Kara Sevda - Capitulo 1 (en Español)

  • 5 months ago
Kara Sevda - Capitulo 1 (en Español)
00:06:28Hoş geldiniz.
00:06:30İndim işte Sarıyer'e yakın bir yerde.
00:06:33Oradan da atladım taksiye geldim.
00:06:35Evet, evet.
00:06:37Ya yok ya, çok eğlenceliydi.
00:06:40Tamam, tamam canım benim.
00:06:42Benim için hiç dert değil.
00:06:43Kalsın sen de araba, yarın alırım.
00:06:45Yaseminciğim, ben eve geldim şimdi.
00:06:47Hadi görüşürüz.
00:06:49Ne haber tatlım?
00:06:51İyiyim, sen nasılsın?
00:06:58Ben geldim.
00:07:00Hoş geldin.
00:07:01Araban niye Yasemin'de?
00:07:02Çünkü bugün otobüse bindim.
00:07:04Aa, ne zorunu?
00:07:05Otobüse mi?
00:07:07Karma sergi için çalıştım.
00:07:09Sıkıldım hep aynı yüzler, aynı ifadeler.
00:07:11Böyle biraz değişik bir şey olsun dedim.
00:07:13Neymiş ya?
00:07:14Vallahi tuhafsın Nihan.
00:07:17İnşallah bu tuhaflıkların alışkanlık haline gelmez.
00:07:19Ben bir duş alıp uzanacağım.
00:07:21Otobüslerde eti çıkakış yoruluyordur insan tabii.
00:07:24Bak nasıl sinir ediyor beni.
00:07:27Uyuyup kalma sakın.
00:07:29Akşama yemek var.
00:07:39Nihan'ın üstünden çıkan kıyafetler doğru kuru temizlemeye.
00:07:46İyi misiniz?
00:07:47İyiyim iyiyim.
00:08:16Soğuk soğuk bir limonata getireyim içer misin?
00:08:28Bezi yanık kokusu gidiyor ya bir yerden.
00:08:47Bakıyor bir de öyle.
00:08:49Hiçten yanmadı.
00:08:50Ne diyorsun oğlum?
00:08:51Durumu mayım kardeşim.
00:08:53Ne oluyor Ruza?
00:08:54Söylesen kimse inanmaz.
00:08:55Bir daha görür müyüm dersin?
00:08:58Nasip'ten öte köy yok be kardeşim.
00:09:01Karşına bir kere çıktıysa ikinciye de çıkar.
00:09:03Çıkar da sen oradan sağ çıkar mısın onu bilmem.
00:09:07Oğlum el kol yapma.
00:09:09Yardım edeyim mi?
00:09:13Beş dakika içinde aşağıda olmazsan vallahi yüzüne bakmam Nihan.
00:09:18Herkes geldi.
00:09:21Bu gece baban için çok önemli.
00:09:24Hepimiz için çok önemli.
00:09:26Eğer bu birleşme olmazsa, hisseler satılmazsa.
00:09:30Sen sadece faydalanırsın.
00:09:34Bu gece baban için çok önemli.
00:09:36Hepimiz için çok önemli.
00:09:37Eğer bu birleşme olmazsa, hisseler satılmazsa.
00:09:40Sen sadece fantezi olarak binmeyeceksin otobüslere.
00:09:43Tek kurtuluşumuz Galip amcanın bu şirketi alması.
00:09:52Onların azlanacağına, adam gibi aşağı in ve gönüllerini al.
00:09:56Emre de iyi davran.
00:10:03Teşekkür ederim.
00:10:10Hoş geldiniz.
00:10:15Sen de hoş geldin güzelim.
00:10:17Sen her geçen gün daha da mı güzelleşiyorsun bakayım?
00:10:21Ne haber?
00:10:24Şu andan itibaren iyi.
00:10:27Hadi geçelim mi sofraya?
00:10:31Bugün Beşiktaş Sarıyer hattında görmüşler seni.
00:10:35Yarın hangi hattasın?
00:10:37Yoksa bu sefer minibüse mi bineceksin yeni yüzler bulmak için?
00:10:41Seninle ikizi olduğumuza emin misin?
00:10:43Çünkü bence Emi'yle kardeş olmalıymışsınız da.
00:10:50Siz başladınız mı yine?
00:10:53Büyük aşklar kavgayla başlar.
00:10:54Ama bu başlangıç aşamasını geçti artık değil mi?
00:10:57Biz kara sevdaya doğru yol alıyoruz.
00:11:02Galip amca.
00:11:04Gerçekten kararlı mısınız bu büyük imparatorluğunuzu Emir'e bırakmaya?
00:11:10Hem de büyük bir memnuniyetle.
00:11:12Emir'den o kadar eminim ki daha şimdiden defalarca kendini kanıtladı.
00:11:17Gözüm hiç arkada değil.
00:11:18Çok büyük başarılara imza atacak biliyorum.
00:11:23Hepinizin çaresi olacak.
00:11:28Öyleyse geleceğe kadeh kaldırıyorum.
00:11:32Hadi bakalım.
00:11:43Maşallah benim oğluma.
00:11:46Aferin sana.
00:11:48Ya anacığım o notlar keşke bir işe yarasa.
00:11:50En son yaptığım iş görüşmesinin üzerinden 15 gün geçti.
00:11:54E hala bir dönüş yapmadıklarına göre bundan da pek umut yok.
00:11:57Oğlum sen tutturdun gidip madende çalışacağım diye.
00:12:00Hocaların demiyor mu sana bak okulda kal önün açık ne güzel.
00:12:03Anacığım benim çalışmam lazım.
00:12:05Oğlum sen zaten çalışıyorsun ya senin boş durduğun mu var?
00:12:09Bak o tekneleri zımparalamaktan ellerin ne hale geldi.
00:12:13Evet ya o eller bizi kurtaracak.
00:12:15Çirahi faturayı o eller ödeyecek.
00:12:17Zeynep'in harçlığını o eller verecek.
00:12:19Mühendis elleri ya boru değil ki.
00:12:22Zevzeklik yapma.
00:12:23Çakalaşıyoruz baba ya.
00:12:25Baba abim haklı.
00:12:26Fedakarlığınız için sağ olun.
00:12:28İnşallah sıra benden.
00:12:29Eyvallah kardeşim aldırma sen bana.
00:12:31Abi hani bu mühendislerin yazın kampları falan oluyor ya tatilleri.
00:12:37İnşallah sen de öyle bir işe girersin.
00:12:40Al işte köy yanar deli taranır bu.
00:12:44Ne var canım kötü bir şey mi söyledim?
00:12:46Ne güzel işte ailecek tatil etmiş oluruz.
00:12:48Dur bakalım bir iş bulalım mı?
00:12:50Sonra tatile bakarız.
00:12:52Tarık abin sana tatil yaptıracak.
00:12:55Paracıklar birikiyor çaktırma.
00:12:57Aslan abim benim.
00:12:59Önce güzel bir iş sonra da bir eş hayırlısıyla.
00:13:04Hayırlısı tabi ya.
00:13:10Yeter artık İlhan zaten yorgunum bir de sen gelmiyorsun.
00:13:13Ya Emir'in teklifini kabul etmeyip de ne yapacaksın?
00:13:15Kafanda ne var Önder?
00:13:17Biz iflasın eşiğindeyiz.
00:13:19Sen hala niye nazlanıyorsun ben anlamıyorum ki.
00:13:22İmzala artık şu anlaşmayı.
00:13:28Bak ben senin huzurun için söylüyorum.
00:13:32Başka şansın yok.
00:13:34Galip yok artık karşımda Vildan.
00:13:36Yeni yetme Emir'e mi güveneceğim?
00:13:39Emir'e güvenmek zorundasın.
00:13:41Başka çaremiz yok.
00:13:43Batmak istemiyorsak Emir'in uzattığı eli tutacağız.
00:13:46Önümüze attıklarıyla yetineceğiz yani.
00:13:48Öyle mi?
00:13:50Neredesin şirketin yüzde yetmişini istiyor.
00:14:18Cilalar bende, zımpara bende, boyalar tamam.
00:14:44Tamam bir şey unutmadık.
00:14:46Hadi bir an önce şuradan çıkalım yine.
00:14:48Burası beni acayip bunaltıyor.
00:14:53Ne yapıyorsun oğlum?
00:14:54Çıkalım diyorum hala duruyorsun ya.
00:14:57Tam bizim Zeyneplik değil mi?
00:14:59Böyle can canlı şeyleri de çok sever.
00:15:01İndirimde de.
00:15:03Para yok ki oğlum.
00:15:05Bende var oğlum hadi gel ben alayım.
00:15:07Hediye lan kırk yılın başında gel.
00:15:08Ya saçmalama.
00:15:09Ondan sonra Zeynep beyninin etini yiyecek.
00:15:11Salih abi benimle abimden daha fazla ilgileniyor diye.
00:15:13Hadi yürü.
00:15:15Bu rengi yok şu rengi.
00:15:20O ne ya?
00:15:26Nasıl ya?
00:15:27Ne oldu lan neye bakıyorsun?
00:15:29Bu tanıdık.
00:15:31Oğlum bu sana benziyor lan.
00:16:10O kim?
00:16:13O kız mı lan yoksa?
00:16:15Bir aydır anlatıp durduğun kız bu mu?
00:16:18Kız gerçekten ressammış vay be.
00:16:22E hadi soralım oğlum.
00:16:23Neredeymiş nasıl buluruz?
00:16:24Yok oğlum sorma.
00:16:25Oğlum gel soralım lan gel gel.
00:16:36Asım hediyeyi unutma.
00:16:39Gül kurusu gibi uzun belgesi efendim.
00:16:42Gül kurusu mu gibi mi?
00:16:43Gül kurusu efendim.
00:16:45Gül kurusu.
00:16:59Beyaz gardinyalar pasta kesiminden 10 dakika önce girişe bırakılacak efendim.
00:17:03Ardından da hemen Nihan hanıma takdiri edilecek.
00:17:05Kartta da istediğiniz gibi doğum günü, doğum günü yazıyor.
00:17:16İyi eğlenceler efendim.
00:17:17Nihan hanıma saygılar.
00:17:26Sana kalırsa 10 yılda çıkarsın kızın karşısına.
00:17:28Niye bana engel oldun lan?
00:17:30Niye sordurtmadın nerededir diye?
00:17:33Yoksa diplomayı mı bekliyorsun lan?
00:17:35Öyle mi çıkacaksın kızın karşısına?
00:17:37Bana bak al sen şunları.
00:17:38Al bakayım.
00:17:40Ben eve gidiyorum üstümü başımı değiştireyim.
00:17:41Sen de oraya biraz nefeslen.
00:17:42Eyvallah eyvallah.
00:18:05Yok artık.
00:18:16Al bunu uygun bir yere koy tamam mı?
