:44 wants. Then get to it.
00:24:48 What is this? Well, if you really want to apologize to me,
00:25:01 then get down on your hands and knees. Then wash my feet. Just when I thought
00:25:12 you couldn't sink any lower, you surprise me. Doesn't really sound like an apology,
00:25:18 does it? You know what, Ava? I am sorry. You know what, Ava? I am sorry. Seeing you
00:25:28 like this, seeing what you've become, seeing just how far you'll go to feed
00:25:33 the emptiness inside of you. You know what? It's not your feet that need to be
00:25:37 washed. It's that cold, black heart of yours. Bravo, Claire. How long have you
00:25:45 been rehearsing that little speech? I'm still waiting on my apology. Tick tock.
00:25:50 Then let me be perfectly clear. I will never, for as long as I live, apologize
00:25:58 to the likes of you.
00:26:02 Did you get all that?
00:26:05 Hey, fam. Reggie here. Welcome back to my channel. So, the past 40 hours have been
00:26:14 cray cray. So, let's figure out what's going on in the battle royale of
00:26:18 supermodels. I will never, for as long as I live, apologize to the likes of you.
00:26:28 Listen here. Claire D was about to show all her true colors. But guess what, fam?
00:26:33 That girl has nothing to apologize for. Nada. Zilch. Because an intrepid reporter
00:26:39 has obtained intimate photos of Ava B and a certain muse CEO. Dylan M, aren't
00:26:46 you engaged to, uh, Claire D? She just got a cheat, I guess. And listen here, Ava B.
00:26:51 You are one naughty, nasty, disgusting little girl, by the way. So, tune in next
00:26:58 week to see what happens on the battle royale of supermodels. I'm gonna watch my eyes out now
00:27:02 because I feel wrong. Wrong. Reggie took your anonymous tip and ran with it.
00:27:09 It's brilliant, Claire. Oh, that? That was nothing. You're enjoying this. What's that old
00:27:16 expression? Revenge is sweet. I like the side of you. Then do you want to join me
00:27:22 on part two of my show? Lead the way.
00:27:26 Hey, it's Claire. Leave a message. Hey, Claire Bear. I'm here where you told us to meet.
00:27:33 Where are you? Hey, love, Ava thing, it's not what it seems, okay? We can talk about it
00:27:38 when you get here. See you soon.
00:27:44 I cannot tell you how many times I was the one left hanging, waiting for him.
00:27:55 Sometimes he would show. Most often not at all. Do you still love him?
00:28:02 How can I love someone I never really knew? Look at him over there, plotting ways
00:28:09 to get me back. He's clearly into Ava. Why is he trying so hard to salvage a
00:28:14 relationship he cares nothing about? That's the million-dollar question.
00:28:19 Poor bastard. You watching? No, I'm ready to move forward. Let's go back to my house
00:28:30 and get the last of my things.
00:28:33 [Music]
00:28:39 She came by to say goodnight. Come in.
00:28:45 Is this your family? Yeah, this is my debutante ball when I was 20. Was it a memorable night?
00:28:54 Unforgettable.
00:28:57 Claire? Where are you, Claire?
00:29:01 Claire? Claire, there you are. What are you doing hiding out here? This is your debut.
00:29:10 I just need a moment, Mom.
00:29:13 Well, your grandmother's looking for you. She has someone she wants you to meet.
00:29:17 It's quite a catch. I want more from this life than balls and suitable matches and
00:29:23 this golden cage. There's a world out there to explore. Adventures to have, risks to take.
00:29:29 Enough of this nonsense, Claire. Your grandmother is not someone to fool with.
00:29:34 Well, tell her thanks but no thanks. Honestly, tell her I'd rather die than meet another
00:29:40 boring, entitled rich boy that checks all of her boxes. Don't be selfish.
00:29:47 Can't afford another scandal. Like when Dad left his first wife for you?
00:29:52 [Snap]
00:29:56 Remember who you are. The sole heiress to the Winthrop Empire. You need to stay here
00:30:03 and do your part, young lady.
00:30:05 I'm not your young lady. And I'm no longer a Winthrop. From now on, I'll forge my own
00:30:12 path and make my own name.
00:30:14 [Gasp]
00:30:21 [Gasp]
00:30:24 That was the last time I saw them before I ran away.
00:30:30 They died in a helicopter crash a year later.
00:30:35 [Explosion]
00:30:37 [Music]
00:30:50 Hmm, what's the five gonna be today?
00:30:54 Endless possibilities. So many to pick from. With AliExpress, you're covered wherever you go.
00:31:05 Villains! Did you see it? It should be me modeling for AliExpress! First a scandal and
00:31:13 now this! The world is turning against me! Ew!
00:31:18 You're not the only one going through shit, Ava!
00:31:21 Why are you being so mean?
00:31:23 My office. Now.
00:31:28 I'm- [Cough]
00:31:31 Curb your appetite, baby brother.
00:31:37 This was supposed to be easy. And you're f*cked all up.
00:31:42 Claire, it's me!
00:31:48 I'm coming in, okay?
00:31:50 Claire, they're replying backfire.
00:32:00 Should I be worried? Where are you?
00:32:02 I'm home.
00:32:03 Bullshit! I am in your house. Yeah, I woke up this morning and got like a thousand texts
00:32:08 from Dylan asking for your whereabouts.
00:32:10 He wanted my address since you were crashing at my place, but we both know you're not at
00:32:15 my place nor at yours.
00:32:16 So Claire, where are you?
00:32:18 In the mood for a frittata?
00:32:20 Frittata?
00:32:22 So, I got married.
00:32:28 Married? When? How? With? With who?
00:32:34 It's a long story, Ava. It's too long for a phone call. Stay put, Gavin will pick you up.
00:32:39 Gavin? Who the hell is Gavin?
00:32:43 (knock on door)
00:32:45 Hey, rookie. Gavin at your service.
00:32:51 You.
00:32:53 Why would you do that?
00:32:59 For being an arrogant prick.
00:33:01 You got a short fuse, rookie?
