Sheep in the Big City Sheep in the Big City S01 E011 A Star Is Shorn

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00Barney Gates comme la victime de l'incendie
00:02Joe Telly comme l'intelligent inspecteur Boo
00:06Ce homme a été frappé par ce sac de sable et...
00:09...éclaté !
00:10Oh !
00:11Wow !
00:12Et en tant que meurtreur, en tant que Mary Louise Davis
00:15Oh, putain ! Pourquoi je fais ça ?
00:31Pah ! Pah ! Pah !
00:35Pah !
00:38Pah !
00:40Pah ! Pah ! Pah !
00:41Sheep in the Big City
00:46Chapitre 1
00:47The Bleakneck Club
00:49The Big City !
00:51Home to famous artists
00:55Big businessmen
00:57Powerful politicians
01:00What's Farmer John doing here ?
01:02Oh, I miss Sheep so very much
01:05And I know it would be unhealthy to pester him
01:08So I've been spying on him instead
01:10Oh, here he comes now
01:15Phew !
01:17But Farmer John's not the only one interested in Sheep
01:21Let's not forget the intense work going on with General Specific
01:26And his secret military organization
01:30Oh, yeah
01:32General Specific, you have a call on the video spectrographinator screen device thing
01:36Who is it from, private public ?
01:38General Lee Outrageous
01:40My crazy cousin whom I'm locked in a jealous battle with
01:43And I've never mentioned before ?
01:45That would be the wood
01:46Oh, oh, oh yeah ! Ha ha ! Yeah !
01:49Hi there, cuz !
01:51Did you capture that sheep for your sheep-powered ray gun yet ?
01:55Did you, did you ?
01:56None of your business, General Lee Outrageous
01:59Now, what do you want ?
02:00Cuz I'm a busy general here
02:02Oh, I won't keep you
02:04Just wanted to let you see my new goat-powered ray gun
02:08Ha ha ha ha !
02:10Whoop-dee-doo !
02:11It won't work if you don't have a goat
02:14But of course, Montage
02:16Check out the Pièce de Raisin Bran
02:20What a hummer !
02:21I'm having a huge bash to celebrate this baby
02:25It'll be the secret military event of the season
02:27Right, Private Partey ?
02:29It'll be groovy-toovy !
02:37Oh, and bring a veggie appetizer
02:39If you don't mind !
02:41Toodaloo !
02:43I can't take it anymore !
02:44He got all the attention last year
02:46With his bunny-powered can opener
02:48Where's that scientist ?
02:50Aaaaah !
02:51I could really be in the using of some stairs here
02:55I would, but cutbacks, you know
02:58Now, listen to me
02:59If you can't figure out a way to capture that sheep
03:02In time for General Lee Outrageous' party
03:04I'm gonna get me a new mad scientist
03:07I'm hurry !
03:08Are you in the saying of that to get my goat ?
03:11Yes, now get my sheep !
03:13Oh boy, oh boy !
03:15General Specific really needs to capture sheep
03:20Farmer John really needs to spy on him
03:23And sheep really needs to figure out what to wear
03:32The doop-scap-clabby, cloop-clap, nippy-dip-dap
03:36Skeddy was a cafe
03:39That's quite a mouthful
03:41And so is this !
03:44My main sheep !
03:46Ha, ha, ha !
03:48Wow !
03:54Sorry daddy-o, no squares allowed !
03:57Oh !
04:00Ok, mom, cool clothing shop
04:03Hmm, chicken !
04:07Oh, walk right in, my cool threaded friend !
04:11Welcome to the doop-scap-clabby, cloop-clap, nippy-dip-dap
04:15Skeddy was a cafe
04:17Chili, drop out, tune up and please
04:20Don't forget to tip the sheep
04:22Ha, ha, ha !
04:23So, sheep is a bus sheep
04:25In some sort of hipster coffee house
04:28General Specific would love to know that
04:30Luckily for sheep, he isn't a big fan of the show
04:33But unluckily, General Specific is on sheep's tail
04:37Well, actually, in a surveillance van
04:40With the mad scientist !
04:42Sorry, scientist, it is not being hard to remember
04:46Sorry !
