Can Traffic Help Produce Energy?

  • 3 months ago
Think about all that energy just ready to be captured on roadways.
00:03They're a primary source of greenhouse gas emissions, fumes that are leading to climate
00:08But now a revolutionary device wants cars to be part of the solution rather than part
00:12of the problem.
00:13This is tech company Alpha 311's prototype vertical axis wind turbine.
00:18But rather than rely on natural winds, this turbine attaches to lampposts and uses the
00:22wind created by cars whizzing by to produce energy.
00:25So how much energy can one of these little turbines actually produce?
00:28Well, more than you might imagine.
00:29Each turbine is around 6.5 feet tall, but can generate the same amount of power as a
00:33nearly 70 square foot solar panel.
00:35And in places like England where the turbine is being developed, solar is a less viable
00:39option anyways due to the cloudy weather.
00:41Meaning capturing the wind from a passing semi-truck is like plucking energy straight
00:45out of the air.
00:46The company is currently trialing the turbines in U.S. cities.