00:33:03 My name is Zoe.
00:33:07 (door opens)
00:33:09 We're coming in.
00:33:22 Hi.
00:33:24 I'm Christian Cross. I'm Christian Cross.
00:33:32 Believe me, Mr. Cross. I know who you are. Everybody knows.
00:33:36 Call me Christian. I mean, Claire talks so much about you, I feel like I already know you.
00:33:40 Yeah?
00:33:41 Cool.
00:33:43 Claire, a word?
00:33:46 Excuse us.
00:33:50 No kicks for him?
00:33:54 You married Chrisitn Cross?
00:33:59 Don't freak out.
00:34:00 Too late. Christian Cross is your husband.
00:34:04 I know.
00:34:05 Claire, this is like next, next level.
00:34:07 Dylan is gonna shit himself.
00:34:09 You couldn't ask for sweeter revenge than dumping that shriveled little worm in school.
00:34:14 The richest, baddest, sexiest dude in this whole freaking planet.
00:34:19 Zoe, we can't tell anyone yet.
00:34:21 Swear you won't say anything.
00:34:23 I swear.
00:34:25 This is going to be epic!
00:34:28 Oh my gosh, look at this!
00:34:30 Dylan, what are you doing here?
00:34:37 I need to talk to you.
00:34:39 Doc, have you figured out what's wrong with her stomach?
00:34:41 Yes, I predict that it will be resolved in nine months.
00:34:44 Why? That's long!
00:34:45 Medicine has come a long way, Mr. Maxwell, but E.T. can't shorten the gestation period of a fetus.
00:34:51 Oh.
00:34:55 Okay, so, we stabilized your pregnancy and corrected your acute need.
00:35:01 You're no longer at risk of miscarriage, but if you continue to neglect your condition, you will need to come back and get another transfusion.
00:35:08 Do not wait until you faint this time, Ms. Bennett.
00:35:11 Thanks, doctor. I won't.
00:35:12 Okay, Ms. Bennett.
00:35:14 Mr. Maxwell.
00:35:21 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:35:24 I can't believe this.
00:35:27 You're pregnant?
00:35:29 Why wouldn't you tell me about this before?
00:35:31 This is a fucking disaster.
00:35:33 How can you have a bun in the oven and walk on a runway, huh?
00:35:37 You know what the press finds out?
00:35:39 We're fucked.
00:35:41 They will tear us to shreds.
00:35:42 There is no coming back from this.
00:35:44 Do you understand what you've done?
00:35:46 If Claire finds out about this, she won't be--
00:35:48 I've lost everything!
00:35:50 How dare you!
00:35:52 I am so sick and tired of hearing Claire's name!
00:35:57 You are going to be a father now, Dylan.
00:35:59 How can you just still marry her?
00:36:01 You told me you don't love her anymore.
00:36:02 I don't love her.
00:36:04 Ava, it is--
00:36:05 Then break up with her and marry me!
00:36:07 No, it is not that simple.
00:36:09 Claire is worth billions.
00:36:11 Or her family is.
00:36:12 She is a Winthrop.
00:36:14 So you're telling me that that skank-legged bitch is some secret heiress?
00:36:19 When Claire became a model, she had to change her name because her family didn't approve.
00:36:24 And how do you know this information?
00:36:26 Miranda, my sister.
00:36:28 She runs in the same circles as her grandmother.
00:36:31 Just think about it.
00:36:32 If I marry Claire, the only thing that's standing between me and three billion dollars
00:36:38 is an ancient bitch who's about to fall over.
00:36:41 You mean three billion dollars standing between us.
00:36:45 Yes.
00:36:46 Right, Dylan?
00:36:47 Of course, Ava.
00:36:48 But in order for that to work, Claire cannot succeed.
00:36:51 And you have to be at the top of your game and win the competition.
00:36:56 Or if that doesn't work, sabotage.
00:36:59 Claire won't know what hit her.
00:37:01 And we still have the Latour contract.
00:37:03 So we can turn this thing around.
00:37:05 You'll win top model at the competition.
00:37:08 Claire will be crushed and have to marry me.
00:37:12 [laughing]
00:37:13 And then we'll tell everybody that you're abroad in Milan.
00:37:16 Well, you're having me.
00:37:18 And once that elder bitch croaks, a series of unfortunate events will happen.
00:37:23 Too bad. So sad.
00:37:25 Bye-bye, Claire-bear.
00:37:27 [laughing]
00:37:29 [laughing]
00:37:30 Well, after careful consideration, Latour has chosen Claire Duval as the new face of our true love collection.
00:37:45 I'm deeply honored by Miss Latour's faith in me.
00:37:48 And I look forward to representing such a prestigious global brand.
00:37:52 Latour, a little birdie told me that Ava B's contract was terminated using a morality clause.
00:37:58 Well, after the whole bathroom gate scandal, can you blame me?
00:38:03 But Miss Duval's not without her own controversy.
00:38:06 Especially after impersonating Ava Bennett at her own show.
00:38:10 What made you decide to give her a shot?
00:38:12 Well...
00:38:15 Christian, you are to bet on an unproven model with a dubious past.
00:38:20 I could tell you how brilliant she is, or how lucky you'd be to have her, but I'm not going to try to persuade you, Vince.
00:38:27 Time will do that.
00:38:29 What I will say is, if you don't hire Claire Duval, Pinnacle will unilaterally stop promoting Latour across all platforms.
00:38:39 From television productions to our cruise lines.
00:38:44 Well...
00:38:46 You know, when I decided to go from a single shop on Jewelers Row to an international brand with shops on seven continents,
00:38:55 someone took a chance on me.
00:38:57 And it is finally time that I repay that favor.
00:39:00 So, to the future of Latour, we are expecting great things from Miss Duval at her...
00:39:06 How can you do this to me, Chris?
00:39:08 I actually signed the financial agreement.
00:39:10 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:12 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:14 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:16 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:18 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:20 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:22 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:24 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:26 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:28 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:30 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:32 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:34 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:36 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:38 I'm not going to sign it.
