• last year
Do you think the voting age should be lowered to 16 and why / why not?
00:00 I know it's been a hot topic debated for a long time and to be honest I think if you're
00:04 old enough to pay tax you should be old enough to decide how it's spent and 16 year olds
00:09 can pay tax so they should get a say in whether or like how their money is spent.
00:14 16 is like the age of consent as well but I still think we should keep it at 18 because
00:19 you can get 16 year olds that are quite immature.
00:22 I would welcome it to be honest I would be quite happy if people who are 16 have a say
00:26 in what happens in this country and who's going to run it and all that sort of thing
00:30 I think it would be quite important.
00:31 I think they should look more at like the maximum age for who should vote because I
00:36 think a lot of the voters now are more elderly and generally I know there's people that do
00:44 care about the future but generally they just look at what's going to impact them.
00:48 People at 16 are they're coming into the world the choices that are made are going to be
00:52 to benefit the 16 year olds rather than the older population so it might be important
00:56 to recognise that they should have a say as much as everyone else.
00:59 I don't think it's a good idea I don't think they'll know anything about voting.
01:04 I don't think they'll know as much.
01:07 Don't think it's a good idea no.
01:09 Maybe is it 18 now?
01:12 Yeah I think it should stop at that.
01:14 I guess it's a good idea I mean there's not an upper age cap for example people who have
01:18 dementia of a certain level I'm not saying everyone perhaps wouldn't have the capacity
01:24 to make certain decisions I think they can still vote.
01:26 It's not something I've really thought too deeply about but I can't see too many problems.
01:31 I think having it at 18 means that the people that are like in adulthood now and making
01:38 those life decisions are able to confirm what the government will help them do in their
01:46 life and by having it at 18 they won't regret their decision at 16 thinking I'll do this
01:55 and then at 18 they'll realise oh this wasn't what I wanted.