00:18:20Ya nerede kaldınız?
00:18:21Bir de ilk siz geleceksiniz.
00:18:37Al şunu kardeşim.
00:18:38Arkadaş yanlışlıkla verdim.
00:18:42Tövbe Allah'ım.
00:18:58Sakin ol şampiyon başarabilirsin.
00:19:15Ne oluyor Emir?
00:19:32Bütün gece baş başa kalamadık.
00:19:33Çok normal değil mi?
00:19:35Çünkü bugün benim doğum günüm.
00:19:37Ve sadece sen yoksun.
00:19:38Arkadaşlarım var.
00:19:39Benden başka herkesle dans ettin.
00:19:42Dora çok ayıp oldu.
00:19:44Asıl bana ayıp oldu bana.
00:19:46Sen sarhoşsun galiba bırak beni.
00:19:49Buraya gelmek için ne kadar büyük işleri yarım bıraktım haberin yok.
00:19:52Emir bırakır mısın?
00:19:53Sana ne kadar değer veriyorum görüyor musun?
00:19:55Emir lütfen diyorum bırak beni.
00:19:57Emir bırakır mısın?
00:19:59Ne oluyor Nihat?
00:20:03Ya ne yapıyorsun?
00:20:05Emir ayıp ediyorsun farkındasın değil mi?
00:20:10Kaybol ha?
00:20:11Sana ne ya?
00:20:12Sana ne?
00:20:13Sana ne?
00:20:14Ayıp ediyorsun ama.
00:20:15Ya sen bencil, küstah, kavan, manyağın tekisin ya.
00:20:19Ama senin manyağın.
00:20:21Bırak Allah aşkına.
00:20:22Teknedeyim biraz hava alacağım.
00:20:24Ne oluyor abi?
00:20:30İçeride seni tokatlamadığıma dua et Emir.
00:20:33Git buradan.
00:20:34Kıskanıyorum seni.
00:20:35Kıskanma Emir kıskanma istemiyorum.
00:20:38Hem beni rezil ettin hem de partimi rezil ettin anladın mı?
00:20:41Seni bir de adam yerine koyup çağırdım.
00:20:43Keşke çağırmasaydım.
00:20:46Rahat bırak beni.
00:20:47Özür dilerim.
00:20:49Rahat bırak beni dileme.
00:20:51Manyak ya.
00:21:01Sefil bir yer burası.
00:21:12Doğum günde yaşadığım şeye bak.
00:21:14Rezil etti doğum günümü.
00:22:12Doğum günün kutlu olsun.
00:22:14Bugün gerçekten benim doğum günümdü.
00:22:18Doğum günün kutlu olsun yavrum.
00:22:46Sen olsan.
00:22:50Hadi adamı bir şekilde biliyorsun.
00:22:53Buralardaydım ve geçerken gördüm diyelim.
00:22:56Doğum günü partimin yanında tekne, arkadaşlarım bana seslenirken adımı da duydum.
00:23:00Kafana buz koysaydın keşke.
00:23:04Daha iyi misin bari?
00:23:06Zatürre olmazsam iyiyim.
00:23:10Anyway, let's just say it's a coincidence that you're the kid whose eyes I drew on the bus.
00:23:15Levent, didn't you have spare clothes or something? I should have looked at them.
00:23:18How do you know our captain?
00:23:22Who are you? How did you end up at my feet all of a sudden?
00:23:25I'm Kemal.
00:23:27I mean, the kid whose eyes I drew on the bus.
00:23:29I'm serious. Who are you?
00:23:34Okay, so now you're a little worried about me.
00:23:38With the fact that you fell into the water and I jumped after you.
00:23:42If you want to get your head together, I'll go.
00:23:47Yeah, okay.
00:23:51You saved my life. Thank you so much. Really.
00:23:55But I mean, you have to give me the right.
00:23:57I've been working on it for a month.
00:23:59I meet the owner of the eyes again at the bottom of the sea.
00:24:02And then you give me such strange details about my life.
00:24:05You know, it's not like I'm not afraid.
00:24:09No, as you just guessed.
00:24:11I mean, I saw you when I was passing by.
00:24:13You had a birthday party, your name was on it.
00:24:15And I know Levent.
00:24:16Because we know all the captains here.
00:24:18You have a boat, too.
00:24:22I don't have a boat.
00:24:25I mean, I look at all the boats here.
00:24:27Such as sandpaper, painter, that kind of stuff.
00:24:30I don't work all day, but I help from time to time.
00:24:34But it's not just helping, is it?
00:24:38No, it's not.
00:24:48You're not surprised.
00:24:51I say I made the picture, I drew you.
00:24:53And you're not surprised.
00:25:00I guess someone doesn't make a picture every day.
00:25:03No, honey.
00:25:04You say I'm going to make it a little more mysterious.
00:25:06But look, I'll tell you now.
00:25:08I can get bored of this game at any moment, just so you know.
00:25:21Quick, quick, get up, get up, get up.
00:25:24Start the boat, quick, quick, quick.
00:25:25What happened? Are you sure?
00:25:26I'm sure, I'm sure, quick.
00:25:27Untie the ropes.
00:25:40Nihal, are you okay?
00:25:41I'm fine, I'm fine.
00:25:43I'm glad you're here.
00:25:45I love you.
00:25:46Where are you going?
00:25:47Who's with you?
00:25:51Anyway, the fun is over.
00:25:53I think Doruk is with him.
00:25:54I thought he was gone, so he's with him.
00:26:04I can't tell them a ton of words now.
00:26:11You're an interesting girl.
00:26:15My mom usually says it's weird.
00:26:18Come on, pull me to a quiet place, Captain.
00:26:21Then I'll solve your mystery.
00:26:33I have to go.
00:26:34See you.
00:26:55Why the mine?
00:26:56Didn't you find anything else to study?
00:26:58But look, tell me the truth.
00:26:59That's what you chose, right?
00:27:00That's why you chose the mine.
00:27:02I'm gonna make you a model.
00:27:03You're an idealist.
00:27:04Don't you have to be?
00:27:05We didn't get our diplomas for nothing.
00:27:09You're right.
00:27:10I'm talking like a dumbass at my age.
00:27:13Don't make me laugh.
00:27:14They say it's a great courage to talk without thinking, Leyla.
00:27:18We got our needles pierced.
00:27:20Of course.
00:27:23Well, a little.
00:27:28Is Leyla your girlfriend?
00:27:29No, honey.
00:27:31No, she's not.
00:27:32She's my friend.
00:27:33But she's an amazing woman.
00:27:35She's very knowledgeable.
00:27:37She's a little older than me, but she looks younger.
00:27:42She's younger than most people.
00:27:43I mean, let's say the oldies.
00:27:46We really chose each other with her.
00:27:48Is that so?
00:27:50I didn't die today, I was born.
00:27:53I made up my mind about being a miner.
00:27:55It was good.
00:27:57Thanks to you, I feel like my life has started over.
00:28:01Who knows, maybe we chose each other, too.
00:28:04What do you think?
00:28:11Shall we get up slowly?
00:28:12It's late now, they'll be worried.
00:28:17It would be good if we did.
00:28:18I'll help you.
00:28:19Come on.
00:28:33I'm bleeding.
00:28:36Well, I guess we're not going to make you a hero all the time, are we?
00:28:39Come on, walk.
00:28:49Let's go.
00:29:04What's going on?
00:29:09Did you have a good trip to Turkey?
00:29:12Not again!
00:29:19Come on.
00:29:37Is everything okay, Ms. Riyan?
00:29:47I'm glad I was born.
00:29:49Thank you.
00:29:53I'm glad you were born, Nihan.
00:30:12The car is waiting for you, sir.
00:30:32Good night, then.
00:30:33God bless you.
00:30:36When you said Ms. Riyan, I remembered, son.
00:30:38Levent was working on these, huh?
00:30:40You know the rich girl.
00:30:42Tell me, son.
00:30:43How did you meet again?
00:30:45Son, please don't do anything to me tonight.
00:30:47Okay, son, okay.
00:30:57My birthday, my birthday.
00:31:02My mom's staring at me right now.
00:31:05Dirty man.
00:31:06What does Emir have to do with what happened to Doruk?
00:31:09He told me, he got infected with SARS.
00:31:11Doruk, look, I'm telling you one more time.
00:31:13It's not Emir.
00:31:14I don't think Emir can do anything to you.
00:31:16Don't make Emir your enemy.
00:31:19Doruk was already very drunk.
00:31:20He didn't understand what they said.
00:31:21Maybe he got infected, too.
00:31:22He's not saying.
00:31:24Emir is a little feverish, but...
00:31:25A little?
00:31:27The boy is in love with you.
00:31:29He's gone crazy.
00:31:30Oh, Ozan, for God's sake.
00:31:32Emir is a rude, crazy, rude, rude guy.
00:31:35Okay, calm down, please.
00:31:37Ozan, I can't calm down.
00:31:39You're probably not aware, but Emir is my father's only son.
00:31:42You're probably not aware, but Emir is my father's only son.
00:31:45It's like he's the owner of all of us.
00:31:48I already hate him for his rudeness.
00:31:51Okay, calm down, please.
00:31:52I'm already having a headache.
00:31:56What's wrong?
00:31:57You took your medicine, didn't you?
00:31:59He took it, but I made him have a headache.
00:32:02Are they for me?
00:32:05These flowers have been specially grown for you since last year.
00:32:10Now, it's good that you're born again, beauty.
00:32:15Oh, God.
00:32:16This man is going to make me sick.
00:32:18It's so weird.
00:32:19Mom, can you take those flowers out of this room?
00:32:22Please, or I'm going to vomit on them.
00:32:24Look, really.
00:32:27Your flowers, my flowers.
00:32:29Your birthday, my birthday.
00:32:35Look at me.
00:32:36Be a little generous.
00:32:37Otherwise, you'll make the boy angry in the end.
00:32:41Take this.
00:33:00Something happened to you.
00:33:02Why are you so sad, mom?
00:33:04I'm not sad, mom.
00:33:05On the contrary, I'm fine.
00:33:11Is it about the girl?
00:33:18Come on, Kemal.
00:33:19Aren't you going to tell mom?
00:33:20I mean, if it's going to happen, I'll tell you anyway.
00:33:23What do you mean?
00:33:24Is it not going to happen?
00:33:25Oh, then we won't have anything to worry about because our teacher doesn't want it.
00:33:28Mom, where do you get these from?
00:33:30I don't understand.
00:33:31We stopped now.
00:33:34Ma'am, I'm going.
00:33:35Do you need anything?
00:33:37I need, I need.
00:33:38Hüseyin, wait a minute.
00:33:39Hüseyin, this boy has a problem.
00:33:41Look at me.
00:33:42Let him pay the rent two days later.
00:33:44Give the boy two more cents.