00:39:40 I'm not going to sign it.
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00:39:44 I'm not going to sign it.
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00:42:58 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:00 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:02 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:04 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:06 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:08 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:10 I'm not going to sign it.
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00:43:14 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:16 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:18 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:20 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:22 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:24 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:26 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:28 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:30 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:32 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:34 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:36 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:38 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:40 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:42 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:44 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:46 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:48 I'm not going to sign it.
00:43:50 It's going to be hard for you to figure out who's your true friend and who are not.
00:43:54 But...
00:43:56 I have to go.
00:43:58 Grace, I think you know who you just met.
00:44:06 You've been through shit.
00:44:08 I'm sorry.
00:44:14 I'm sorry.
00:44:16 I'm sorry.
00:44:18 I'm sorry.
00:44:20 Babe, come on.
00:44:34 Don't worry about it.
00:44:36 No, no worries.
00:44:38 You should be proud of him.
00:44:40 That's all.
00:44:42 Are you sure?
00:44:44 He doesn't cough up the cash.
00:44:46 He's toast.
00:44:48 We're good.
00:44:50 Buying a family, another piece of cake.
00:44:54 Everything?
00:44:56 Easy peasy.
00:44:58 Uncle Chris.
00:45:00 It's so cheap.
00:45:06 I'm sorry.
00:45:08 I'm sorry.
00:45:22 I'm sorry.
00:45:28 Now that we're in a world where someone's poor, it's crisis.
00:45:30 We can no longer talk about it.
00:45:32 Please, with no contribution.
00:45:34 You haven't made a sale in three months.
00:45:36 Now back off and leave.
00:45:38 You're a liar.
00:45:46 Please, give me another chance.
00:45:48 You're a liar.
00:45:50 You think you're gonna keep your job?
00:45:52 It's not saying no to your brother.
00:45:54 They asked for your dinner, you wrote it.
00:45:56 Do you even know how sales work?
00:45:58 Take advantage of your assets.
00:46:00 I'm sorry.
00:46:02 How about I give you a chance?
00:46:10 Get your armadillo heads off of her.
00:46:16 Who is this guy?
00:46:26 Hey, somebody throw him out.
00:46:28 How dare you talk to me like that?
00:46:30 Adam, calm down.
00:46:32 Don't get yourself into trouble again.
00:46:34 I've saved up money over the years.
00:46:36 You take it and give it to Grace.
00:46:38 I can handle this.
00:46:40 No matter what happens, Alice has always been by my side.
00:46:42 Alice, you know this man?
00:46:44 How dare you bring such trash to the office?
00:46:46 Now get out of here before I call security.
00:46:48 Not so fast.
00:46:50 I'm here to purchase a house from Alice.
00:46:52 I'm not a thief.
00:46:54 I'm not a thief.
00:46:56 I'm here to purchase a house from Alice.
00:46:58 I'll take the most expensive villa you have.
00:47:02 And I'm paying cash.
00:47:04 I'll take the most expensive villa you have.
00:47:08 And I'm paying cash.
00:47:10 The most expensive villa we have is listed for $60 million.
00:47:14 I don't even think you can afford one restroom in it.
00:47:18 Adam, stop kidding.
00:47:20 I'm not kidding.
00:47:22 So, I'll take the most expensive villa you have and I'll take that.
00:47:24 I heard a madman speaking rubbish from far away.
00:47:26 I heard a madman speaking rubbish from far away.
00:47:28 I heard a madman speaking rubbish from far away.
00:47:30 I see I was right.
00:47:32 It was Adam.
00:47:34 So, you're the one who was begging for my honey to marry him.
00:47:38 So, you're the one who was begging for my honey to marry him.
00:47:40 Who are you?
00:47:42 This is Jeff, the new manager of Enron Group's financial business.
00:47:44 This is Jeff, the new manager of Enron Group's financial business.
00:47:46 This is Jeff, the new manager of Enron Group's financial business.
00:47:48 My fiancé.
00:47:50 Only a manager.
00:47:52 Only a manager.
00:47:54 I know why you look so familiar.
00:48:04 You're the loser who couldn't even afford to pay for his wedding.
00:48:06 You're the loser who couldn't even afford to pay for his wedding.
00:48:08 I think you two are the perfect match.
00:48:10 One pretending to be pure, the other pretending to be rich.
00:48:12 That's not what happened at all.
00:48:14 Come on.
00:48:16 Who is going to believe your story?
00:48:18 You're a loser.
00:48:20 Seriously, you can't even afford to pay the bill for your own wedding?
00:48:22 Seriously, you can't even afford to pay the bill for your own wedding?
00:48:24 And now you're asking women to settle your debts?
00:48:26 And now you're asking women to settle your debts?
00:48:28 That's beyond embarrassing.
00:48:30 And that million dollars you still owe me?
00:48:32 It better be hitting my account soon.
00:48:34 Trust me.
00:48:36 You don't want to find out what happens if it doesn't.
00:48:38 You don't want to find out what happens if it doesn't.
00:48:40 You don't want to find out what happens if it doesn't.
00:48:42 You don't want to find out what happens if it doesn't.
00:48:44 You don't want to find out what happens if it doesn't.
00:48:46 You never loved me, did you?
00:48:48 You weren't ever planning on marrying me.
00:48:50 You just wanted me to spend money on you.
00:48:52 You just wanted me to spend money on you.
00:48:54 Oh, please.
00:48:56 You are far away from being as handsome and as rich as Jeff.
00:48:58 You are far away from being as handsome and as rich as Jeff.
00:49:00 You are far away from being as handsome and as rich as Jeff.
00:49:02 I was only nice to you because I took pity on you.
00:49:04 I was only nice to you because I took pity on you.
00:49:06 I was only nice to you because I took pity on you.
00:49:08 (Laughter)
00:49:10 Oh, buddy.
00:49:12 I'm going to be honest with you.
00:49:14 Grace and I have been together for the past six months.
00:49:16 Grace and I have been together for the past six months.
00:49:18 You two cheaters will get what's coming to you!
