Hells Angels - Kingdom Come Episode 2

  • 4 months ago
Hells Angels - Kingdom Come Episode 2 - Traitors Within


00:00When you're with the Hells Angels, get ready to die, and most likely the guy next to you
00:19is the one who'll pull the trigger.
00:20The Lennoxville Massacre was the Hells Angels turning on the Hells Angels.
00:24It was cannibalism.
00:25Police fished out six bodies from the St. Lawrence.
00:29They were chained, wrapped up in sleeping bags, and tied down with weights.
00:33The Hells Angels could not dream of a better weapon than Eve Apache Trudeau.
00:38They have no idea they have the Jeffrey Dahmer of the Hells Angels, and he's never caught.
00:59The Hells Angels have no idea they have the Jeffrey Dahmer of the Hells Angels, and he's
01:06never caught.
01:07The Hells Angels have no idea they have the Jeffrey Dahmer of the Hells Angels, and he's
01:08never caught.
01:30It's no secret the Hells Angels are an incredibly violent, vicious organization.
01:35But in its 70 years of existence, there's really one guy that stands out.
01:41Eve Trudeau was a Hells Angel who was notorious for being the best killer for the Hells Angels.
01:50Eve's Apache Trudeau is pure sociopath, someone that was utilized by a lot of the Hells Angels
01:58to do their dirty work, somebody that enjoyed doing the dirty work.
02:04The Hells Angels could not dream of a better weapon to send out into the battlefield than
02:11Eve Apache Trudeau.
02:13He's up there as one of the most prolific serial killers in North America.
02:18Many of the bikers really admired Apache Trudeau.
02:21He got things done.
02:23He shot a lot of people.
02:25He blew up a bunch of people.
02:28Trudeau was the first of the Canadian Hells to get a filthy few patch, the patch you get
02:33when you've killed people.
02:35And they're called the filthy few because not all Hells Angels have killed people.
02:40In the course of 15 years, Eve Trudeau will kill 43 people, by his own admission, maybe
02:46more, 29 with guns, 10 with bombs, three he beats to death, and one he strangles.
02:54He will eventually even kill people who have helped him kill people.
03:01If you are killing almost four dozen people, you're very good at your job.
03:05And no one suspected him when he was walking down the street, but he was a stone-cold killer.
03:11Probably not someone you want to invite over for tea.
03:17Eve Trudeau was known on the street as Apache.
03:19Leaders of the group gave him that nickname because he was like an Apache warrior,
03:23somebody that was fearless.
03:27Trudeau was not just known as Apache.
03:29He was also known as the Mad Bumper because he killed so many people.
03:33Well, it was funny because, you know, the Hells Angels mostly, they present themselves
03:37as great big brick houses, and Trudeau was not that kind of creature.
03:41He was slight.
03:43There's this photo taken by one of the gang members.
03:45It's probably in the late 70s, and you can see Trudeau as one of the smaller guys in the photo.
03:50He was born and raised in a middle-class neighborhood.
03:54A controlling father who imposed a kind of military discipline.
03:59As a young adult, he's working at an explosive factory, making bombs, fertilizers.
04:05Trudeau cut his teeth learning how to work with explosives, blowing shit up.
04:11It became something that he could capitalize on.
04:15Yves Trudeau, like many other young kids looking for some action, joins the Popeyes,
04:22the low-level biker gang.
04:25He doesn't even have a motorcycle.
04:28He starts riding around, and he's known as a happy-go-lucky guy.
04:35When the Popeyes started, he was a good member at that time.
04:40Not drinking, no drugs, nothing.
04:43He was okay.
04:45He was a straight guy.
04:48Yves Trudeau just always wanted to be someone.
04:52And he wanted to find a family within the bikers.
04:59In 1969, there's this big conference where the police are trying to do good with the bikers,
05:05and the bikers are trying to do good.
05:08Trudeau, as one of the young, handsomer members of the Popeyes,
05:12will actually get an award from the police.
05:15It's quite striking in terms of the ignorance and the blissful hopes that the police have.
05:22He will then go on to start killing.
05:28There's some poor guy who steals a bike from the Popeyes,
05:32and Yves Trudeau is tasked with punishing him.
