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El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:00 [Music]
00:19 Love the hoodie.
00:20 You're kidding.
00:21 No, I'm not kidding.
00:22 I met you at the Key Club Miami. I just got back today.
00:25 Met me where?
00:26 What are the odds of seeing you here?
00:28 A lot. A million to one. Two million to one.
00:31 What are the odds of you wearing the Peaches hoodie?
00:33 That's very rare.
00:34 Yeah, I love it. Well, thanks for the support. Bye.
00:37 It's nice to see you, Dave.
00:38 Nice to see you.
00:39 I'm Jonah.
00:40 I'm Dave.
00:41 Pleasure.
00:42 Where did we meet?
00:43 Key Club in Miami.
00:44 Oh, yeah.
00:45 Just briefly, we were walking to the bathroom.
00:46 You were at the Grumman spot.
00:47 Yeah.
00:48 Yeah, yeah. So that must have been a little while ago.
00:49 Sure.
00:50 Yeah, yeah.
00:51 So what are you doing here? Just making your rounds?
00:52 Yeah, I had to be in the city, so we're driving up from like Mystic, Connecticut, and just
00:55 hitting a bunch of spots.
00:56 Cool.
00:57 Yeah.
00:58 Did you like Mystic?
00:59 We just did a... We were there for a second.
01:01 Well, I'm going to have to see what happens here.
01:03 Yeah, we will. Hey, how's it going?
01:05 Oh, my God. What's going on?
01:06 How's it going?
01:07 Good. How are you?
01:08 Good.
01:09 I know who we are.
01:10 Yeah, nice to meet you.
01:11 Yeah, well, what's so sports-related?
01:12 Well, New Haven, I mean, that's my favorite stop.
01:14 That, I swear, is the Pepsi's logo. No?
01:17 That fire is just the New Haven logo.
01:19 I feel like I've seen that logo.
01:21 Well, it's just a standard logo that we just added a few things to.
01:24 Now, and let me ask you another question, because as much as I love New Haven, I always
01:28 thought New Haven was coal-fired. You're saying wood-fired.
01:31 Yeah, well, I would assume wood-fired and coal-fired are basically, you know...
01:36 Similar? Same thing? I mean, look, this looks like a New Haven, so I love New Haven. I like
01:42 how it's nice and light. Is this your spot?
01:43 Yeah, yeah.
01:44 So, how old... From 1974?
01:46 Well, that's... My father started in '74.
01:48 Okay.
01:49 And then he had a business in '74, and then he retired and passed away eventually.
01:54 Okay.
01:55 But then me and my brothers, we kept on going on and doing our own thing.
01:58 All right. Well, here we go. I hope I love it.
02:02 Let's go.
02:03 There's the charcoal. Yeah, there's the charcoal right underneath. So, New Haven, and everyone
02:07 knows it's my favorite stop, pizza. So, New Haven Pizza Place. I'm sorry, what's your
02:11 name?
02:12 Yeah, New Haven Pizza Place.
02:13 No, no, your name.
02:14 Oh, Arsenio.
02:15 Arsenio. So, Arsenio, here we go. No pressure here.
02:17 All right.
02:18 No pressure.
02:19 For me. Does it justice. Really good.
02:26 Now, this is a light New Haven, which I like. Sometimes they're a little heavier. This one's
02:32 on the light side. I really like it.
02:34 Yeah.
02:35 Look, guys, coming out right behind us.
02:36 Oh.
02:37 Hi.
02:38 How you doing?
02:39 Hi.
02:40 Let's go to the other table.
02:41 I just want to take your picture.
02:42 Let's do it.
02:43 You don't mind.
02:44 Let's do it.
02:45 And I love your dog.
02:46 That's Miss Peaches.
02:47 Right here.
02:48 Oh, right there.
02:49 Look at this. How cute is that?
02:52 What are the odds, though?
02:53 Just hang in right in my first sweatshirt I saw. Here we go.
02:57 Yeah, walked out bang. There it is. She's a superstar.
03:00 It's a good one.
03:01 Yeah.
03:02 Had to get it.
03:03 Pizza's very good.
03:04 Yeah.
03:05 Love the undercarriage. So, let me see here. Ah.
03:07 Oh, yeah.
03:08 A lot going on.
03:10 I wish I could.
03:11 I'm 12. Boy, am I 12? Pizza Reviews Deep.
03:14 I'm hanging in C-Straight. Ah.
03:16 We got to get our pizza, man.
03:18 I'm really going. I'm going to go on 7-9.
03:23 Like, really, really good quality New Haven. Have you had it? It's good.
03:26 Dude, I saw you in Miami, remember?
03:28 I told you I was from New Haven.
03:30 This is the best pizza place, man.
03:32 Where did you see me?
03:33 Miami Beach, dude.
03:34 On the beach?
03:35 I remember when I had the glasses on, you said, "What do you guys hide?"
03:37 With the shades on.
03:39 Yeah, I vaguely do.
03:41 You were wearing shades in the middle of the day, right?
03:45 Yeah, yeah, I do remember that.
03:47 I was alive. New Haven pizza's the best.
03:49 Yeah, New Haven's the best. There's good stuff.
03:51 Especially this place.
03:52 What's that?
03:53 Especially this place. It's a damn good place.
03:55 Nice to see you.
03:56 Thank you.
03:57 You guys are getting pumped up.
03:59 Pumped up. Really good 7-9. Great score.
04:01 Very--does just as you hit it.
04:03 A lot going on.
04:04 People coming from all different angles.
04:06 Very good.
04:07 Thank you, brother.
04:08 Joey, can I take your picture?
04:09 Of course.
04:10 Are you a PASS fan?
04:11 Oh, love 'em.
04:12 What do you do, PASS Yankees?
04:13 What kind of combo is that?
04:14 Yeah, PASS Yankees.
04:15 My mother-in-law's a PASS fan.
04:17 So you're all Boston?
04:18 Yeah.
04:19 All right.
04:20 Yeah.
04:21 All right.
04:22 Nice.
04:23 Cool.
04:24 Yeah, nice meeting you.
04:25 Pizza's real good.
04:26 Take care.
04:27 Thank you very much.
04:28 What's that?
04:29 What number?
04:30 High score, 7-9.
04:31 7-9.
04:32 That's good.
04:33 That's an awesome score.
04:34 That's very good, yeah.
04:35 See you guys later.
04:36 Don't forget to flick real quick.
04:37 Yeah, sure.
04:38 Very cool.
04:39 Why were you guys wearing those glasses?
04:40 Because we just like them.
04:41 They're designed.
04:42 All right.
04:43 Can I come get it?
04:44 What?
04:45 Oh, we're taking it.
04:46 Cool.
04:47 Nice meeting you guys.
04:48 Nice meeting you.
04:49 Nice meeting you.
04:50 Nice shooting, guys.
04:51 I don't want to bug you, Dave, but I do want a picture with you.
04:52 No, no, I don't mind.
04:53 A little bit of a burden.
04:54 No.
04:55 Thanks, man.
04:56 Of course.
04:57 I live right down the street.
04:58 Oh, yeah?
04:59 Woodmont, Connecticut.
05:00 Thanks, man.
05:01 Cool.
05:02 Good seeing you again.
05:03 All the best.
05:04 Take care.
05:05 See you.
05:06 See you.
05:21 [WHOOSH]