00:49:20 Whoa!
00:49:22 Take it easy.
00:49:24 It's so funny to watch you get so angry like this.
00:49:26 It's so funny to watch you get so angry like this.
00:49:28 I guess there's one more thing you don't know about.
00:49:30 I guess there's one more thing you don't know about.
00:49:32 Just now, in your wedding suite,
00:49:34 Just now, in your wedding suite,
00:49:36 Grace and I had the pleasure of warming up your bed.
00:49:38 Grace and I had the pleasure of warming up your bed.
00:49:40 (Laughter)
00:49:42 You've really gone too far.
00:49:44 You've really gone too far.
00:49:46 I've been trying to tell you everything.
00:49:48 I've been trying to tell you everything.
00:49:50 Now you're humiliating him?
00:49:52 I don't think I can consider you as my friend anymore.
00:49:54 You are not my friend.
00:49:56 You are cheating me with him.
00:49:58 How dare you speak to me like that?
00:50:00 If you don't fire this bitch,
00:50:02 If you don't fire this bitch,
00:50:04 we'll have to go to another realtor to buy a villa.
00:50:06 She's already fired.
00:50:08 Fantastic!
00:50:10 Now, why don't you show us your most expensive villa?
00:50:12 Villa?
00:50:14 I promised I'd buy you an apartment.
00:50:16 I promised I'd buy you an apartment.
00:50:18 (Laughter)
00:50:20 Alice!
00:50:22 Did you not hear me?
00:50:24 You're fired! Get up and pack your things and leave!
00:50:26 Steve! I don't...
00:50:28 Enough! What if I can make Alice outperform all of you?
00:50:30 (Laughter)
00:50:32 (Laughter)
00:50:34 (Laughter)
00:50:36 Outperform all of us?
00:50:38 You're funny.
00:50:40 Our best employees have monthly sales
00:50:42 for over $10 million.
00:50:44 If Alice can close a $1 million sale,
00:50:46 If Alice can close a $1 million sale,
00:50:48 I will give my position as a supervisor to her.
00:50:50 I will give my position as a supervisor to her.
00:50:52 A deal?
00:50:54 I guarantee you she'll exceed $10 million in sales.
00:50:56 In fact, she'll double it.
00:50:58 10-fold!
00:51:00 (Laughter)
00:51:02 (Laughter)
00:51:04 (Laughter)
00:51:06 (Laughter)
00:51:08 Ah, have you lost your damn mind?
00:51:10 Should I call the psych ward for you, buddy?
00:51:12 (Laughter)
00:51:14 Adam, if you're trying to win me back,
00:51:16 Adam, if you're trying to win me back,
00:51:18 it's not working.
00:51:20 Show me the most expensive villa you have on the market.
00:51:22 I'll have it now!
00:51:24 How dare you keep asking about the most expensive villa we have for sale, huh?
00:51:26 Adam, just stop.
00:51:28 I don't want this job. Let's go.
00:51:30 Alice, don't worry. I can afford it.
00:51:32 (Laughter)
00:51:34 I'd like to see you pay for it.
00:51:36 (Laughter)
00:51:38 Oh, that's common for poor people.
00:51:40 It's all about worthless pride.
00:51:42 Pathetic
00:51:44 is what it is.
00:51:46 Pathetic is what it is.
00:51:52 Jeff, uh,
00:51:54 how about we make an offer on the same villa?
00:51:56 Highest offer wins.
00:51:58 I already mentioned to Adam.
00:52:00 The asking price for the most expensive villa
00:52:02 is $60 million.
00:52:04 Jeff, what are you waiting for?
00:52:06 Make an offer already.
00:52:08 $60 million for a villa?
00:52:10 Are you kidding me, honey?
00:52:12 You said that was a small amount of money.
00:52:14 You said that was a small amount of money.
00:52:16 Are you pretending to be rich?
00:52:18 I got money.
00:52:22 You've been muttering for quite a while over there.
00:52:24 You're not backing out,
00:52:26 are you?
00:52:28 Backing out? Huh.
00:52:30 $60 million is pocket change for me.
00:52:32 I won't even blink.
00:52:34 When this guy cannot pay
00:52:36 and runs away, you can drop out of the deal also.
00:52:38 Fantastic!
00:52:42 I'll get the contracts myself.
00:52:44 Steve, this was my mistake.
00:52:56 My friend and I are leaving.
00:52:58 It's already too late. The offers have been made
00:53:00 and the contracts have been signed.
00:53:02 Adam, you...
00:53:04 Trust me.
00:53:06 Oops.
00:53:10 The actual price for the mansion is $100 million.
00:53:12 Since you want to pretend to be a millionaire,
00:53:14 we won't stop him.
00:53:16 Since you want to pretend to be a millionaire,
00:53:22 we won't stop him.
00:53:24 Now,
00:53:26 we need you to pay a deposit.
00:53:28 Your card.
00:53:30 And yours.
00:53:32 Thank you, Steve.
00:53:40 Okay.
00:53:48 Free advice to you.
00:53:50 Never pretend to be rich with no money in your pocket.
00:53:52 Okay?
00:53:54 Especially around women.
00:53:56 That's right.
00:53:58 I can't wait
00:54:00 to see your face
00:54:02 when your card turns out to be a fake.
00:54:04 Transaction failed.
00:54:10 Transaction approved.
00:54:24 What?
00:54:26 Hold on. You're telling me somebody made the cash offer
00:54:28 on the most expensive villa we have?
00:54:30 Yes.
00:54:32 The offers are right here.
00:54:34 Who are the agents?
00:54:36 Steve and Alice.
00:54:38 What?
00:54:40 That must be the true heiress back.
00:54:42 I gotta meet him in person.
00:54:44 Looks like we just bought the most expensive villa.
00:54:48 Adam,
00:54:50 I'm sure with your credit statement
00:54:52 you could afford the trash can
00:54:54 in front of the villa.
00:54:56 How can you be so sure that
00:55:02 you're the ones who made the highest offer and not me?
00:55:04 Hey!