05:37And he lands up killing him.
05:40And I think what happens is that Yves Trudeau realizes he doesn't really care about killing anybody,
05:48that he's good at it, and this could be his way to power.
05:52This could be his ticket.
05:56It comes part and parcel with the 1% lifestyle, that you're going to be doing a lot of drugs,
06:01and you better be able to handle those drugs,
06:03because if you can't, you're going to turn out like a patch of Trudeau.
06:10Yves went to prison for armed robbery,
06:13and his buddy Boston thought, so that he could have a good time while he's locked up,
06:19he could smuggle coke in for him,
06:21but the problem was, by the time he got out, he was a full-blown coke fiend.
06:27He took too much drug, you know.
06:30He turned crazy.
06:31It was not him that I knew.
06:33It was not the same man.
06:35At one point, he was using about $60,000 worth of coke in a three-week period.
06:42It aided and abetted his killing ways.
06:45The higher he got, the less feelings he had about what he was doing,
06:49and the more he convinced himself, you know, he was killing for the Brotherhood.
06:53He had no remorse.
06:54For him, it was just strictly, this is a business.
06:58This is my business.
07:01In the 1970s, there were dozens and dozens of biker gangs in every province.
07:07Satan Choice, Popeyes, as well as other clubs were being seduced,
07:12being courted by the outlaws and the Hells Angels
07:16to get rid of your small Canadian club
07:19and join this big United States club that has visions of being global.
07:26New York is sort of the eastern capital for the Hells Angels,
07:30and they have a big say in what goes on with the other clubs.
07:34And so, they asked a number of clubs to sort of audition for them,
07:40and they auditioned by killing each other's members.
07:43The Popeyes were known to be particularly aggressive.
07:47The Popeyes were known to be particularly vicious, unhinged, and violent,
07:52and that's why Sonny Barger, he zeroed in on the Popeyes
07:58as a group that he wanted to become the first Hells Angels crew in Canada.
08:11When the Popeyes patch over to the Hells Angels in 1977,
08:16Eve Trudeau is one of the founding members of the Hells Angels,
08:20and Trudeau is dispatched to carry out a series of killings
08:25against the enemies of the Hells Angels.
08:28And then the floodgates opened in terms of violence
08:32between the outlaws and the Hells Angels.
08:36In 1978, Apache Trudeau shows up at Brian Powers' house.
08:41Powers is a member of the outlaws.
08:44When Powers opens the door, Apache Trudeau shoots him nine times in the head.
08:55Trudeau had been given a contract on an outlaw leader by the name of Roxy.
09:00And he was out and about one day and saw somebody that he thought he recognized as Roxy
09:05and in French, asked him, are you Roxy?
09:08The man did not answer him.
09:11Trudeau pulled out a gun and killed the guy.
09:16A day later, Apache Trudeau was reading a newspaper that was reporting on the murder,
09:22and Apache Trudeau was shot in the head.
09:27And it turned out that it was an Englishman that didn't speak French,
09:33and it wasn't Roxy.
09:36Trudeau had a great laugh over it, which surprised even some Hells Angels.
09:41He wasn't upset by the fact that he had murdered an innocent civilian.
09:45He was upset that he couldn't collect on the $20,000 contract that was on Roxy's head.
09:50It's not like he stopped and had something to do with it.
09:54He didn't stop and had some moral dilemma.
09:57He just went and found the person he was supposed to kill.
10:04Two months after the car bombing death of Roxy, Apache Trudeau upped the ante even more
10:10and decided to go after one of the most decorated outlaws in all of Canada.
10:15His name was Don McLean.
10:17So Donald McLean and his girlfriend get on the bike.
10:21It's a Harley because he's a biker.
10:23And he starts the bike and it blows up.
10:28And them with it.
10:30A bike is an extension of the club you're in.
10:34So messing with somebody's bike in the 1% world is sacrilege.
10:44Each kill was a reinforcement of how Trudeau was an important member of the club.
10:50It showed his power and it showed that people would...
10:53I don't think the word is like him, but I think he enjoyed people being scared of him.
11:01But he'd still go and visit his mom once a month.
