Mirabilandia sale in cattedra, i progetti didattici 2024

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Il parco divertimenti più grande d’Italia si trasforma in un’aula senza pareti grazie a percorsi formativi per gli studenti delle scuole primarie e secondarie. Tra le novità 2024, lo studio della fisica applicata allo Stunt Show e la caccia al tesoro tecnologica. Un’opportunità che sempre più scuole stanno cogliendo per offrire ai ragazzi un’esperienza che coniuga originalità, formazione e divertimento.


00:00 [music]
00:04 Learning has never been so fun.
00:07 Mirabilandia goes up to the classroom,
00:09 where math, physics and science are not only studied in books,
00:12 but are experimented in the first person on attractions.
00:15 So for thousands of students from all over Italy,
00:18 the amusement park can accommodate up to 1500 students a day,
00:21 thanks to 26 specialized tutors,
00:23 Mirabilandia becomes a classroom without walls.
00:26 A classroom without walls is born from the idea of a group of very long-sighted teachers
00:31 who saw in Mirabilandia a potential for outdoor activities
00:36 that would make physics and math more attractive from the students' point of view.
00:41 Many of the park's attractions are involved in didactic activities,
00:46 physics and math, they are all multidisciplinary activities.
00:50 We have roller coasters like Catuna and Speed,
00:53 water attractions like Divertical,
00:56 which are analyzed from the point of view of physics and math,
00:59 thanks to these outdoor lessons, which are carried out by professional tutors.
01:04 There are about 600,000 students who have participated so far in the project,
01:09 a unique opportunity to verify the concepts of the scientific subjects
01:12 applied to the many attractions present.
01:15 Mathematical hunting and logic courses for elementary schools,
01:18 measurements and observations of water for high school and high school,
01:22 physics, speed calculations and accelerations for the older ones.
01:26 The feedback is always very positive,
01:29 probably because they do a didactic activity that is a bit out of the ordinary.
01:34 You are no longer inside the classroom,
01:37 you have an exciting and fun environment at your disposal,
01:43 and in the same way you can get closer to concepts of physics
01:48 that maybe in the classroom seemed more complex to you.
01:51 Also the fact of testing by hand and getting excited
01:54 about living the things that are studied on the school benches,
01:59 in my opinion, can be a very useful and interesting way
02:03 to make sure that these things are consolidated and made for the students.
02:09 In 2024, the offer is enriched with the news of two projects,
02:13 the "Stunt Show Physics" and the "Science Smart Contest".
02:17 The first is an educational experience outside the city,
02:21 which provides the possibility to observe closely the evolution of cars and motorcycles
02:25 during the "Stunt Show" in Mirabilandia and understand the physical principles that govern them.
02:30 The second is an exciting technological team treasure hunt
02:33 inside the "iPad in hand" park.
02:36 In my opinion it can be much more interesting
02:39 than studying at school on the benches with books,
02:42 and maybe the students can be much more interested in learning and discovering new things.
02:47 In my opinion it can have practical advantages,
02:49 because you can see in the first person experiments,
02:52 it makes you participate even more.
02:54 You see in the first person all the principles of physics,
02:57 how it works, how you can apply them, everything.
03:02 We had the opportunity to experience the forced falls,
03:06 and living it on our own skin,
03:08 you can see the effect much better and you understand it,
03:11 and it's even more fun, you stay more impressed.
03:14 Doing something on your own,
03:16 rather than reading the writing on the book, or seeing a drawing on the book.