00:33:46Maybe he'll get bored of the money.
00:33:47Did he say that?
00:33:48No, he didn't say that.
00:33:49But he did.
00:33:50I understood.
00:33:51The rent will be paid on time, on time.
00:33:53Is that possible?
00:33:54If the gentleman needs more, we'll give it to him.
00:33:57Slow down.
00:33:58Pasha, how much do you need?
00:34:02I don't need anything.
00:34:38Good morning.
00:34:39Nice to meet you.
00:34:40My mother left these in the garden.
00:34:42She told me how you were planted for a long time.
00:34:46You're bored.
00:34:50Let me see if there's an answer.
00:34:53Then I have some work to do.
00:34:55But don't touch these, okay?
00:34:57I'll come and plant them one by one.
00:35:00Not okay.
00:35:01Sit down.
00:35:04Come here.
00:35:06Sit down.
00:35:15What's wrong, son?
00:35:20I have to find a job.
00:35:21I feel like I'm a burden to the people at home.
00:35:23And when they talk about money, I'm crushed.
00:35:26You have something else.
00:35:29She's starting to look at me.
00:35:30I swear.
00:35:31Look, my mother did the same thing in the morning.
00:35:33You have something, you have something, you have something.
00:35:35But there is.
00:35:39You saw the girl again.
00:35:42You talked this time.
00:35:48I saved your life.
00:35:51I want to hear a wonderful love story.
00:35:54Tell me.
00:35:55Tell me.
00:36:06Don't you have a phone or something?
00:36:08When I'm stuck like this, save me, I'll call Kemal.
00:36:27Then we approached the land.
00:36:28Don't approach.
00:36:29Captain Levent, our driver, Saleh.
00:36:31They're all waiting in line.
00:36:33Don't open, don't open, don't open, don't open.
00:36:35When I say goodbye, I have a sign of eternity in my hand.
00:36:46He's calling.
00:36:50Yes, hello.
00:36:52Were you sleeping or sleeping?
00:36:54Did I bother you?
00:36:55No, honey, I wasn't sleeping.
00:36:56I was going to school.
00:36:57I told you, I had a friend.
00:37:00Oh, Leyla.
00:37:01Yes, Leyla.
00:37:02I came to her.
00:37:03Then I won't bother you.
00:37:05No, honey.
00:37:06What a nuisance.
00:37:08So I called you like that.
00:37:09I wonder if the number is true or not.
00:37:11Yes, it's true.
00:37:12It's the right number.
00:37:13Okay, then.
00:37:14Heroes' phones are not very busy.
00:37:16Tell him to come here.
00:37:19Do something.
00:37:20Look, if you don't have a job, come here.
00:37:22If you don't have a job, come.
00:37:24To Leyla.
00:37:26No, I mean, I'm very busy.
00:37:29I don't have much work.
00:37:31Where was Leyla sitting?
00:37:32Then I'll pick you up.
00:37:33Of course I'll pick you up.
00:37:35With what?
00:37:36With what?
00:37:38No, no.
00:37:39I already have a car.
00:37:40Tell me where I'm going.
00:37:42Then let's do this.
00:37:43Look, if you come to Yeniköy Beach, I'll pick you up from here.
00:37:47I'll be there in an hour or so, okay?
00:37:51I mean, it won't even take an hour for me.
00:37:54Okay, okay.
00:37:55See you then.
00:37:56See you.
00:37:58He's coming, he's coming, he's coming.
00:38:06Oh, Nihan.
00:38:09Are you feeling better?
00:38:11I'm fine.
00:38:13Now I have work to do.
00:38:15See you in the evening.
00:38:30Emir, please don't apologize anymore.
00:38:32From now on, neither apologize nor do anything to apologize, okay?
00:38:36I'm not going to apologize, I'm going to give this.
00:38:38You're in a hurry.
00:38:40He's going to give a special concert in London tonight.
00:38:43Thank you.
00:38:44It's really a great gesture, but I have plans.
00:38:47If you want, take someone else.
00:38:49You'll regret it, look.
00:38:50Big organization.
00:38:51We'll go by private plane.
00:38:52I'm sure.
00:38:53Everything is special to you anyway.
00:38:55But I got my gift last night, Emir.
00:38:57Take it to Ozan.
00:39:28Kemal talked a lot about you.
00:39:30I came to check if you were real or a legend.
00:39:38Nice to meet you.
00:39:39Me too.
00:39:40I was looking forward to seeing you.
00:39:43Please, sit down.
00:39:48It was Mother's Day, the day Kemal came.
00:39:51He came and looked at me.
00:39:54Your mother was pregnant with Zeynep, wasn't she?
00:39:57Her mother's name was Erik.
00:39:58He was going to make a gift for Mother's Day.
00:40:02So my first friend in this neighborhood became Kemal.
00:40:06He's so sweet.
00:40:07Very sweet.
00:40:09And he's a big parrot he picked up on the side of the road.
00:40:12He's stretching me like this.
00:40:15My Mother's Day was also happy.
00:40:18The door that Kemal opened that day never closed again.
00:40:22He got me used to the neighborhood.
00:40:24The neighborhood got used to you.
00:40:32I feel like I'm going to get you out of somewhere.
00:40:37What was your last name, Nihan?
00:40:40Nihan is yours.
00:40:55The world is mine because I was able to meet another friend of Salih.
00:41:00I am very happy that I met you.
00:41:02I mean, more precisely, because I was introduced to someone as special as you.
00:41:07I told you how we met after we talked on the phone.
00:41:10It's a big coincidence.
00:41:13There's no such thing as a coincidence in life.
00:41:17There's a reason for everything.
00:41:23I made a mosaic cake.
00:41:25It turned out great. It's in the freezer.
00:41:27I'll go get it.
00:41:28I love it.
00:41:48Is it as much as I told you?
00:41:53Like a book, woman?
00:41:54Like a painting.
00:41:57Maybe it'll pose for you.
00:41:58I want it so much.
00:42:17I love you.
00:42:48Is it really you?
00:42:52Is it you?
00:43:03Let me help Leyla.
00:43:05Let me come with you.
00:43:06No, you're the guest.
00:43:15How are you?
00:43:16Like a dream.
00:43:17Such a beautiful girl.
00:43:19Yes, yes.
00:43:20It's going to fall off my hand.
00:43:21Hold it.
00:43:27Where are you? Why don't you answer my phone?
00:43:29You weren't at school either.
00:43:32I'm glad you were born.
00:43:35I'm glad you were born, Nihan.
00:43:37I'm glad you were born.
00:43:44Don't look at me like that.
00:43:45I really don't know.
00:43:46There's no one in your life.
00:43:48I mean, wouldn't I know if there was someone?
00:43:50I mean, if there is, I'll tell you anyway.
00:43:59Please tell me.
00:44:04Thank you so much for not breaking us and coming.
00:44:07Actually, thank you.
00:44:11It was a beautiful day.
00:44:13I think my phone is ringing.
00:44:15See you again.
00:44:16See you.
00:44:22Can we really meet?
00:44:24See you.
00:44:42See you.
00:45:01I hope she doesn't upset you.
00:45:03I hope you don't wander around saying I'm on fire the next day.
00:45:06It's like you've seen me a lot.
00:45:08I've never seen it, so I'm afraid.
00:45:10Pour, brother, pour.
00:45:13What do you say?
00:45:14You say no?
00:45:15I mean, isn't there a way to do this?
00:45:21What did they say?
00:45:22Even the drum is balanced, son.
00:45:24There's nothing going on.
00:45:27The bride and the heart are mine.
00:45:29Besides, the girl doesn't say anything.
00:45:31She keeps saying, you saved my life, you saved my life.
00:45:34She's a nice girl.
00:45:35She's trying to win my heart.
00:45:36Otherwise, we know, even the drum is balanced.
00:45:41But from time to time, people want such a miracle.
00:45:46I mean, it should be.
00:45:47Good for you, brother.
00:45:49You'll see.
00:45:53But you have to hold on tight.
00:45:57If you're upset, I'm upset too.
00:46:00Don't lose yourself too much.
00:46:01Don't die of love right away.
00:46:03I'll take you to the exhibition tomorrow.
00:46:05Set the time.
00:46:10It won't stop flowing.
00:46:14How is it? Is it good?
00:46:15Good, good.
00:46:19You look great.
00:46:34These people aren't really that happy.
00:46:36Because I can't interfere with their real lives,
00:46:39I erase their portraits and their sadness.
00:46:41What can I do?
00:46:53This is Balıkçı.
00:46:54Is it nice?
00:46:56Very nice.
00:47:04I wonder if we should go out.
00:47:06What do you think?
00:47:07Are you okay?
00:47:08Does anyone bother you?
00:47:09I'm fine.
00:47:11Shall we go out?
00:47:17The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.
00:47:34I'm sorry, Mr. Önder.
00:47:35I'm not ready.
00:47:40I'm sorry.
00:47:41It doesn't matter.
00:47:57I love you.
00:47:59I love you too.
00:48:00I love you.
00:48:01I love you.
00:48:02Do you have a lover?
00:48:07There is someone who disturbs my peace, yes.
00:48:09But he's not my lover.
00:48:11It's not something I can't handle. Don't worry.
00:48:13No, it's not because I'm curious.
00:48:15Of course, you're asking to be heroic again.
00:48:18No, it's not because of that either.
00:48:20Anyway, never mind.
00:48:32So, what are we going to do now?
00:48:35I'm going to school.
00:48:39See you then.
00:48:41See you.
00:48:58I'm going to get you all kissed one by one.
00:49:04Mr. Emir.
00:49:05Son of a bitch.
00:49:07Son of a bitch.
00:49:19What happened, Emir?
00:49:20Nothing, it's okay.
00:49:23What's wrong, son?
00:49:24Why did you lose yourself like that?
00:49:27I'm in love, dad.
00:49:29I'm in love with Nihan.
00:49:31I'm in love with Nihan who makes me a dog around me.
00:49:33This is very good news.
00:49:35Let's say they put it in public.
00:49:37Your problem will be solved anyway.
00:49:39He doesn't want me.
00:49:40This is the problem.
00:49:41He doesn't want me.
00:49:42He looks like he's looking at a bug.
00:49:43Even if I put the world in front of him, he doesn't look back.
00:49:46We've already put the world in front of them.
00:49:48It's been like this for years.
00:49:49The closer we get, the farther we get.
00:49:53I only loved him, dad.
00:49:56Don't tell me you love someone else.
00:49:58I want him.
00:49:59I want Nihan.
00:50:01I only loved Nihan.
00:50:02I said I was going to marry a woman.
00:50:04I will marry.
00:50:05He doesn't want me.
00:50:06He doesn't want me.
00:50:07But you want him.
00:50:10I can't think of anything else.
00:50:12The more I think about the possibility of being with someone else, the more I go crazy.