11:05I can only imagine what was going through his head when he's sitting down to have tea with his mom
11:10but he just blew somebody up like a few days earlier.
11:14The war between the Hells Angels and the outlaws lasted five years.
11:2023 people were killed, 18 of them by Trudeau.
11:26The police don't connect this bombing with this murder with this strangulation.
11:31They don't know that there's a serial assassin.
11:34They are completely oblivious to what Yves Trudeau is doing for the Hells Angels.
11:41The idea that this is all about brotherhood, there is a certain aspect to that.
11:47But for the most part, it's about using the power of the patch to be successful within the criminal world.
11:58Word spreads in the rest of the underworld in Montreal.
12:03And the Hells Angels then agreed to contract out their secret weapon.
12:08To contract out Yves Trudeau to other gangs.
12:13You have to understand that in the 70s and 80s, Montreal was sort of a collage of organized crime.
12:22It was a fabulous time to be a young reporter because there was a lot of crime.
12:28That sounds so sick, but it was exciting because there was always a great story.
12:35There was a lot of business if you were a hitman.
12:38And Trudeau, he was an equal opportunity hitman.
12:41It didn't matter who you were, if you had the money and needed his services, he would do it.
12:47But Trudeau was in a club that was quickly eating itself from the inside.
12:51It was total chaos.
12:54The Hells Angels began to fracture and Apache Trudeau would do something that would leave even the police in shock.
13:05Trudeau, he's got connections to the underworld.
13:08He was sought after and he became a prolific hitman.
13:14There's an organized crime group, the Irish Mafia in Montreal called the West End Gang.
13:21They're led by a charismatic leader. His name is Frank Dooney Ryan.
13:27As a small time hood, he was doing a lot of smash and grabs, robbing clothes off of trucks, but he became very big in bank robberies.
13:36Montreal is headquarters for Canada's banks and financial institutions.
13:41In the 1970s, Montreal becomes the bank robbery capital of North America, bigger than New York, Chicago.
13:49Frank Dooney Ryan is running this gang that are just excellent.
13:54They would rob two, three banks a week and often the same bank.
13:591976, the Olympics come to Montreal, a chance to showcase what the city is.
14:06The police are worried and the West End Gang pull off what is called the crime of the century.
14:13It's a brazen robbery, broad daylight. Over $2 million is stolen from a Brinks truck.
14:22Including $5,000 worth of Olympic coins.
14:27At one point, the Brinks drivers are shown this truck that has this like anti-aircraft machine gun.
14:35And most of the loot will never be recovered.
14:42Montreal, its great seaport and industry gives the city a transcontinental economy.
14:50Dooney decided to turn to other things like loan sharking and realized that the drug market was huge.
14:58The West End Gang was more than happy to have the bikers do all of their dirty work.
15:02They'd be muscle for hire assassins. And then when the drug trade opened up, they became the primary distributors.
15:09The West End Gang, they take control of the Port of Montreal and are able to get a lot of drugs in.
15:17The Montreal Port, for the proximity to the largest market in the world, New York, is an important and a strategic position.
15:30Everything that went to Montreal went through the West End Gang.
15:35Heroin from the Middle East, cocaine from South America.
15:41The Hells Angels were involved in the distribution level. Street gangs were dealing with the selling on the street.
15:51The Hells Angels were making tens of millions of dollars working with the West End Gang and Dooney Ryan in the drug trade.
15:58Drugs changed a lot for the Hells Angels.
16:00When they started to sell drugs, when they started to do drugs really seriously, when cocaine and heroin came onto the scene, everything changed.
16:11Up north, there were two kinds of Hells Angels. There were those who were there to make money, to sell drugs rather than use them.
16:18And there was another kind. They were out for a good time, ride their bikes, get high. One of them was Yves Trudeau.
16:25Apparently, New York was aware of the situation, called for an intervention. That didn't work.
16:33Orders came in from New York, presumably from Sandy Alexander, that the Montreal Hells Angels chapter should be split into two.
16:43And so they divided one, Montreal South chapter, in Sorrel, and the other, Montreal North, in Laval.
16:51They had different identities. One made money, and the other piled up huge debts.
16:59And that created a rivalry between the two clubs.