04:47Why is there so much hat-carpet-ting in this vanning ?
04:51It's my brilliant cover
04:53We can claim we're selling carpets, not chasing sheep
04:56It's called plausible deniability
04:59Plausible stupidity is being more liking of it
05:02I'm not the one whispering !
05:04You must be very quiet
05:06So the scientific sheep-locating apparatus
05:10Can be working correctfulness
05:14Silence !
05:15Secret military holding device operating !
05:18Silence !
05:20Skip, scat, panic attack
05:22Up goes down and front goes back
05:26We don't know what it means
05:28But we love it !
05:30You see that sheep ? That's my sheep
05:33Well, he used to be
05:35But now he lives here in the big city
05:37But you know what ?
05:38I'm proud that sheep can hold down a job
05:40Oh, sure, it's a simple job
05:42But as a farmer, I know that a simple life is a happy life
05:45Do you know what I mean ?
05:53Do that again, man
05:55I mean sheep !
05:57Ha! Ha! Ha!
06:27Even plush multi-weave?
06:30Uh, sure!
06:37Oh boy! Now it looks like General Specific is on sheep's tail!
06:42Literally! Look, he's on the tail!
06:45What's in store for sheep? Stay tuned for the jaw-droppingly,
06:49knees-quiveringly exotic answers to these questions,
06:52unless, in Chapter 2, a star is shorn!
07:23What do I really need?
07:25After all, I won't be doing much gardening on a business trip, right?
07:29Ha! But then again, stranger things have happened.
07:33Please, sign here! I'm begging you!
07:46Back to our heart-pounding, palpitation-inducing story!
07:50Sheep sure has his hooves full!
07:52What with Farmer John spying on him,
07:54General Specific about to capture him,
07:56and the fact that his hooves are literally full of plates!
08:09Plates! Spinning! Beautiful!
08:14Why are you not in the possessing of the sheep?
08:16He was spinning plates!
08:18Oh, the poetry!
08:20Each of those plates so assuredly balanced,
08:23with poise and grace on those tiny hooves,
08:26spinning kinetically like windmills in the Dutch countryside,
08:29only prettier!
08:31What could I do?
08:33Go back in there!
08:35Ugh! I am in the needing of a new job!
08:39Oh, Sheep! I'm so proud of you!
08:42You have a special talent!
08:44I mean, not to forget that everyone's special in their own way,
08:46but you are actually special!
08:49You have to share your gift with the world!
08:52Give me a chance, Sheepy!
08:54I care about you!
08:56Did you see how moved General Specific was?
08:59As long as you're spinning plates,
09:01he'll never help capture you!
09:03Oh, the Majesty!
09:18Oh, this is intolerable!
09:20My cousin's goat-unveiling party is happening in a short,
09:23indeterminate amount of time,
09:25and I still haven't captured him!
09:27I can't believe it!
09:29My cousin's goat-unveiling party is happening in a short,
09:31indeterminate amount of time,
09:33and I still haven't captured my Sheep!
09:35For the first time in weeks, you know where Sheep is,
09:37yet, ironically, you can't touch that Sheep
09:39when he's spinning those glorious plates.
09:41Yes, private public, I'm sure we're all aware of the irony.
09:47I'm in the seriousness of getting stares!
09:50Enough whining! I need a solution to my problem!
09:53How about a super-mega-geocosmic optoblocorator?
09:58That looks like a blindfold to me!
10:00But with a bigger name!
10:02This will be shielding your inuses from plate-spinning-ness-ness,
10:06so you can be in the grabbing of Sheep!
10:08I don't pay you enough, scientist!
10:11Not that I'm going to start now!
10:13Oh, Sheepy, you must be so nervous!
10:17You've never seen me introduce you on stage before.
10:20Do you like my new brushed Italian denim overalls?
10:24They're not cheap, but who can put a price on jeans?
10:27Not me!
10:28But I also don't know how Sheep will escape
10:31the cleverly blindfolded Gerald Pacific!
10:34Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Farmer John.
10:38Please help me welcome a new talent I discovered
10:41for the world to enjoy,
10:43the plate-spinning stylings of Sheep.
