29th May 2024

  • 4 months ago
29th May 2024


00:00 *Music*
00:08 *Sigh*
00:10 49, good god.
00:12 You know that's drifting perilously close to old age?
00:15 Wow.
00:16 *Laughter*
00:19 I am now, officially, an owl.
00:22 An owl?
00:23 Older, wiser, lesbian.
00:25 Oh my.
00:26 It's a thing.
00:27 It's a thing.
00:28 Okay, well, here you go.
00:31 Always one.
00:33 Happy birthday.
00:34 Another one?
00:35 It's just the last one I think.
00:37 I've got you on my birthday, at last.
00:41 That's all the presents I could ever need.
00:44 Thank you.
00:45 Aha!
00:50 You saucy little minx.
00:55 Mm-hmm.
00:56 *Kiss*
00:57 *Kiss*
01:01 Mm-hmm.
01:04 How are you feeling today, anyway?
01:07 After the niche bombshell?
01:09 Oh, we're talking about my ex-husband now.
01:12 How romantic.
01:13 We're gonna have to get used to him being on the square again.
01:18 But I guess it won't be for so long, all things considered.
01:23 There's no reason for him to stay.
01:25 Everyone's made it clear how they feel about him, so...
01:28 this changes nothing.
01:29 Really?
01:30 Yeah.
01:31 Surely it's gonna change how the kids feel about having him around.
01:36 *Phone vibrates*
01:38 *Phone vibrates*
01:40 *Phone vibrates*
01:42 *Phone vibrates*
01:44 *Phone vibrates*
01:46 *Phone vibrates*
01:48 *Phone vibrates*
01:50 *Phone vibrates*
01:52 *Phone vibrates*
01:54 You all right?
01:57 Is the sign broken?
02:00 No, I don't think so, but I can get someone to look at it if you want.
02:04 Oh.
02:05 It doesn't matter.
02:07 You know I'd love my name up in the light like that.
02:10 Cor, you must be chuffed every time you walk past here.
02:13 It's just some tacky sign on a greasy spoon.
02:16 Sorry, I, um...
02:20 I never imagined this as my legacy, you know.
02:25 My life's work.
02:27 No, I'd be happy if I was as successful as you, Tom, I get to your age.
02:33 Not that you're old.
02:34 Just, um...
02:36 Come on, you get what I mean.
02:38 Are you all right, Mr. Pansar?
02:41 You just look a bit peaky, if you don't mind me saying.
02:45 Actually, no.
02:47 I'm not all right.
02:50 I'm sorry, um...
02:51 But you will be.
02:53 All right?
02:55 Everyone has bad days.
02:57 How about I get you another cuppa?
03:00 Unfortunately, soft things can't be solved.
03:02 Even with a nice cuppa.
03:05 Hey, Bernie, you got my bacon roll ready?
03:09 Yeah.
03:10 Oh, quick heads up, can you get three Frill English breakfasts ready?
03:17 Cos we've got Mo and Jane and Kat on the way over and they've got hangovers from the film.
03:21 Bernie, get that?
03:24 Yes, um, three fry-ups for the Dirty Stump-outs, I heard, John.
03:28 No hangover for you, then?
03:30 No, no, I wasn't invited.
03:32 It's a girls' night out, so...
03:34 Oh.
03:35 So...
03:36 Enjoy.
03:37 Oh!
03:47 I'm sorry.
03:48 It's all right. It's my fault.
03:50 Head's in the clouds.
03:51 Please tell me there is a cab office near here.
03:54 Oh, yeah. It's just in the back of the laundry up there.
03:56 Oh, great. I've gone a bit crazy on the stalls.
03:58 I never get on the bus with this lot and then I've got to meet my friend later and...
04:01 I'm not sure why I'm telling a total stranger about my problems.
04:04 I'm a cabbie. People tell me they have problems all the time.
04:07 Well, great. Could you take me there?
04:09 I was just going to have my breakfast.
04:11 Oh, OK. Well, hopefully somebody will be able to get me there.
04:14 Your spouse, ma'am?
04:15 Yeah, lifelong.
04:17 Well, I can't leave you in distress then, can I?
04:19 I must be breaking some sort of code.
04:21 Where are you headed?
04:22 East.
04:23 You're a lifesaver. A knight in shining armor.
04:26 Right, the cab's this way.
04:30 Hello.
04:31 You and me, we're going to be in touch.
04:34 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:36 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:38 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:40 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:42 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:44 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:46 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:48 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:50 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:52 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:54 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:56 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can make it.