17:03Dooney Ryan is supplying drugs to the Hells Angels and anyone else around town. He's raking in cash hand over fist.
17:10By 1980, Dooney Ryan was at the top of the criminal food chain and was said to be worth $50 million.
17:19Everybody knew that Frank had tons and tons of money.
17:22Funnily enough, he didn't trust banks very much.
17:24He allegedly had $500,000 in a suitcase in his house.
17:28It was all about cash. Everybody wanted that money, and they knew that Frank had it.
17:34Some own members of Dooney's West End gang felt like he had so much money, he wouldn't notice if they were skimming a little off the top.
17:43Dooney Ryan calls up his friends and says,
17:45Dooney's West End gang felt like he had so much money, he wouldn't notice if they were skimming a little off the top.
17:52Dooney Ryan calls up the Hells Angels, and he wants to hire Eve Trudeau to eliminate a guy named Patrick McGurnaghan, who is not paying his debts.
18:05Basically, send a message, don't f*** with Dooney Ryan.
18:11McGurnaghan drives a Mercedes. This is a very nice neighborhood.
18:16Eve Trudeau plants a small bomb underneath the car that is radio controlled.
18:22And the next morning, he follows him through, and as the car is turning, he presses the trigger.
18:29Pow! The car explodes. Windows shatter all through the neighborhood.
18:35Patrick McGurnaghan, he's bleeding. One of his legs is gone.
18:41When a victim gets killed by Eve Trudeau, it's not like his family is going to go complain to the police.
18:48The police don't care if bikers are dying and criminals get blown up.
18:53I mean, this was the most notorious assassin for the Hells Angels in the world. And he's never caught.
19:03There were two Hells Angels, Denny Kennedy and Charlie Hachet, and they owed a lot of money to Dooney Ryan for drugs.
19:12He has fronted them all this coke, and they've squandered it, sniffed it, you know, not returned profits.
19:20And they got this scathingly brilliant idea to kidnap Dooney Ryan's wife.
19:26And they got this scathingly brilliant idea to kidnap Dooney Ryan's children.
19:33Ransom them back, and that would pay off their debts.
19:37Dooney Ryan finds out about it, because he finds out about everything, and he goes to the Hells Angels and he says, this will not fly.
19:43Dooney Ryan would have cut off the Hells Angels' access to drugs.
19:47And for the LaValle chapter, this would have been a complete disaster. They were all addicts.
19:52Dooney Ryan says, I'm your supplier. If you don't do what I say, I can make your lives very difficult.
19:59These guys have to go.
20:02The Hells turn, of course, to their main hitman, Eve Trudeau.
20:08And these were people Eve Trudeau knew. He partied with them. They were his brothers.
20:15But bonds can be broken, especially in the Hells Angels.
20:19And sometimes breaking that bond means turning against your brother, and in some cases it means killing your brother.
20:28I don't think that Trudeau had much of a conscience when it came to killing his brothers.
20:34It was a way to keep himself in drugs, and high in the estimation of his fellow criminals.
20:41Trudeau, you know, parlance in the underworld, rocks them to bed, takes Kennedy and Hashi out on a night on the town.
20:49Well, when he gets them nice and liquored up, Trudeau executes both of these men and dumps their body in the St. Lawrence River.
20:58That was the beginning of the watery graveyard of the St. Lawrence River.
21:03With the errant Hells Angels taken care of by a group of drug addicts,
21:08With the errant Hells Angels taken care of by Apache Trudeau, it was business as usual again for Dooney Ryan.
21:18Dooney used to hold court at this motel called Mitsoulos.
21:24Paul April was an affiliate of the West End gang, and Dooney was invited by Paul to come to his motel room.
21:35The promise of drinking and watching a Habs game.
21:40Instead, a couple of tough guys wanted to tie him to a chair, but he resisted, and Dooney Ryan was shot.
21:51Once the shot got, it finished him off with a .45 to the head, because he wouldn't tell them where he had hidden all his money.
21:59Paul April is in such a rush to get out, they don't get anything.
22:02They don't get his gold chains, they don't get his money, they're just in a rush to get out.
22:14Four days later, there's a funeral at a very nice Irish church in the West End.
