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Inci Taneleri - Episode 17 (English Subtitles) PEARL BEADS
00:01:26Hayatım, lütfen sakin ol ve abini dinle.
00:01:30Çünkü bilmediğim bazı gerçekleri anlatacak sana.
00:01:34Bu adamla ilgili.
00:01:37Ne gibi?
00:01:39Mesela ismi gibi.
00:01:43Adı Adem değil, Azem'miş.
00:01:49Yani isminden başlamış yalan söylemeye.
00:01:56Çünkü yıllarca hapis yapmış, sabıkalı bir kişi kendisi.
00:02:04Suçu neymiş peki?
00:02:08Karısını öldürmüş.
00:02:39Adem hocamız iş başvurusu için geldi. Sosyal dersler.
00:02:43Adem. Hocamızın adı Adem.
00:02:45Ya akılda tutması çok zor bir isim değil yani.
00:02:49İnternette sizinle ilgili hiçbir şey yok.
00:02:51Yani bu çağda bunu nasıl başardınız?
00:02:53Bu çağda hala önemsiz biri olmak mümkün.
00:02:56Siz aslında çok başarılı bir öğretmensiniz. Niye bu kadar erken emekli oldunuz?
00:03:00Peki sizin çocuklarınız, onlar neden bu kadar uzaktır?
00:03:06Konu hakkında konuşmayı sevmiyorsunuz.
00:03:08Yok, sevmiyorum. Çünkü hatırlaması ve anlatması güzel hatıralarım yok.
00:03:13Yani ben iyi biriyim.
00:03:15Ama hatıralarım kötü.
00:03:17İnsanlar sadece güzel anıları paylaşmaz ki.
00:03:20Belki de hoşuma gider benimle paylaşmanız.
00:03:23Emin olun.
00:03:26Benimkiler hoşunuza gitmez.
00:03:53Altyazı M.K.
00:04:23Karanlık yanımı
00:04:28Kaç suçtan cesadan
00:04:35İnsanlık saklandı mı
00:04:43Çok eski tarihlerden
00:04:50Bütün insan günahlarını
00:04:58İşitmişim hala işiniyordum
00:05:06Koparma koparma canımı
00:05:13Geldim defalarca
00:05:22Gittim defalarca
00:05:29Kaç kalbi vurdum
00:05:34Kaç aşkı vurdum
00:05:38Ama mahvoldum
00:05:45Kaç kalbi vurdum
00:05:49Kaç aşkı vurdum
00:05:53Ama mahvoldum
00:06:10Keşke sen söyleseydin daha önce.
00:06:31Aslında cümleye bir giriş yaptım ama...
00:06:36Hayatın zamanlaması bizimkine hiç uymaz.
00:06:40Öyle değil mi?
00:06:43Kötüler önce davrandı yani.
00:06:47Kötü değildir.
00:06:50Kötü olmak için fazla haklı bu insanlar.
00:06:59Önce küçük bir yalan söyledim.
00:07:03Sonra o kocaman bir yalanı...
00:07:07Yaşamaya ve...
00:07:10Herkese yaşatmaya başladım.
00:07:13Boşuna yalan söylemedin. Bir gerekçen vardı.
00:07:20Şimdi de o gerekçeyi herkes öğrendi.
00:07:25Evet. Gerçek ortaya çıktı.
00:07:32Ne gerçeği be?
00:07:33Onların da şu anda inandığı bir yalan değil mi?
00:07:39Öyle ama...
00:07:49Sonuçta bu iğrenç yükten kurtulmuş olmanın verdiği bir...
00:07:55Hafiflik hissi de geliyor insana.
00:07:58İnsan ne garip.
00:08:00Tıpkı o...
00:08:04Uyuşukluk hali gibi...
00:08:08Vurulduktan sonra hissedilen...
00:08:11O sızı...
00:08:14Vurulduktan sonra ama...
00:08:30Yorgancı'dan yüz bin aldık.
00:08:33Kemran abiden elli bin aldık. Et de yüz elli bin.
00:08:37Bu... Bizim yüz binimizi yedi, bitirdi, batırdı.
00:08:44Yüz bin, elli binimiz kaldı.
00:08:47Yüz binimiz kaldı.
00:08:49Yüz binimiz kaldı.
00:08:51Yüz binimiz kaldı.
00:08:53Yüz binimiz kaldı.
00:08:55Yüz binimiz kaldı.
00:08:57Yüz binimiz kaldı.
00:08:59Zahir'den yüz bin aldı.
00:09:01Yıldız Allah aşkına git şu muhatabeyi başka yerde yap ya.
00:09:04Kankacığım işler karıştı yalnız onu söyleyeyim.
00:09:07Kimden ne aldık, kime ne borcumuz var bilmemiz lazım bunları.
00:09:10O zaman ben notere gideyim. Halamla hesap edeyim.
00:09:14Benden uzakta yap da nereye gidersen git Yıldız ya.
00:09:17Bu rakam duydun mu? Benim karnım ağrıyor ilkokuldan beri ya.
00:09:21Ama kankacığım bak...
00:09:23Ne şeyi ya?
00:09:27Siz niye beni beklemiyorsunuz?
00:09:29Uyumadın çünkü bir türlü.
00:09:31Uyumadım dün gece.
00:09:33Sen geç bakayım şöyle.
00:09:38Geç geç otur.
00:09:50Zerre senin kafan mı iyiydi dün gece?
00:09:56Aklın başındaydı yani.
00:09:57Evet başındaydı.
00:09:59Hala da öyle.
00:10:01Ne dediğini hatırlıyorsun yani.
00:10:03Ya hatırlıyorum tabii kaç saat geçti ki.
00:10:07Ciddiydin yani.
00:10:14Bence en doğrusu bu.
00:10:18Yani diyelim...
00:10:20Biz bir adam tuttuk bu işi bitirdik.
00:10:23İlk seni yakalarlar Dibber.
00:10:27Yani polis yakalamasa...
00:10:29Zahir'in kardeşleri peşini bırakmaz.
00:10:33İlla ki öldürürler.
00:10:42Sen beni çamurun içinden çıkardın Dibber.
00:10:45Adam sıfatına koydun.
00:10:49Kimse benim suratıma bakmıyordu.
00:10:51Sen ablalık ettin, iş verdin.
00:10:58Hem sen bizim ekmek paramızsın.
00:11:01Sen hapse girersen biz acıdan ölürüz.
00:11:11Bu yüzden en doğrusu benim yapmam.
00:11:14Sen yani siz...
00:11:16İçeride bakarsınız bana.
00:11:19Zahir'in kardeşleri de seni değil beni alsın beller.
00:11:24Ben de...
00:11:28Münakaşa ettik.
00:11:31Sıktım bir tane derim.
00:11:38En mantıksı bu.
00:11:40Yani bence.
00:11:47Bir de...
00:11:49Borçla harçla bir dünya para bulduk.
00:11:52O da cebimizde kalır.
00:12:11Tamam ya.
00:12:35Al sen acı gel.
00:12:43Gidecek başka yer bulamadın.
00:12:50Çok da kötü fikir değil aslında.
00:12:56Nasıl buldunuz beni?
00:12:59Anla işte Cigar.
00:13:01Sen daha bizden kaçamıyorsun.
00:13:03Reyaz Kurudal'dan nasıl kaçacaksın?
00:13:11Kardeşlerimin beni takip ettiğini düşünemedim.
00:13:14Biz de kardeşimizin bize bunları yapacağını düşünemezdik Necmi.
00:13:21Kendine gel, hızlıca kafanı toparla.
00:13:23Bize bir yardımcı ol.
00:13:25Ne yapalım?
00:13:27Reyaz arayıp duruyor.
00:13:31Bence Aleyna'yı teslim edelim.
00:13:33Sen de ortalıktan kaybol, bir süreliğine.
00:13:39Biz de bu sırada düşünürüz taşınırız, ne yapacağız, ne edeceğiz.
00:13:43En azından bize biraz zaman kazandırır.
00:13:48Konuşsana oğlum.
00:13:50Konuşsana oğlum.
00:13:54Aleyna'yı veremeyiz.
00:13:56Ya Necmi delirtecek misin?
00:13:58Çünkü burada değil.
00:14:00Ne demek burada değil?
00:14:09Geldiğimde burada değildi.
00:14:11Bence sen bize yalan söylüyorsun da.
00:14:13Keşke yalan olsaydı.
00:16:37Vedalaşmak için geldim.
00:17:13Ayça'yı bir daha görmeyeceksin.
00:17:43Hiçbir şey...
00:17:47Hayatımda hiçbir şey...
00:17:52Hiçbir insan beni senin kadar hayal kırıklığına üretmedi.
00:18:14Çok yalancı insan tanıdım.
00:18:22Hepsinin aslında yalancı olduklarını...
00:18:26Önceden anlamıştım.
00:18:34Belki kendime itiraf etmemiştim.
00:18:38Ama sezmiştim gerçeği.
00:18:44Ama sen...