00:55:06 Are you still bragging?
00:55:08 You know I've never met someone as cheeky
00:55:10 as you.
00:55:12 What the hell are you hinting at?
00:55:14 Steve,
00:55:16 where are your security guards?
00:55:18 Get this guy out of here.
00:55:20 Security?
00:55:22 You think you can come down here and get these two unwanted guests out of here?
00:55:24 You're the one who needs to disappear.
00:55:26 You're the one who needs to disappear.
00:55:36 Jason!
00:55:40 I have everything under control.
00:55:42 The outlast is getting rid of this hooligan here.
00:55:44 You're fired.
00:55:46 You're fired?
00:55:48 Fired?
00:55:52 Why?
00:55:54 Because you're stupid.
00:55:56 Alice,
00:55:58 you brought this client in here, didn't you?
00:56:00 Then the position of supervisor is yours.
00:56:04 What?
00:56:06 Jason,
00:56:10 Alice is the one who is making no contribution to the firm.
00:56:12 And I am firing her.
00:56:14 Shut up!
00:56:16 She's already brought a hundred million dollar client to the company.
00:56:18 Ha! And who's that?
00:56:20 Mr. Adam James here
00:56:24 has just made an offer
00:56:26 to the villa for
00:56:28 one hundred million dollars.
00:56:30 This must be a mistake.
00:56:32 We're the ones who put the highest offer.
00:56:34 He's penniless.
00:56:36 Yes, yes, she's right.
00:56:38 This poor guy can't even afford to pay for his marriage.
00:56:40 This gentleman
00:56:42 has made the highest offer
00:56:44 and bought the villa.
00:56:46 Is that so?
00:56:52 Yes!
00:56:54 Isn't it?
00:56:58 Do you really think that all leaders are so stupid
00:57:00 that they can be fooled
00:57:02 by their subordinates?
00:57:04 What do you mean?
00:57:06 Huh, yes, I wonder who made the highest bid.
00:57:10 What are you waiting for?
00:57:12 Show the offers to Mr. Jason!
00:57:14 Steve, the person with the highest bid was...
00:57:16 The person with the highest bid was...
00:57:26 Adam!
00:57:32 What are you saying?
00:57:36 This must be a mistake.
00:57:38 Give it to me!
00:57:40 Adam offered a hundred million.
00:57:44 You only offered sixty!
00:57:46 I'm sorry.
00:57:50 You know what?
00:57:52 It doesn't even matter.
00:57:54 Adam can't afford a hundred million dollar mansion.
00:57:56 When his finances decline,
00:57:58 ours will be the highest offer, right?
00:58:00 Yes, yes, that's right.
00:58:02 You'll never know.
00:58:06 Adam?
00:58:08 Where did you get so much money?
00:58:10 You're not going to do something stupid, are you?
00:58:12 No, I'll tell you later.
00:58:14 Tell me now!
00:58:16 Okay, but it's not me actually buying it.
00:58:18 It's my company.
00:58:20 It's mine.
00:58:22 Jeff?
00:58:26 Jeff, you piece of shit!
00:58:30 This is all your fault.
00:58:34 I never promised you a villa in the first place.
00:58:36 Mr. Adam,
00:58:44 my sincerest apologies.
00:58:46 Please, allow me a chance to explain.
00:58:48 You're fired!
00:58:50 Do not make me say it a second time.
00:58:52 Mr. James,
00:59:00 I'm so sorry.
00:59:02 It's my fault for keeping such
00:59:04 inadequate staff around.
00:59:06 Don't be.
00:59:08 You have some of the most adequate staff I can see.
00:59:10 Especially Alice here.
00:59:12 Adam, this is all because of you.
00:59:18 I will make you pay.
00:59:20 I was worried how you were able to buy
00:59:26 such an expensive mansion.
00:59:28 If you hadn't told me, I would have been so worried about you.
00:59:30 I bought it for the chairman of my new company.
00:59:32 You know those rich guys wouldn't dare
00:59:34 to make a public purchase.
00:59:36 That's true.
00:59:38 Well, you're doing me a big favor.
00:59:40 Yo!
00:59:44 I told you, how could a loser like you afford it?
00:59:48 Turns out,
00:59:50 it was your boss who bought it.
00:59:52 Guess you have a silly but rich boss, huh?
00:59:54 Why don't you continue
00:59:56 kissing your boss's ass
00:59:58 instead of taking your mistress to this fancy place?
01:00:00 It's none of your business.
01:00:02 And watch your tone.
01:00:04 She is not my mistress.
01:00:06 I wonder how long you two have been cheating on me.
01:00:10 Adam did me a big favor.
01:00:12 I'm treating him to dinner tonight
01:00:14 to thank him.
01:00:16 My friend,
01:00:18 aren't you just a real estate agent?
01:00:20 Can you even afford
01:00:22 this dinner?
01:00:26 Oh, I forgot. You're going to be a supervisor, right?
01:00:28 That means you'll be getting benefits
01:00:32 from your clients.
01:00:34 I mean, taking advantage of them?
01:00:36 I wouldn't be surprised
01:00:38 if a client paid for your entire dinner.
01:00:40 How dare you!
01:00:44 How dare you!
01:00:50 This dress is like
01:00:52 globally limited edition!
01:00:54 You ruined my dress!
01:00:56 If you keep talking trash, I don't mind
01:00:58 giving you more alcohol to sterilize your mouth.
01:01:00 Why bother cleaning it? It's just a fake, isn't it?
01:01:06 You wouldn't know anything about this.
01:01:08 This is a limited release
01:01:10 from a designer
01:01:12 in Milan Fashion Week.
01:01:14 And Jeff bought it for me as an apology gift.
01:01:16 An apology for what?
01:01:18 Not being capable of buying the villa?
01:01:20 Your dress does look
01:01:22 like the real limited edition,
01:01:24 but there's only one handmade dress of this size
01:01:26 in the world.
01:01:28 Which belongs to my mother.
01:01:30 Nonsense! Your poor mother couldn't afford it.
01:01:32 Your poor mother couldn't afford it.