22:20The new leader of the West End gang is seen talking to Eve Trudeau, to seek revenge against the killers of Frank Dooney Ryan.
22:31And Alan Louisa Ross, he offers Eve Trudeau $200,000.
22:36Gives him $25,000 up front, and tells him to go to a place where he can pick up the explosives that he's going to need.
22:43It was his biggest contract, and he will carry out what is probably his most spectacular killing.
22:49It will be explosive, but in many ways, it'll change his life, and the history of the Hells Angels.
22:58The West End gang wanted revenge for Dooney Ryan's murder.
23:03They offer Eve Trudeau $200,000.
23:06The West End gang wanted revenge for Dooney Ryan's murder.
23:10They offer Eve Trudeau $200,000.
23:14The problem is, the assassin, Paul April, he's got security, he's well protected.
23:20Paul April, he's been an associate of Eve Trudeau.
23:24Sometimes he's done some killings with Eve Trudeau.
23:27Trudeau, with his expertise in explosives, went to visit Paul April.
23:32Noticed that he didn't have a television, and said,
23:37hey, we'll buy you a TV, and we're going to throw in a video of the Hells Angels, and how it works.
23:47And Paul said, great, that's so fantastic, thank you.
23:52Eve Trudeau buys a television set, and a VCR.
23:57At around 4 o'clock in the morning, a TV set and a VCR get delivered by an associate of Eve Trudeau.
24:06Now, I don't know, if I get a knock on the door at 4 a.m.,
24:11from somebody connected to Eve Apache Trudeau, right, the Mad Bomber, I might be a little skeptical.
24:19The TV is big enough to hold 35 pounds, or 16 kilos, of explosives.
24:24These four hapless guys put in the tape.
24:28Hells Angels forever.
24:34Hells Angels are our way of life. We don't forget.
24:40The whole wall of the apartment building comes shattering down.
24:45The four guys are minced meat.
24:48I mean, there are pictures of the police sifting through the rubble.
24:51They can barely identify the guys.
24:55And Trudeau says, ah, they saw how the Hells Angels operate.
25:03The bombing makes headlines. Everybody knows it's a gangland event.
25:08The police actually, at first, think it was an accident.
25:13Paul April's chest is completely blown up,
25:16and they think he was trying to make some kind of vest or bomb,
25:20and it's actually first reported as a work accident.
25:24So, Eve Trudeau was promised this $200,000, and he goes back to Alan Ross to get his money.
25:31And Alan Ross says, well, for the rest of the money, go see your Hells Angels pals, because they owe me money.
25:38So, Trudeau makes a pilgrimage to the Halifax chapter,
25:42and Montreal South, asking for money that they own, the West End gang.
25:47You have Trudeau asking for money from his brothers,
25:51and there was this sense of, this isn't right.
25:55Something has to be done about Trudeau.
25:58Something has to be done about the North chapter.
26:02The North Hells Angels chapter was gaining a reputation as a group of drugged-out lunatics.
26:08Guys that did more cocaine than they sold.
26:15There was members who were part of the North charter that defected in 81, 82,
26:21because they were like, these guys are going to get us killed.
26:24Hardcore Hells Angels members, like the Zig Zag Wassard,
26:28leaving your charter because they know something's up.
26:32That's a bad sign.
26:33Zig Zag Wassard, he was actually, like Eve Trudeau, a complete drug addict.
26:41But then he started having seizures, and decided, no cocaine.
26:47And now, Wassard is in charge of the Sorrel gang.
26:52And his gang has a rule, nobody does hard drugs.
26:56The leadership in Sorrel was disgusted by the guys in Laval.
27:00One of them was Eve Trudeau.
27:02He had unnecessary arrests, which brought much-despised media coverage to the Hells Angels.
27:08It wasn't a situation where you could just tell these guys, like, you're no longer a part of us.
27:13It was like, you either kill them, or you bring them in closer.
27:17So, the leadership in Sorrel asked New York if it was okay to get rid of the chapter,
27:24de-patch them all.
27:26And New York said okay.
27:29They just thought they were taking the patches away.
27:31They didn't know that they planned on killing them.