00:18:50Bir insan nasıl...
00:18:52Bu kadar yumuşacık...
00:18:56Hısıldar gibi...
00:19:00Bu kadar içten bir şekilde yalan söyleyebilirim.
00:19:14Bir katil.
00:19:25Üstelik kendi karısını öldürmüş bir katil.
00:19:44O yumuşak bakışlarının arkasına nasıl saklayabilirdin bunu?
00:20:00Haklı olmak ne güzel.
00:20:06Ben hariç...
00:20:08Herkesin haklı olduğu bir dünyada...
00:20:12Bana şaşırmak...
00:20:15Benden nefret etmek...
00:20:18Ne güzel...
00:20:21Ne konforlu bir şey herkes için.
00:20:34Başına taş düşmemiş bir insanın...
00:20:38Yer çekiminin ne olduğunu...
00:20:41Tam anlayamaması ki...
00:21:12Eğer bir insan...
00:21:17Hayatta herkesten...
00:21:20Her şeyden daha fazla sevdiği bir insanı...
00:21:24Gerçekten öldürmüşse...
00:21:28Buna hiçbir yumuşak bakış...
00:21:35Her şeyden daha fazla sevdiği bir insanı...
00:21:38Buna hiçbir yumuşak bakış...
00:22:07Hoşçakal Piraya.
00:23:47Nasılsın Hatice?
00:23:54Nasılsınız hocam?
00:24:03Siz gidiyor musunuz yani?
00:24:07Gitmemde bir sorun yok.
00:24:08Gelmem hataydı zaten.
00:24:28Kendine iyi bak.
00:25:41İstemiyorum sağ ol kızım.
00:25:58Sence kim bu adam?
00:26:02Hangi adam?
00:26:04Takip ettiğin adam.
00:26:06Hani sık sık otele gelen.
00:26:09Biraz konuştuk kendisiyle.
00:26:14Önce şikayetçi gibiydi.
00:26:17Sonra birden tavrı değişti.
00:26:21Benim nesi acaba?
00:26:28Yanlış anlamış delinin biri herhalde.
00:26:31Ben neden bir adamı takip edeyim ki?
00:26:35İşte benim de kafamı kurcalayan soru bu.
00:26:38Sen bu adamı niye takip edesin ki?
00:26:47Adam plakanı da almış.
00:26:51Nasıl yaptı bunu acaba?
00:27:00Beni iş bekler.
00:27:01Ben gideyim.
00:27:04İyi işler.
00:27:14Tamam. Evet.
00:27:21Bu adamı durdurmam lazım.
00:27:26Ben aslında bir denedim ama...
00:27:29...pek başarılı olmadı.
00:27:31Nasıl yani?
00:27:34Mesaj attım ona ben.
00:27:38Yani gizli numaradan.
00:27:43Nasıl bir mesaj?
00:27:45Şey işte...
00:27:47...çocukların peşini bırak sen bir katilsin falan.
00:27:51Böyle mi?
00:27:52Böyle mi yazdın gerçekten?
00:27:57Ya niye yaptın bunu ya?
00:27:58Ya bunu yapınca ne geçti eline?
00:28:00Ya Nehir...
00:28:01...çok sarsılmıştın sen tamam mı?
00:28:04Korktum ben de o an.
00:28:05Görüşürsün falan diye.
00:28:06Hem belki dedim anlar...
00:28:08...peşini bırakır.
00:28:10Tam tersi.
00:28:12Tam tersi. Bunu daha da...
00:28:15Özür dilerim tamam mı?
00:28:16Çok aptalca bir şey oldu.
00:28:17Evet Sedef.
00:28:18Çok haklısın.
00:28:19Gerçekten aptalca.
00:28:20Yani çok aptalca.
00:28:27Nedir program?
00:28:29Yine bugün hangi sıkıcı düğün işleriyle uğraşıyoruz?
00:28:33Elbise provası dahil toplam...
00:28:35...on sekiz kalem iş saydım ben.
00:28:38On sekiz de sana ait değil canım.
00:28:45Senin neyin var?
00:28:48Annen yine muhteşem bir konuşmayla başladı güne yani.
00:28:51Ne diyor?
00:28:52Benim bu adamı durdurmam lazım.
00:28:55Hangi adamı?
00:28:56Hangi adamı olacak Ercan ya?
00:28:58Babam olacak adamı.
00:28:59Hangi adamı?
00:29:02Ya Nehir sana bin defa söyledim.
00:29:04Sabah benim afyonum patlamadan bana sorunla gelme dedi.
00:29:08Gibi geçiyor günüm neyini anlamıyorsun?
00:29:15Ne yapacaksın?
00:29:22Zehra şaşırtmaya devam ediyordu.
00:29:25Ama hatırladım.
00:29:27Bu çocukta neyi sevdiğimi hatırladım kanka.
00:29:32Yani vakti zamanında.
00:29:35Kalbi temizdi zibidinin.
00:29:43Gel gel biz de tam seni övüyorduk.
00:29:47Beni mi övüyordunuz?
00:29:50Hayatta inanmam.
00:29:51Valla bak hatta Yıldız övüyordu.
00:29:53Yıldız övüyordu.
00:29:55Hele Yıldız.
00:29:57Hatiye yapmaz.
00:30:00Hadi canım ne zaman güzel bir şey yapmışsın da ben beğenmemişim?
00:30:05Doğruya bir yanlış yaptığım için.
00:30:20Bizim bir plan yapmamız lazım değil mi?
00:30:24Bu iş için yani.
00:30:26Doğru plansız adam öldürülmez Zerrin.
00:30:31Yıldız şöyle açık açık konuşma ya.
00:30:34Ne bileyim ben korkuyorum işte saçma sapan konuşuyorum.
00:30:40Ben diyorum ki.
00:30:42Orada böyle haybeden bir tartışma çıkarayım.
00:30:46İşte alkolüydük, münakaşa ettik.
00:30:49Anama sövdü.
00:30:51Ben de sıktım diye orada halledeyim bu işi yani.
00:30:55Ama o vakte kadar çok iyi davranmamız lazım ki anlamasın.
00:30:59Özellikle de sen Dilber.
00:31:02Nerede yapacaksın yani burada otelde mi?
00:31:06Olmaz mı burada?
00:31:07Hiç güzel olmaz bence.
00:31:09Bu işin güzel yapıldığı bir yer mi var Yıldız?
00:31:12Hayır bence de burada olmasın yani o ayrı da.
00:31:15Nerede yapacağız?
00:31:16Nerede yapacağız?
00:31:20Ayrıca ben diyorum ki gideyim bir anamı babamı göreyim.
00:31:24Onlara da çaktırmadan son bir vedalaşayım.
00:31:30Bir de yeni yeğenim oldu onu göreyim falan.
00:31:33Senelerce yokum çünkü artık.
00:31:40Ne yapıyorsun lan sen burada?
00:31:42Dalmışım Zahir abi.
00:31:43Zahir abi.
00:31:44Ne güzel şaka yaptın ha böyle ya.
00:31:47Keyfim yerinde İzzet.
00:31:49Keyfim yerinde olduğumu dayanamam şaka yapan.
00:31:52Beni tanıyanlar bilir.
00:31:56Bak ömrümün sebebi.
00:32:00Barışmışız, yuvamızı kurtarmışız.
00:32:08Ben keyifli olmayayım da kim keyifli olsun?
00:32:11Maşallah abi.
00:32:12Allah nazarlardan saklasın, kaza bela vermesin.
00:32:17Herkes çay?
00:32:20Ben bir kahve içerim.
00:32:21Kahve abi.
00:32:23Yanaş bakalım.
00:32:31Nasılsın benim karım?
00:32:37İyiyim sen nasılsın?
00:32:40Hala inanamıyorum.
00:32:46Herkese söylerdim.
00:32:48Göreceksiniz Dilber'le barışacağım derdim.
00:32:55Neden dedim?
00:32:59Çünkü bizim aramızda büyük bir sevda var.
00:33:06Benim karım hırçındır, hasabidir.
00:33:09Ama kocasını sever.
00:33:10Ama kocasını sever.
00:33:15Haksız mıyım?
00:33:18Şimdi ben diyorum ki, yarın avukata gidelim.
00:33:20Şu boşanmayacağımıza dair olan imzaları atalım, bitsin gitsin kurtulalım şu işten.
00:33:32Bizim özel meselemiz, biz bunu sonra konuşalım.
00:33:36Doğru, doğru.
00:33:37Ben arkadaşlar aileden diye şey yaptım.
00:33:42Yoksa sonra konuşmak, benim en sevdiğim bir şey.
00:33:46Sonra bir daha konuşuruz.
00:33:50Zahir abim, canım benim.
00:33:52Ya çok teşekkür ederiz.
00:33:55Zerre söyledi.
00:33:57Dükkan için para vermişsin.
00:33:59Ya ne önemi var, elbette.
00:34:03De ne o iş, bir bahsedin bakalım.
00:34:05Zerre biraz bahsetti ama ben...