04:58 You and me need to have a talk.
05:00 You lost something?
05:08 Yeah, my phone.
05:09 I got a sworn I brought it home last night.
05:11 Is Bobby asleep?
05:13 He stayed at Anna's.
05:15 Um, look, lover, I don't want to upset you, but...
05:21 Great way to start the day.
05:23 Fine, I'll keep it to myself.
05:25 No, go on, what is it?
05:27 It's Lauren.
05:28 Mum, can we...
05:30 She's at it again! With Zak!
05:32 I mean, that girl has no shame after destroying that family!
05:35 Look, you're wrong, that was a one-off.
05:37 I saw her with my own eyes going into his flat yesterday.
05:39 In fact, she's probably still there.
05:41 Well, that's impressive, seeing as she stayed here last night.
05:44 Oh, two blokes in one night.
05:46 There's a name for girls like that.
05:47 Mum, stop sticking your nose in with me and Lauren.
05:50 I told you, we're just friends.
05:54 Not that it's any of your business, but...
05:56 She went to check on Zak because she was worried about the state he was in.
05:59 She felt bad for him and her part in it.
06:01 He's looking at a life where he's gonna...
06:04 barely see his family.
06:06 I suppose you know all about that, though, don't you?
06:08 Coming!
06:14 Yeah, I'm here!
06:16 I'm really busy tonight.
06:21 You just sent me a text.
06:23 Yeah, this is a conversation that is better done in person.
06:26 Look, can I get you a drink?
06:28 Bit early, isn't it?
06:30 Look...
06:31 It's difficult for me to say, and I've talked about it long and hard.
06:36 I didn't want anyone to know.
06:38 Alan, can you do me a favour? Can you just spit it out, please?
06:42 You have a right to know what they've been up to.
06:44 Cindy...
06:46 kissed George.
06:52 So, we're looking up to get used to pancakes in bed.
06:54 Want a coffee?
06:56 Yeah, please.
06:58 I was talking to Sophie in the shop the other day.
07:01 To who?
07:03 Sophie. You know, from deliveries.
07:05 She's got a daughter about the same age as you.
07:08 Showed me a picture.
07:09 Gorgeous girl.
07:11 Lovely blonde hair.
07:12 She's just come back from travelling, and she's single.
07:15 I thought maybe I could get a number you could take her out.
07:17 Why would I do that?
07:18 Well, I think it's about time you met a nice girl, you know.
07:21 Someone who has the same morals as you.
07:23 Here we go.
07:25 Mum, we just had a conversation about this a few minutes ago.
07:28 Yeah, and you told me not to interfere between you and Lauren.
07:30 But you know exactly what you're doing.
07:31 I mean, you wouldn't mind if he met someone else, would you?
07:33 I mean, after all, you did say you were... just friends.
07:37 Peter can do what he wants.
07:40 I don't control his life.
07:41 Unlike some people.
07:43 So is it my fault I just want the best for my family?
07:45 That I want you to meet someone that doesn't put it out all over the square?
07:48 Excuse me?
07:49 Mum, you just can't help yourself, can you?
07:51 I mean it. If you don't start treating Lauren with a bit of respect...
07:54 I'm gonna move out.
07:56 I'm sorry.
08:05 It's not your fault.
08:07 You stood up for me.
08:09 It means a lot.
08:11 And not just with your mum.
08:13 But with...
08:14 everything that happened yesterday with Zach.
08:18 I've always got your back.
08:19 Drink that, before it gets cold.
08:22 So...
08:28 this girl with the lovely blonde hair...
08:30 maybe you should...
08:33 give her a call.
08:35 You want me to?
08:38 It's nothing to do with me, is it?
08:40 Not really a fan of blondes.
08:45 Oh.
08:46 So why didn't you tell me about this when it happened?
08:50 I didn't want anyone to know. It was humiliating.
08:53 But then when I walked in here last night...
08:55 and saw them reliving their Marbella glory days...
08:58 I realised you had the right to know.
09:01 Hang on.
09:02 She was with him here last night?
09:03 Oh, yeah.
09:05 So...
09:06 what are you gonna do about her?
09:08 We all need to stick to our guns.
09:13 This changes nothing.
09:14 That's a bit harsh, isn't it? Even for you.
09:16 My kids are really upset.
09:18 Their granddaddy's dying.
09:20 Like he ain't gonna need his winter coat this year, dying.
09:22 Or did you miss that bit?
09:24 You've changed your tune.
09:25 Look, I know what kind of guy he is.
