• last year
John Swinney speaks to the Media in Leven about Michael Matheson vote in Parliament later today


00:00Are you going to back the sanctions against your friend Michael Matheson tonight, or not?
00:12The Parliament's going to decide on these issues this afternoon.
00:14And how are you going to vote?
00:15Well, all the arguments will be set out to Parliament this afternoon.
00:18And how are you going to vote?
00:19Parliament will be able to hear how we're going to vote later on this afternoon.
00:22And why can't you tell me how you are going to vote?
00:25Because it's important that we have a parliamentary debate, and we shouldn't prejudge things.
00:29We should listen to the debate, and that's exactly what we'll do.
00:31That sounds to me like you're not going to back these sanctions against Michael Matheson.
00:34What we'll do is we'll make sure that we've got colleagues in Parliament taking part in
00:38the debate, and you'll find out later on today how we take our stance.
00:41Isn't this derailing your whole campaign?
00:44We're all talking about Michael Matheson.
00:45We're not talking about what you want to talk about, because you can't say how you're going
00:49to vote on sanctions.
00:50Well, you've just got to be patient, Catherine.
00:52You'll get your answer this afternoon.
00:53Parliament's got to have its debate.
00:55You can't just prejudge everything.
00:56Doesn't it look like cronyism, though?
00:57Aren't your MPs worried about this, and what it says?
00:59Backing a pal?
01:00Well, I'll tell you what's wrong, Catherine.
01:03What's wrong here is that Parliament has allowed a process to take place that in no other walk
01:09of life would be allowed, because an individual has prejudged a process, a disciplinary process,
01:15by making public comments before they've heard the evidence.
01:19Now, in no walk of life would that be allowed.
01:22So that's the issue that I've raised.
01:24I think voters say the issue was a minister racked up an £11,000 bill on an iPad and
01:29then repeatedly lied about it.
01:31Well, those issues are at the heart of the report from the corporate body.
01:36But the issue I've raised, which I raised last week, was the fact that Parliament is
01:40allowing a member of Parliament to take part in a disciplinary process who has prejudged
01:46a case, and in no other circumstance would, in any other walk of life, would that be allowed
01:52to happen.
01:53What I'm saying is that we should be patient and wait for the debate this afternoon, David.
01:57It's only going to be a matter of hours before you've got the answer.
01:59You said you wouldn't support the motion this morning.
02:01Is that still the same position?
02:03Let's just wait until we hear the debate this afternoon.
02:05Thank you.
02:06Thank you.