00:34:07Yani şimdi şunun şurasında bir de ortağız, öyle değil mi?
00:34:12Zahir abim, şöyle bir şey.
00:34:13Nail bar.
00:34:16Nail, tırnak demek.
00:34:18El, ayak, tırnak biliyorsun ki.
00:34:20El, ayak, bakım merkezi.
00:34:22Millet parayı kırmış, geçirmiş.
00:34:24Biz de neden açmayalım dedik.
00:34:26Yaparız, ederiz.
00:34:32İzzet, kahve getir oğlum.
00:34:35Çok güzel.
00:34:37Geldi abi.
00:34:44Gel İzzet.
00:34:46Buyur abi.
00:34:47Afiyet olsun.
00:34:51Hocam, müsait misiniz?
00:34:56Gel otur, gel.
00:35:00Hocam, bu otelde kötü şeyler oluyor.
00:35:02Daha kötü şeyler de olacak.
00:35:04Hani vardır ya öyle bir söz.
00:35:06Kötü günler geride kaldı, berbat günler başlıyor diye.
00:35:10Aynen ondan hocam.
00:35:12Sadede gel İzzet.
00:35:15Hocam, bunlar Zahir'i öldürme planı yapıyorlar.
00:35:22Konuşurlarken duydum, bugün yarın bir şey yapacaklar.
00:35:26Ee, bir şey demeyecek misiniz hocam?
00:35:29Ne diyeyim İzzet?
00:35:32Bütün dünyanın dertlerini ben çözemem ki.
00:35:36Herkes hayatını mahvetme özgürlüğüne sahip.
00:35:42Hocam, Dilber aslında barışmadı.
00:35:44Rol yapıyor, amacı başka.
00:35:47Ben ne yapabilirim?
00:35:51Ben daha kendi dertlerini çözemeyen,
00:35:54hala banyosuz bir odada yaşayan,
00:35:58çaresiz bir adamdan başka neyim ki?
00:36:06Öyle demeyin hocam.
00:36:11öyle demeyin hocam.
00:36:14Siz gelmeden önce,
00:36:17yani hayatımıza girmeden önce,
00:36:20burası öylesine ucuz bir oteldi işte.
00:36:24Ama siz gelince konuştunuz bizimle.
00:36:27Siz bize bir çeşit baba olunca,
00:36:30biz de bir çeşit aile olduk.
00:36:33Şimdi ailenin başı beladayken,
00:36:36şimdi ailenin başı beladayken,
00:36:40hocam siz bana ne diyecek bir adam değilsiniz.
00:36:44Bunu hepimiz biliyoruz.
00:36:50Ne olur.
00:37:02Kusura bakmayın hocam.
00:37:03Rahatsız ettim.
00:37:07İyi istirahatler.
00:37:08İyi istirahatler.
00:37:32Gece boyunuzu yer misiniz?
00:37:35Yok abi, sağ ol.
00:37:38Biraz oduna benziyor diye,
00:37:41haksızlık edilen gıdalarımızdan biri.
00:37:44Oysa faydaları saymakla bitmez.
00:37:48Öyle değil mi?
00:37:49Ama sen de yemiyorsun.
00:37:51Çünkü sen,
00:37:52faydalı şeyleri yapmayı seven bir insan değilsin.
00:37:59Doğrudur abi işte.
00:38:01Cahillik demek ki.
00:38:03Kocanla aran nasıl?
00:38:06Çok iyi.
00:38:07Sonunda şey oldu yani,
00:38:10barıştık gibi bir şey oldu.
00:38:15Dün öldürmeyi düşünüyordun.
00:38:18Ya ben öyle bir ara sinirlendim ama,
00:38:21sonra konuştuk anlaştık.
00:38:23Ne de olsa eşim yani.
00:38:26Evimin direği falan yani.
00:38:31Seviyorsun yani.
00:38:38Hoca ne oldu?
00:38:42Ayrıldık abi biz.
00:38:43Bitti o iş.
00:38:45Ben de kocama döndüm.
00:38:47Her şey düzeldi yani.
00:38:51Dilber ben birisi yalan söylediğinde,
00:38:53nasıl oluyor da,
00:38:55hemen anlıyorum biliyor musun?
00:38:59Nasıl anlıyorsun?
00:39:01Ben de bilmiyorum.
00:39:02Bin yıldır yalancılarla çalışıyorum.
00:39:04O yüzdendir diye düşünüyorum.
00:39:08Doğrudur yani.
00:39:11Çünkü kaypak bir piyasa tabii.
00:39:15Şimdi gel sen bir değişiklik yap,
00:39:17ve bana doğruyu söyle.
00:39:21Bu barışma ayakları falan,
00:39:24neyin peşindesin?
00:39:27Ben neyin peşinde olacağım abi?
00:39:30Güzel bir hayat, huzurlu bir...
00:39:35Kiralık ev arar gibi herkese,
00:39:38kiralık katil soruyorsun.
00:39:41Sonra da barışmaktan bahsediyorsun.
00:39:44Ve ikisini de bulamıyorum.
00:39:47Bak seni hiç iyi görmüyorum.
00:39:50Bir manyaklık peşinde değilsin değil mi?
00:39:57Şey abi, Dilber'in sırası geliyor da.
00:40:01Ha bu arada abi,
00:40:04ben bunları yiyemedim.
00:40:06Şöyle bırakayım zayi olmasın.
00:40:09Yemezsin tabii.
00:40:11Faydalı şeyleri sevmiyorsunuz ki.
00:40:14Neden? Çünkü malsınız.
00:40:19Abi şey diyeceğim...
00:40:21Yıkılın karşımdan.
00:40:26Söyle abi.
00:41:23İleride ne olacak biliyor musun?
00:41:26Sen pişman ben başkasının.
00:41:29Şimdi gönlünce gül yarim.
00:41:32Ahı var gözyaşımın.
00:41:41Yokluğuna alıştı gönül.
00:41:44Fakat yatı kendine.
00:41:47Gözlerimde bir şey yok.
00:41:50Gözlerimde bir şey yok.
00:41:54Kalple sevda arası var.
00:41:57Sanarlar ki ömür.
00:42:00Kusuruma bakmayılsın.
00:42:03Kusurumu kapatsaydım.
00:42:07Aşkımı öldürdüğümü var.
00:42:14İçme ulan bu kadar.
00:42:15Yok ya, çok şey yapmıyorum.
00:42:20Sen hakikaten yapacaksın mı bu iş?
00:42:23If there's any other way, tell me. I'll do it.
00:42:26I don't know. I don't think you're the kind of person to hit people.
00:42:30I'm not that kind of person, Yıldız.
00:42:32I was forced to do it.
00:42:36Have you ever done something like this before?
00:42:39I mean, a couple of stabs.
00:42:42After all, we didn't grow up in the flesh.
00:42:45There's nothing wrong with doing it.
00:42:48But it takes too long.
00:42:50How long do they give you?
00:42:52I don't know.
00:42:54Forget me, Yıldız.
00:42:56I mean, I'm on my way.
00:42:59And you'll get rid of me.
00:43:01You didn't love me much anyway.
00:43:03It's easy to forget.
00:43:05Okay, I loved you a little bit.
00:43:13Anyway, don't make me talk like this.
00:43:15I'm going to go on stage and throw up.
00:43:19What can I do? We're such people.
00:43:21On the one hand, we're throwing up.
00:43:23On the other hand, we're crying.
00:43:45Anyway, you held my hand.
00:43:47That's something.
00:43:51Thank you very much.
00:44:29Give me some water, son. We're dead.
00:44:36Are you okay?
00:44:38Dilber, don't you ever ask someone if they're okay?
00:44:41I got it.
00:44:48We can't stay in the hotel tonight.
00:44:50We're not going to put the animal to sleep every night.
00:44:52We'll go to my mother's anyway.
00:44:54We can eat at home.
00:44:56We can.
00:45:20Mr. Feyyaz, welcome.
00:45:29How are you, Cihan?
00:45:31I'm fine, brother. How are you?
00:45:35You're kidding, aren't you?
00:45:38Why, brother?
00:45:40I've been cheated on twice by the same woman.
00:45:45I've been cheated on twice by the same woman.
00:45:54What do you think?
00:46:00Whose joke is this?
00:46:04I spent the last remedy in me on you.
00:46:15And I have no mercy anymore.
00:46:22I'm afraid of myself right now.
00:46:28I can burn everyone's soul now.
00:46:33Even the ones I love.
00:46:43So, what is it?
00:46:46Couldn't you find them?
00:46:50We couldn't.
00:46:51But we'll find them.
00:46:53I talked to Necmi's father.
00:46:55We sent word everywhere.
00:46:57It's a matter of finding them.
00:47:05You'll bring them to me in 24 hours.
00:47:10First, I'll have a nice talk with them.
00:47:14Then, I'll give you a gun.
00:47:17And you'll shoot them in the head.
00:47:24If you can't find them,
00:47:27or if you can't find them,
00:47:30call all the fire stations I know.
