• last year
here's a casual glimpse into our mundane summer morning routine with our 5 kids
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Good morning.
00:04 I am usually the first one awake in the mornings
00:09 because Sunday or Zealand is usually the first one
00:16 actually awake and I'll go get them.
00:19 So I am going to go get Sunday right now
00:23 'cause I heard her wake up.
00:24 All the kids have sound machines in their room
00:26 so that's what you're gonna hear.
00:29 And then I can come get my sweet girl.
00:32 Hello.
00:35 Want me to get you out?
00:38 Yeah, you wanna come with me?
00:39 I love you.
00:40 And we get little Sunday all changed.
00:45 Look, that's you.
00:46 Say hi, Sunday.
00:47 I love these moments because I get a little bit
00:52 of alone time in the morning with whoever wakes up first.
00:56 And if you listen closely, you'll hear the light roar
00:59 of all the sound machines throughout the entire house.
01:01 Everybody's room, our room.
01:04 Posey and Zealand's are.
01:07 And Sunday found one of baby brother's binkies
01:09 'cause we've been trying to take hers away
01:11 but it's been tough because baby brothers
01:14 are all over the house.
01:16 Oh, and you have your baby?
01:17 Aw.
01:19 We're gonna catch a big one.
01:21 What a beautiful day.
01:23 We're not scared.
01:25 Uh-oh, grass, long wavy grass.
01:30 Oh, and look who's up next.
01:33 Usually Zealand and Posey wake up together
01:36 because they sleep in the same room together.
01:37 So we got Posey awake, Zealand awake.
01:40 Yes, you're Anna.
01:41 Are you Princess Anna this morning with her frozen dress?
01:44 So we got the three middles awake now.
01:47 You guys want some breakfast?
01:48 Are you hungry?
01:48 - Yeah, I wanna tell you the princess is coming.
01:53 - Okay.
01:54 This is what our freezer looks like.
01:56 We try to keep it organized
01:58 but ultimately we just end up shoving as much stuff
02:00 as will possibly fit.
02:02 And no promo in any of this video.
02:04 We're just showing you what we do.
02:06 These are the kids' all time favorite breakfasts
02:08 from Sprouts, chocolate chip pancake bites.
02:11 They're obsessive and honestly I've had them too.
02:14 They're delicious.
02:15 (upbeat music)
02:23 - Daddy, this smells so good.
02:25 - Does?
02:26 Is it good, Sunday?
02:28 - Is it chocolate chips?
02:29 - Yeah.
02:30 - It smells like chocolate chips.
02:31 - Yeah, so this is what they look like.
02:32 Little tiny chocolate baby pancakes.
02:36 And Zealand's got oatmeal this morning.
02:38 Usually he does the waffles and the pancakes but.
02:39 - And he says goat meal.
02:41 - Sometimes he says goat meal, right?
02:44 - Daddy, I got some syrup inside my hair.
02:47 - Oh, we gotta be careful, right?
02:48 - I'm here, I'll wipe it down with these.
02:50 - So Savannah and I have a pretty good teamwork combination
02:55 where she does the baby.
02:56 She does the baby throughout the night,
02:58 which is why she's sleeping in this morning.
02:59 So we'll put the baby to bed at 10 p.m.
03:01 whenever we go to sleep and then he'll wake up
03:02 to eat again at 2 a.m., which Savannah does.
03:05 She lets me sleep through the night.
03:07 And then she does the baby again at 6 a.m., you know what I mean?
03:10 Good job.
03:11 She does the baby again at 6 a.m.
03:12 And then she goes back to sleep.
03:14 So he's actually sleeping great, good job.
03:16 He actually is sleeping great.
03:17 He's only waking up two times throughout the night
03:19 but obviously that's more times
03:20 that I wake up throughout the night.
03:21 So in return for letting me have a great night's sleep,
03:24 I typically try to wake up with the younger kids
03:27 as they wake up pretty early and get them breakfast.
03:29 And I have more energy throughout the day.
03:30 So just any energy exertion things,
03:33 you know, we can't both be tired.
03:35 That's Savannah's perspective and mindset,
03:37 which I am so happy that she has that
03:39 'cause I cannot imagine being exhausted throughout the day
03:41 trying to play with and have so much fun with these guys
03:45 'cause they are crazy and including Everly.
03:48 So Everly's hitting that age
03:49 where she's starting to sleep in a little bit more.
03:51 As you guys can see,
03:52 she's not the first one up as she used to be.
03:55 - System is now disarmed.
03:57 - Okay, mama has some groceries scheduled
03:59 to be delivered last night, this morning.
04:02 Good job, buddy.
04:03 There we go.
04:05 - I want help.