01:01:34 I think it looks better on my mother, too.
01:01:36 Are you kidding me?
01:01:40 You seriously think that a grandmother
01:01:42 could outshine me?
01:01:44 See for yourself.
01:01:50 I can explain. That's an edit.
01:01:52 They edited the photo.
01:01:54 That's right. Lousy people like you
01:01:56 are the best at making up lies.
01:01:58 What are you doing?
01:02:02 You're ruining my dress! Stop!
01:02:04 You're ruining my dress! Stop!
01:02:08 Real hand-woven silk
01:02:10 doesn't spark.
01:02:12 Your necklace, it seems...
01:02:14 What about my necklace?
01:02:16 This is a unique Merlin?
01:02:18 Jeff bought it for me.
01:02:20 It's priceless.
01:02:22 Hers is unique Merlin.
01:02:26 Yours is fake.
01:02:28 Say that again?
01:02:30 How could you afford it?
01:02:32 Did you steal it?
01:02:34 Of course not. Adam just gave it to me.
01:02:36 He got it for you?
01:02:38 Then it's definitely a fake.
01:02:40 It's a good match for you, though.
01:02:44 Who has the actual fake?
01:02:46 Dare you let me test it?
01:02:48 If you ruin it, you'll have to pay me back double.
01:02:50 I'll buy you a hundred more.
01:02:52 They're worth only a few cents each.
01:02:54 We'll see about that.
01:02:58 What are you doing?
01:03:00 See? It's sinking.
01:03:06 You're ruining my necklace!
01:03:08 You'll pay for that!
01:03:12 (music)
01:03:14 I would say it's plastic!
01:03:20 You fool.
01:03:24 Don't you know that real pearls float in salt water?
01:03:26 Don't you know that real pearls float in salt water?
01:03:32 Jeff Wilson! What are you doing just still standing there?
01:03:36 This loser splashes wine on me,
01:03:40 then ruins my dress,
01:03:42 and he's calling that necklace that you bought me a fake!
01:03:44 Let me teach him a lesson.
01:03:46 Wilson?
01:03:48 So, you're the son of the Wilson family?
01:03:50 That's right.
01:03:52 Are you scared?
01:03:54 The Wilsons are powerful.
01:03:58 They can ruin reputations and entire families
01:04:00 before breakfast.
01:04:02 Wilson family?
01:04:04 Never heard of them.
01:04:06 Well, a poor guy like you
01:04:08 wouldn't know the name of my family.
01:04:10 And then coming into a fancy restaurant like this,
01:04:12 and making a complete fool of yourself.
01:04:14 Now that, that's priceless.
01:04:20 Since we are in such a fancy restaurant,
01:04:26 it's all about taste.
01:04:28 Why don't we have a tasting competition?
01:04:30 I like that.
01:04:32 Might I suggest wine?
01:04:34 Too easy.
01:04:36 How about...
01:04:38 vodka?
01:04:40 My favorite.
01:04:42 Waiter! Prepare your best, and keep it blinded.
01:04:44 Not bad.
01:05:02 A vodka, made in the 80s, in Ice.
01:05:04 A small town in southern Sweden.
01:05:06 That...
01:05:08 is correct.
01:05:10 You got lucky.
01:05:14 Zunai vodka,
01:05:20 from Kilmarnock Distillery,
01:05:22 in the UK.
01:05:24 Stocked for... three years.
01:05:26 That...
01:05:28 is correct.
01:05:30 (laughs)
01:05:32 Only two more glasses.
01:05:34 I'll take that.
01:05:36 It's...
01:05:42 Russian...
01:05:44 Stolenski,
01:05:46 from the 50s.
01:05:48 That...
01:05:50 is false.
01:05:52 Is false.
01:05:56 (laughs)
01:05:58 Is that my grandfather's favorite vodka
01:06:06 I smelled as a child?
01:06:08 I bet he doesn't know the correct answer to this one.
01:06:10 I smell...
01:06:14 pure barley from the north.
01:06:16 This is no other
01:06:18 than Finnish Korskinkäyvä.
01:06:20 That's... that's impossible!
01:06:24 That is correct!
01:06:26 You fuck!
01:06:28 That was rigged!
01:06:32 You two are colluding against me!
01:06:34 Excuse me?
01:06:36 How much did he pay you?
01:06:38 I take that as a personal insult.
01:06:40 You lie and cheat and offend my girlfriend.
01:06:42 Today I will show you the truth.
01:06:46 For a private party for a week,
01:06:48 I will allow you to stay
01:06:50 if you get down on your knees
01:06:52 and beg
01:06:54 for forgiveness
01:06:56 to my girlfriend.
01:06:58 Kneel and beg to her?
01:07:00 She doesn't deserve that!
01:07:02 Gentlemen, this is a Michelin five-star restaurant,
01:07:06 not a gladiator arena.
01:07:08 If you wish to fight,
01:07:10 please get out.
01:07:12 Oh, Mr. Wilson.
01:07:14 What a great honor, sir.
01:07:16 What brings you here?
01:07:18 I decided to bring in my girlfriend
01:07:20 for some dinner.
01:07:22 And this fool
01:07:24 has ruined my appetite.
01:07:26 How did we even let these people in?
01:07:30 Please leave.
01:07:32 We don't need any more drama ruining Mr. Wilson's evening.
01:07:34 Leave?
01:07:38 I'm not seeing this restaurant
01:07:40 as a member of the Cordon Bleu.
01:07:42 Correct. That's right.
01:07:44 What's the hold-up?
01:07:48 Please leave before I have to call security.
01:07:50 Wait. Before you go,
01:07:52 like I said, get down on your knees
01:07:54 and apologize
01:07:56 to my girlfriend.
01:07:58 Just like you did in the wedding video.
01:08:00 I told you it was Malicis editing.
01:08:04 And she doesn't deserve that!
01:08:06 You are doomed!
01:08:08 I want to see who's dead.
01:08:12 This is for you.
01:08:16 Adam,
01:08:18 are you trying to stall for time?