00:47:33Because I'm going to burn this city.
00:47:59We have to meet tomorrow.
00:48:01I'll give you my address.
00:48:29I don't want to deal with my own problems.
00:48:31I don't want to deal with you.
00:48:34I mean,
00:48:35I'm so happy to be your sister again.
00:48:39I'm so happy, Özgür.
00:48:42I'm so happy.
00:48:47I want to talk to you for days.
00:48:49Tell me
00:48:51what you've been through.
00:48:53I want to talk to you.
00:48:55I want to talk to you.
00:48:57Tell me what you've been through.
00:49:00How did you deal with life?
00:49:03With all the things we've been through.
00:49:08I'm also very curious.
00:49:10What did you do?
00:49:13How did you get involved
00:49:15in all this?
00:49:17I'll tell you.
00:49:19I'll tell you everything.
00:49:24there's something we need to deal with first.
00:49:29It's about...
00:49:34Azem Yüce Dağ.
00:49:40What should we do, Erdal?
00:49:44He keeps coming to the hotel.
00:49:46Everything can be found.
00:49:49We need to find a way to stop him.
00:49:52I mean...
00:49:55I wonder...
00:49:58We have no other choice.
00:50:00Why don't you talk to him?
00:50:05What should I say?
00:50:09Tell him we met.
00:50:13Tell him I don't want to see him.
00:50:15Tell him I don't want to see him.
00:50:18Let him go.
00:50:20Let him go.
00:50:22How much more will we suffer because of him?
00:50:28I know.
00:50:30I was in the same situation.
00:50:32I am.
00:50:36But he did a lot for me.
00:50:39He put his life in danger.
00:50:41Many times.
00:50:44Honestly, I...
00:50:47I don't know what to think.
00:50:49He did a lot for his mother.
00:50:55Can he change the fact that he killed our mother?
00:51:19I am leaving in a few days.
00:51:21Where to?
00:51:23To the lodge.
00:51:25I have a ton of work to do before the wedding.
00:51:30Of course.
00:51:31You will come, right?
00:51:34Of course I will come to my sister's wedding.
00:51:38I have a guest.
00:51:45You know, right?
00:51:48Tomorrow, my mother...
00:51:54I know.
00:51:55Don't I know?
00:51:57I will go to her first.
00:51:59Then I will go.
00:52:01I will take care of everything about you.
00:52:03Your arrival, where you will stay...
00:52:05Okay, okay.
00:52:08We will go together.
00:52:11To my mother.
00:52:14I will be very happy.
00:52:34Are you okay, honey?
00:52:40I never slept, you know?
00:52:42How is that possible?
00:52:45And we couldn't understand how Ada wasn't real all this time.
00:52:56There was always a void in what they told from the beginning.
00:53:03Like a fool...
00:53:06I turned this situation into a mystery.
00:53:09Trying to solve it...
00:53:12With this stupid head of mine...
00:53:15Finding reasons for myself with his silence...
00:53:20And at the end of all this...
00:53:22You are right that you will be desperate.
00:53:32What are we going to do about the truth?
00:53:35The lesson.
00:53:38The lesson.
00:53:44By the way, there are only three days left for the exam.
00:53:48Will you tell me?
00:53:53How can I, Sibel?
00:53:55I mean...
00:53:59How can you tell such a thing to a child?
00:54:16I'll get it.
00:54:18I wish you brought something acidic before the teacher came.
00:54:23I can't.
00:54:24He'll be mad at me.
00:54:26The teacher never gets mad.
00:54:28He just talks slowly like this.
00:54:31He says, Ayça, acid is very harmful to people.
00:54:39By the way, it's almost time. Where is he?
00:54:43I don't know.
00:54:46Maybe he's stuck in traffic.
00:54:59What is he doing?
00:55:01He's asking about the teacher.
00:55:06Okay, honey.
00:55:16My love.
00:55:25My teacher won't come today.
00:55:31He has things to do.
00:55:33I guess he's busy.
00:55:39Can I go out then?
00:55:41Of course.
00:55:43Well, you're ready for the exam, right?
00:55:47Don't worry, mom.
00:55:49Besides, if I don't win the school I want, the school will lose me.
00:55:54What does that mean?
00:55:55My teacher's words.
00:55:57He said, don't win the school, let the school win you.
00:56:01That's nice.
00:56:05Mom, I'm not a kid anymore. You know that, right?
00:56:09Why did you say that?
00:56:11Come on.
00:56:12Mom, I see everything.
00:56:14And I'm so happy.
00:56:20I'm telling you everything.
00:56:23But you never do that.
00:56:25What do you want to learn?
00:56:30What do you want to learn?
00:56:33Are you in love with each other?
00:56:36With my teacher?
00:56:47Ayça, can we talk about this later?
00:56:52You'll tell him.
00:56:55I'll tell him. I promise.
00:56:59I'm going to my room.
00:57:55Why don't you eat?
00:57:57I don't feel like eating.
00:58:00What's wrong?
00:58:07You're looking at me like I'm a monkey.
00:58:11No, it's just...
00:58:13I lost money. I'm embarrassed in front of the girls.
00:58:16That's what I'm thinking.
00:58:18You're embarrassed in front of the girls?
00:58:20You're embarrassed in front of the girls?
00:58:22You're embarrassed in front of the girls?
00:58:23I'm embarrassed in front of the girls?
00:58:24That's what I'm thinking.
00:58:26Forget about the girls.
00:58:32How are you playing with the money I give you, man?
00:58:34Not with the money you give me.
00:58:36We're just...
00:58:39I don't care if it's not money.
00:58:42Where are the girls?
00:58:44They're at the Yıldız.
00:58:48Have you been busy since Dilber started?
00:58:51That's right, brother.
00:58:52Praise the Lord.
00:58:54I say...
00:58:56...we should change the car in the coming summer.
00:59:01Sure, brother. That's a good idea.
00:59:03I actually want a second child, but...
00:59:06...I'm a bit afraid that the tongues won't work.
00:59:09He'll stay at home for two years.
00:59:12We'll have a baby while we're at it.
00:59:17I'm going to the shop.
00:59:19See you.
00:59:20Sure, brother.
00:59:21Izzet, take all my stuff to Dilber's room, okay?
00:59:25It's not permissible for a couple to live separately.
00:59:28Let's live together from now on.
00:59:31Okay, brother. Can I ask Dilber first?
00:59:36Don't talk, son.
00:59:38Do you remember the beating you got from me?
00:59:43I do, brother.
00:59:43You do, right?
00:59:44I do, brother.
00:59:45I'm happy for you, Izzet.
00:59:47You know? Don't bother me.
00:59:49No, brother.
00:59:49Do as I say.
00:59:51Okay, see you.
01:00:02What are you doing?
01:00:04Aren't you going to eat?
01:00:05I'm not hungry.
01:00:09The sink is over there.
01:00:11It's the same as the one in the toilet.
01:00:15We can put the master's chair over there.
01:00:19We always work for someone else.
01:00:20What is this?
01:00:21Let someone else work for us.
01:00:25The rent is good, too.
01:00:29Let's start working right away so we can pay our debts, right?
01:00:34We can sit on our chairs.
01:00:35We can give orders to everyone.
01:00:37Son, bring me some tea.
01:00:42Son, bring me some yogurt.
01:00:44Something like that.
01:00:46Why did you bring me here?
01:00:52I've been thinking.
01:00:53Please, let's not do such a thing.
01:00:56Look, let's open our shop.
01:00:58We've managed Zahir so far.
01:01:01We can do it now, too.
01:01:05I don't know.
01:01:08But not just Zahir.
01:01:11We're ruining Zehra, brother.
01:01:14She's so young.
01:01:15She won't rot in jail.
01:01:17I didn't ask for anything from him.
01:01:19He asked for it.
01:01:20I'm not saying it's because of him.
01:01:23I mean, this is not a way out.
01:01:26Let's find another way.
01:01:28I don't know.
01:01:30Let's go to the police again.
01:01:32It's not working. Can't you see?
01:01:40If there's another way, am I crazy?
01:01:42Am I heartless to burn Zehra?
01:01:44And I've been telling you from the beginning.
01:01:46Don't get involved.
01:01:47Let everyone do what they want.
01:01:50Let them eat, drink and have fun.
01:01:52Everyone eats and drinks. I'll pay for it.
01:01:54Am I right, Yıldız?
01:02:07My dear.
01:02:10My dear brother.
01:02:12I'm so tired, brother.
01:02:14I'm so tired.
01:02:17No one can say that Dilber is not a shame.
01:02:23I'm done.
01:02:29What happened?
01:02:30What happened, dear?
01:02:33Why are you crying?
01:02:35Whatever it is, tell me. Let's find a cure.
01:02:38Is this a lie to me?
01:02:40I don't know what to tell you.
01:02:42You're both like stones.
01:03:00Sit down. Don't get up.
01:03:01No, sir. I was going out.
01:03:04I got up because you were going out.