09:28 But now we know he's telling the truth.
09:30 We all agreed that he's burnt all his bridges.
09:32 We don't want him here.
09:33 Right, well, if it makes you all feel better, let's take a vote.
09:38 Anyone who thinks that this deserves a second chance, raise your hands.
09:41 [SIGHS]
09:42 Who thinks this changes nothing?
09:47 What? Do I get a vote?
09:55 Your family.
09:56 Um, well, yeah.
09:59 Let's do three.
10:02 Robbie.
10:05 The deciding vote's yours.
10:07 [SIGHS]
10:08 This changes nothing.
10:15 What?
10:18 I've been looking into it. He's gonna get really sick.
10:20 This is well bad.
10:22 Dad, who's gonna look after him if we don't?
10:25 We have nurses for that sort of thing, don't we?
10:27 Do you not hear yourselves? He's your dad.
10:29 And no matter what he's done, he needs you.
10:34 He ain't like you lot who've done some pretty bad things in the past, is he?
10:37 If he was in this position, he wouldn't give me or Suki a second thought.
10:43 Nothing's changed.
10:45 He's not welcome round here.
10:51 It's, um, it's Dadaji. He's outside.
10:56 He wants to talk to us.
11:02 How's son and Lady Mac gone?
11:09 You know she stayed last night.
11:11 And she had the cheek to sit there drinking my coffee like butter wouldn't melt.
11:17 You need to have a word with him.
11:19 I'm busy.
11:21 What, too busy to tell your son how he's gonna ruin his life again?
11:24 She's already got a clause into him.
11:26 Using him and having it off with anything that moves.
11:30 Oh, there it is.
11:31 I knew it was around here somewhere.
11:33 Where was it?
11:36 Bathroom.
11:39 Right.
11:41 So, are you gonna have a word with Peter then?
11:43 I can't, son.
11:44 Like I said, I'm busy.
11:45 Is everything okay?
11:48 Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine.
11:49 Why wouldn't it be?
11:51 You just seem a bit annoyed in me.
11:54 No, everything's fine. Couldn't be better.
11:58 I mean, not everything in this house revolves around you.
12:00 Thank you all for seeing me.
12:22 You're only here because of the kids.
12:25 I know what we found out yesterday must have come as a big shock to you all.
12:29 I'm still trying to deal with it myself.
12:34 How are you feeling, dad?
12:36 I'm okay, Peter.
12:38 But I'm not gonna lie to any of you.
12:41 It's always been hard.
12:43 Going from thinking I had years left to live to finding out it's much less.
12:51 I'm sorry you're going through all this, but we've...
12:54 Can I just say a few things, please?
12:57 I know I've been a difficult man.
13:02 I've done so many things I'm not proud of.
13:07 But this has really changed me.
13:11 Everything's changed now.
13:15 The only thing I want is your forgiveness.
13:20 And to spend whatever time I have left with my family.
13:23 You know what?
13:24 I have got no time for any of this.
13:28 I think it's a bit too late to make things right.
13:39 You've hurt every single member of this family.
13:42 More than you could ever imagine.
13:45 I know I have. I know.
13:48 Which is why I'm gonna spend every single minute I have left on this planet
13:53 trying to make it up to all of you.
13:56 But I'm not gonna see Avani and Divinda grow up.
14:03 Have children of their own.
14:05 I'm not gonna see Vinny get married.
14:09 I'm gonna miss so much.
14:15 And all I want to do is just...
14:17 I just want to make these new happy memories with all of you.
14:22 You know, I've made a list of all these things that we can do together.
14:28 You know, we can...
14:30 We can go on holiday.
14:33 We can do some trips.
14:35 Yeah, that's just not gonna happen, Nish.
14:37 We all took a vote and we all agreed that this changes nothing.
14:44 You...
14:45 are not welcome as part of this family.
14:48 Oh, thank you for bringing me back.
14:55 Purple just isn't my colour, I don't know what I was thinking.
14:58 Any problems getting a refund just telling your mates we're Harvey?
15:01 I still can't believe that Gary Mabbit is your favourite all-time player.
15:05 Well, best technically sound defender we have ever had.
15:08 OK, you do know your stuff, although you're showing your age a bit.
15:12 Sorry, I didn't mean that.
15:14 Martin Peters is my favourite, so I can't say.
15:16 Well, we're a fine vintage. I mean, at least you used to win things back then.
15:20 Right, here you go. Keep the change.
15:22 No, that's too much.
15:23 No, not at all.