04:08 - You want help?
04:10 Here, thank you, baby.
04:12 - We have green bananas.
04:14 - We always make sure,
04:15 even if we still have a lot of bananas,
04:16 that we have more bananas
04:18 'cause we go through bananas like a family of monkeys, right?
04:21 - Hey, so we're gonna go see my sister, Everly.
04:25 We're gonna go see my sister, Everly.
04:28 This is my sister, Everly.
04:31 - Good morning.
04:32 - She's coming in this very soft blanket.
04:38 And then this is Sunday.
04:40 Say hi.
04:41 She's ate her food.
04:42 And I was just reading her a book.
04:46 Please pour something in.
04:48 - For dad.
04:49 - Mommy's awake.
04:53 Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.
04:54 (baby babbling)
04:56 You're welcome.
04:56 This is what happens whenever baby boy wakes up.
05:04 Usually they're all fighting for the baby.
05:09 - Hey, dad, can we film?
05:11 - What?
05:12 - I wanna film.
05:13 - You wanna film?
05:14 - I wanna film.
05:15 - Hold on, baby.
05:15 - We are changing Beckham Blue.
05:17 - Hey, Posy, do you wanna sing the Beckham Blues song for 'em?
05:21 - Let me see if you can do this for her.
05:23 ♪ Beckham, Beckham Blue ♪
05:25 ♪ Where are you ♪
05:26 ♪ We've got some work to do now ♪
05:30 - And the work is changing his eyes.
05:32 - Beckham Blue?
05:33 - Comment down below if you know what show
05:34 that's a remake of.
05:38 - Okay, so usually while Posy and Zeland
05:40 are holding the baby, so they get their turn,
05:43 I usually take a shower or something,
05:46 and I really need to take a shower
05:47 'cause I put this oil in my hair.
05:49 - Hey, can I show you something?
05:51 - Oh.
05:52 - You can do your butt like this.
05:54 - Wow.
05:55 Okay, well, I'm gonna go take a shower.
06:00 - And I didn't get to film Beckham Blue waking up,
06:03 but this is where mom sleeps.
06:05 That's where I sleep, and this is right
06:07 where Beckham Blue sleeps.
06:09 Yep, he just sleeps in this little dock-a-tock
06:12 with a little sleep sack, dreamland baby,
06:16 and that's the life, and then he just sleeps
06:19 and eats all day long.
06:21 I see him, is he awake?
06:21 - He's awake right now, though.
06:22 - He awake?
06:24 Hey, buddy.
06:25 - Look, I have his head.
06:27 Hey, can you be stealthy holding him
06:28 and standing up?
06:30 - Yeah.
06:32 - Like, put his head right there.
06:34 - Posy is like such a little mom.
06:36 Look at this.
06:37 (gasps)
06:39 - Okay, stay close to me.
06:40 - That's pretty good.
06:42 - Can I hold him?
06:44 Can I hold him now?
06:46 - Remember, sometimes he can do this,
06:47 and like that's it.
06:48 Just like, right here.
06:50 You're doing a good job.
06:51 You can hold him next, okay?
06:52 - Oh, here comes crazy girl.
06:54 We call Cindy our crazy girl.
06:55 She will be two in a week, and she is hitting the twos.
06:59 - Cindy's like the Flintstones baby.
07:01 What's her name?
07:03 - Yeah.
07:04 - Bam Bam.
07:05 - Uh-huh, Cindy is.
07:06 She just kinda runs around figuring,
07:07 what can I destroy next?
07:09 What can I destroy next?
07:11 - Zeland is such a good job holding his brother.
07:14 Oh, yep, there it is.
07:15 (laughs)
07:17 And there's that one.
07:19 - Coffee time?
07:20 - Cindy, you wanna help me make my coffee today?
07:24 - Yeah.
07:25 - What?
07:25 Zeland, do you wanna help me make my coffee today?
07:28 - Yeah, but I put the coffee in Cindy's room.
07:32 - Then?
07:33 - Me!
07:34 - Oh, what do you have now?
07:35 The lunchboxes?
07:36 Great.
07:37 - Okay.
07:39 - Okay guys, I'm gonna be honest with you.
07:41 One of the coolest things about doing YouTube stuff
07:44 is the PR packages that you get.
07:46 Again, no promo, but we just sometimes wake up
07:48 with random things at our house.
07:49 Let's see what's inside.
07:50 So this is now Zeland's present.
07:52 Oh.
07:54 Oh.
07:55 Oh.
07:57 Oh.
07:58 Are you kidding me?
07:59 Something else on here, buddy.
08:00 Oh my, oh, you're kidding me.
08:01 Oh my goodness.
08:02 What?
08:03 - What?