00:50:17The more I think about the possibility of having someone else, the more I get sick.
00:50:22I want him, dad.
00:50:25I want Nihan.
00:50:27I only loved him.
00:50:29I'll kill whoever touches him.
00:50:31I'll kill him, too.
00:50:34Nihan is mine.
00:50:38Calm down.
00:50:39Calm down.
00:50:40You don't know how much pain I'm in.
00:50:46If you get hurt even a little bit, I'll burn the world.
00:50:54You are my son.
00:50:58You are Emir Kozcu's son.
00:51:02Pull yourself together.
00:51:04Come on, pull yourself together.
00:51:06Go to London right now.
00:51:07Get some rest.
00:51:11I said go.
00:51:13I'll take care of everything.
00:51:20You will marry Nihan.
00:51:28She will want to marry you.
00:51:32I'll have the whole family on their knees.
00:51:36I don't understand where this trip to London came from when it was just at the end of the business.
00:51:48No, they accepted all the conditions.
00:51:52You accepted it, didn't you?
00:51:53There's nothing you don't know.
00:51:55There's nothing I don't know, Vildan.
00:51:56Like I said, your son is angry.
00:51:58He's the only one of the spoiled brats.
00:52:00Turn around.
00:52:01That's right.
00:52:03He's playing a game with me.
00:52:04He wants you to give the company for free.
00:52:06I guess that's what it is.
00:52:08There's no other explanation for this.
00:52:09But don't sell the company, Dad.
00:52:11Oh, my God.
00:52:12I mean, I think there's another buyer.
00:52:14We don't have to go to them.
00:52:15How comfortable are you talking, Nihan?
00:52:17If your father is sitting at the table, it means he's thought about everything.
00:52:20There's no other way.
00:52:22That's for sure.
00:52:24You don't know anything.
00:52:26I don't even know what we've been going through for months.
00:52:29Of course I know.
00:52:30I don't want my father to be sad or bored.
00:52:32Don't worry, dear.
00:52:33Everything is under control.
00:52:34We've come to the end of the line.
00:52:37Let's just sign these papers.
00:52:38We won't have any trouble.
00:52:40I'm a little tired today.
00:52:41I guess that's why I'm nervous.
00:52:43If you try to be a little more polite to the boy,
00:52:45our lives will be much better.
00:52:47But you're a believer.
00:52:48Mom, for God's sake.
00:52:52Mr. Emir is on the phone.
00:52:53Your mobile phone is off.
00:52:56Fortunately, he's on good terms with Ozan.
00:52:58Thank God.
00:53:04Are we still brothers?
00:53:07What happened?
00:53:08I don't know. You'll tell me.
00:53:10You still can't speak.
00:53:12Your phone was off all day today.
00:53:14Don't ask.
00:53:15I got sick again.
00:53:17You went to London?
00:53:18Nihan went to London.
00:53:19I went to London.
00:53:20I went to London.
00:53:21I went to London.
00:53:22I went to London.
00:53:23I went to London.
00:53:24I went to London.
00:53:25Where were you today?
00:53:26Where were you today?
00:53:28We were together.
00:53:29He was with me.
00:53:30We watched the series together.
00:53:31We watched the series together.
00:53:32We watched the series together.
00:53:33We watched the series together.
00:53:34We watched the series together.
00:53:39I'm listening.
00:53:41That's it.
00:53:42When are you coming back?
00:53:46I'll let you know.
00:53:51What is he saying?
00:53:52If you're curious, call him and ask.
00:53:55God damn it.
00:54:11Uncle Galip is here.
00:54:13Did you know?
00:54:26What's up, guys?
00:54:27I just talked to Emir on the phone.
00:54:29What a nice surprise.
00:54:32If I have some time, I'd like to talk to you in private.
00:54:37Of course.
00:54:45He'll say I gave up.
00:54:47He'll say I gave up.
00:54:49He'll say I gave up.
00:54:51He'll say I gave up.
00:54:53He'll say I gave up.
00:54:55He'll say I gave up.
00:54:56He'll say I gave up.
00:55:12What's up, Galip?
00:55:13Whether this conversation is good or not is entirely up to you, Önder.
00:55:18What can I serve you?
00:55:20I don't want anything.
00:55:25Come, come, Vildan.
00:55:27This conversation concerns you as well.
00:55:31It's a very important conversation for the whole family.
00:55:34Is the sale finally over?
00:55:36It's entirely up to you.
00:55:41Let me know when they're out, okay?
00:55:57How are you?
00:55:58I'm fine. I'm in my room.
00:55:59Is everything okay?
00:56:00Yes, it's okay.
00:56:02What happened?
00:56:03Nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice.
00:56:05Good job.
00:56:06Are you at work?
00:56:07Yes, I'm at work. I'm working.
00:56:09We're working.
00:56:10How nice.
00:56:14Do you know that I have your book?
00:56:16Is that so?
00:56:17You know, when we first met on the bus,
00:56:20you said you wanted to talk to me.
00:56:22You know, when we first met on the bus,
00:56:25I held on to you so I wouldn't fall.
00:56:27Your hands were full.
00:56:28I thought it was lost.
00:56:30That's why I had to buy a new one and give it to the library.
00:56:34I'll give it to you when we meet.
00:56:37Even if you don't give it to me, it's okay.
00:56:39You can read it if it interests you.
00:56:40Okay, fine.
00:56:42Okay, then.
00:56:44I was listening to music.
00:56:45If you want, I can send you the link.
00:56:48Let's listen to it together, okay?
00:56:50One minute, I'm sending it.
00:56:54It's here.
00:56:56Now, after I hang up,
00:56:58you count to three and we listen together, okay?
00:57:00Okay, I'll count to three.
00:57:02See you.
00:57:21I didn't know
00:57:26Your love is a flame, my love
00:57:31A piece of fire
00:57:36I gave my heart to the fire without knowing
00:57:43I gave my heart to the fire without knowing
00:57:55To love a thousand times means to die
00:58:04To love a thousand times means to die
00:58:14A thousand times in death
00:58:20I've never heard such a disgraceful thing in my life.
00:58:22Calm down, Hönder.
00:58:24How can you negotiate something like this?
00:58:26Hönder, please calm down.
00:58:29Don't sell it.
00:58:30I'm not selling the company.
00:58:31I'm breaking the deal.
00:58:32It's over.
00:58:34Think a little more before you say big words.
00:58:37Yes, please, Hönder.
00:58:39My daughter is not for sale.
00:58:40Do you understand?
00:58:41My daughter is not for sale.
00:58:45Please go.
00:58:46I don't want to be a burden anymore.
00:58:48Think about how ugly an offer you made on your way out.
00:58:53Nihan, you're the ball.
00:58:54Are you going to make this decision for your family?
00:58:57There's no beauty by force.
00:58:58If Nihan wanted it, it would have already happened.
00:59:00Hönder, we haven't even asked the girl yet.
00:59:02We know what's what.
00:59:05Please go.
00:59:06Otherwise, I'll really break your heart.
00:59:08Hönder, I took over all your debts.
00:59:11If you don't want to lose everything anymore...
00:59:19Bring the pillow.
00:59:21Hold your head.
00:59:22Hold your head.
00:59:23Hold your head.
00:59:25Okay, son.
00:59:27Ozan, calm down, son.
00:59:28Calm down, son.
01:00:06As lf you cried, I cried.
01:00:08I cried.
01:00:10I cried.
01:00:12You're his mother too, Vildan.
01:00:13No matter how sad and worried you are for your son, I'm worried the same way for Emir.
01:00:14He loves Nihan like crazy.
01:00:15I'm the one who can guarantee that he'll make her happy.
01:00:16I know.
01:00:17I want it very much too.
01:00:18I'm sure both of them will fall in love.
01:00:19Then convince Nihan.
01:00:21I want it for the joy of our families.
01:00:22See you.
01:00:27I'm sorry, I have to go.
01:00:57Now, from now on, we'll keep stress away from our lives, that's it.
01:01:01Two, two, four more.
01:01:02We won't experience anything negative, we won't let it happen.
01:01:08Shall we take a walk?
01:01:15Don't drive, okay?
01:01:17I won't drive, I won't drink.
01:01:19I know, son. I was with the doctor just now.
01:01:22Let's go.
01:01:33Don't upset your brother.
01:01:41If you force Nihan to marry you,
01:01:43if you put pressure on her,
01:01:46I'll divorce you.
01:01:54You're nervous about Emir, aren't you?
01:01:56He's very tired because of me.
01:01:59You fell in love, didn't you?
01:02:00With Emir?
01:02:01The boy you drew that picture of.
01:02:05I feel like I'm on the edge of the sea.
01:02:08As I think of his name, a wave passes over me.
01:02:11When I think of his eyes, the sands under me slide with that wave.
01:02:16I'm waiting for the moment to come again.
01:02:20I mean, I don't know, I feel very happy.
01:02:23I'm happy to think of him.
01:02:24I'm excited to see him.
01:02:27Of course, it's too early for his name to come up, but...
01:02:34I think...
01:02:35I fell in love.
01:02:38My darling.
01:02:44Actually, I want to know what you think.
01:02:48He introduced me to the most special person in his life.
01:02:52You're my other half.
01:02:53I want to introduce you to him.
01:02:55But I don't want it to be planned like this, you know?
01:02:59Don't make it look like I'm too ambitious.
01:03:02But I'll take care of it, okay?
01:03:05Of course.
01:03:07We'll meet one day.
01:03:20This is pretty burned.
01:03:21Don't do it.
01:03:23Don't do it?
01:03:24Dad, I've been saying the same thing for days.
01:03:26When the engineer says, don't do it.
01:03:28Throw it away.
01:03:29Don't stay in the stone age.
01:03:36Oh, his name is Nihan.
01:03:37Give it to me.
01:03:38Give it to me.
01:03:41Say hello to our aunt.
01:03:45Sometimes you're so unloved.
01:03:48What did you say, dad?
01:03:49I said aunt.
01:03:52I guess you weren't available in the evening.
01:03:54Since you didn't call.
01:03:56Our house was a little messy, that's why.
01:04:01What are you doing?
01:04:02I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:04:03I'm with my father.
01:04:04Something went wrong in the shop, so I was dealing with them.
01:04:06What does your father do?
01:04:07My father?
01:04:08Man barber.
01:04:09Man barber?
01:04:10Oh, how interesting.
01:04:14Of course he doesn't do it to be interesting.
01:04:16I mean, that's his profession.
01:04:17I understand, honey.
01:04:18You too.
01:04:19Is the rich girl setting up again?
01:04:21No, no, okay.
01:04:22So what are you doing?
01:04:23You'll see.
01:04:24Well, I'm going to go to the club.
01:04:34Did you like it?
01:04:35Didn't you see?
01:04:36I wiped it off.
