• 5 months ago
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00:00 [crowd murmuring]
00:03 - Here we go.
00:13 Round one, both pro boxing debut for both fighters,
00:16 both of them with other combat experience.
00:19 Let's see how that translates into this fight.
00:22 [crowd murmuring]
00:28 - For me, when I made my pro boxing debut
00:31 coming from having a ton of MMA fights,
00:35 my biggest thing was I did not want to change my range.
00:39 I wanted to continue to be able to use the same range,
00:42 the same tricks, the same movements I use in MMA
00:45 and to boxing, just so it can translate a lot smoother.
00:50 - Well, let's be honest, Curtis,
00:51 you have a fantastic coach
00:52 who definitely had you ready for that.
00:55 So, you know, you're welcome.
00:58 - Thank you. - But I tell you what,
00:59 these guys are going at it.
01:00 And Lisa looks extremely long right now to me.
01:04 Just her legs and her arms.
01:06 It looks like she definitely has a reach advantage.
01:10 - Oh, nice right hand.
01:12 - That's done.
01:13 [crowd murmuring]
01:16 She seems calm, less wasted movement right now.
01:20 - Angel's not backing down.
01:21 - She's definitely not, but what I don't like
01:23 is when she's lowered her level and dropping her hands.
01:26 - You can't do both.
01:29 - That might be her only change in levels to go for a shot.
01:33 Gotta fix that scene.
01:34 - I'm not gonna hate it if I see it,
01:36 but it's against the rules in boxing.
01:37 That's all I'm saying.
01:38 - Yeah, you get one warning. - Right?
01:40 - I mean, Dylan Dennis got ejected for it, so.
01:44 [crowd murmuring]
01:46 - Oh, it was ejected?
01:47 I thought they stopped that fight 'cause it sucked.
01:49 - Disqualified. [laughter]
01:53 I believe that was the actual,
01:55 what it went down on the scorecards.
01:57 - Disqualification due to sucking.
01:59 [laughter]
02:00 This fight, not the case, though.
02:02 - I like that Angel's letting her punches go,
02:07 but the only thing is, it seems like she throws her hooks
02:10 and she's looking down.
02:11 - She's not looking at it, right, George?
02:12 That's what I was thinking.
02:14 - It doesn't look like her eyes are making the connection
02:17 to the end of the punch.
02:18 - Oh.
02:19 - Every time she looks away, she gets hit
02:21 with something she didn't see coming.
02:22 - If I could interrupt your--
02:24 [crowd chanting]
02:27 [dramatic music]
02:30 ♪ ♪
02:38 ♪ ♪
02:43 ♪ ♪
02:48 ♪ ♪
02:53 ♪ ♪
02:58 ♪ ♪
03:03 - Just to recap, we were just approached by promoter
03:06 and owner of the show, Roy Engelberg,
03:07 and we're just informed that the Sonny and Jose fight
03:10 two fights ago was the most money
03:13 that's ever been thrown in the ring after a fight.
03:16 I believe he said it was $603, the most in 38 years.
03:20 What's the most money you guys had thrown in the ring?
03:22 - I have no idea.
03:24 - I think I split 20 bucks when I fought.
03:26 - Yeah, yeah, no money's ever been thrown in the ring
03:29 'cause I haven't had a close fight here at Fight Club OC.
03:32 - What a-- - I'm pretty dominant.
03:33 - What a fantastic amount, though.
03:35 $603 thrown in from ringside.
03:37 That's unbelievable.
03:38 I believe one of my guys, Jacob Rosales,
03:40 had the most money before that.
03:42 He'll be happy to know his record was broken tonight.
03:45 [chuckles]
03:47 [crowd chattering]
03:50 [laughs]
03:59 What would you like to see out of Lisa here, George?
04:04 - I wanna see her-- I wanna see her throw more jabs
04:07 and be on the outside, you know?
04:09 Also, I would like to see her throw some feints
04:11 because when she throws punches,
04:14 Angel tends to look low and throw punches herself, you know?
04:18 So if Lisa's able to feint and have Angel look down
04:22 and throw punches, then she'd capitalize on that.
04:24 - Absolutely.
04:26 I feel like what you're saying is she's getting the reaction,
04:29 she just needs to do it more
04:31 and then capitalize on the reaction she's getting, yeah.
04:33 Identify that Angel's doing that reaction, you know?
04:37 - She's giving her what she wants.