01:03:05No, I got up because I respect you.
01:03:08I was going out at the same time.
01:03:10Can we talk?
01:03:12About what, sir?
01:03:14The walls of this hotel are very thin.
01:03:17Everyone hears everything.
01:03:20What do you hear, sir?
01:03:22Don't pretend. You can't do it anyway.
01:03:25What do you mean, sir? I don't understand.
01:03:28There's nothing.
01:03:30I have to go. I'm already late.
01:03:32I'll do it.
01:03:34We'll do it in the evening, sir.
01:03:35We'll do it at night, sir.
01:03:39At night.
01:03:45Sir, do you think he can do it?
01:03:47I mean, can he kill a person?
01:03:50He doesn't look like a murderer at all.
01:03:53Well, İzzet.
01:03:55Most of the killers I know in prison...
01:03:58...don't look like murderers at all.
01:04:14Who's here?
01:04:16I was going to call you.
01:04:19I don't know if I could reach you, but...
01:04:26Then I'll bring the tea without delay.
01:04:30How is it?
01:04:33Nice. It's the same tea, sir.
01:04:35It's so nice.
01:04:36Okay, İzzet.
01:04:40Won't you sit down?
01:04:45I was going to call you for...
01:04:50...your mother's birthday.
01:04:54We could do something on the street.
01:04:57We could give her a present.
01:05:01Yes, what are you doing here?
01:05:06I came to talk to you.
01:05:11There's something I want to talk to you about.
01:05:15Go ahead. What is it?
01:05:17It's about...
01:05:22...my sister.
01:05:26About what?
01:05:28About your sister.
01:05:33I don't know.
01:05:35Cankula Alem.
01:05:46Why is it so hard for her to talk about some things?
01:05:52What happens to us...
01:05:54...is hard for her to talk about, and hard for her to live.
01:05:58For some reason, we have hard questions in life.
01:06:04Tell me what you want to say.
01:06:07The tea is here.
01:06:09Thank you.
01:06:10Enjoy it.
01:06:11I'm going out without talking this time.
01:06:14Thank you for that.
01:06:17You see, sir?
01:06:18It's the same chicken.
01:06:19Elif is here.
01:06:21Enjoy it.
01:06:29Tell me.
01:06:32We're seeing my sister.
01:07:04...she came to me.
01:07:13What do you mean?
01:07:19A few days ago.
01:07:23Is she okay?
01:07:30She's fine.
01:07:32Very fine.
01:07:40Why didn't you tell me?
01:07:45Because she didn't want to.
01:08:03She didn't want to?
01:08:13She was the one who followed me.
01:08:18She wanted me to talk to you.
01:08:29...talk to her...
01:08:35...leave me alone.
01:08:48Leave me alone.
01:08:51Leave me alone.
01:08:59Leave me alone.
01:09:18Because she doesn't want to see you.
01:09:35Why didn't you tell me?
01:09:48Because she doesn't want to see you.
01:10:10What about you?
01:10:12What about you?
01:10:17Are you still in love with my sister?
01:10:20I don't know.
01:10:21I don't know anything.
01:10:26I have to find Tekin tomorrow morning...
01:10:29...and hand him over to someone.
01:10:31I have things to do.
01:10:33I'm walking around with my sister's scent on my head.
01:10:36You never made my life easier.
01:10:38And you don't make it easy.
01:10:42You don't make it easy.
01:11:05You know...
01:11:07...what she does and where she goes.
01:11:11Wherever Fatih is...
01:11:14...she goes there.
01:11:16You're right.
01:11:17Stop being so polite.
01:11:19Tell me where she is. Give me her address.
01:11:22Maybe she's a hairdresser.
01:11:24I don't know who her closest friend is.
01:11:26Everyone has a favorite friend, right?
01:11:36I became like this because of her.
01:11:41She ruined my life.
01:11:45Look at that...
01:11:47...huge face.
01:11:49It's so hot.
01:11:56This body...
01:11:59...belongs to Aleyna.
01:12:03But if...
01:12:06...I knew where Aleyna was...
01:12:10...I wouldn't tell anyone.
01:12:12You wouldn't tell anyone.
01:12:17Because I love her.
01:12:19You love her.
01:12:26Maybe even more than before.
01:12:31Are you crazy, brother?
01:12:34What is love doing to people?
01:12:36I don't understand.
01:12:38The world is at war.
01:12:40It's ruining everyone's life.
01:12:42And you still say you love her.
01:12:49That's all I have.
01:12:53I have nothing but love.
01:12:58My God.
01:13:02I have nothing but love.
01:13:06What does she have?
01:13:08Tell me that.
01:13:10What will happen?
01:13:13What all drugs have.
01:13:25Poison that takes...
01:13:27...a man's mind from his head.
01:13:30Your mind and your head.
01:13:36I didn't know you had a heart.
01:13:39I didn't know you lost it all to a woman.
01:13:49Take care of yourself, brother.
01:14:00Take care of yourself.
01:14:23Thank you, honey.
01:14:31For the money.
01:14:33For the phone.
01:14:36You know what I said?
01:14:38There must be something on the corner of your face.
01:14:53Where will you go?
01:14:57I don't know.
01:14:59Far away.
01:15:03With whom?
01:15:05With whom?
01:15:09With no one.
01:15:14You're lying so beautifully, Aleyna.
01:15:22You'll go with Necmi, right?
01:15:44You always asked me...
01:15:49...do you love Deniz, Sırat?
01:15:55Say it again.
01:16:00But you didn't believe me.
01:16:08You didn't know.
01:16:11I'm helping you even though I know.
01:16:22And I'm ashamed of myself for doing this.
01:16:29But a person...
01:16:33...can't be an obstacle.
01:16:35A person can't be an obstacle.
01:16:39A person can't be an obstacle to his heart.
01:16:46I'm your heart.
01:16:49Oh, Sırat.
01:16:52If only you'd tried a little more.
01:16:56If only you hadn't killed people, Pahan.
01:17:02You were almost going to be a good man.
01:17:05You were almost going to be a good man.
01:17:35I'm going to be a good man.
01:17:54I'll put my arm around your neck. Come there in an hour.
01:18:06I can feel it.
01:18:09Thank you, but...
01:18:11...I don't have a reason.
01:18:19I don't know.
01:18:24Thank God, you broke up.
01:18:33...don't be sad about what's going to happen to you.
01:18:39Are you ready?
01:18:42For the exam.
01:18:44I'm ready, but...
01:18:46But what?
01:18:48There's a lot going on in the villa.
01:18:51They found out about Mr. Azem.
01:18:53Our bosses.
01:18:55It's like the real deal.
01:18:57Is that so?
01:18:59So what?
01:19:01So what?
01:19:03They found out.
01:19:09But there was something going on.
01:19:11Ms. Firaye and...
01:19:13...Mr. Azem...
01:19:15...had an emotional situation.
01:19:21What kind of gossip is going on in your villa?
01:19:29Nothing goes smoothly in a man's mouth.
01:19:33It's nice.
01:19:35We're all like that.
01:19:40...don't believe he did such a thing.
01:19:43Me neither.
01:19:47I don't know.
01:19:49I want to believe it.
01:19:51But I'm a little confused.
01:19:56We're all...
01:19:58...a little confused.
01:20:00But you're going to pull yourself together...
01:20:02...win this exam...
01:20:04...and get out of here.
01:20:06Do you understand?
01:20:08I understand, Aunt Güngör.
01:20:13Come on, eat your dessert.
01:20:27He won't come tomorrow either.
01:20:33You'll have to tell him in the end.
01:20:36How can I tell him, Sibel?
01:20:38It's right before the exam.
01:20:42You're absolutely right.
01:20:57Cenk is here. I should go.
01:20:59I really can't handle it right now.
01:21:01Save yourself.
01:21:05How are you, my love?
01:21:08My dear.
01:21:10Oh, my love.
01:21:12How are you, Cenk?
01:21:14I'm fine.
01:21:17Do you want me to help you?
01:21:19No, this is my job.
01:21:21Look how beautiful they turned out.
01:21:23Look how beautiful they turned out.
01:21:25They look great.
01:21:27So beautiful.
01:21:36Have you pulled yourself together a little more?
01:21:40What do you mean?
01:21:42I'm in shock.
01:21:44What kind of shock is this?
01:21:46I can't believe it.
01:21:48Isn't it a strange situation?
01:21:50A strange situation.
01:21:52He was swinging his arms and legs at home.
01:21:54We took him everywhere.
01:21:56He knew the boat and came with us.
01:21:58It's unbelievable.
01:22:00It's really...
01:22:02It's unbelievable.
01:22:04Can you imagine?
01:22:06Anything can happen.
01:22:08You can't imagine this.
01:22:10The man killed his wife.
01:22:14Tell me, my love.
01:22:16Can we talk about something else, please?
01:22:18Of course, of course, my love.
01:22:20It's okay if we don't talk at all.
01:22:22Okay, okay.
01:22:24Then we won't talk about it.
