• last year
Stranded in a forest in western Ireland, Mina finds shelter alongside three strangers who are watched and stalked by mysterious creatures each night.
00:00 ♪♪
00:06 Ancient, godlike, terrifying.
00:11 ♪♪
00:15 There are these creatures that no one has seen,
00:18 and they don't really even know what they look like
00:20 or what they're capable of,
00:21 and there's sort of a lot of unanswered questions,
00:23 but there's a fear and a danger that's palpable.
00:26 I really wanted to play with fantasy and horror.
00:29 This kind of idea of figuring out what these creatures are.
00:32 Try not to die.
00:34 And then there's the thriller part of it,
00:35 which is a ticking clock, and you can't leave.
00:37 You're trapped forever in this place,
00:39 and you'll be risking your life to escape.
00:42 If you step over this line, there's no turning back.
00:45 The coup's purpose is to keep these four characters safe
00:50 from the Watchers.
00:52 There's a big window that at night turns into a mirror,
00:54 so Nina, Madeline, Kira, and Daniel can't see out,
00:57 but whatever's out in the forest can see in.
01:00 Everything in there has a sense of this, like,
01:03 supernatural magnetism...
01:04 [Banging]
01:06 ...and also repulsion.
01:07 And the coup is very much the epitome of that,
01:10 where you have to be in there to survive,
01:13 and also it's the space that you want to leave most.
01:16 The characters don't know what the Watchers are,
01:18 what they want and what they're capable of.
01:21 They were once something to behold and be in awe of,
01:25 but now they're absolutely frightening.
01:28 [Banging]
01:29 What do they do?
01:30 To try to get in.
01:31 [Banging]
01:32 What an amazing experience to be able to come sit in a theater
01:35 and hear things and feel things.
01:37 The scenes were built to be seen in theaters.
01:39 Don't you want to know what they are?
01:42 No! No!
01:44 [Screaming]
01:48 Try not to die.
01:49 (dramatic music)
01:52 (sighs)