04:39 We just gotta capitalize on it.
04:42 - Oh, nice body.
04:43 - She's definitely picking her shots very well.
04:46 Going to the body, throwing some straight punches,
04:48 throwing some hooks.
04:49 - She's got a high guard.
04:50 She looks defensively sound.
04:52 But I'll tell you what, when Angel's throwing,
04:54 she's throwing.
04:57 It just looks like her distance is off to me.
05:02 - A little bit of bullying there, I like it.
05:04 - Lisa's thrown that lead uppercut quite a few times,
05:14 both from the rear and--
05:15 actually, with the rear and the lead hand.
05:17 - Ooh, nice backhand by Angel.
05:21 [bell dings]
05:22 - ♪ I'm in the zone, baby, zone ♪
05:25 ♪ I show you what I'm about, baby, boy ♪
05:29 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
05:30 ♪ Remember what I cheat on you ♪
05:32 ♪ Remember what I can be treason ♪
05:33 ♪ No, I don't bag on you ♪
05:35 ♪ You want what I want for no reason ♪
05:37 ♪ I'm a pull up in my toe ♪
05:39 ♪ Hit up like a-- ♪
05:40 - I think this is at the point in the fight
05:41 if I'm in Angel's corner, if I'm her coach,
05:44 that I'm probably gonna get in her face a little bit.
05:47 I'm probably gonna tell her,
05:48 "Hey, you gotta lock in with this girl.
05:50 You gotta get in there.
05:51 You gotta try to land these big punches we're throwing.
05:53 Otherwise, they're just wasted energy."
05:55 - Yeah, absolutely.
05:57 Yeah, I don't see Angel winning the fight
06:00 on the outside against Lisa.
06:02 Lisa seems a little bit more composed
06:03 and is able to use her range a little better.
06:06 But Angel is throwing punches on the inside,
06:10 but it's just her distance is not there.
06:12 So it's either she's gonna come forward
06:16 and make it a small ring, as my coach would say,
06:19 you know, put the pressure and let her punches go,
06:22 because when she's on the inside,
06:24 Lisa does freeze up just a tiny bit,
06:26 and that's where she can kind of capitalize on that.
06:29 - I feel like Lisa's the cleaner fighter.
06:31 - Yes. - But Angel would have
06:32 a better chance.
06:33 I'm not saying it would be a winning chance,
06:35 but she'd have a better chance
06:36 if she made this more of a dogfight.
06:37 - I absolutely 100% agree.
06:40 - But, like I said, Lisa's been in my room,
06:43 and I know she's well into brawl, too,
06:45 but that might actually turn this thing
06:47 into the fight of the night. - Yeah.
06:49 - I want to say a few years ago,
06:51 she had, like, a cover on Fight Club OC
06:53 where she was just drenched in blood and ready to go.
06:56 Like, she is a dog. - Lisa.
06:58 - She's ready to go. - Yeah.
06:59 - She is a dog. She's ready to go.
07:00 She's not scared of a war.
07:01 She's not scared to bleed.
07:03 - I believe she's fought at big shows.
07:05 I believe she's fought at PFL.
07:06 Coming off a recent fight at PFL was an excellent show.
07:09 - So she's got experience,
07:11 and it's definitely showing through in this fight.
07:14 Sneaky right hand right there.
07:17 [crowd chattering]
07:20 I'd like to see her keep her in the corner.
07:25 Oh, nice.
07:27 [crowd chattering]
07:30 Beautiful duck.
07:36 - Good action.
07:37 - Oh, nice uppercut. - Nice uppercut by Angel.
07:40 [crowd chattering]
07:43 But Lisa's so game, she's not going anywhere.
07:46 - Nice right hand to the body.
07:48 - Followed by a left hook. I like it.
07:51 - That pressure that Lisa's putting on her,
07:55 she's not taking a step backwards at all.
07:58 - And that will fatigue you.
07:59 You know, when you got a fighter coming at you
08:01 and they just keep walking at you,
08:03 you're in the bad dream.
08:04 The boogeyman's coming at you.
08:05 Everything you're throwing going backwards ain't hurting him.
08:08 - And Angel's mouth is wide open.
08:11 And you still got one more round left, baby girl.
08:14 [crowd chattering]
08:17 [bell dings]
08:23 [crowd cheering]
08:26 [heart beating]
08:29 - It takes a team to achieve greatness.