01:22:30I want to tell you something.
01:22:32About that night.
01:22:34I mean, when I say that night...
01:22:36Not that night.
01:22:38About the night I proposed.
01:22:44You're right.
01:22:46He acted in a hurry to surprise me.
01:22:48I may have acted in a hurry.
01:22:50And that man...
01:22:52I mean...
01:22:56I didn't expect him to do anything to surprise you.
01:22:58I was actually suspicious, but...
01:23:06From now on,
01:23:08we don't talk about that murderer.
01:23:10It's over.
01:23:14But I think you understand
01:23:16what I mean.
01:23:18When you're ready,
01:23:20we'll take that step.
01:23:22Of course, if you want.
01:23:26Okay, Cenk. I got it.
01:23:32I'm relieved.
01:23:34I'm really relieved.
01:23:36But there's one more thing.
01:23:42Wait. I'll be right back.
01:23:50Where is he going?
01:23:52How should I know?
01:23:56What's in his hand?
01:23:58A globe.
01:24:00Oh, my God.
01:24:06I made a plan
01:24:08to take my love
01:24:10to a wonderful vacation.
01:24:14you'll step on the globe.
01:24:16I'll take you there
01:24:18wherever you go.
01:24:20What are we doing?
01:24:22Please don't do that.
01:24:26Let's get excited.
01:24:28Turn it.
01:24:30If you won't turn it,
01:24:32I'll turn it.
01:24:34I'm turning it.
01:24:36But let me tell you something.
01:24:38If it goes wrong,
01:24:40I can turn it again.
01:24:44If I turn it in Zanzibar
01:24:46and it turns out to be Zanzibar,
01:24:48wouldn't it be amazing?
01:24:50Imagine if it turns out to be Zanzibar all the time.
01:24:52I'm turning it. Are you ready?
01:24:54Are you ready?
01:24:56It's coming.
01:25:08No, I was kidding.
01:25:10I guess it wouldn't be that exciting.
01:25:12I'm turning it.
01:25:14Because I don't like it here.
01:25:20We broke his nose.
01:25:22I'm so relieved.
01:25:24I bit his arm.
01:25:28That's why I'm spitting.
01:25:32I used to beat up kids in the neighborhood.
01:25:34I love beating up men.
01:25:38I've never beaten up anyone
01:25:40in my life.
01:25:44Sit down.
01:25:50I went home.
01:25:52I talked to my parents.
01:25:58I said,
01:26:00I'm going out of town for a while.
01:26:02Take care of yourselves.
01:26:06I said,
01:26:08I'm fine.
01:26:10I don't care.
01:26:12I'm fine.
01:26:14I said goodbye.
01:26:20I'll go to Çiğ Köfteci.
01:26:22I'll take care of it there.
01:26:24No, Zerri.
01:26:28I thought about it.
01:26:30I talked to Yıldız.
01:26:32I love you.
01:26:38I can't do this to you.
01:26:42You're a young man.
01:26:44You have a life ahead of you.
01:26:46I don't know what kind of life it is.
01:26:48But it exists.
01:26:50What will happen then?
01:26:56I'll take care of my own business.
01:26:58Why don't you understand?
01:27:02You're the one who doesn't understand.
01:27:04He brought his stuff and put it in my room.
01:27:06Am I going to sleep with him tonight?
01:27:14We'll put him to sleep again.
01:27:28I'm going to bed.
01:27:50What are you looking at?
01:27:52What are you doing?
01:27:54Are you playing a game with me?
01:27:56What game are you talking about?
01:27:58My life is at stake.
01:28:00Isn't it mine?
01:28:02Isn't it mine?
01:28:06How can you leave me?
01:28:10I told you not to go, Necmi.
01:28:12What happened?
01:28:14What did they say?
01:28:20Bring Aleyna.
01:28:22What else can they say other than bring Aleyna?
01:28:32Look, I was actually going to go.
01:28:36I was going to leave myself to save you.
01:28:42Don't get me wrong.
01:28:44I don't regret what I did.
01:28:48They're all monsters.
01:28:52But you...
01:28:56I didn't feel sorry for you.
01:29:08Look, I'm here, okay?
01:29:12I'm trying to survive among those wild animals.
01:29:18But you...
01:29:22I loved a man for the first time.
01:29:32Thank you for everything.
01:29:40Where did you get the money?
01:29:42I found it, Necmi.
01:29:46From a friend.
01:29:48A friend?
01:29:50Which friend?
01:29:54A friend, Necmi.
01:29:56He gave me his number.
01:30:00I already took Nusret's card.
01:30:06You look so smart.
01:30:08But you're actually a pervert.
01:30:10What do you mean?
01:30:14Nusret gave me that card to follow you.
01:30:18It's obvious.
01:30:20Maybe I loved you because of that pervert.
01:30:24Look, if you leave me again...
01:30:30Tell me, okay?
01:30:34You're the only one left to threaten me.
01:30:46Go check the bars and music halls.
01:30:48Check the ear holes.
01:30:50Find someone who knows Aleyna.
01:30:56Hurry up.
01:31:22He's not answering.
01:31:26Where is he now?
01:31:28At the hotel?
01:31:30There are kids at the hotel's door.
01:31:34Why isn't he answering?
01:31:36I gave him the card.
01:31:38We'll know where he is when he makes the first call.
01:31:42This is not good, guys.
01:31:44What are we going to do?
01:31:46Is he lying to us?
01:31:54He wouldn't do that.
01:31:56We've been doing everything we said we wouldn't do.
01:32:06Good job.
01:32:08Whatever happens to us...
01:32:10...is because of your manipulative illness.
01:32:16Thank you.
01:32:18Let's go inside.
01:32:30I wanted to see you when you called.
01:32:32How are you?
01:32:34I'm fine.
01:32:38You don't look happy.
01:32:42No, I'm not.
01:32:44Why wouldn't I be?
01:32:46I guess you look sad when you're happy.
01:32:52No, it's just that...
01:32:54...things are a bit complicated.
01:32:58Why aren't you calling?
01:33:00I told you, things are...
01:33:04Please don't lie.
01:33:18I'm in a terrible situation right now.
01:33:22My mind...
01:33:24...and my heart...
01:33:26...are all mixed up.
01:33:28Family issues all of a sudden...
01:33:30...all of a sudden...
01:33:38It's like the whole world...
01:33:40...is trying to drown me.
01:33:42I don't know what to do.
01:33:46That's why I can't take care of you.
01:33:48Take care?
01:33:50I'm not your cat, Cihan.
01:33:54Did I say something wrong?
01:33:56Never mind.
01:34:10Let's take a break.
01:34:16Until I...
01:34:18...get things together.
01:34:22I understand you.
01:34:24What do you understand?
01:34:28You made your choice.
01:34:30You'll be like my father.
01:34:38I guess this is our last talk.
01:34:44I wish you success in the world of crime, Cihan.
01:34:48In the end, you'll be either a murderer...
01:34:50...or a martyr.
01:34:54I wish we were lovers.
01:35:26...what are we talking about?
01:35:28I don't understand you.
01:35:30I really don't understand.
01:35:32Have you lost your mind?
01:35:36One of you kidnaps the man's girl...
01:35:38...the other kidnaps the man's daughter...
01:35:44We broke up anyway.
01:35:54Oh, my son.
01:35:56Oh, my brother.
01:36:08So we found our daughter.
01:36:10We found her?
01:36:12I mean...
01:36:14I guess we lost her again.
01:36:16I don't know.
01:36:18I don't know.
01:36:20I don't know.
01:36:22I guess we lost her again.
01:36:24At the same time.
01:36:26What did Özgür say exactly?
01:36:28Go and talk to her.
01:36:32She said she'll leave us alone.
01:36:36That house...
01:36:38...the one she'll marry...
01:36:40...the kid's family...
01:36:42...it's a bit complicated.
01:36:44There's a problem there.
01:36:46That's what I think.
01:36:48I guess she didn't tell me either.
01:36:50What are you talking about?
01:36:52I mean...
01:36:56Can you talk to her?
01:37:00What if the world stops now...
01:37:02...and I go down?
01:37:06There's a saying like that, right?
01:37:08Stop it, the world will go down.
01:37:12That would be great.
01:37:14God, can I go down somewhere safe?
01:37:20I guess Nergis is here.
01:37:24Young people are here.
01:37:26I'm coming.
01:37:28Welcome, honey.
01:37:30Thank you.
01:37:32I have good news.
01:37:34Are you ready?
01:37:36What is it?
01:37:38I really have good news.
01:37:40What are you going to buy me?
01:37:42Let's hear the good news first.
01:37:44Then we'll decide the gift.
01:37:46I like a shoe.
01:37:50Come on.
01:37:52I read what Azem wrote when it was published.
01:37:56They liked it a lot.
01:37:58They fell in love with it, Azem.
01:38:00What are you talking about?
01:38:02Are they going to publish the book?
01:38:04I mean, they said...
01:38:06...we'll evaluate it.
