Study reveals the top 30 simple things that make us smile

  • 4 months ago
The top 30 simple things that make us smile include a kind gesture from a stranger, waking up on a sunny morning – and seeing an elderly couple holding hands.

A study of 2,000 adults found seeing a loved one get good news, receiving a surprise gift and getting a hug also feature on the list.

While others experience the same joy after getting into bed with freshly washed sheets, seeing an old friend and watching a puppy.

But for 46 per cent of people, simply having someone smile at you makes you feel happy, with 65 per cent of adults saying that it improves their mood.

That positive boost lasts for an average of more than 13 minutes, leaving them more likely to be kinder to others (37 per cent), more motivated (19 per cent) or make a bold decision (nine per cent).

Bupa Dental Care [] commissioned the research as part of National Smile Month, to highlight the benefits the friendly gesture can have.

However, an experiment saw just 21 per cent of adults return the friendly gesture from a stranger.

During a two-hour period, actress Zara Naeem smiled at 112 different people as they walked past her - with only 24 replying with the same expression.

Psychologist, Jo Hemmings, said: “When we smile, a number of psychological and physiological changes occur that impact both ourselves and those around us.

“Smiling releases endorphins, dopamine and serotonin – hormones which improve our mood and our sense of well-being – and also reduces cortisol, our stress hormone, making us feel less anxious and more relaxed.

“A genuine and spontaneous smile which reaches our eyes – known as the Duchenne smile – can also lower our blood pressure and boost our immune system, by increasing our production of white blood cells.

“Smiles also have a positive effect on those around us, by reinforcing friendship, kindness and social bonding as well as having a contagious effect, creating positivity in those on the receiving end of a smile.”

The research also found the average adult claims to smile at a stranger five times a week – but 16 per cent admit they rarely or never return the gesture.

Of these, a third blame it on simply being lost in their own thoughts and not paying attention to what is happening around them, while 20 per cent put it down to being in a rush.

But 27 per cent avoid smiling at others over fears they will ‘look weird’ and 14 per cent are too embarrassed.

However, when a stranger smiles at them, half of adults feel happy and 32 per cent feel uplifted.

Others feel comforted (11 per cent), ‘warm and fuzzy’ (15 per cent) and confident (11 per cent).

Less than one in 10 felt a negative emotion, such as confused (eight per cent) or sceptical (nine per cent).

Despite this, less than half (48 per cent) always return a smile from a stranger, with 34 per cent of those worried the grin was not meant for them.

While 32 per cent claim to be so surprised by the gesture that they don’t react quick enough.


00:00 No, she was on a mission.
00:24 Hi.
00:31 Oh, that was a cute smile.
00:34 So today we've been doing this social experiment. It's been really cool.
00:37 Basically seeing how many people smile back at me when I smile at them.
00:44 I got one.
00:53 That's alright. Hi.
00:55 Yeah, good thanks.
00:58 Nope. She looked sad.
01:00 Yeah, I'm really glad that I took part in the experiment with Bupa today.
01:03 It's really opened my eyes. It's made me think about smiling more.
01:08 And it's been really fun.
01:09 It's important we smile because
01:12 we need to remember to be happy and to enjoy life.
01:17 I think we get so caught up
01:18 and we forget to smile and actually it's a lovely thing to do.
01:22 It makes you feel good as well as other people.
01:26 That guy dodged me like the plague.
01:27 [Music]
01:29 (upbeat music)
01:32 you