01:04:38You have food in your hand.
01:04:40I can do it again if you want.
01:04:43Can you do it?
01:04:44I can do it if I want.
01:04:47I'd love to.
01:04:48But it doesn't look like it.
01:04:50It's like you're talking as if you're not going to see me tomorrow.
01:04:53You have a secret wall, Kemal.
01:04:55I mean, it's like a protection area.
01:04:58It's true, isn't it?
01:05:00I'm afraid.
01:05:01Why are you afraid?
01:05:02Of me?
01:05:04I'm not afraid of you.
01:05:05How are you afraid of me?
01:05:09Don't you think so?
01:05:12Wouldn't we make a story out of it?
01:05:14We'd make a story out of it.
01:05:16But it could be a bit of a cliché.
01:05:19I mean, in a dream, it's beautiful, but in reality...
01:05:22The rich girl, the poor boy, can't walk.
01:05:24Can he walk?
01:05:25Why can't he walk?
01:05:28After all, why can't he walk after two heads become one, Kemal?
01:05:34These things don't start with such a planned program.
01:05:37It gives people a heart attack.
01:05:40But I want more than a heart attack.
01:05:43Yes, you'll have a heart attack.
01:05:44But then another wind blows from somewhere else.
01:05:46This time, you'll have a heart attack there.
01:05:50I don't know.
01:05:51If another wind blows, you'll fly there this time.
01:05:55Or you'll go back to a place you've trusted since you were a kid.
01:06:01You don't trust me.
01:06:02I don't know you, Nihan.
01:06:03Then let's get to know each other as soon as possible, so you can trust me as much as I trust you.
01:06:08Do you really trust me?
01:06:12I don't know why, but I trust you.
01:06:15Maybe it's because you saved me.
01:06:18Maybe it's because you tied my life to your life.
01:06:33I'm doing my best, Galip.
01:06:35I mean, do I want it to be like this?
01:06:38It's out of the question, Vildan.
01:06:39Things will start from tomorrow for what I'm going to take.
01:06:42Look, Galip, please, don't rush, okay?
01:06:45I'm going to convince him, I promise you.
01:06:47My son is suffering every day.
01:06:50Your debt to me is also suffering.
01:06:52One way or another, this debt will be paid.
01:06:55The choice is yours.
01:07:12Are you water or fire?
01:07:15Sometimes I'm water, sometimes I'm fire.
01:07:17But I think I'm water.
01:07:18Or I don't know.
01:07:20What's the right answer?
01:07:21There is no right answer.
01:07:23Are you salt or ice?
01:07:24What is this?
01:07:25Come on, tell me.
01:07:27I think I'm salt.
01:07:30Okay, okay, you tell me.
01:07:32Are you salt or ice?
01:07:33I don't know.
01:07:34Are you salt or ice?
01:07:35I don't know.
01:07:36Are you salt or ice?
01:07:37I don't know.
01:07:38Are you salt or ice?
01:07:39I don't know.
01:07:41Okay, okay, you tell me.
01:07:43Are you sun or sun?
01:07:45Kemal, are we going to get to know each other like this?
01:07:48What do you want me to know?
01:07:50I mean, apart from the obvious things about you.
01:07:58I'm my father's daughter, not my mother's.
01:08:00Of course, I'm the daughter of both of them biologically.
01:08:02But I'm mostly my father's daughter.
01:08:04I'm extremely fond of Ozan.
01:08:06Extremely, extremely.
01:08:07There are no clichés for me.
01:08:09Of course, my life is full of a ton of clichés.
01:08:11But I'm trying to keep them away from my life.
01:08:15No one can make me do anything I don't want.
01:08:18If I really want something, I'll follow it to the end.
01:08:23As long as I love.
01:08:25As long as I believe.
01:08:27I trust.
01:08:34Is it true or courage?
01:08:36Very American.
01:08:37Is it true or courage?
01:08:40It's true.
01:08:41What do I mean to you?
01:08:43It's time.
01:08:48I like you.
01:08:51Since I first saw you.
01:08:55Since you turned the sadness in the portraits you drew into happiness.
01:08:59Since the flower you painted on the bus window.
01:09:05That night...
01:09:07You gave it to me as a gift.
01:09:23You ask.
01:09:24Is it true or courage?
01:10:47Come on, man!
01:10:50Serer, change this achieve model.
01:10:52Hold on a second.
01:10:55Okay, I'm sending this too.
01:10:57Make it thread well so we can plant axles.
01:11:01Okay, Serer.
01:11:03Come on!
01:11:06Come on, man. Don't do it again.
01:11:13What happened?
01:11:14I got the job.
01:11:23Thank you.
01:11:24Congratulations, Cemal.
01:11:25Thank you.
01:11:26I couldn't read it because I was so excited. Let me see.
01:11:32Songuldan's biggest miner.
01:12:07Yasin, I read seven. There was a man like that.
01:12:15Oh, Hüseyin.
01:12:16When you said miner, it came to my mind.
01:12:18Look at me.
01:12:19Even if it's a small thing, you have to cut it and distribute it.
01:12:21How is it small?
01:12:22Come on, let's get this done. Come on.
01:12:25Hello, Nihan.
01:12:27I was going to call you.
01:12:29Tell me.
01:12:30No, you tell me first.
01:12:31I want to introduce you to my brother today. Is that okay?
01:12:34Of course, I'd love to.
01:12:36Good, great.
01:12:37Is there anything I can tell you?
01:12:41I'll tell you when we meet.
01:12:44Then at one o'clock at the club.
01:12:49Isn't there any other place?
01:12:50I mean, I don't know now. It's too hot there.
01:12:52But why?
01:12:53Ozan loves that place very much. He especially wanted it.
01:12:57Good, great. I'm very happy.
01:12:58Then I kissed. See you.
01:13:01Me too.
01:13:04Thank you.
01:13:27Thank you.
01:13:29Look, Ozan, let me tell you from the beginning.
01:13:31We don't have to tell our secrets, okay?
01:13:46Thanks to you, I got excited too.
01:13:48Calm down.
01:13:50Yeah, right?
01:13:51Why are you so excited?
01:14:01I'm sorry.
01:14:15So he was in Poland.
01:14:22Welcome, how are you?
01:14:23Fine, and you?
01:14:24Fine, good.
01:14:31It's okay.
01:14:46May I have your name?
01:14:47Kemal Soydere.
01:14:49Unfortunately, sir.
01:14:51I can't get in.
01:14:52Ms. Niyan canceled her reservation.
01:15:00Can you check again?
01:15:04Unfortunately, sir.
01:15:05I can't get in.
01:15:06Ms. Niyan canceled her reservation.
01:15:25Are you waiting for someone?
01:15:27No, we just wanted to go out.
01:15:30We haven't been here for a long time.
01:16:18So what are we eating?
01:16:19I will go.
01:16:20I lost my appetite anyway.
01:16:21Of course, you can eat if you want.
01:16:33Don't go, I missed you so much.
01:16:35But I never missed you.
01:16:51I love you.
01:16:58Yes, Emir. Yes.
01:17:02I dropped this.
01:17:05What are you doing, Emir? Don't be ridiculous.
01:17:08I love you.
01:17:21I love you.
01:17:51I love you.
01:18:14Okay, you're mad at me.
01:18:17You're right.
01:18:19But look, it's really ridiculous, Kemal.
01:18:23It's something I don't want you to come across.
01:18:26What are you talking about?
01:18:28Didn't you tell me to come and meet my brother?
01:18:31Is it so hard to make a phone call?
01:18:33I'm coming there, Nihan won't let me in.
01:18:36It's not like that.
01:18:38I just canceled the door so you wouldn't be upset unnecessarily.
01:18:42But how could I know you'd be upset?
01:18:45That you'd be broken even more?
01:18:46I'm sorry for thousands of times.
01:18:49I just didn't want to hurt you.
01:18:52You don't need to protect me.
01:18:54You don't know because of Emir.
01:18:56Who's Emir?
01:18:58I asked you if you had a boyfriend.
01:19:01You said no.
01:19:03You said you'd take care of him, didn't you?
01:19:05You lied to me.
01:19:07I didn't lie.
01:19:09I saw you.
01:19:11I saw how he looked at you.
01:19:13What did you see?
01:19:14I waited for you there.
01:19:16I saw you two at the exit.
01:19:18Nothing happened between me and Emir, Kemal.
01:19:20It can't be.
01:19:23Kemal, I fell in love with you.
01:19:26Like crazy.
01:19:38What's going on, Nihan?
01:19:40What are you doing here?
01:19:42I saw you passing by, I couldn't believe it.
01:19:45Who are you?
01:19:52My boyfriend.
01:19:55You must be kidding.
01:19:57No, I'm not kidding, mom.
01:19:59Besides, there's nothing to believe.
01:20:01I came here to visit Kemal, okay?
01:20:03Not at all, Nihan.
01:20:05Look, it's not right to give hope to people like this.
01:20:14They'll be sad later, they'll be brave, won't they?
01:20:22I'm sorry, good luck.
01:20:27Don't be late tonight.
01:20:29Emir will come with Uncle Galip.
01:20:38Kemal, don't make my mom cry, please.
01:20:40She's worried about me.
01:20:42I'm going to go now, please wait for me, okay?
01:20:55I want you to apologize to Kemal right now.
01:21:00Nihan, are you okay?
01:21:02What nonsense is this?
01:21:06Look, we'll talk about this at home.
01:21:15You can't run away from me.
01:21:19I apologize to you on behalf of my mother, Kemal.
01:21:22She's sometimes so merciless.
01:21:26Your mother is right.
01:21:28She says the same thing to me.
01:21:31We're not a match.
01:21:33We can't be.
01:21:35Look at me!
01:21:37I don't care about anyone, do you understand?
01:21:39This is my life.
01:21:41Are you deaf?
01:21:42Don't you hear me?
01:21:44I love you so much!
01:21:50Let's not let anything separate us, please.
01:21:55Please, Kemal.
01:21:57Please, my love.
01:21:59I'm going to Zonguldak, Nihan.
01:22:05I found a job.
01:22:08I'll work in Zonguldak neighborhood.
01:22:12I'll come, too.
01:22:15I can't.
01:22:18I'll run away from here.
01:22:20I'll come with you.
01:22:22I'll do it, Kemal.
01:22:29You can't run away.
01:22:31It's not that easy.
01:22:33They won't let you go.
01:22:35They won't let me go?
01:22:37Should I ask them?
01:22:39Besides, what's going to happen?
01:22:41You don't know my father.
01:22:43If I'm fine, my father is fine.
01:22:45I don't get attached to my mother.
01:22:47She'll get used to it.
01:22:50Look at me.
01:22:52I'll come if I say I will.
01:22:54You'll come, but...
01:22:56you can't stay there.
01:22:58I don't know how it looks from here, but...