01:38:08Then they'll publish it, I guess.
01:38:12He said he wanted to read the rest right away.
01:38:14He's a great man.
01:38:16Can you imagine, Azem?
01:38:22What happened?
01:38:24Aren't you happy?
01:38:28Writing was my only medicine.
01:38:32I managed to survive by writing.
01:38:36Actually, one day...
01:38:38...without thinking about the possibility...
01:38:40...that someone would read it...
01:38:42...I wouldn't be able to live.
01:38:46By the way, I published a 40-minute poem book.
01:38:48But most likely...
01:38:50...it's rotting...
01:38:52...in the dustbin...
01:38:54...of a bookshop.
01:38:58That's why...
01:39:00...the best news I got in my career...
01:39:04...if I hadn't forgotten...
01:39:06...to be happy with my uncle...
01:39:08...I could even dance right now...
01:39:10...like Dilber.
01:39:16Thank you, dear.
01:39:18Whether it's true or not...
01:39:22...even the possibility of my novel being published is good.
01:39:24Thank you.
01:39:26You'll remember, dear.
01:39:30You'll remember being happy with your uncle.
01:39:34Because one day...
01:39:36...you'll be a very famous writer.
01:39:42What if we have a famous friend, too?
01:39:46Let's celebrate this news.
01:39:48Exactly. What should we do?
01:39:50Let's go somewhere.
01:39:52Don't exaggerate. We're managing it.
01:39:54It's going to be exaggerated.
01:39:56Where are we going?
01:39:58Wait a minute.
01:40:00I'm so excited.
01:40:02Actually, I have an idea.
01:40:04But I don't know.
01:40:06Tell me where.
01:40:08What are you doing, son?
01:40:10Like I said...
01:40:12...if I hadn't forgotten to be happy with my uncle...
01:40:14...I could even dance right now...
01:40:16...like Dilber.
01:40:20Is this a dance?
01:40:22I thought he was imitating a duck.
01:40:24Look at him.
01:40:28I'm so smart.
01:40:30We're going to the pavilion.
01:40:32Don't be crazy.
01:40:34Shut up.
01:40:36I'm going to see the pavilion.
01:40:38I'm getting ready.
01:40:40It's over.
01:40:42Don't be silly.
01:40:44Dilber will be happy, too.
01:40:46I'm getting ready.
01:40:48Nergis, take off my pants.
01:40:58They're all pavilioners.
01:41:02You always smiled.
01:41:04You always smiled.
01:41:06I used to look at the birds...
01:41:08...drinking water.
01:41:10I used to look at...
01:41:12...the two sunflowers...
01:41:14...in their eyes.
01:41:22I used to look at life...
01:41:26Come in, mom.
01:41:28What are you doing, honey?
01:41:30I'm reading a book.
01:41:32Good for you.
01:41:34I'm so hungry.
01:41:36You're right.
01:41:38But you're ready.
01:41:40I don't think you need to work any more.
01:41:48Ayca, I need to talk to you.
01:41:52What is it?
01:41:54I need to talk to you.
01:41:56I need to talk to you about something.
01:42:04I think Mr. Adem...
01:42:06...has some problems.
01:42:10What do you mean?
01:42:14Special problems.
01:42:22He won't be able to come for a while.
01:42:26He won't be able to come?
01:42:30He may not be able to come, yes.
01:42:32Why is that?
01:42:34I don't know, honey.
01:42:36That's what he said.
01:42:40But he wished you good luck in your exam.
01:42:46So he won't be with me in the exam.
01:42:52That's right.
01:42:54Is that so?
01:43:04Will I never see him again?
01:43:10Of course you'll see him.
01:43:14If he does his job...
01:43:16...of course you'll see him.
01:43:20...it won't be for a while.
01:43:34How long?
01:43:40I don't know, honey.
01:43:42As long as I'm happy.
01:43:44I don't know, honey.
01:43:46As long as I'm happy.
01:43:54You did something...
01:43:56...or you said something...
01:43:58...and he got mad at you and you broke up, right?
01:44:00No. No, honey.
01:44:02It's not like that.
01:44:10I already...
01:44:12I already broke up with him.
01:44:22You always love annoying men.
01:44:24You always keep good people away from us.
01:44:30My teacher left because of you.
01:44:32So did your father.
01:44:42I hate you.
01:44:44My love.
01:44:50Mom, please get out of the room.
01:44:52My love.
01:44:54Mom, please get out.
01:44:56Please don't do this.
01:45:42I love you.
01:46:12It's coming.
01:46:14It hurts.
01:46:16To start a new day.
01:46:20To hide the tears in my eyes.
01:46:26To smell you in every body.
01:46:30It hurts.
01:46:42Does anyone know what's happening to me?
01:46:46I have no idea.
01:46:48I thought I've forgotten everything.
01:47:02I thought I've forgotten everything.
01:47:08I'm trapped in your hands
01:47:15Let it go, it's coming
01:47:18It's hurting me to start a new day
01:47:24To shine the tears in my eyes
01:47:29To smell you in every body
01:47:35It's hurting me
01:47:39It's hurting me to start a new day
01:47:45To hide the tears in my eyes
01:47:51To smell you in every body
01:47:56It's hurting me
01:48:01It's hurting me
01:48:31It's hurting me
01:49:02Hello, you can leave
01:49:05Tell Davut to bring me a lemon soda and some smoke
01:49:11Don't make fun of me, Kamran
01:49:13I'll take your mind
01:49:25People have some weaknesses, Dilber
01:49:30If you weren't available, why did you call me?
01:49:34They said you were upset
01:49:37Who said that?
01:49:39Why do people come here?
01:49:41To have fun
01:49:43Why are you on stage?
01:49:45To entertain
01:49:47You're on stage with a confused face
01:49:50I'm sorry, Kamran
01:49:53Our life is not as fun as yours
01:49:59I'm sorry, Kamran
01:50:08You should control your emotions, Kamran
01:50:25If I were a poet, I'd write
01:50:28If I were a bird, I'd fly
01:50:31I wouldn't hit the string
01:50:34Without you
01:50:37If I were a bourgeois, I wouldn't drink
01:50:40If I were happy, I wouldn't smile
01:50:43I wouldn't say good morning
01:50:46Without you
01:50:49I looked for myself, I stopped
01:50:52What do I have? I'm a poor servant
01:50:55I became a song for you
01:50:58My treasure
01:51:05What are you doing, Zerrin?
01:51:07What did I do?
01:51:09You're sitting like this
01:51:11People are wondering what's going on
01:51:13Should I throw my stomach?
01:51:15That's what we do
01:51:17Even if we cry, we go out and play
01:51:19We don't show our feelings to people
01:51:26You can't do this
01:51:28Go tell Dilber
01:51:31Can a good-hearted person hit a man?
01:51:36Do you think I'm a good-hearted person?
01:51:41There's nothing in your heart
01:51:44The problem is in your brain
01:51:46Why are you asking for such a thing?
01:51:50For you
01:51:52Don't hit a man for me, Zehra
01:51:54Just hit a man
01:52:00Number 11
01:52:02Okay, I'm coming
01:52:20And now
01:52:22The time has come for the shop to close
01:52:25Are we ready?