15:24 It's my fault I changed my mind halfway home.
15:27 Here, you deserve a decent tip.
15:29 Like I said, my husband used to be a cabbie.
15:32 I know how hard you work and I'll make sure I use you again.
15:35 That's definitely how they say it. They told me.
15:37 I'm Riz, apparently.
15:40 Although I'm still not quite sure what it means.
15:42 No, you ain't Riz. You got Riz. It's short for charisma, which is something we definitely got.
15:46 After last night, I don't think I've got any right now.
15:49 I've got my toe stuck in the tap a lot.
15:54 Who's she? She should be one of Harvey's customers.
15:56 Something's tickled him.
15:58 I think it's time for you to go, Nish. There's nothing else to say.
16:02 Did you all vote for this?
16:06 It was a majority decision.
16:09 It was close, though. Four-three.
16:11 Are there six of you?
16:14 Of course.
16:21 You can't have expected compassion when you left me nothing in the divorce.
16:26 And all the years of abuse I suffered.
16:29 I did all those things because I loved you, Sookie.
16:33 You're the only woman I've ever loved.
16:38 The only woman I ever will.
16:40 They blinded me.
16:44 I can see that now.
16:46 It's too late.
16:48 I know I let you down.
16:53 But I tried to be a father to you the best way I could.
16:57 And if you can't forgive me, then please, please can't I just spend some time with my grandchildren?
17:05 Can't we at least let them visit the kids?
17:08 No.
17:11 I don't think you'll ever change.
17:15 You almost died at Christmas and that didn't change you.
17:19 People in this room have seen what you're capable of.
17:24 And as a family, we're all better off without you.
17:31 Do you want me to beg?
17:35 Is that what you want to see?
17:38 Don't be ridiculous.
17:39 Me on my knees?
17:40 Without my family?
17:42 I've got nothing left.
17:45 Dying alone without your love and respect is unbearable.
17:52 Please.
17:54 I'm begging you.
17:59 Don't, I can't believe I'm begging you.
18:01 Please.
18:02 Aren't you going to help?
18:04 Have none of you got a heart?
18:06 He is manipulating you all. Again.
18:11 Son, please.
18:28 I think you should leave now.
18:29 Come on, I'll help you out.
18:33 I don't need your help.
18:36 I can see myself out.
18:42 [sobs]
18:44 [sobs]
18:46 [sobs]
18:47 [sobs]
18:49 [sniffs]
19:17 George!
19:18 Is that how it's going to be from now on, you just avoiding me?
19:22 I'm sorry, Cindy, but with everything that's going on, I need to keep a healthy distance from you.
19:27 You're going to have to deal with Ian on your own this time. Or talk to someone else.
19:31 Ian?
19:32 Well, he hasn't thrown you out, has he?
19:34 No, well, what do you mean? Ian doesn't know about us.
19:36 I'm sorry, Cindy, but he does.
19:40 [sighs]
19:41 What are you doing?
19:52 I know you had a big delivery today, so I thought I'd give you a hand. This one I'm going to get the next one.
19:56 Yeah, I told you to take some time off.
19:58 I need this, come on, I need the distraction, please.
20:00 And I need you to go home. You're a liability right now, bruv.
20:08 [door slams]
20:09 Listen, Zach, I know you're dealing with a lot, yeah? With you and Whitney, but I can't have you here.
20:18 Things are...
20:19 Things are difficult right now.
20:23 Yeah, yeah, I heard, mate.
20:25 Yeah, I heard.
20:28 It went off with you and your old man.
20:30 Is he alright?
20:32 Nah, actually.
20:37 Turns out he's really sick.
20:38 Needs a heart transplant.
20:43 And they... they doubt they'll get one in time.
20:47 I'm sorry, bruv. You alright?
20:49 I'm sorry, no, it's alright.
20:50 What about if I want a nugget?
20:51 For the kids.
20:52 I'll be fine.
20:54 I mean, it's not like any of us have known him that long, really.
20:58 And me...
21:01 I've never been good enough for him anyway.
21:06 So...
21:07 You're not gonna miss what you never had.
21:09 Sorry, bruv.
21:15 Look, I know I'm not the person to talk to about family right now, but...
21:20 If my kid turned her back on me when I needed her the most, didn't that kill me? Yeah?
21:27 Really want that for your old man.
21:34 You know, I don't want to fall out with you, mate. But you need to go.
21:37 Get yourself together before you come back to work.
21:40 Yeah?
21:42 For your sake and for mine.