01:08:20 You know
01:08:22 that the Wilson family
01:08:24 is not one to mess with.
01:08:26 Maybe we should just apologize
01:08:28 and leave.
01:08:30 I am not afraid of him.
01:08:32 Yes.
01:08:34 I will get it done.
01:08:36 Of course, I apologize.
01:08:38 So what are we waiting for?
01:08:40 Get these two out of here.
01:08:42 Actually,
01:08:44 it's you who should get out.
01:08:46 It's you who should get out.
01:08:50 What?
01:08:52 Is this a joke?
01:08:54 There is no joke.
01:08:56 Please leave the restaurant immediately.
01:08:58 You are not welcome here anymore.
01:09:00 Why?
01:09:02 The owner of this establishment has banned you.
01:09:04 That's all I can say.
01:09:06 Now please leave before I have to call security.
01:09:12 This is because of you, isn't it?
01:09:14 You asshole!
01:09:16 For the last time,
01:09:20 please leave.
01:09:22 And why would I listen to you?
01:09:24 You're not even in charge here.
01:09:26 But I am.
01:09:28 Who are you?
01:09:30 I'm the senior manager.
01:09:32 Miss Jones, this is the gentleman
01:09:36 who was inquiring about the collection.
01:09:40 Oh, the resemblance
01:09:42 is remarkable.
01:09:44 You know, you and your grandfather...
01:09:46 Shh! Don't tell anyone.
01:09:48 Ha ha! You must be mistaken.
01:09:50 Well, no matter what,
01:09:52 a guest with such good taste
01:09:54 is our guest of honor
01:09:56 and deserves a VIP experience.
01:09:58 That's for sure.
01:10:00 An exclusive VIP experience.
01:10:04 Please leave immediately.
01:10:06 I won't let this go.
01:10:08 I sincerely apologize
01:10:20 for the unpleasant experience.
01:10:22 I sincerely hope that your mother
01:10:24 will still consider putting in a good word
01:10:26 with the Alliant for our restaurant.
01:10:28 Please enjoy your meal.
01:10:30 I'll leave you to it.
01:10:32 I'll leave you to it.
01:10:34 Adam, what was the call
01:10:42 that made the manager suddenly change his mind?
01:10:44 Who did you call?
01:10:46 It's not a big deal.
01:10:48 My mother has these weekly lady tea parties.
01:10:50 One of her friends there
01:10:52 happens to be a Michelin inspector.
01:10:54 She just did us a little favor.
01:10:56 I had no idea you had such connections.
01:11:00 It was Grace's loss that she didn't marry you.
01:11:02 But she...
01:11:06 She didn't do this favor for nothing.
01:11:08 You look worried.
01:11:10 What difficult task have you been given in return?
01:11:12 My parents want me to investigate a fraudulent
01:11:16 financial fundraising program on Wall Street
01:11:18 and I need to go
01:11:20 undercover at that brat
01:11:22 Jeff's company.
01:11:24 I found out more things about you in the past few days
01:11:26 than in the years I've known you.
01:11:28 Tonight with you
01:11:34 I'm happy.
01:11:36 I'm really happy.
01:11:40 Did you see their faces when they got thrown out?
01:11:46 I'm so happy.
01:11:52 I'm so happy.
01:11:54 I'll go get you a glass of water.
01:11:58 What are you doing in my house?
01:12:02 What are you doing in my house?
01:12:08 Your house?
01:12:10 I'm pretty sure I bought this.
01:12:12 You promised me a house
01:12:16 so this is mine now.
01:12:18 [music]
01:12:20 Why didn't I realize my sister hired a security guard?
01:12:28 Get them out!
01:12:30 How dare you push me? Are you out of your mind?
01:12:38 Are you deaf?
01:12:42 Help me get him out!
01:12:46 Yeah, that's right.
01:12:48 Sir?
01:12:52 How do you want me to handle this?
01:12:54 How do you want me to handle this?
01:12:58 Throw him out.
01:13:00 Yes, sir.
01:13:02 What are you doing?
01:13:06 I'm Grace's brother!
01:13:08 You can't do this to me!
01:13:10 Adam, I'm gonna kill you!
01:13:14 [music]
01:13:16 Done.
01:13:18 Good.
01:13:20 Keep an eye out for him for a few days.
01:13:22 If he shows up again,
01:13:24 call the police.
01:13:26 You got it.
01:13:28 What? How dare he throw you out?
01:13:36 I know, he just did it!
01:13:38 I start school next week and I will not be staying in some
01:13:40 crappy dorm room.
01:13:42 How dare he humiliate
01:13:44 this LeMay family like this?
01:13:46 Sis, you have to find a way to deal with him.
01:13:48 Looks like I just did.
01:13:54 It seems that Adam applied for a job
01:13:56 at Jeff's company.
01:13:58 [laughter]
01:14:00 You asshole.
01:14:06 Look what you did.
01:14:08 I want these documents done by the end of the day.
01:14:10 There's no way!
01:14:12 Just do it!
01:14:14 I'll make your life more
01:14:18 miserable than you realize.
01:14:20 Is that Adam?
01:14:22 The son-in-law of the LeMay family?
01:14:24 The ex-son-in-law.
01:14:26 Did you hear about the drama at his wedding rehearsal?
01:14:28 He's really a disgrace to our company.
01:14:30 It seems that you finished your work.
01:14:32 It's too many for me.
01:14:34 I can't do it.
01:14:36 Can you help me?
01:14:38 We have a lot of work to do.
01:14:40 Tell me, how are you going to
01:14:44 fix this situation with Adam?
01:14:46 I have bigger things to worry about.
01:14:48 I've embezzled 50 million
01:14:50 dollars from the so-called
01:14:52 high-yield capital raising project.
01:14:54 Now,
01:14:56 there's no return on the money.
01:14:58 How can I explain that to the company?
01:15:00 [sigh]
01:15:02 I'm going to talk to my brother.
01:15:06 Make sure he's on board.
01:15:08 I'm putting it out there that
01:15:10 Adam's the one who embezzled the money.