01:52:34Come on
01:52:36Homeless, homeless
01:52:39The tenant
01:52:49Come on
01:52:58Come on
01:53:10Say it, say it
01:53:19Come on
01:53:50Come on
01:54:08Come on
01:54:19Come on
01:54:29I think you exaggerated the drum
01:54:32Our teacher is here
01:54:35I'll send the teachers to the table
01:54:44My heart is beating so fast
01:54:48Don't worry
01:54:51You have your husband with you
01:54:53Of course, he's always the first person
01:55:06Teacher, come on
01:55:09I'm a chemistry teacher
01:55:12Chemistry teacher, please
01:55:16Come on
01:55:19Come on
01:55:45My heart is beating so fast
01:55:48Don't worry
01:55:51You have your husband with you
01:55:54Of course, he's always the first person
01:55:57Come on
01:56:00My heart is beating so fast
01:56:03Don't worry
01:56:06Come on
01:56:09My heart is beating so fast
01:56:12Don't worry
01:56:15You have your husband with you
01:56:18Of course, he's always the first person
01:56:21Come on
01:56:24My heart is beating so fast
01:56:27Don't worry
01:56:30You have your husband with you
01:56:33Of course, he's always the first person
01:56:36Come on
01:56:39My heart is beating so fast
01:56:42Don't worry
01:56:45You have your husband with you
01:56:48Of course, he's always the first person
01:56:51Come on
01:56:54My heart is beating so fast
01:56:57Don't worry
01:57:00You have your husband with you
01:57:03Of course, he's always the first person
01:57:06Come on
01:57:09Don't worry
01:57:12You have your husband with you
01:57:15Of course, he's always the first person
01:57:18Come on
01:57:21My heart is beating so fast
01:57:24Don't worry
01:57:27You have your husband with you
01:57:30Of course, he's always the first person
01:57:33Come on
01:57:36My heart is beating so fast
01:57:39Don't worry
01:57:42You have your husband with you
01:57:45Of course, he's always the first person
01:57:48Come on
01:57:51My heart is beating so fast
01:57:54Don't worry
01:57:57You have your husband with you
01:58:00Of course, he's always the first person
01:58:03Don't worry
01:58:06You have your husband with you
01:58:09Of course, he's always the first person
01:58:12Come on
01:58:15My heart is beating so fast
01:58:18Don't worry
01:58:21You have your husband with you
01:58:24Of course, he's always the first person
01:58:27Come on
01:58:30You can't leave
01:58:33Come often, we'll wait for you every night
01:58:36Every night? We don't come every night
01:58:39Every night is too much
01:58:42Come on
01:58:45Don't worry
01:58:48You have your husband with you
01:58:51Of course, he's always the first person
01:58:54Come on
01:58:57You have your husband with you
01:59:00Of course, he's always the first person
01:59:03Come on
01:59:06Don't worry
01:59:09Don't worry
01:59:12You have your husband with you
01:59:15Of course, he's always the first person
01:59:18Come on
01:59:21Don't worry
01:59:24You have your husband with you
01:59:27Of course, he's always the first person
01:59:30Come on
01:59:33Don't worry
01:59:36Don't worry
01:59:39You have your husband with you
01:59:42Of course, he's always the first person
01:59:45Come on
01:59:48Don't worry
01:59:51You have your husband with you
01:59:54Of course, he's always the first person
01:59:57Come on
02:00:00Don't worry
02:00:03Don't worry
02:00:06You have your husband with you
02:00:09Of course, he's always the first person
02:00:12Come on
02:00:15Don't worry
02:00:18You have your husband with you
02:00:21Of course, he's always the first person
02:00:24Come on
02:00:27Don't worry
02:00:30Don't worry
02:00:33You have your husband with you
02:00:36Of course, he's always the first person
02:00:39Come on
02:00:42Don't worry
02:00:45You have your husband with you
02:00:48Of course, he's always the first person
02:00:51Come on
02:00:54Don't worry
02:00:57Don't worry
02:01:00Don't worry
02:01:03You have your husband with you
02:01:06Of course, he's always the first person
02:01:09Come on
02:01:12We couldn't find him
02:01:15We'll be done tomorrow
02:01:18I'm sorry
02:01:21I'll be gone for a while
02:01:28We don't have Sırat with us this time.
02:01:31He's not a coward,
02:01:32but I think he's smart for some reason.
02:01:37Don't get involved.
02:01:42I'll go and surrender.
02:01:46Do whatever Reyhaz says.
02:08:14Yatmadan önce bir şey diyecektim de.
02:08:21Özür dilerim.
02:08:28Son zamanlarda sana kötü bir şekilde davrandım.
02:08:33Halbuki sen benim için bir sürü kavgaya karıştın.
02:08:37Bir sürü şey yaptın.
02:08:44Keşke bu kadar iyi olmasanız.
02:08:46Sen, Kasım abi, Nergis abla.
02:08:51Böyle olmasaydınız sizi...
02:08:57Seni unutmak daha kolay olabilirdi.
02:09:08Gel buraya.
02:09:19Kimse kimseyi unutmayacak.
02:09:22Merak etme.
02:09:25Hayattaki çirkinliklerin...
02:09:28...seni çirkinleştirmesine izin verme.
02:09:33Sabırlı ol.
02:09:35Bulacağız bir çaresini.
02:09:40Sağ ol, Hasan.
02:09:42Her şey için.
02:10:19Ben gideyim o zaman.
02:10:22Şeyin yanına, Yıldız.
02:10:30İyi geceler.
02:10:32Sana da.
02:11:04Ay ne tatlı insanlarmış ya.
02:11:07Yalnız bir şey soracaklar diye ödüm patladı.
02:11:10Niye, ne soracaklardı ki?
02:11:12Onlar hoca kanka. Her an soru sorabilirler yani.
02:11:21Merhaba, Zez. Selam.
02:11:28Ben hazırım.
02:11:31Tabanca yanında mı senin?
02:11:36Şimdi çiğ köftecidedir.
02:11:39Sen ver bana tabancayı da...
02:11:41...ben gideyim orada sıkayım bitsin gitsin artık şu iş.
02:11:53Sizinle de bir vedalaşalım.
02:11:55Kim bilir bir daha ne zaman görüşürüz Allah bilir.
02:11:59Gerçi görüşe gelirsiniz değil mi?
02:12:09Yok, gelmeyiz.
02:12:12Nasıl ya?
02:12:14Çünkü biz o işten vazgeçtik.
02:12:17Vaz mı geçtiniz?
02:12:19Hı hı, biz kötüyle kötü olamayız Zerre.
02:12:22Kanuni yollarla sonuna kadar savaşacağız...
02:12:25...öyle şey yapacağız bu işi yani.
02:12:27Adem beni emniyet müdürüne götürecek biliyor musun?
02:12:30O yanımda olduğumu bana hiçbir şey olmaz.
02:12:34Diyorsunuz ha?
02:12:35Hı hı, öyle diyorsun.
02:12:37Sen de böylece kurtulmuş oldun işte.
02:12:47Tabii ben kafaya koymuştum bu arada.
02:12:52Sağ ol Zerre.
02:12:54Yani benim için böyle kendini ortalara atman...
02:12:57...bu fedakarlığını hayatım boyunca unutmayacağım.
02:13:00Unutmam bak, biliyorsun.
02:13:02Sana, size, benim canım feda.
02:13:07Gülünce de bir güzel oluyor köfte hoş.
02:13:11Bir daha desene kız.
02:13:14Kurban olayım bir daha de.
02:13:19Hemen de gevşek, hemen.
02:13:22Güzel mi oluyorum gülünce?
02:13:27Artık hep güleceğim o zaman, artık ağlamak yok.
02:13:32Çok güzel oluyorsun gülünce, tamam.
02:13:34Dedirtti ya, dedirtti vallahi.
02:13:46Neşen de yerinde tabii.
02:13:49Zerre, tamam.
02:14:05Neredeydin lan dün gece?
02:14:08Sana ne lan?
02:14:16O herifle mi gittin?
02:14:35Kimle gittimse gittim, sana mı soracağım?
02:14:46Oyun mu oynuyorsun lan benimle?
02:14:48Oyun mu oynuyorsun lan benimle?
02:14:50Bırak beni!
02:14:51Bırak lan!
02:14:52Bırak lan!
02:14:53Bırak beni!
02:14:54Bırak lan!
02:15:14Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:15:34Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:04Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:34Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:35Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:36Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:37Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:38Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:39Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:40Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:41Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:42Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:43Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:44Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:45Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:46Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:47Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:48Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:49Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:50Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:51Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:52Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:53Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:54Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:55Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:56Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:57Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:58Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:16:59Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:00Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:01Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:02Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:03Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:04Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:05Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:06Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:07Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:08Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:09Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:10Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:11Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:12Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:13Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:14Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:15Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:16Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:17Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:18Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:19Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:20Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:21Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:22Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:23Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:24Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:25Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:26Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:27Oyun mu oynuyorsun?
02:17:29Oyun mu oynuyor musun?
02:17:50I'm here to give you the good news.
02:17:54Actually, we are here.
02:17:58My sister is getting married, mom.
02:18:21I wish...
02:18:24I wish you...
02:18:54I wish...
02:19:00I wish...
02:19:06I wish...
02:19:14I wish...
02:19:20I wish...
02:19:24I wish...
02:19:26I wish...
02:19:56My daughter?
02:20:56It's okay.
02:20:57It's okay.
02:20:58It's okay.
02:20:59It's okay.
02:21:00It's okay.
02:21:01It's okay.
02:21:02It's okay.
02:21:03It's okay.
02:21:04It's okay.
02:21:05It's okay.
02:21:06It's okay.
02:21:07It's okay.
02:21:08It's okay.
02:21:09It's okay.
02:21:10It's okay.
02:21:11It's okay.
02:21:12It's okay.
02:21:13It's okay.
02:21:14It's okay.
02:21:15It's okay.
02:21:16It's okay.
02:21:17It's okay.
02:21:18It's okay.
02:21:19It's okay.
02:21:20It's okay.
02:21:21It's okay.
02:21:22It's okay.
02:21:23It's okay.
02:21:24It's okay.
02:21:25It's okay.
02:21:26It's okay.
02:21:27It's okay.
02:21:28It's okay.
02:21:29It's okay.
02:21:30It's okay.
02:21:31It's okay.
02:21:32It's okay.
02:21:33It's okay.
02:21:34It's okay.
02:21:35It's okay.
02:21:36It's okay.
02:21:37It's okay.
02:21:38It's okay.
02:21:39It's okay.
02:21:40It's okay.
02:21:41It's okay.
02:21:42It's okay.
02:21:43It's okay.
02:21:44It's okay.
02:21:45It's okay.
02:21:46It's okay.
02:21:47It's okay.
02:21:48It's okay.
02:21:49It's okay.
02:21:50It's okay.
02:21:51It's okay.
02:21:52It's okay.
