Dad was D-Day hero

  • 4 months ago
00:00This is Vivian Bowman. We're at the D-Day commemoration at Belfast City Hall.
00:07And Vivian, you were telling me about your father, R.S.M., Billy McConnell,
00:13and he was towed into France on D-Day in a glider.
00:18And these were commonly known as cardboard coffins.
00:21He says that he could have put his foot through it. It was so light.
00:25That must have been quite a nerve-wracking experience for him.
00:31Yes, it was. Well, I mean, I don't know.
00:34I mean, they were young lads, you know, at the time, he was 19, and he didn't...
00:39It was exciting, I suppose, you know, and they just did what they were told.
00:44And so he went on to fight. He survived D-Day and obviously saw an awful lot of action.
00:48He did.
00:49He had done quad in Borneo and Palestine and Cyprus.
00:54But there was a tragic story about him.
00:56He saw his friend killed there shortly after D-Day in France, his best friend.
01:00What was his best friend's name?
01:02Bobby Steveson.
01:03Bobby Steveson.
01:04He was from his own town. Well, he was from Calgary, the same place as him.
01:10Outside Ballet Globe.
01:11It just said goodbye to Bobby and he turned round and then he was gone because a shell hit him?
01:17And that was him for us. He was no more.
01:21He was just completely disintegrated?
01:23Yes, he was.
01:24And how did your dad feel about that?
01:26I don't know. I mean, he never really talked about it.
01:29What he did was he just... I know that it hurt him many years later because we went back.
01:36We went back every year from 1996, and he would go and visit that, you know,
01:42and sit there on his own with him, you know.
01:45In the very spot where he died?
01:46Well, he would sit where the memorial is, you know, and he knows.
01:52I don't know what way they reacted on that day, you know.
01:55They had to get on with what they were doing, you know.
01:58So, they would have just went on with it.
02:01It must have been heartbreaking, but it would be today, you know.
02:04Everybody would feel that way.
