Taverniti (Tech Educator WMF): “ più mondi all’interno del WMF”

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Non solo intelligenza articiale e high tech, ma anche digital marketing e sociale” così Giorgio Taverniti, Tech Educator WMF, in occasione della conferenza stampa di lancio odierna del Wmf- We Make Future che si terrà dal 13 al 15 giugno a BolognaFiere.


00:00We have tried to make a world within the WMF, or rather more worlds,
00:04and so we deal with all the themes related to digital marketing,
00:08but also all those related to innovation and social.
00:11Especially artificial intelligence, but also all the part dedicated to the future.
00:15We can't wait to see you in Fiera Bologna.
