柴油价格自由浮动 第二财长:今年12月前落实

  • 4 months ago
新闻报报看 | 大马第二财长阿米尔韩查在出席活动时承认,虽然昌明补贴援助计划的柴油补贴措施预料将会对通胀造成冲击,但他相信影响并不会太大,政府预测今年的通胀率将介于2.0%至3.5%之间。(主播:庄文杰、黄宇恒)


00:00As the government announced the implementation of targeted oil refueling measures,
00:04everyone began to worry
00:06whether this measure would seriously impact the domestic inflation problem after it was introduced.
00:11In response to this question,
00:12Secretary-General Amir Khanzha admitted at the event today
00:16that although the oil refueling measures of the Changming Refueling Assistance Plan
00:19are expected to impact inflation,
00:22he believes the impact will not be too great.
00:26He also mentioned that the current domestic inflation rate is 1.9%.
00:30If the refueling measures can be implemented in the right way,
00:34he believes the inflation will not be too great.
00:37And the government's current forecast is that this year's inflation rate
00:40will remain between 2% and 3.5%.
00:44Amir Khanzha also mentioned that some private companies in the private sector have also responded to the government
00:49that the targeted oil refueling measures have not affected them.
00:52On the contrary, after the implementation of the Changming Refueling Assistance Plan,
00:56it is expected that the government will be able to save $400 million every year.
01:00When asked by the media why they did not directly use the BADU registration system,
01:04Amir Khanzha explained that this was to make it easier for beneficiaries to receive subsidies,
01:08and the authorities will also connect with the BADU system after collecting the data.
01:13Therefore, he urged those beneficiaries who are eligible to register as soon as possible
01:17so that they can receive the assistance fund as soon as possible.
01:20When asked by the media,
01:23there is also a question that has attracted a lot of attention,
01:26that is, when will the free movement of oil prices start?
01:31Amir Khanzha said that it will definitely be implemented before December 2021.
01:38However, this measure will not include Sabah and Sarajevo.
01:42He said that the logistics situation in East Malaysia is more complicated than that on the West Malaysia Peninsula,
01:47so the authorities need to understand the situation in East Malaysia in more detail
01:50before they can come up with a subsidy mechanism that is more suitable for East Malaysia.
01:54Whether it is a subsidy measure or a new policy,
01:58what people care about most is not to bring economic burden to themselves.
02:03According to the Guangming Daily's report on the market,
02:06the current market is not good,
02:08and the current seafood price has fallen by at least 15% to 30%
02:11after many days of continuous decline.
02:15The president of Semelan Market Group, Lei Zhanzhou,
02:18pointed out that the rise in prices has caused inflation,
02:21and the fall in seafood prices is caused by the lack of people's money.
02:26It is precisely because people's income is not enough to keep up with the prices,
02:29that seafood prices have fallen sharply.
02:32Not only do businesses face difficulties,
02:34but many people's current lives are also very hard.
02:37Life is hard, money is not enough, what should we do?
02:41Let me show you a photo that has caused a lot of online discussion.
02:46As you can see in the photo,
02:48the plastic cups are actually the salt, soy sauce, cooking oil, and sauce
02:52that we usually use when cooking food.
02:56However, do you think the quantity of such packaging methods is a bit too little?
03:02Some netizens posted on Facebook that
03:04this is sold in a shop in a village in Sapa, Xienbanna.
03:09Some low-income villagers in the area
03:11can't even afford to buy a pack of salt worth three cents.
03:14So the shop owners thought,
03:17I'll cut down on the seasoning,
03:19and re-package it into small packages and sell it.
03:22They had this idea.
03:24Because on average,
03:26a small cup of salt like this only sells for 30 cents,
03:29a cup of cooking oil sells for 50 cents,
03:32and the locals can afford it.
03:34This post has aroused a lot of online discussion,
03:37and it is hoped that more shop owners
03:39can use the same method to help the poor.