08:04 - What?
08:05 Are you kidding me?
08:06 Just to clarify, this is a habit of time.
08:08 And if we ever do get too many presents, PR toys.
08:13 - We save it for a birthday present.
08:13 - Then we save them in a special closet
08:16 to give away for birthday presents.
08:18 - For other kids.
08:19 - Not our kids' birthday presents, other things.
08:21 We have birthday parties every single weekend.
08:23 And also, clarification, this is a summer morning routine
08:28 because the kids are on summer break now, right?
08:31 - Mm-hmm.
08:32 - So homeschool school's over.
08:35 - A dinosaur.
08:36 - That is a dinosaur, you're right, baby.
08:38 Mm.
08:39 - There's my coffee.
08:41 - That looks good.
08:41 I'm not a big coffee person, but man, that's good.
08:42 - I wish I could try it.
08:44 - Me too.
08:45 This is mom's new breakfast.
08:54 - Yeah, I haven't had this before, but I like it.
08:56 I mean, I have a lot of habit.
08:57 - With yogurt and granola.
08:59 This is what I eat if I'm on the go
09:01 or I'm trying to eat quickly, is an Oinko's Greek yogurt,
09:04 a mush overnight oats, a banana,
09:06 and some kind of beef stick and water.
09:08 If I have more time, then I'll try to make eggs,
09:12 bacon, all the good stuff, but it's already later
09:17 and I'm hungry, so I just got this.
09:19 I'm just gonna eat it real quick.
09:21 (laughing)
09:22 - It looks like this.
09:23 - Yesterday, we also got the design
09:25 for our LeBrant family residential future,
09:29 future farmland on this.
09:31 So we're very stoked on that
09:33 'cause it's officially getting started.
09:34 We got the land, we got the design,
09:36 now we just gotta build it,
09:38 which is gonna take, what, a year and a half?
09:40 - Now, all we gotta do.
09:43 - Yeah, now.
09:44 - Just build it.
09:45 (upbeat music)
09:48 - I feel like it's kind of like the baby whisperer.
09:50 - Poor Evelyn, do you just force her
09:55 to hold the baby all day?
09:56 - All day.
09:57 (laughing)
09:59 - And Posey is our musician.
10:02 This is what breakfast looks like.
10:04 Usually I have Sunday on the table
10:06 trying to eat my food, too.
10:08 - Yeah.
10:08 (child singing)
10:11 (laughing)
10:12 - I'm building kids in their terms.
10:14 Hey, buddy.
10:15 (child singing)
10:18 - Is it filming?
10:24 - Huh?
10:25 - Okay, guys, so I can't taste it myself.
10:28 There we go, now I can.
10:29 Okay, so today for breakfast,
10:32 I'm making myself a yogurt with honey
10:37 and these Made Good crispy granola,
10:43 and they have chocolate chips in them,
10:47 so these are really, really good.
10:48 You need to get these, they're so good.
10:51 And I sometimes even just eat it on the go for dance,
10:55 and it's super duper good.
10:57 (child singing)
11:00 And that is the delicious creation.
11:04 - All right, so mom had this great idea
11:06 that we come up with a summer bucket list.
11:08 I think that we've seen other people do this,
11:09 and it sounded like a lot of fun,
11:11 so we're gonna come up with a bunch of ideas
11:13 that we wanna get done this summer.
11:15 - I wanna eat rocks.
11:16 - No, it doesn't have rocks.
11:17 - Eat rocks?
11:18 That's cute.
11:19 Lemonade stands, right?
11:21 - Disneyland.
11:22 - Disneyland?
11:23 - Yeah.
11:24 - It's a big dream.
11:25 - Hmm.
11:26 - I don't know about that one.
11:27 - Yeah, like some of these ideas,
11:29 some of these ideas are gonna be passes.
11:32 - What would the other one make, then?
11:33 - Not Disneyland, sorry.
11:35 - I'm sleepy, mommy.
11:39 (child laughing)
11:42 - Slendy's at the age now where she tells me she has poop,
11:45 which lets us know that she's ready to be potty trained.
11:47 She's almost two, and all the other kids
11:49 are potty trained right around two, so it makes sense.
11:51 - Is that pretty good?
11:51 Look at that.
11:52 - Now we're just getting ready.
11:54 - It's quiet now.
11:55 I'm gonna have markers all over my hands.
11:56 When you're left-handed, lefties can really go over the...
12:01 So we'll get ready, then I'll get the kiddos ready,
12:04 and then...
12:07 - And then you'll do something on the bucket list, huh?
12:09 - And then we'll have to do something on the bucket list,
12:11 and we'll have to go to swim class
12:12 because the kids are in IM-SAR swim lessons.
