Grixoni (Ford Italia): “ l'auto del futuro sarà supertecnologica e più sicura”

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Non importa se in futuro sarà ancora l'uomo a guidare le auto o ci sarà la macchina a sostituirlo, l'importante è la sicurezza per i passeggeri e la tecnologia è incentrata su questo” cosi Sabina Grixoni, Direttrice Comunicazione Relazioni Esterne Ford Italia, in occasione della conferenza stampa di lancio odierna del Wmf- We Make Future che si terrà dal 13 al 15 giugno a BolognaFiere.


00:00 We decided to participate in such an important international event
00:04 because we at Ford are investing a lot in the future of electric vehicles.
00:09 We are committed to rewriting tomorrow's mobility
00:14 and to make it more accessible and sustainable for everyone.
00:18 Sustainability does not only mean environmental sustainability, but also safety.
00:24 We are constantly working and innovating to bring new technologies
00:30 on board our vehicles and our cars.
00:33 We hope that technology will always be at the service of those who drive it,
00:38 of those who are in the car, and that it will above all guarantee safety.
00:42 We will find out whether to drive a person or a car,
00:45 but our job is to ensure that all the people in the vehicle are in total safety.