01:23:00those lives are not for you.
01:23:03What is life for me?
01:23:05You know, Nihan.
01:23:07There's no mansion like the one you live in here.
01:23:10If we're not going to run around in it,
01:23:12there's no need anyway.
01:23:14One room is enough for us.
01:23:16There's no need for laundry, cleaning,
01:23:18or someone to run after you.
01:23:20I'm sorry, but are you calling me incompetent?
01:23:22I can take care of myself, and you can take care of yourself.
01:23:24There's no dinner table set up every night.
01:23:26There's no feast or anything like that.
01:23:28There's whatever God has given in the cupboard.
01:23:30You liked my pasta. I'll remind you.
01:23:32There's no shopping according to your taste.
01:23:34You can't go out because there's no such money.
01:23:36I don't need such a thing.
01:23:38Because I already have a thousand clothes.
01:23:40You don't have a home.
01:23:42You don't have a family. You don't have a friend.
01:23:44You're going to get bored. You're going to be alone.
01:23:48Aren't you coming?
01:24:00I don't need anyone but you.
01:24:07Will you really come with me?
01:24:08I will really come.
01:24:20It's raining. It's raining.
01:24:22Come, come, come.
01:24:26Oh, it's raining.
01:24:29It's raining all of a sudden.
01:24:38It's raining all of a sudden.
01:25:08It's raining all of a sudden.
01:25:38It's raining all of a sudden.
01:26:09My father said I'd take care of it.
01:26:12You said, don't worry, I'll learn everything.
01:26:15You're all lying to me.
01:26:21You're all stalling me.
01:26:23No, you're just being stubborn.
01:26:26Is there still hope?
01:26:29Where are you, Nihan?
01:26:31Why is your phone off?
01:26:35I don't know.
01:26:37We are feeling lonely inside. Why are you not coming?
01:26:40Ozan is also feeling lonely.
01:26:42Why don't you go have fun with him?
01:26:45I'm not mad.
01:26:49Do you want to have fun?
01:26:55Enjoy it.
01:27:01Just leave me alone.
01:27:04Just go.
01:27:15Don't screw this up.
01:27:35Let it be a miracle.
01:27:37Let's never wake up from this dream.
01:27:39This is not a dream.
01:27:41We will live happily ever after.
01:27:52See you then.
01:27:56See you.
01:28:36Ozan, I'm sorry.
01:28:38I left you in a difficult situation, but I promise I'll tell you everything.
01:28:42I'm Emir Nihan.
01:28:44Sorry, Emir.
01:28:47If Ozan is with you, can you give me Ozan?
01:28:50Ozan is with me, but he can't talk right now.
01:28:55Emir, what happened to Ozan?
01:28:57Did he have a crisis again?
01:28:59Calm down.
01:29:01Where is he?
01:29:02Calm down.
01:29:04Where are you?
01:29:05Emir, what happened to Ozan? Can you give me Ozan?
01:29:08He can't talk right now.
01:29:10Come to the farm.
01:29:12Emir, I want to hear Ozan's voice.
01:29:14Give me Ozan.
01:29:23Ozan, are you okay?
01:29:25I killed someone, Nihan.
01:29:28I'm a murderer.
01:29:30Don't worry, Nihan.
01:29:33Everything is under control.
01:29:35But you have to come here right now.
01:29:37You have to be with Ozan.
01:29:39I heard.
01:29:41I'll save Ozan.
01:29:43Don't worry.
01:29:48You're getting worse.
01:29:50Come on in.
01:29:58I'll take care of the rest.
01:30:05Come here.
01:30:07What happened?
01:30:09I want you all to hear.
01:30:11I want you all to hear now.
01:30:13God, protect me.
01:30:14I hope it's a good thing.
01:30:16Tell me.
01:30:19Don't kill me.
01:30:20Don't kill me.
01:30:26We're going to ask me for a girl soon.
01:30:34Well done, my lion son.
01:30:37Well done.
01:30:39Congratulations, brother.
01:31:04Don't worry, girl.
01:31:06We'll take care of this for the family.
01:31:09We'll solve this for the family.
01:31:11Don't you worry.
01:31:20Don't worry.
01:31:44I'm here.
01:31:48We'll take care of everything.
01:31:57Help me.
01:32:07Help me.
01:32:09Help me.
01:32:20Help me.
01:32:51Help me.
01:33:14Help me.
01:33:20Help me.
01:33:43Come here.
01:33:45Come here.
01:33:48Come here.
01:33:51Come here.
01:33:54Come, sit here.
01:33:58Sit down.
01:34:02I didn't want...
01:34:03Nihan, I'll say the first thing in the morning.
01:34:06Then, say whatever you want to say.
01:34:10Come on, sit down.
01:34:14I'm just gonna sit here.
01:34:18It's not a big table anymore.
01:34:33You know how much I love you, right?
01:34:36If I try to tell you now, maybe I can't.
01:34:39That's why.
01:34:42You told me yesterday that I couldn't do it without you.
01:34:46And I couldn't do it without you.
01:34:50Look, I've never been afraid of anything.
01:34:52But I'm afraid of losing you.
01:34:59Maybe I don't have anything to give you.
01:35:01You know that too.
01:35:03But I can give you one thing.
01:35:06My life.
01:35:11And here's a table like this in our house every morning.
01:35:16What do you say?
01:35:30Will you marry me?
01:35:34Now say yes to me.
01:35:36Let me have the best breakfast of my life here this morning.
01:35:38Let me drink your best tea.
01:35:40All mornings.
01:35:45Will you take all my mornings?
01:35:49Will you marry me?
01:36:03I can't marry you, Kemal.
01:36:06Please forgive me.
01:36:10I can't break up with you.
01:36:12I thought a lot after I said I'd come with you.
01:36:15I can't do this.
01:36:20My life.
01:36:22A lot of things that I can't refuse.
01:36:24You're pulling me from my legs.
01:36:30I can't come with you.
01:36:32I can't come with you.
01:36:36I can't live this with you.
01:36:44You were right.
01:36:47Our lives are not even.
01:36:51I can't come to your world.
01:36:56Forget me, Kemal.
01:37:02Forget me, Kemal.
01:37:32Forget me.
01:38:02Our lives are not even.
01:38:05I can't come to your world.
01:38:09Forget me, Kemal.
01:38:23What do you want to say, madam?
01:38:25Look, from now on...
01:38:27...your son will not follow my daughter.
01:38:29Do you understand?
01:38:35You're confusing me.
01:38:37Tarik doesn't bother anyone's daughter.
01:38:39And he's been here all day.
01:38:41Please pay attention to your words.
01:38:44Calm down, dad.
01:38:46There's no such thing.
01:38:48You don't listen at all.
01:38:50His name is not Tarik.
01:38:59Yes, Kemal.
01:39:01Mrs. Vildan.
01:39:02You can talk to me directly.
01:39:04You don't have to upset my family.
01:39:06From now on, your son Kemal...
01:39:08...will not follow my daughter.
01:39:10Because my daughter is engaged to Emir Kozcuoglu.
01:39:12She will never be disturbed.
01:39:14Do you understand?
01:39:15We understand, Mrs. Vildan.
01:39:17Your daughter will not be disturbed again.
01:39:38Where's the ambulance?
01:39:43Call the ambulance.
01:39:46Dad, are you okay?
01:40:47Good luck, gentlemen.
01:40:48Thank you, Mr. Mehmet.
01:41:02Mr. Engineer.
01:41:03Mr. Engineer.
01:41:04I brought you something.
01:41:07What is it, Ismail?
01:41:09My wife made it at home.
01:41:11Beans and pickles.
01:41:13Let's taste it while I'm eating.
01:41:15What do you mean, sir?
01:41:16I'll give you one right away.
01:41:18Thank you.
01:41:19Here you go, Mr. Hakki.
01:41:20Good luck.
01:41:21Thank you, sir.
01:41:24Thank you, Ismail.
01:41:26God bless your sister-in-law.
01:41:27Thank you, Mr. Engineer.
01:41:31Well done, Kemal.
01:41:33For what, sir?
01:41:35We've seen many engineers before you.
01:41:38But we've never met someone as popular as you.
01:41:42Once, because of an engineer...
01:41:44What was his name?
01:41:45Mr. Cengiz.
01:41:47They went to quit because of Cengiz.
01:41:50But Cengiz didn't let them go.
01:41:54If they didn't want to, there must be something they know.
01:41:57I'm getting old.
01:41:58I'm losing my mind every day.
01:42:00I need to learn from their experience.
01:42:03Here you go, sir.
01:42:04Good luck, my friend.
01:42:06Thank you, sir.
01:42:07Thank you, Mr. Engineer.
01:42:15Don't you have a young man who can make pickles?
01:42:21It's all about luck.
01:42:23Don't be too late.
01:42:24You'll regret it later.
01:42:26You'll regret it for the rest of your life.
01:42:30Don't you have a lover?
01:42:37No, sir.
01:42:43We've stopped working in this area.
01:42:47We came across a rock in Damar while we were advancing in Baca.
01:42:50We blew up dynamite there.
01:42:51I'm having them check the gas leak.
01:42:53Do it, then.
01:42:55If you're going to look around in this area...
01:42:57Gas is leaking!
01:42:59Gas is leaking!
01:43:03There's a leak!
01:43:05Gas is leaking!
01:43:06Sir, don't wear a mask.
01:43:08Everybody, put on their masks!
01:43:28Gas is leaking!
01:43:29Gas is leaking!
01:43:30Gas is leaking!
01:43:31Gas is leaking!
01:43:32Gas is leaking!
01:43:33Gas is leaking!
01:43:34Gas is leaking!
01:43:35Gas is leaking!
01:43:36Gas is leaking!
01:43:37Gas is leaking!
01:43:38Gas is leaking!
01:43:39Gas is leaking!
01:43:40Gas is leaking!
01:43:41Gas is leaking!
01:43:42Gas is leaking!
01:43:43Gas is leaking!
01:43:44Gas is leaking!
01:43:45Gas is leaking!
01:43:46Gas is leaking!
01:43:47Gas is leaking!
01:43:48Gas is leaking!
01:43:49Gas is leaking!
01:43:50Gas is leaking!
01:43:51Gas is leaking!
01:43:52Gas is leaking!
01:43:53Gas is leaking!
01:43:54Gas is leaking!
01:43:55Gas is leaking!
01:43:56Gas is leaking!
01:43:57Gas is leaking!
01:43:58Gas is leaking!
01:43:59Gas is leaking!
01:44:00Gas is leaking!
01:44:01Gas is leaking!
01:44:02Gas is leaking!
01:44:03Gas is leaking!
01:44:04Gas is leaking!
01:44:05Gas is leaking!
01:44:06Gas is leaking!
01:44:07Gas is leaking!
01:44:08Gas is leaking!
01:44:09Gas is leaking!