12:14 So that is six weeks.
12:16 It's a big commitment, where you have to go
12:18 10 minutes a day, Monday through Friday,
12:20 for six weeks straight.
12:21 So it's a big commitment, but it works great,
12:22 and we're almost done.
12:24 We have one more week left.
12:26 - Nice, brows on fleek, honey.
12:28 Do you like me filming you getting ready?
12:31 - It's fine.
12:32 I don't mind.
12:33 One of these days I need to do a makeup routine
12:37 because even though I don't do anything fancy,
12:40 I feel like a lot of people have asked.
12:43 - People would like a very simple...
12:44 - Yeah, 401.
12:45 - Yeah, quick, this isn't like a fancy makeup routine.
12:49 - Yeah, I can get ready in about 12 minutes.
12:53 - Savannah can get ready very fast.
12:55 - I think I just learned to be really quick
12:57 'cause I have so many kids,
12:57 I don't really have time to be in here forever
12:59 to get ready.
13:00 - So this is a very efficient...
13:01 - 'Cause after 12 minutes, who knows if someone's like,
13:03 you can't do something, you know?
13:04 - You can tell they're quiet now,
13:05 but we're both on edge.
13:07 Like, this isn't gonna last too long.
13:09 We always try to get outside.
13:10 Sunday's our outside girl.
13:13 Oh my goodness.
13:14 Look at this.
13:15 And cicadas all over Tennessee are crazy,
13:18 but they're going away and we're gonna miss 'em.
13:20 That's a shell, so that's just the excess open, right?
13:23 But Sunday loves cicadas.
13:25 Sunday loves worms, right, Sunday?
13:27 So every morning we'll come outside
13:29 and we'll catch cicadas and we'll catch worms.
13:32 Sunday is our bug lover.
13:34 Did you hear 'em?
13:35 - Yeah. - Oh, I hear one.
13:36 - I hear, bye-bye cicada.
13:39 - Bye-bye cicada.
13:40 Let's see if we can find one.
13:42 Say, where are you, cicada?
13:45 - Head.
13:46 - Is that on your head?
13:46 - Yeah.
13:47 - Yeah, say, where are you, cicada?
13:49 Oh, I hear one.
13:50 - Yeah. - You hear it?
13:51 - Yeah.
13:52 - Let's try to find it.
13:53 - Tree.
13:53 - They are in the trees?
13:54 - Yeah.
13:55 - There's one over here on the ground.
13:56 - Here.
13:57 - Cicada.
13:58 - Here.
13:58 - In the trees?
13:59 - Yeah.
14:00 - Yeah, you're right.
14:01 (cicadas chirping)
14:03 That's a cicada, guys, and Sunday loves 'em.
14:06 Sunday, look, I got another one.
14:12 - Oh, oh, my, yeah.
14:13 - Oh, did you drop 'em?
14:15 Look, we got two cicadas.
14:17 Look, they can be friends.
14:18 There they are.
14:19 They don't bite.
14:21 They're just kind of the perfect bugs
14:22 for little kids to play with.
14:24 And they make that noise.
14:25 (cicadas chirping)
14:28 And Sunday loves 'em.
14:29 - Baby cicada.
14:30 - A baby cicada.
14:31 (cicadas chirping)
14:33 So cute.
14:33 (cicadas chirping)
14:35 That's so sweet.
14:36 Let's see.
14:37 Oh, any worms in there?
14:38 Oh, look, there they are.
14:39 Sunny, come here, I found some worms.
14:42 Look, look.
14:44 You guys see those worms?
14:46 Sunny, you see 'em?
14:47 You want 'em?
14:50 Yeah, want me to get 'em for you?
14:52 There you go.
14:53 And just like that, we caught two cicadas and two worms.
14:57 - Mommy, what's that?
14:59 - Worms.
15:00 - Let me see.
15:01 - Worms.
15:02 - Worms and a cicada?
15:04 (gasps)
15:06 Oh, let's not put the worms on the ground.
15:08 - Perfect.
15:09 Nothing like some earthworms on the rug.
15:10 - Oh, my goodness.
15:11 - Oh, and a cicada's in here, too.
15:13 You look lovely.
15:14 We made it to the kids' swim lesson.
15:19 It got a little chaotic and crazy trying to get out of the house,
15:22 but we made it.
15:23 (gentle music)
15:26 - Stay, stay all the way up, stay all the way up.
15:30 Okay, two, three, four, now we go.
15:33 Put your hand back and then we'll start.
15:38 (gentle music)
15:41 (gentle music)
15:44 (gentle music)
15:47 (gentle music)
15:50 (gentle music)
15:53 (gentle music)
15:56 [Music]
