Wally Gator Wally Gator E005 – Escape Artist

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Twiddle here. Oh, yes, sir, Mr. Superintendent. Right-o, Mr. Superintendent of our peachy zoo. That sneaky Wally Gator will not escape again, sir. Never, never, never.
00:11Such fiddle-faddle-twiddle! I, Wally Gator, will break out of here if I have to break out with the measles!
00:19Yes, chief. I've hired a watchdog, a genuine alligator, Hal, named Snoozer the Schnauzer. You know, a real fireball.
00:30Surely Twiddle is just jesting. He better watch that creep before he falls asleep.
00:39Keep an eye on Wally Wally. If he tries to go A-W-O-L, pounce on him like a tiger, Snoozer.
00:49Wally will never sneak past Snoozer the Schnauzer.
00:53You look sleepy, Snoozer. It must be way past your bedtime. See? It's later than you think. Just watch this watch.
01:02Vom-vom, vom-vom, vizom-vom.
01:14Hello, you wide, wide, wonderful world!
01:23If there's one thing I can't stand, you know, it's the Wisenheimer watchdog.
01:29What luck! I'll give that Snoopy snoozer the old trash can bit.
01:34Oh, I am a thinker.
01:37Kind of late hours for an early bird, eh, my Snoopy snoozer?
01:41What you need is a quick pick-me-up.
01:44Here, have a slug of hot milk. Bottoms up, buddies!
01:48And now for Operation Trash Can.
02:01Well, Wally, I see you decided to stay home like a good guy tonight.
02:05Oh, yes, indeedy, sir. You know me.
02:09Early to bed and early to rise, and you don't have alligator bags under your eyes.
02:14Oh, I like that.
02:17A few more feet and I'll be free to flee!
02:22Oh, my.
02:28About now, a twiddle is pulling me past the lion's cage.
02:32Now we ought to be rolling up the main gate, you know.
02:35In a second or three, I'll be free, free, free!
02:38We've stopped. This is it!
02:45Oh, well. There's more than one way to skin a cat, a dog.
02:50For instance, the old and reliable pole vault routine. It never fails, you know.
02:57Whoops! What went wrong with the pole vault bit?
03:05I smell smoke, and where there's smoke, there's...
03:11Oh, well. It ain't how you play the game, you know.
03:14It's whether you win or lose that counts.
03:17Broadway, here I come!
03:24It takes a sharp alligator, you know, to know when he's had it, and now I've had it.
03:31I might as well stay home tonight and watch a good TV drama.
03:35I double-dog dare you to do that again, Ringo.
03:40Ah, you missed me.
03:42Nice work, Snoozer. I see you persuaded Wally to stay in tonight.
03:46Stay in indeed! I'd be out doing the town right now.
03:50Except, uh, I have a problem with my wardrobe.
03:53A problem with your wardrobe?
03:55Yeah. This ain't exactly what the well-dressed man of our town is wearing this season.