01:44:10Gas is leaking!
01:44:11Gas is leaking!
01:44:12Gas is leaking!
01:44:13Gas is leaking!
01:44:14Gas is leaking!
01:44:15Gas is leaking!
01:44:16Gas is leaking!
01:44:17Gas is leaking!
01:44:18Gas is leaking!
01:44:19Gas is leaking!
01:44:20Gas is leaking!
01:44:21Gas is leaking!
01:44:22Gas is leaking!
01:44:23Gas is leaking!
01:44:24Gas is leaking!
01:44:25Gas is leaking!
01:44:26Gas is leaking!
01:44:27Gas is leaking!
01:44:28Gas is leaking!
01:44:29Gas is leaking!
01:44:30Gas is leaking!
01:44:31Gas is leaking!
01:44:32Gas is leaking!
01:44:33Gas is leaking!
01:44:34Gas is leaking!
01:44:35Gas is leaking!
01:44:36Gas is leaking!
01:44:37Gas is leaking!
01:44:38Gas is leaking!
01:44:39Gas is leaking!
01:44:40Gas is leaking!
01:44:41Gas is leaking!
01:44:42Gas is leaking!
01:44:43Gas is leaking!
01:44:44Gas is leaking!
01:44:45Gas is leaking!
01:44:46Gas is leaking!
01:44:47Gas is leaking!
01:44:48Gas is leaking!
01:44:49Gas is leaking!
01:44:50Gas is leaking!
01:44:51Gas is leaking!
01:44:52Gas is leaking!
01:44:53Gas is leaking!
01:44:54Gas is leaking!
01:44:55Gas is leaking!
01:44:56Gas is leaking!
01:44:57Gas is leaking!
01:44:58Gas is leaking!
01:44:59Gas is leaking!
01:45:00Gas is leaking!
01:45:01Gas is leaking!
01:45:02Gas is leaking!
01:45:03Gas is leaking!
01:45:04Gas is leaking!
01:45:05Gas is leaking!
01:45:06Gas is leaking!
01:45:07Gas is leaking!
01:45:08Gas is leaking!
01:45:09Gas is leaking!
01:45:10Gas is leaking!
01:45:11Gas is leaking!
01:45:12Gas is leaking!
01:45:13Gas is leaking!
01:45:14Gas is leaking!
01:45:15Gas is leaking!
01:45:16Gas is leaking!
01:45:17Gas is leaking!
01:45:18Gas is leaking!
01:45:19Gas is leaking!
01:45:20Gas is leaking!
01:45:21Gas is leaking!
01:45:22Gas is leaking!
01:45:23Gas is leaking!
01:45:24Gas is leaking!
01:45:25Gas is leaking!
01:45:26Gas is leaking!
01:45:27Gas is leaking!
01:45:28Gas is leaking!
01:45:29Gas is leaking!
01:45:30Gas is leaking!
01:45:31Gas is leaking!
01:45:32Gas is leaking!
01:45:33Gas is leaking!
01:45:34Gas is leaking!
01:45:35Gas is leaking!
01:45:36Gas is leaking!
01:45:37Gas is leaking!
01:45:38Gas is leaking!
01:45:39Gas is leaking!
01:45:40Gas is leaking!
01:45:41Gas is leaking!
01:45:42Gas is leaking!
01:45:43Gas is leaking!
01:45:44Gas is leaking!
01:45:45Gas is leaking!
01:45:46Gas is leaking!
01:45:47Gas is leaking!
01:45:48Gas is leaking!
01:45:49Gas is leaking!
01:45:50Gas is leaking!
01:45:51Gas is leaking!
01:45:52Gas is leaking!
01:45:53Gas is leaking!
01:45:54Gas is leaking!
01:45:55Gas is leaking!
01:45:57Gas is leaking!
01:45:58Gas is leaking!
01:45:59Gas is leaking!
01:46:00Festival is mostly on Thursday?
01:46:02On Thursday!
01:46:04After this my taste,...
01:46:07...is good!
01:46:09I am not saying I am satisfied with anything.
01:46:13But is there anything out, that I can put my mind to?
01:46:17Since I am a man,...
01:46:20There's movement on the transport bridge.
01:46:22They're there.
01:46:23We're going to the rescue.
01:46:47I'm back.
01:46:49Found you!
01:46:51Akın! Akın!
01:46:54Akın! Akın!
01:47:18As far as I can see, the engineer saved us.
01:47:24Akın! Akın!
01:47:55Don't move! Don't move!
01:47:59Don't move! Don't move!
01:48:24Don't move! Don't move!
01:48:54Don't move! Don't move!
01:48:56Don't move! Don't move!
01:49:23Thank God.
01:49:24Thank God.
01:49:25Thank God.
01:49:26We see the other workers rescued in the mine
01:49:29with my cameraman friend.
01:49:32The engineer of the mine, Kemal Soydere,
01:49:34is being rescued by the rescue teams
01:49:37among the other workers.
01:49:39As you can see, he's coming down the stairs.
01:49:41I'm trying to get closer.
01:49:43Are you okay?
01:49:44I'm trying to get closer.
01:49:48I'm fine.
01:49:49I'm sorry, Mr. Kemal.
01:49:50You came back from the brink of a terrible disaster.
01:49:52It is said that there was no loss of life.
01:49:54This is unbelievable.
01:49:56Do you think this could have happened
01:49:58in other mine disasters in our country?
01:50:00Yes, it could.
01:50:01So what do you think, sir?
01:50:02Isn't this a miracle?
01:50:04Miracles are not needed underground.
01:50:06Just as they are not in the ground.
01:50:08There is a need for other things.
01:50:11A precaution and a supervisor.
01:50:13Sir, can you tell us a little bit
01:50:15about the situation inside?
01:50:17Excuse me, I have to call my family.
01:50:19They were wondering.
01:50:21Zeynep, run and bring the phone.
01:50:23Run, your brother will call.
01:50:25Where should I run, mom?
01:50:27Wait, who will call?
01:50:29Tarik, put the speakers down.
01:50:31Let's all hear.
01:50:32Dad, calm down.
01:50:33There's nothing out there.
01:50:34Oh, my son.
01:50:36My dear.
01:50:38Phone, phone.
01:50:39Home phone.
01:50:40Zeynep, run.
01:50:45We were so scared.
01:50:46Are you okay?
01:50:47Crazy girl, I'm fine.
01:50:48Don't worry.
01:50:50I'm going to ask you something.
01:50:52You looked weird.
01:50:53I was jealous.
01:50:54You were on TV before me.
01:50:56Give me the phone.
01:50:57This girl is going to drive me crazy.
01:51:00Are you okay, son?
01:51:01He protected you.
01:51:02You see, right?
01:51:03Mom, you didn't worry, did you?
01:51:05I did.
01:51:06I'm very curious about you.
01:51:08While you're underground.
01:51:10Look, it's collapsing like this.
01:51:12Come on, go home now.
01:51:13I can't stand it anymore.
01:51:16Look, Mrs. Leyla also has a lot of greetings for you.
01:51:20Tell me, my beautiful son.
01:51:22Tell me.
01:51:30Sister Nihal.
01:51:31I talked to my brother.
01:51:34Very good, very good.
01:51:35Don't worry.
01:51:36That's why I called.
01:51:37Keep it in mind.
01:51:38Thank God.
01:51:39I was reading the news now.
01:51:41It doesn't say any loss of life.
01:51:43But still, it doesn't happen without hearing people like that.
01:51:46No, no.
01:51:47Look, my brother is very good.
01:51:49He even appeared on TV.
01:51:51We watched it.
01:51:52Is that so?
01:51:53I didn't see it.
01:51:54We really watched it.
01:51:59Sister Nihal.
01:52:00They're calling me from inside.
01:52:02Besides, my mother almost didn't remember.
01:52:05We met with you the other day.
01:52:07Look, no problem.
01:52:09Otherwise, they won't allow it again.
01:52:11We'll talk later again.
01:52:12Okay, honey, okay.
01:52:13You hang up.
01:52:14See you later.
01:52:16Come on, I kissed you.
01:52:17See you.
01:52:21I saw it now.
01:52:22Should I call you again?
01:52:24Yes, I am trying.
01:52:25I am.
01:52:26I will call you again.
01:52:27I will call you again.
01:52:28I will call you.
01:52:29I will call you.
01:52:30I don't know, I don't know.
01:52:31I'll call you again.
01:52:32I don't know.
01:52:34Okay, okay.
01:52:35Okay, come on.
01:52:39Then, I'll call you again.
01:52:40Well, okay.
01:52:41I'll call you again.
01:52:42I'll be right back.
01:52:47Hello. I just saw it. They're giving it back.
01:52:55Yes, Emir.
01:52:56There's a dinner with Adem Kazmasi in the evening.
01:52:59They made the dinner together.
01:53:01Will my dear wife join me?
01:53:02If I say I don't want to, will she notice?
01:53:04She won't.
01:53:05So, aren't you bored of asking every time?
01:53:08You're right. I'm bored.
01:53:10That's why I'm telling you not to ask anymore.
01:53:12I'm letting you know.
01:53:14Get ready, Nihan. We'll go out when I come.
01:53:26I have nothing to say to you, son.
01:53:29I couldn't finish it if I started because of you.
01:53:33Sir, don't say that. We got out of this disaster together.
01:53:36You're right. We got out together.
01:53:39You figure out what saved me.
01:53:42We could get out of there and go to jail.
01:53:45If we didn't, it's all thanks to you.
01:53:52I have a different issue with you.
01:53:55What is it, sir?
01:53:57If there's anything I can solve.
01:54:01Everything I see, I say it can be solved.
01:54:06At your service.
01:54:07Not at your service, Kemal.
01:54:12I'm asking you to take over this mine.
01:54:16And be my partner.
01:54:24If you're offering it because of the accident...
01:54:26You can't pay for it with such a thing.
01:54:30I'm offering it to you because you're a successful engineer.
01:54:34Whatever saved us that day,
01:54:38you made it all happen with your own will.
01:54:42I just did what was necessary.
01:54:44That's what I'm saying.
01:54:46I want to entrust my mine to such hands.
01:54:52What do you say?
01:54:53Will you be my partner, young man?
01:55:05If you believe I can do it.
01:55:08I don't believe you, kid. I don't.
01:55:11Because I believe in an engineer who puts his hand on coal.
01:56:20Here you go.
01:56:22What is it, Mr. Hakkı?
01:56:24It's a tender for a new energy field.
01:56:27A deal behind it.
01:56:28It's in Istanbul next week.
01:56:30You know our new partners.
01:56:32They want me, too.
01:56:34New world business.
01:56:35Mr. Hakkı, I'm not familiar with these things, but...
01:56:37You're not.
01:56:39You're young.
01:56:40You'll get the hang of it right away.
