Survey reveals the most crucial step in vacation prep

  • 2 months ago
Do you hate coming back to a dirty home after a fun getaway? Does that scuff on your favorite suitcase send you over the edge? A new survey revealed some of the top cleaning habits of 2,000 U.S. travelers ahead of the busy summer travel season.

One thing is clear: it is important to prioritize cleaning the house before leaving — more than 75% of respondents claimed they prefer to clean their home prior to heading out. In fact, the average respondent starts preparing for their trip over two weeks in advance.

Before traveling, people tend to focus their cleaning on laundry (77%), dishes (66%), the bathroom (58%), and sweeping and mopping (56%).

Commissioned by Mr. Clean for the launch of their new Ultra line of Magic Erasers, and conducted by Talker Research, the study found 66% are so excited about their upcoming travel, that it motivates them to clean before they leave.