10:47Now's my chance!
10:58And so began the career of Sheep, the plate-spinner,
11:03and of Farmer John, the manager, promoter,
11:06provider, producer, prolando,
11:09except not prolando, ignore that, I made that up.
11:14While Sheep performs and Farmer John promotes,
11:17the angry scientist perfects his latest underfunded plan.
11:22So, I can use these to grab Sheep from a distance
11:26before I get emotionally involved in his plate-spinning.
11:29That is being the idea.
11:31Brilliant! And Sheep, I know,
11:34I'll disguise myself as a fishcake vendor,
11:37sneak into Sheep's performance tonight
11:39at the big city concert hall,
11:41and grab Sheep with these tongs!
11:43The fishcake vendor is not being in the original planning,
11:46but what is the ever?
11:49And so, conveniently,
11:51Sheep's biggest show of all is about to begin!
11:55Farmer John presents Sheep Spinning Plates?
11:59I need new glasses!
12:01Fishcake's here! Get him while they're hot!
12:06Well, well, well, well, well!
12:09Will General Specific catch Sheep this time?
12:12Has Farmer John lost sight of what it means to love?
12:15And what's the deal with the General pretending to be a fishcake vendor?
12:18All the juicy answers are waiting patiently to make themselves known
12:22in the mind-numbingly bizarre Chapter 3!
12:25Will he make it?
12:27Dig it!
12:30And now, to talk to you about oxymoron dog food,
12:33here's the oxymoron mascot, Sparky the Dog.
12:40Go ahead, Sparky.
12:42You know, I don't think he talks.
12:45What do you mean?
12:46Dogs don't talk.
12:48What, is it a union thing, or didn't he get the script?
12:51Yes, he got the script, but like I said, dogs don't know how to talk.
12:55Are you trying to tell me that no dogs can talk?
12:57I don't think so.
12:58Not even in cartoons?
12:59No, not this one.
13:01You don't have to attack me.
13:02I'm not attacking you.
13:03You are attacking me.
13:05Just like you did in Miami Beach.
13:07Please, can we not get into this again?
13:09I'm really not in the mood.
13:10Maybe you should have thought about that in Miami Beach.
13:13Oh, sorry, I forgot. You were perfect.
13:18Oxymoron dog food.
13:19Strong enough for an ox, but made for a dog.
13:22Who are you?
13:25Sheep in the Big City presents a very short film about hygiene.
13:32The end.
13:33Sheep in the Big City presents another crazy prank.
13:40Today, our hidden cameras are at, of all places, a grocery store.
13:47C'est notre client, Susan Pringle.
13:51Ce qu'elle ne sait pas, c'est que nos staffers de pranks
13:54sont en train de changer son carton pour un carton identique
13:58avec tous les mêmes produits.
14:01Voyons voir ce qui se passe.
14:03Rappelez-vous, le vendeur est dans la blague.
14:06Susan n'a aucune idée.
14:09Elle n'a aucune idée de ce qui se passe.
14:13Susan Pringle, vous avez été détruite.
14:16Ce ne sont pas les produits que vous avez achetés.
14:19Nous avons pris un switcheroo.
14:21Et vous avez pris une poignée, une ligne et un sinker.
14:26Mais ce sont exactement les produits que je voulais.
14:30C'est vrai, mais ce ne sont pas les mêmes.
14:33Vous avez vous-même acheté le carton.
14:36Regardez ce carton de lait.
14:38C'est votre carton.
14:43De toute façon...
14:44Vous l'avez entendu?
14:46Elle a dit de toute façon.
14:48Quelle blague folle.
14:50Rejoignez-nous la semaine prochaine avec nos blagues folles.
14:53On va marcher dans les rues de la ville en demandant des directions
14:56à des endroits qu'ils ne connaissent pas.
14:59Je ne plaisante pas.
15:00La femme a presque quitté le magasin avec un carton complètement différent.
15:04Oh, désolé.
15:06Revenons à notre histoire.
15:08Le chien est en train de faire le plus grand défilé de sa carrière.