01:56:42I don't want to get stressed at this age.
01:56:46You said Kemal would take care of it for me.
01:56:48Mr. Hakkı, you know I'm always ready to do whatever I can for you.
01:56:52Good for you.
01:56:53I'll give you the tiers anyway.
01:56:56The companies to join are at the back.
01:56:58You can look it up on the Internet.
01:57:01But this is the name you need to pay attention to.
01:57:21Mr. Hakkı.
01:57:25I'm sorry.
01:57:27I can't accept this offer.
01:57:30I'm sorry.
01:57:46Take it.
01:57:48Ozancığım, bol suyla içer misin ilaçlarını?
01:57:56Bu doktor bir daha gelmeyecek, değil mi?
01:57:58Her gün yalan söylüyorum adama.
01:58:01Niye öyle bakıyorsun?
01:58:03Bu evdeki herkes gerçekten de tedavi görmediğimi biliyor.
01:58:05Hepimiz birbirimize her gün yalan söylüyoruz.
01:58:07Kimi kandırıyoruz ki biz?
01:58:10Ozancığım, bak.
01:58:13Beş yıldır her gelen doktorla sen ne yaşıyorsan,
01:58:16biz de aynı şeyi yaşıyoruz.
01:58:18Artık her defasında aynı şeyi tartışma.
01:58:20Her Allah'ın günü bize de kendine de bunu yaşatmaktan vazgeç, olur mu?
01:58:25İyi, tamam.
01:58:28Vildan, hangisi?
01:58:33Beni yemeğe çıkaracaksan bu.
01:58:35Ama iş yemeği için kesinlikle bu.
01:58:38Kaçtaydı yemek?
01:58:39Tufan sekiz buçuk dedi. Emir gelince birlikte çıkacağız.
01:58:43İşte yuva sıcaklığı.
01:58:45Hoş geldin.
01:58:47Emir, ben hazırım. İstediğin zaman çıkabiliriz.
01:58:50Ne için?
01:58:51Sabri Beylerle yemek yiyecektik ya.
01:58:53O yemek. Sizin yorulmanıza gerek yok.
01:58:55Onun için ben babamla katılacağım.
01:59:01İzninizle hızlıca bir üstümü değişip çıkacağım.
01:59:29En çok neden sıkıldım biliyor musun?
01:59:31Şu hepinizi parmağımda oynatırım hareketlerim var ya, onlardan.
01:59:35You always forget.
01:59:37This house is mine.
01:59:39Technically, they are homeless.
01:59:41I have the deed.
01:59:43Just like you.
01:59:45They are not in the Vildan deal with Önder.
01:59:47Especially that useless brother of yours.
01:59:49I accepted to live with them in this house
01:59:51just because you wanted it.
01:59:53They live in this house for your sake.
01:59:55Right there.
01:59:59He's creating a mess right there.
02:01:21Tonight's guest of Economy Time is
02:01:23the shining star of the business world,
02:01:25Emir Kolcuoglu.
02:01:27Welcome, Mr. Emir.
02:01:29There are many young businessmen in the sector
02:01:31but you are all leaving them.
02:01:33What makes you different?
02:01:35Tell me, Emir Kolcuoglu.
02:01:37What makes you different?
02:01:39The difference of Emir Kolcuoglu
02:01:41is that he was born into this world.
02:01:45I didn't get carried away.
02:01:47I didn't get carried away.
02:01:49This is not a success story.
02:01:51This is where Emir Kolcuoglu belongs.
02:02:51When will the fabrics be ready?
02:02:53They're all ready by Wednesday, honey.
02:02:55Because I have to cover the walls of the hotel
02:02:57with fabrics first.
02:02:59Are you going to start working at the hotel?
02:03:01Of course.
02:03:03I'm going to change the chemistry of your fabrics
02:03:05with the chemistry of the paint.
02:03:07But you know what?
02:03:09It's going to be great.
02:03:13Open the door.
02:03:15Come on, let's sit down.
02:03:17I have something to tell you.
02:03:19What could it be that I don't know?
02:03:27Is the representative of public relations
02:03:29Banu Akmeriç, the son of Emir Kolcuoglu,
02:03:31the star of the world of work,
02:03:33in love?
02:04:01Tell me, Nihan.
02:04:03I asked you for one thing, Emir.
02:04:05I don't care what you live for,
02:04:07but don't let people talk.
02:04:09What do people talk about, honey?
02:04:11You can see it on any magazine site.
02:04:13Let's see why we got married to you, Emir.
02:04:15You have to think about my parents,
02:04:17do you understand?
02:04:19I know you're not doing this
02:04:21because you're jealous of me.
02:04:23That's why I have to think about
02:04:25your own comfort,
02:04:27not your reputation.
02:04:29Promise me, honey.
02:04:41Banu Akmeriç should be added
02:04:43to the guest list for tonight.
02:04:45Because you're the most precious thing
02:04:47in my life.
02:04:51Mr. Emir says you can be late
02:04:53to the company today, Banu.
02:04:55Tell him I thank him, Mr. Emir.
02:05:09I'm in Istanbul, Mr. Hakkı.
02:05:11I'm going to attend the
02:05:13pre-meeting invitations soon.
02:05:31Don't bother me.
02:05:33We got the offer today,
02:05:35so I'm doing it.
02:05:37Yes, sir.
02:05:39I was just wondering.
02:05:47I'm sorry.
02:05:51By the way...
02:05:53Do you know Mr. Kemal?
02:05:55They say it's his first investment experience.
02:05:57I've heard of him for the first time.
02:05:59I thought he was Mr. Hakkı's relative,
02:06:01but I guess he wasn't.
02:06:03Anyway, let's meet and find out.
02:06:05Let's meet.
02:06:07Mr. Kemal Soy.
02:06:11Tufan Kaner.
02:06:13I know his name is Emir Kozcuoglu.
02:06:15Mr. Ahmet.
02:06:17Mr. Sedat.
02:06:19Please, have a seat.
02:06:31Since I'm not late,
02:06:33I guess you've already met.
02:06:35We just got here.
02:06:37Let's get started.
02:06:39Is that all?
02:06:41I was expecting more representatives.
02:06:43It's a special meeting, Mr. Kemal.
02:06:45We don't pay attention to small-scale companies.
02:06:47You said we should use a different strategy
02:06:49for the big companies.
02:06:53What does Mr. Emir always say?
02:06:55You won't pay attention to your competitors.
02:06:57Isn't that right?
02:06:59I don't think so.
02:07:01Because it's impossible to know
02:07:03who will be your competitor.
02:07:05Yes, let's get started.
02:07:07I'm sorry, gentlemen.
02:07:09Mr. Kemal.
02:07:11I don't think a special meeting
02:07:13is appropriate for the ethics of a competition.
02:07:15Excuse me.
02:07:17Mr. Sedat.
02:07:19Mr. Ahmet.
02:07:21This meeting
02:07:23is a chance for you, Mr. Kemal.
02:07:25I wanted to remind you of this
02:07:27on behalf of Mr. Emir.
02:07:29If we assume
02:07:31that I need luck,
02:07:33we can assume
02:07:35that Mr. Emir needs ethics.
02:07:37Please remember
02:07:39that Mr. Emir organized this meeting.
02:08:01Shall we start from here, Mr. Kemal?
02:08:05I'll get off here.
02:08:33Let's go.
02:09:03My yesterday and today
02:09:05are like a bird's nest
02:09:07It's late, it's clean
02:09:09The mess of my past
02:09:11Washed away my sins
02:09:13My innocence
02:09:15Like an angel from heaven
02:09:17Washed away my sins
02:09:19My innocence
02:09:21Like an angel
02:09:23from heaven
02:09:25Everything is perfect
02:09:27I tried to do
02:09:29Summer, winter
02:09:31I look good with you
02:09:33Today with your lips
02:09:35Mr. Emir.
02:09:37As you said, I repeated it again, but I can't convince you.
02:09:39Mr. Kemal, I'm not in favor of an agreement.
02:09:41We bothered you, Mr. Tufan.
02:09:43We'll take care of it, please.
02:09:45Like an angel from heaven
02:09:47Washed away my sins
02:09:49My innocence
02:09:51Like an angel from heaven
02:09:53I warned you.
02:09:55It's going to get worse today.
02:09:57Journalists on us.
02:10:03That's why I'm not getting off this boat with you.
02:10:05I wanted to let you know.
02:10:07What are you going to do?
02:10:09Will you be sad?
02:10:29Emir Kozcuoglu speaking.
02:10:37I'm listening, Mr. Emir.
02:10:39We couldn't satisfy you today.
02:10:41I thought about what we could do.
02:10:43My suggestion is this.
02:10:45Mr. Emir.
02:10:47You and Mr. Tufan are making the same mistake.
02:10:49The ways of these things
02:10:51As determined by you
02:10:53You speak habitually.
02:10:55If I were you...
02:10:57You're not in my place, Mr. Kemal.
02:10:59You can't be.
02:11:03Before the tender
02:11:05When we get together
02:11:07I'll tell you more clearly why we need to get away.
02:11:09If we get together, of course.
02:11:13When the day of the tender comes
02:11:15I prefer to meet on equal terms.
02:11:19Let's meet, Mr. Kemal.
02:11:21Mr. Kemal.
02:11:23I want to meet you for some reason.
02:11:25How is this?
02:11:27Will you meet me?
02:11:31Maybe tomorrow.
02:11:33They call you for time and place.
02:11:35Good evening, Mr. Kemal.
02:11:51Do you know?
02:11:53I fell like this once.
02:11:55It was my birthday.
02:11:57Ms. Nihal, be careful.
02:12:21Mr. Kemal.
02:12:23Mr. Kemal.
02:12:29Mr. Kemal.
02:12:31Mr. Kemal.
02:12:33Mr. Kemal.
02:12:35Mr. Kemal.
02:12:37Mr. Kemal.
02:12:39Mr. Kemal.
02:12:41Mr. Kemal.
02:12:43Mr. Kemal.
02:12:45Mr. Kemal.
02:12:47Mr. Kemal.
02:12:49Mr. Kemal.
02:12:51Mr. Kemal.
02:13:19Mr. Kemal.
02:13:21Mr. Kemal.
02:13:23Mr. Kemal.
02:13:25Mr. Kemal.
02:13:27Mr. Kemal.
02:13:29Mr. Kemal.
02:13:31Mr. Kemal.
02:13:33Mr. Kemal.
02:13:35Mr. Kemal.
02:13:37Mr. Kemal.
02:13:39Mr. Kemal.
02:13:41Mr. Kemal.
02:13:43Mr. Kemal.
02:13:45Mr. Kemal.
02:13:47Mr. Kemal.
02:13:49Mr. Kemal.
02:13:51Mr. Kemal.
02:13:53Mr. Kemal.
02:13:55Mr. Kemal.