08:32 Whether it's fighting for a world title
08:34 or grinding in the gym to be above the rest,
08:36 you are cut from a different cloth.
08:37 So be the best you can be and look good doing it.
08:41 [bell dings]
08:43 [crowd chattering]
08:44 Let's get it.
08:46 [crowd chattering]
08:49 [whistle blowing]
08:52 [crowd chattering]
08:55 [whistle blowing]
08:59 [crowd chattering]
09:02 [whistle blowing]
09:05 [crowd chattering]
09:08 [crowd chattering]
09:11 [whistle blowing]
09:13 - We've seen a lot of fighters tonight
09:17 avoiding the stool, right?
09:19 They're standing across.
09:20 They're standing during the breaks.
09:22 - Sort of what I was alluding to earlier.
09:24 There's a new philosophy that's going out there
09:26 that's saying the energy you spend actually
09:29 cutting off the blood flow to your body when you sit down
09:32 can actually be detrimental in between rounds.
09:35 - That makes sense.
09:37 - I'm not sure I necessarily believe it,
09:38 but I actually haven't tried it enough.
09:40 I do have fighters that prefer to stand up between rounds,
09:43 but I haven't--
09:45 I can't say that what I've seen as a result from it
09:48 is actually--
09:49 is making that much of a difference.
09:53 - I haven't tried it yet.
09:54 I always say I want to try it, and then I see the stool.
09:56 I'm like, OK, I'm just going to sit down.
09:57 - Look, I know you, and I know bringing the stool.
10:00 This dude wants to sit down.
10:01 [laughing]
10:03 [crowd chattering]
10:06 - Looks like Lisa's just touching her with that jab.
10:08 She keeps throwing off her balance with that jab.
10:11 - And it just looks like Angel is not--
10:14 doesn't have the intent-- a real intention to hit her.
10:17 Looks like she's throwing just to keep her away.
10:19 Not really trying to hit her when she throws that rear--
10:22 that rear hook.
10:24 Not that time.
10:26 - Nice clean right hand by Lisa.
10:28 [crowd chattering]
10:31 - Ooh. - Ooh, good right hand.
10:41 - Lisa's balance just looks really good to me.
10:44 Angel looks like her balance when she throws punches
10:47 is just a little bit off, right?
10:48 - Yeah, exactly.
10:49 It's like she's kind of falling to the side.
10:51 - It's just those big, heavy movements she's doing.
10:54 She's swaying her hips.
10:55 She's got full circles, bending all the way over.
10:57 - And she can't incorporate her hips into that power.
11:02 Whereas Lisa looks like she has a good bend in the legs.
11:05 Her base is really solid.
11:06 [crowd chattering]
11:10 [bell dinging]
11:13 - I'll tell you what, these rounds are going by fast.
11:18 This is not the rounds I'm used to.
11:21 - Female boxing, two minutes.
11:22 [crowd cheering]
11:26 [crowd chattering]
11:29 [crowd cheering]
11:32 [bell dinging]
11:35 [crowd cheering]
11:38 [crowd chattering]
11:41 [crowd cheering]
11:44 [crowd chattering]
11:47 [crowd cheering]
11:50 [crowd cheering]
11:53 [crowd chattering]
11:57 [crowd cheering]
12:00 [crowd chattering]
12:03 [crowd cheering]
12:06 [crowd chattering]
12:09 [crowd cheering]
12:12 [crowd chattering]
12:15 [crowd cheering]
12:18 [crowd chattering]
12:21 [crowd cheering]
12:24 [crowd chattering]
12:28 [crowd cheering]
12:31 [crowd chattering]
12:34 [crowd cheering]
12:37 [crowd chattering]
12:40 [crowd cheering]
12:43 [bell dinging]
12:46 [crowd cheering]
12:49 - So give it up one more time for both of these fighters.
12:54 We're on all four rounds for you this evening.
12:56 [crowd cheering]
12:58 Once again, we head to the scorecards for our decision.
13:04 Judge Michael Bell, Judge Donald Howard,
13:06 Judge Tom Staley, all singles,
13:08 both by unanimous votes of 436,
13:10 four-year winner by unanimous decision,
13:13 Lisa Malden!
13:17 [crowd cheering]
13:18 - Yeah, can't disagree with that decision.
13:20 You know, Lisa was showing great boxing skills.
13:24 You know, really good boxing skills.
13:26 with land--