15:12L'agriculteur John s'est transformé d'un agréable agriculteur
15:15en un agréable manager.
15:17Et en général, un vendeur de pâtisseries,
15:20est en train de s'échapper dans le théâtre
15:22et d'attraper des chiens avec ses gros chiens.
15:26Chapitre 3.
15:27Est-ce qu'il y arrivera?
15:30Ah, vous y êtes.
15:31J'ai cherché dans tous les endroits de la ville
15:33pour un bon vendeur de pâtisseries.
15:35Pas en ce moment, madame.
15:36Je suis un peu occupé.
15:37C'est à vous, vendeur de pâtisseries.
15:40Alors, qu'est-ce que vous avez dans un bon bâton de pâtisserie de Boston?
15:43Écoutez, je dois y aller.
15:45La cloche tombe et parle, parle et...
15:47Ne bougez pas!
15:49J'aimerais que vous préparez un sampler de plusieurs variétés.
15:52Mesdames et Messieurs,
15:55Je, le vendeur John,
15:57grand empresario,
15:58mogul d'entretien,
16:00et héros pour des millions, présente
16:02Spin Sheep Spin,
16:04qui présente ma découverte des chiens.
16:07Sheep, answer our wishes.
16:12Sheep, spin those dishes.
16:15Vendeur John is the greatest.
16:18He can do no wrong.
16:21He even wrote the words
16:23to this wonderful song.
16:25To this wonderful song.
16:27Vendeur, mon ami,
16:28il s'agissait d'un bâton
16:31et de le tourner, mon ami.
16:34Vous savez quoi?
16:35Il y a un bâton de poisson très spécial
16:37que j'ai fait juste pour vous,
16:39juste à l'intérieur du carton.
16:42C'est très profond là-bas.
16:50Ce bâton de poisson a un goût de poisson merveilleux.
16:59Cue la musique de la course.
17:06Cue la musique de la course.
17:11Et maintenant, le moment que vous avez tous attendu
17:13pour que je délivre.
17:24Oh, le magnifique minimalisme sous-estimé.
17:38La course doit continuer.
17:43Regardez le magnifique Spinny.
17:47Vous étiez un bon petit agriculteur.
17:49Et maintenant, vous êtes un bâton de poisson.
17:52Peut-être que vous avez raison.
17:54Peut-être que j'ai détruit la vie des poissons
17:56juste pour faire cette course.
17:58Et peut-être qu'il y a une leçon ici,
17:59quelque part,
18:00que je vais trouver sur le tour.
18:02Et ainsi s'est terminé
18:03la course de la vie des poissons.
18:05En ce qui concerne le Général Lee,
18:07son gâteau s'est échappé.
18:08Donc les deux cousins se sont humiliés
18:10sur leurs résistants, inutiles,
18:12super-puissants rayons.
18:13Le poisson a récupéré son ancien travail
18:15au café.
18:16Et il n'y a pas trop de temps.
18:18La grande ville a un nouveau
18:20sensationnel étoile.
18:22Le gâteau, le gâteau qui joue.
18:24Comment allez-vous
18:25couper tous les bords lents ?
18:27Vous avez oublié de mentionner
18:28comment joliment
18:29mon carpetage de poisson
18:30ressemble dans la bibliothèque.
18:33Il n'est pas encore fini, les gars.
18:35Nous avons toujours
18:36le rentable Suède.
18:38Je vais vous dire une chose
18:40qui me fait vraiment rire.
18:42Les tables de café.
18:43Est-ce que chaque bière du monde
18:45va avoir sa propre table maintenant ?
18:47Ah, voici la table de café.
18:48Voici la table de thé.
18:49Ah, attention !
18:50Voici la table de lémon
18:52et de l'eau culturelle.
18:53Où va-t-elle finir ?
18:55J'ai bu de la bière de route
18:56et de la bière de route alimentaire.
18:57Il n'y aura plus de place
18:58dans ma maison
18:59pour mes chaussures.
19:01Et une autre chose.
19:02Si ils peuvent mettre
19:03un homme sur la lune,
19:04pourquoi ne pas le laisser là-bas ?
19:06Le rentable Suède, les gars.
19:32Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