01:15:12 We'll put the pressure on him
01:15:14 to come up with 50 million bucks
01:15:16 in a day.
01:15:18 If he doesn't,
01:15:20 then he'll be taking the fall.
01:15:22 Adam,
01:15:26 get ready to face the heat real soon.
01:15:28 That's bloody brilliant.
01:15:34 Adam!
01:15:36 Get your ass over here!
01:15:38 What kind of tricks are you playing?
01:15:40 50 million dollars?
01:15:52 In one day?
01:15:54 Yes.
01:15:58 When I came to the interview, my superiors heard that you were good.
01:16:00 That's why they hired you.
01:16:02 So now it's time you prove yourself.
01:16:04 You know what is hard finding a job nowadays?
01:16:08 If you can't finance
01:16:10 those 50 million dollars,
01:16:12 then I'm afraid you're going to have to
01:16:14 find a new job.
01:16:16 Look, I'm still finishing
01:16:18 those documents you handed me.
01:16:20 And honestly, even if I pull an all-nighter,
01:16:22 I'm not sure they would get through it all.
01:16:24 So, how am I to tackle this
01:16:26 financing stuff, are you?
01:16:28 That's exactly why I'm doing it.
01:16:30 I'm making it impossible for you.
01:16:32 I am not
01:16:34 in charge of finance.
01:16:36 If you want to keep your job,
01:16:38 then do it.
01:16:40 If you want to quit, then go.
01:16:42 Get the hell out of here.
01:16:44 I don't want to keep my job.
01:16:46 I'll try and do it.
01:16:48 Wait!
01:16:52 It's too easy for you if you want to quit.
01:16:58 It's time to have you sign on
01:17:00 the bet on agreement.
01:17:02 Adam really doesn't know what he's doing.
01:17:14 50 million dollars, and he thinks he can just get it in one day.
01:17:16 I'm afraid that 50 thousand dollars
01:17:18 would be a mission impossible for him.
01:17:20 He's definitely getting kicked out.
01:17:22 If he can't do it, not only will he get fired,
01:17:24 but he would have to compensate the company
01:17:26 50 million dollars according to the agreement.
01:17:28 It's just 50 million dollars.
01:17:32 I don't even need financing. I can do it all by myself.
01:17:34 It's just 50 million dollars.
01:17:40 I don't even need financing. I can do it all by myself.
01:17:42 Look at the company's future king of financing.
01:17:46 We have to learn from you.
01:17:48 Yes, 50 million dollars.
01:17:50 I heard you can do it in one day.
01:17:54 Do you have any ideas?
01:17:56 We do have some suggestions.
01:17:58 It depends on you.
01:18:00 My cousin owns an underground bank.
01:18:02 I can ask him if they've loaned it to you.
01:18:04 I couldn't borrow 50 million dollars.
01:18:06 There's a new cousin. I'm afraid I won't be able to pay it back.
01:18:08 You are worthless to him.
01:18:10 But something else is.
01:18:12 What do you mean?
01:18:14 What accounts have you been assigned?
01:18:16 Just a few small ones.
01:18:18 So you have access to the company's account?
01:18:20 Yes.
01:18:22 Then you have access to the company's assets.
01:18:24 Which allows you to make misappropriate funds.
01:18:26 Besides, the company information can be sold at a good price.
01:18:28 Besides, the company information can be sold at a good price.
01:18:30 Besides, the company information can be sold at a good price.
01:18:32 Oh, you mean...
01:18:34 No, no. I definitely do this.
01:18:36 No, no. I definitely do this.
01:18:38 No, no. I definitely do this.
01:18:40 No, no. I definitely do this.
01:18:42 No wonder you are still a junior specialist.
01:18:44 You just don't know how to climb to a higher position.
01:18:46 Taking advantage of the resources at your hand.
01:18:48 Taking advantage of the resources at your hand.
01:18:50 Look at all of those senior managers.
01:18:52 Managers? You mean Jeff?
01:18:54 Of course.
01:18:56 You've spoken too much already.
01:18:58 Let's go.
01:19:00 Thank you.
01:19:02 I'll think about it.
01:19:04 When Adam gets kicked out of Enron,
01:19:12 When Adam gets kicked out of Enron,
01:19:14 the money he pays back, according to the agreement,
01:19:16 would be enough for you to purchase
01:19:18 several fancy apartments.
01:19:20 several fancy apartments.
01:19:22 Excellent.
01:19:24 Then we'll get the million to start our own business?
01:19:26 Of course.
01:19:28 Adam, you made me homeless.
01:19:30 Adam, you made me homeless.
01:19:32 Now, I'm going to make you suffer.
01:19:34 Now, I'm going to make you suffer.
01:19:36 Ha ha ha ha ha.
01:19:38 Ha ha ha ha.
01:19:40 Have you realized that you will
01:19:42 fail your task?
01:19:44 And now you will come to beg for my forgiveness.
01:19:46 And now you will come to beg for my forgiveness.
01:19:48 Look at what you signed.
01:19:52 If you can't make it,
01:19:56 you will have to pay the company
01:19:58 five million dollars.
01:20:00 I'm sure I won't pay five million dollars.
01:20:02 I'm sure I won't pay five million dollars.
01:20:08 I'm sure I won't pay five million dollars.
01:20:10 Then prepare to be sued.
01:20:12 Why?
01:20:14 I'm not going to waste five million.
01:20:16 Come on.
01:20:18 Stop joking.
01:20:20 You can check the client account.
01:20:22 Oh my gosh.
01:20:24 There really is 50 million into our client's account.
01:20:26 What? Are you dazzled?
01:20:28 It's 50 million. It's all here. Check it for yourself.
01:20:30 It's really 50 million dollars.
01:20:32 Yeah?
01:20:34 Did you ask me to finance 50 million dollars?
01:20:36 It's all here.
01:20:38 How is that possible? That's 50 million dollars in one day.
01:20:40 That's 50 million dollars in one day.
01:20:42 And though this doesn't take me one day,
01:20:44 well that was enough.