27:35And it's a momentous decision.
27:37It's a momentous decision.
27:39It's a momentous decision.
27:41It's a momentous decision.
27:42They didn't know that they planned on killing them.
27:45And it's a momentous decision.
27:47Because the Hells Angels had no compunction of slaughtering their enemies.
27:52But to turn against your own?
27:55To kill your own full-patch members?
28:00They decide that seven people will be killed,
28:03and two or three will be allowed to become part of the Sorrel gang,
28:07because they're considered acceptable.
28:09And then a couple will be allowed to quit.
28:12And that's mostly because they're such total potheads that they're not very useful anymore.
28:18The Sorrel, or South Chapter, wanted Yves Trudeau dead.
28:21He was definitely on the list of people who had to be killed.
28:31The South Chapter of Montreal calls a meeting.
28:35They want the North Chapter to come to a clubhouse near Lennoxville.
28:41A guy named Jerry Coulombe is a striker who wants to become part of the Sorrel gang.
28:48Coulombe says that his job was to pick up a rented truck,
28:53and in the rented truck there were gloves, there were various cleaning products.
28:58He delivers the truck and a bunch of guns to the clubhouse in Sherbrooke.
29:04They held the party, and true to their reputation,
29:07a lot of guys from Louisville didn't show up.
29:12They were reminded by Montreal South that attendance was mandatory.
29:17The next day, many members of the North Chapter come to this meeting.
29:22They walk into this clubhouse, and they realize they are going to be executed.
29:30Montreal South opened fire.
29:33Pew, pew, pew.
29:36They completely decimate these guys.
29:40Other hapless members, including the brother of one of the victims,
29:44are forced to watch, and then clean up the blood.
29:48The others who were involved were traumatized,
29:51and the Hells Angels told the survivors that two of them could become Hells Angels in Montreal South,
29:57and the others had to give up their patch and just go away.
29:59Don't even be involved in the biker world or crime. We'll know.
30:05This isn't the first time the Hells Angels have killed people,
30:08and this isn't the first time they've done it this way.
30:10But they put the bodies into sleeping bags,
30:14and then wrapped them in chains with weightlifting discs or cinder blocks.
30:20The bodies are then driven to the St. Lawrence River in the back of a van.
30:26On the way there, Jerry Colombe is in the follow-up truck.
30:30Colombe and the gang had these bodies, but it wasn't dark yet.
30:35So they stop at this bar, and they have spaghetti.
30:38And after dinner, when it's dark, that's when they drop them in the St. Lawrence River.
30:45Eve Trudeau, the Hells Angels' most prolific assassin,
30:50is himself supposed to be assassinated as part of the Lennoxville massacre.
30:56He's the one, in many ways, who triggered it all,
30:59with his bombing of the apartment building, and then going around asking for money.
31:04He was on the kill list.
31:08Ironically, he was in rehab at the time.
31:12I suspect Trudeau had an inkling,
31:16because why all of a sudden did he go to detox the week before the massacre?
31:22It seems to me either somebody told him something, or he was getting the vibe.
31:29A guy named Biff Hamel comes to see him.
31:33And Biff Hamel says that he's been made dishonorable,
31:38that his bike has been taken off him,
31:41and that he has to remove his Hells tattoos.
31:47Trudeau gets out of detox, and when he goes to the clubhouse,
31:51they say to him, well, you have to kill three people to get your bike back.
31:57He kills one guy, but by that point, the bodies have started coming up.
32:05In June, a fisherman was casting off on the St. Lawrence,
32:11and pulled up the body of the Laval Club's chemist,
32:16Jean-Guy Gerrien.
32:18Scraggly hair, beard, bloated from his time in the water.
32:25The police set up a camp at the dock,
32:29and just start dragging the river for bodies.
32:33Quebec Provincial Police fished out six bodies from the St. Lawrence.
32:37The bodies had been in the water a couple of months.
32:39They were chained, wrapped up in sleeping bags, and tied down with weights.
32:44Five of the men had been shot.
32:47One had been beaten to death.
32:49All had been members of the Laval Chapter of the Hells Angels.
32:54It caused a sensation.
32:56Police converged on this mystery of, you know,
33:01why there are dead bikers floating in our river.