21:46 For your sake and for mine.
21:47 For your sake and for mine.
21:49 Okay.
21:50 [footsteps]
22:19 Hi.
22:20 A whiskey?
22:21 Yeah.
22:22 I don't want to talk to you.
22:26 Please, come on. Just a minute. That's all I need to-
22:28 Peter's gonna be here in a minute. And he's not gonna want to talk to you either.
22:30 One second. I need to put things right. Come on.
22:33 Alright, fine. I'll hear you out. But when Peter gets here, you're gonna have to go.
22:39 [thunder]
22:48 Was your dad selling the car?
22:50 No idea.
22:52 Okay, well, like, he was being really weird this morning. Being nice or something.
22:58 Has he lost all his money? Like, am I gonna lose my job again, Robbie?
23:02 I really don't know.
23:03 What's all this?
23:07 I'm selling up. It's only bricks and mortar.
23:10 After everything you did to get it?
23:13 Well, it's meaningless. It all is.
23:15 Anyway, what's it to you?
23:17 You've made it perfectly clear you don't care what happens to me.
23:20 Is all this on the level?
23:22 Look, have you had another bang on the head? Are you up for something?
23:26 No. I meant what I said on the phone.
23:29 I want a shot of it. If you want a car, if it's yours.
23:32 I'll send the paperwork over later, if you've got the money.
23:35 Robbie agreed.
23:37 Are you sure about this? I mean, there's no hidden cameras anywhere, is there?
23:42 And you're not trying to take me mum for a fool? I mean, we've got witnesses.
23:46 Absolutely sure.
23:47 Right, well...
23:51 Okay.
23:55 Here we go.
23:58 Nice doing business with you.
24:02 Yeah.
24:03 I hate myself for what I've done.
24:14 You terrified me, Zak.
24:16 Yeah, I know.
24:17 Do you have any idea what it's like to be scared of someone you thought was a mate?
24:21 Someone you trusted.
24:23 I know that you've had a lot going on recently, okay?
24:28 But it doesn't give you the right to act like that.
24:31 I've been in dodgy situations with folks before, and I did not think that you was going to be one of them.
24:35 You've got a daughter now.
24:37 Can you imagine if someone did that to her?
24:40 I'd kill them.
24:41 Exactly.
24:42 You've got to get a handle on this.
24:46 The anger, drinking. Drinking is not going to help.
24:49 Trust me. Take it from someone who knows.
24:52 I'm just so angry at myself, Lauren. My old man, he was like that.
24:58 I didn't know I had it all in me. I'm so, so sorry.
25:02 It's okay.
25:05 Listen, you've apologised now. Just leave it at that.
25:09 No, it's not okay. Is it?
25:12 I wouldn't be surprised if he never wanted to talk to me ever again.
25:15 Just for the record, me and you, yeah?
25:19 This is not a thing. It never will be.
25:23 Okay, I've got it.
25:25 I just can't believe how badly I mess things up, you know?
25:29 I'm partly to blame, and I shouldn't have said that stuff to Wip.
25:32 No. It's all on me.
25:35 I should be in my flat right now with my new wife and our baby, looking to the future.
25:40 Lauren, when I held Dolly in my chest for the first time,
25:51 in my chest for the first time, I remember thinking I got everything.
25:57 Everything I ever wanted.
26:01 Zak, you're just going to have to try and get through this bit, okay?
26:08 Because you have got a little girl to look after now.
26:12 You're going to have to try and forgive yourself sooner or later.
26:18 No. No. I don't deserve forgiveness. I blew it.
26:22 Do you know what's worse?
26:24 I know. Deep down, I know that eventually I would.
26:30 Eventually I would.
26:31 Ah.
26:47 My loving family.
26:50 You sold this place for a pound.
26:57 You could have just talked to me when it's about business.
26:59 How could you? Eh?
27:01 This. This is my children's inheritance.
27:05 I meant everything I said earlier.
27:08 I want your forgiveness.
27:12 The love of my family.
27:15 And you all threw it back in my face.
27:18 You won't even let me see my own grandchildren.
27:21 So you just give the calf away to get back at us?
27:26 I've apologised for my past.
27:27 But I got your reply loud and clear.
27:32 So?
27:34 I've rewritten my will.
27:36 Everything I own will now go to the goodwiler.
27:41 You get nothing.
27:44 You don't want anything to do with me, well.
27:46 Now you've got your wish.
27:49 Now you've got your wish.
27:50 [music]
27:51 [music]
27:53 [music]
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27:55 [music]
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