33:05So now you just have so much heat.
33:07You have cops sniffing around clubhouses, looking to recruit informants,
33:12and it creates a real barrier for Apache Trudeau
33:17to make things right and kill the two people he needed to.
33:25The Quebec Police Force used a front-end loader
33:28to smash its way into the Hells Angels hangout at Lennoxville, near Sherbrooke.
33:32It was one of about 100 raids,
33:33following information five and possibly six Laval gang members had been murdered.
33:38There are a bunch of raids. Hells Angels are picked up.
33:42Eve Trudeau gets picked up on a minor weapons charge.
33:47The police don't know that they have a serial killer on their hand, right?
33:52They have no idea they have the Jeffrey Dahmer of the Hells Angels.
33:56So the detective starts talking about how there's a hit
34:00out on Eve Trudeau.
34:03So Eve Trudeau knows that the Hells Angels want to kill him.
34:07When the police learn that somebody's life is in jeopardy
34:12through a police investigation, the police have a duty to warn that person
34:16and offer them protection if they so choose to take it.
34:20A Hells Angel of his rank turning was unprecedented.
34:25He knew that he was in danger for his life.
34:30But he would be in even more danger if he didn't get protective custody from the police.
34:35Trudeau knew that it was turn or die.
34:50Eve Trudeau, he's in jail.
34:55He knows that his days are numbered.
34:57That the men who had hired him to kill so many people now want him dead.
35:02But the Hells Angels had reached into prisons
35:05and had killed their enemies or rivals in prison as well.
35:09He realized that any second, Hells Angels could push a button
35:14and have him murdered inside that prison.
35:17It's an untenable situation to be in.
35:19You are either going to turn in your brothers
35:22or you are going to face death at the hands of your brothers.
35:31The first thing they do when you turn is you have to give up yourself.
35:37You have to admit every crime that you've done.
35:41Of course, Trudeau's list was very, very long.
35:45I think that the chief of police was maybe not too happy
35:48when it revealed that he was involved in 43 murders.
35:53Had Eve Trudeau not admitted to all of those,
35:56they would probably all still be unsolved.
35:59He solved a ton of crimes for them.
36:02Part of the deal, Eve Trudeau will have to testify against his fellow bikers.
36:08In return, even though he's sentenced to life,
36:12he will get a seven-year jail sentence.
36:15So, seven years for 43 murders?
36:19I think that works out to like two months per murder.
36:23I mean, it was ludicrous.
36:25But the trade-off was supposed to be that he would testify.
36:31Four members of the Hells Angels are on trial for first-degree murder.
36:36All members of the Sorrel chapter of the motorcycle gang.
36:40It's the first day of their trial and security is tight.
36:43There could be more than a hundred witnesses.
36:46But a key one could be this man, Eve Apache Trudeau.
36:50Trudeau is a former Laval Hells Angel.
36:53But he turned police informer when he learned the gang had a contract out on him.
36:58Trudeau showed up.
37:00It was electric in the courtroom.
37:03I'm in maybe the first or second row because I was always one of the keeners who was there early.
37:08So, he wasn't very far away.
37:09The problem was, on the stand, Eve Trudeau was a dreadful witness.
37:16He was not likable.
37:18I mean, it's hard enough. Think about it.
37:20You're a prosecutor and you're trying to convince the jury.
37:22This scumbag who has killed 43 people is now going to testify against some other guy who maybe killed one or two people?
37:30There's a story that as Eve Trudeau was leaving the box,
37:34that he turned to the bikers and he did rat-a-tat-a-tat.
37:38Basically, you know, I'm getting you.
37:42In many, many cases where he testified, the trials went south.
37:48But many other Hells Angels are sent to jail on long, long, long prison sentences.
37:54And Eve Trudeau, after seven years, is quietly let out of prison and quietly hidden under witness protection.
38:02And then in 2004, Eve Trudeau will be arrested for sexually assaulting a young boy.
38:12He's brought to trial and he's a shell of the man he once was.
38:17And in a few months, he dies of cancer.
38:20And for many of the families of his innocent victims, they felt that there was a kind of justice, finally.
38:28The legacy of Trudeau is that he was one of the first to turn his back on the patch.
38:33And that provides an example for future police investigators to be able to point and say,
38:42hey, the brotherhood is not as strong as you think it is because others have done this.
38:47In the aftermath of the Lennoxville massacre, you had 50 members of the Hells Angels,
38:5219 of them would end up going to prison, and another 13 were in hiding, trying to dodge being apprehended.
39:01That created a power vacuum that was filled very quickly and very readily by two very different personalities.
39:08Walter Staggett, who was seen as a businessman biker from Ontario,
39:14and Mon Boucher, who was seen as a young man who wanted to be a police officer.
39:19And Mon Boucher, who was seen as a charismatic muscle man.
39:25So there was no longer this war within the Hells Angels with North fighting South.
39:31Now you had Nurgat and Mom deciding to come together to put the final nails in the coffin of the outlaws in Montreal.
39:41What happened with the Lennoxville massacre in regards to the overall Hells Angels organization,
39:48it can't be overstated that it changed everything.
39:51The biker world in Montreal was a chaos.
39:54But there's never a vacuum for long in the crime world.
39:57Maurice Mon Boucher and a character named Salvatore Cazzetta got their start in the SS.
40:05The SS was comprised of a bunch of ignorant, illiterate kids who loved the pageantry of the SS.
40:15But I don't think they really thought through the principles of Nazism.
40:21Mon Boucher left the SS because the leadership of the SS, him and Salvatore Cazzetta,
40:28disagreed over the Lennoxville massacre.
40:30Cazzetta thought it was too brutal, killing your own.
40:37Salvatore Cazzetta says, this breaks the rules of brotherhood.
40:42I want nothing to do with a gang like this.
40:45And Salvatore Cazzetta will go off and create the Rock Machine.
40:50But Maurice Mon Boucher is enthralled.
40:53In fact, his only criticism of the Lennoxville massacre was that it was too brutal.
40:57Maurice Mon Boucher is enthralled.
40:59In fact, his only criticism of the Hells Angels leaders is that they let too many other guys go.
41:05They should have killed more people.
41:09The Lennoxville massacre put Mon Boucher on a fast track to take over the Quebec Hells Angels faction.
41:18Because Stadnick recognized that only somebody like a Mon Boucher could put it all back together.
41:24Somebody with that type of force of personality.
41:34Cocaine comes on the scene in the 70s and 80s.
41:39There is an absolute fortune to be made.
41:45Cocaine will explode the way no other drug has.
41:48Maurice Mon Boucher, Walter Stadnick and a few of their friends create what was called La Table.
41:54And all the cocaine had to go through them.
41:57That's where Walter Stadnick and Maurice Mon Boucher begin to collaborate and become almost inseparable.
42:05Walter Stadnick, he was the brains behind it.
42:09He was the brains, Mon was the brawn.
42:12And that's how they came together, right?
42:19Stadnick and Mon Boucher took a real personal interest in rebuilding the kingdom, replenishing the ranks.
42:31And there's no better way to rally the troops than to find a common enemy.
42:37It was an easy sell for Boucher and Nurgat to tell the rank and file,
42:42let's stop fighting each other and go back at war with the outlaws and declare Quebec a Hells Angels only territory.
42:52It was a bloody, bloody affair.
42:55By the 90s, the outlaws were no longer in Montreal.
43:00The Hells in Montreal then became super powerful.
43:04By the 1990s, the Hells Angels were up against another group, the Rock Machine.
43:08They hated each other and each wanted control of drugs in Montreal.
43:12And that became the next war.
43:14The Hells Angels, they would go to war with the Rock Machine in another epic, biblical conflict that left hundreds of bodies in their wake.
43:27The Quebec Biker War of the 1990s was terrifying.
43:31You had car bombs, you had shootings, you had knife wounds.
43:35An altercation there last night ended in gunfire.
43:39The bikers in Montreal, they were out of control, out of control.
43:43The Hells Angels embark on an enterprise.
43:46It involves the bikers, the Mexican cartel and the mafia.
43:50It will end up being worth upwards of a billion dollars.
43:53Suddenly, they could kill anybody, anywhere.
